
sakrecoer[m]This affecting Studio aswell?09:30
sakrecoer[m]reluctant to upgrade since it broke my ubuntu-mate machine's playback..09:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1864061 in linux (Ubuntu Eoan) "PCI/internal sound card not detected" [Undecided,Fix committed]09:30
BitterSapphicHi! I was having some problems getting a storage drive from a windows OS working in read-write. Is this a good place to ask? I searched online but I couldn't get any solution to work09:36
vltBitterSapphic: The general #ubuntu channel might be more appropriate. You could have a look at the pkg ntfs-3g.09:49
OvenWerkssakrecoer[m]: run the iso on a USB stick in live mode and try it out14:05
sakrecoer[m]<OvenWerks "εΎ’ π–˜π–Šπ–™π–™π–” γ‚»γƒƒγƒˆπŸ•ΈοΈπŸ΄οΈ: run the "> was going to ask if the iso conatined the 5.3.0-42-generic kernel... but of course it doesn't... it's another branch alltogether in Studio right? Lowlatency..?14:08
OvenWerksThe iso only has the lowlatency. To try generic use xubuntu14:09
OvenWerksyou can also try liquorix on you present setup as it is always the latest kernel.14:11
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LulatheSpaceshipwelcomr the ubuntu studio users ;p17:34
EickmeyerLulatheSpaceship: Do you have a support question?17:37

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