
greg-ga surprise rick_h_! I was just mentioning your trailer trip here recently and missed you03:40
greg-gall of CA is shelter in place as of tonight03:41
rick_h_greg-g:  ah howdy. Welcome to lock down city11:33
cmaloneyCHC next week is online again: https://gettogether.community/events/4809/coffee-house-coders-regular-meeting/13:47
rick_h_cmaloney:  cool13:54
cmaloneyYep. Still going. :)13:54
jrwrenman... i'm writing a tiny bit of python, and I've forgotten so much python and going from Go to python makes me feel that python is just a terrible langauge.17:40
mrgoodcattry js17:42
jrwrenugh. no ty.17:44
* cmaloney has a sad because Python is beautiful17:46
jrwrenits probably less python and more the way this particular huge tree data structure is built in python that is my gripe.17:46
cmaloneybut yeah, Python Unicode is really a mess17:46
cmaloneyeven with 3 it's still more than I care to think about stuff17:47
jrwrenhasattr(python, "beautiful") returns false, bro.17:47
cmaloneytry the same with go17:47
cmaloneypretty sure it'll do the same17:47
jrwrennope, Go simply won't compile.17:48
cmaloneySee? Failing silently is a good thing.17:49
jrwrenexplains some silently failing apps that I know are python... like launchpad ;)17:51
cmaloneyYeah, I'll grant you that. Python is not great with bad data17:53
cmaloneylike Launchpad. ;)17:53
cmaloneyToo many times I've had something like this17:53
cmaloneyif condition:17:53
cmaloneyif condition is not None and condition:17:54
cmaloneyif condition is not None and condition is True:17:54
cmaloneyif condition is not none and isinstance(condition, (bool)):17:56
mrgoodcatin js you simply have if (typeof condition === "boolean" && condition)18:26
cmaloneyin JS you just give up all hope18:29
cmaloneyand hide console.log18:29
mrgoodcathide console.log?18:39
mrgoodcatbehind a logging framework you mean?18:39
cmaloneyjust in general. No more warnings. ;)18:43
* cmaloney is being facetious18:43
jrwrenum... triple equals isn't type equality in js, so...19:17
jrwrenor is it?19:17
cmaloneyIt's place-in-memory equality (is how I remember it)19:17
cmaloneywhich is technically incorrect, obviously19:19
cmaloneybecause I am full of incorrect information19:19
Scary_GuyI figure everything is online until further notice.19:23
Scary_GuyThe 2600 group that meets in A2 is doing a telco bridge call-in the first Friday of the month 248-724-2600 (or call in whenever, maybe others will join, the bot mentions it in IRC when someone does)19:24
Scary_GuyI came up with an idea for a Mumble/IRC integration.  Pretty sure the IRC spec doesn't really allow for that, so the client would need to shadow servers/channels.19:26
jrwrenif "x" in o and o["x"] == foo:  oh python.19:27
cmaloneyjrwren: o.get('x') == foo19:28
jrwrencmaloney: you wish, but python.19:28
jrwreni wish too... but python.19:28
cmaloneyno, it works. :)19:28
cmaloneyit'll get X or none19:28
jrwrenKeyError: 'x''19:29
cmaloneyIt'll retrieve None if it doesn't exist19:30
cmaloneywhich may be a separate issue19:30
jrwrenpython2, ordereddict19:30
jrwrenthe fact that we are even arguing about it is proof that python isn't very good.19:30
jrwrenI'm about to tell me team that I can't write python.19:31
cmaloneyWell, a) Ordered Dict in Python 2 is no longer supported (Python2)19:31
cmaloneyAlso ordereddict should support the same .get syntax19:33
jrwreni assure you it doesn't.19:33
cmaloneythough you might need to put .get('x', None)19:33
jrwrenyes, that's probably what I want.19:33
jrwrenstill, that is garbage.19:33
jrwrenpython is terrible.19:33
jrwrencan I use perl instead?19:33
cmaloneyno, because it's not 200319:34
cmaloneyAlso: what is Perl? :)19:34
cmaloneyIs this ordered dict somehow part of a scraper?19:35
jrwrenalso, I read what you wrote wrong and you've been right all along.19:35
cmaloneyPython is great19:35
jrwrenno, python is still terrible.19:35
jrwreni'll be glad to never use it again.19:35
cmaloneyYou're allowed to be wrong again19:35
jrwrenbecause, how do you do get("",None) for a bool?19:36
jrwrenis None true or false?19:36
jrwrenits all so backwards.19:36
jrwrennot to mention I just don't want to use it now.19:36
jrwrenand what we want is everything.19:36
cmaloneyYou can use something other than None19:37
cmaloneylike False19:37
cmaloneyit just defalts to None because None is more correct than False or 019:37
jrwrenwhy can't I use Go? ;)19:39
cmaloneyBecause you're not an intern at Google? :)19:41
cmaloneyYou've got this19:41
cmaloneyStop fighting it19:41
cmaloneyjust let the zen of Python wash over you19:42
jrwrencan't do it.19:42
cmaloneyI said OOOM MOFO19:42
jrwrenthe zen of python is bullshit compared to the proverbs of go.19:42
jrwrenI graduated python. I wrote plenty of it for years.19:42
jrwrenI've moved beyond it.19:42
cmaloneyYou should do it in Rust19:42
jrwrenso far beyond it that I can't even understand it.19:42
rick_h_jrwren:  has ascended his conciousness19:42
jrwrenugh rust... i'll keep my garbage collection TYVM19:43
jrwreni'm just salty cuz I already wrote this in Go, it works, but we haven't rewrote all of it in Go, so I ahve to write it in python too.19:45
jrwrenand I've no idea how to do it.19:45
rick_h_just needs more metaclasses, and f-strings, and ...19:46
mrgoodcati missed programming language talk :(19:49
jrwrenreally more jrwren being grumpy talk19:51
cmaloneyYes, more jrwren being wrong talk19:53
cmaloney(I do this from a place of love. :) )19:53
jrwrenpython was great for its time.19:56
jrwrenthankfully, its time is gone.19:56

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