
pleia2so many wallpapers00:23
Unit193I know! :300:24
pleia2there, all voted \o/00:44
Unit193pleia2: Thanks!  I haven't yet.  So. Many. Wallpapers.00:54
Unit193bluesabre: Were you going to cut a new -screensaver?  Someone in -dev seemed to think there were worthwhile changes.00:54
Unit193Also, are you thinking of doing https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15831?01:07
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 15831 in General "[PATCH] Use GIRepository of libxfce4util and xfconf" [Normal,New]01:07
bluesabreUnit193: that's the plan. Need to fix some remaining issues, but should have a fix out this weekend.01:12
Unit193As per #xfce, seems it has an issue with docking in general?  And, if you go with Git, xfconf/libxfce4ui/etc will need to build the support.01:13
bluesabreYeah, that's why I haven't done GIR yet, because it seems like its poorly supported among Xfce devs (or Corsac seemingly)01:14
Unit193Debian doesn't have it because nothing uses it.01:15
Unit193Perhaps ask in #xfce-dev?  He might be open to it.01:15
bluesabreI don't use it because Debian doesn't have it :D01:16
bluesabreI'll think about it01:16
bluesabreIt's less hacky that way01:16
Unit193Chicken, egg.01:16
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
jphilipsany of our team willing to post what their development workspace looks like. similar to how gnome is doing https://twitter.com/gnome/status/124073213207644569613:51
brainwashjphilips: why though?14:14
jphilipsPR mainly14:14
albinardReporting test of Xubuntu Core from 30/18 ISO: Installed on HP p7-1010, AMD64, BIOS, 6GB RAM.  First ran Live version: successful.  Install done from Live was quick and successful.16:56
albinardAfter configuring GUI, currently running as Daily Driver.16:56
jphilipsalbinard: sweet16:57
jphilipsdid you report the testcase?16:58
albinardNo place on QA site to report from this ISO.  I didn't use the mini install plus.16:59
jphilipsoh xubuntu core :D17:00
jphilipswhere can i get the iso?17:01
jphilipssweet as i only saw the 19.10 release on the website http://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/17:04
jphilipsartwork contribution page has been updated. if you notice any problems, please let me know so it can be rectified.21:09
Unit193I kind of forget that not everyone knows about that, I've linked it in the past of course and there's build announcements here too. :322:03
jphilipsUnit193: would be good to have it i the menu of the core website :D22:21
Unit193Well certainly not menu, perhaps a note on the download page though.22:22
jphilipsQA contribution page has been updated. if you notice any problems, please let me know so it can be rectified.22:22
jphilipsUnit193: yep that would do22:22
Unit193Not entirely sure I want to do that though, as some people tend to just think "latest is greatest"22:36
Unit193https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/ perhaps that'll do, hrm..22:40
jphilipsyes the download page would do. if you found the 18.04 files, would be good to add those as well ;D22:41
Unit193As I mentioned before, I only build with the current release so prior ones get removed.22:42
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/zYUAmzU11TLWOhzkVs4Z/ is the other wording change you mentioned, btw.22:44
jphilipsmight want to also mention it takes up less resources22:46
jphilipsalso the 'Installation' heading is confusing22:46
jphilipslikely should be 'Alternative Installation'22:47
jphilipsas that isnt the way to install xubuntu core22:47
Unit193Technically the correct way to install it is from the mini.iso, but this whole page was copied from an email I composed to xubuntu-devel a while ago. :P22:48
Unit193https://git.unit193.net/cgit/users/unit193/unit193.net.git/commit/?id=dda789dace754cffa58f1752b0d24f1c552470ff actually finally committed the change.  Can you tell I dislike writing websites? :P22:48
jphilipsif you'd like me to go over it for you and give you an updated xubuntu.txt file, I'd be happy to22:50
jphilipsor git patch if you prefer that22:51
Unit193With regards to resources used, I don't think there's enough of a difference there to mention really.  I've not compared it, but most of the same daemons should be running and of course xfce is still xfce (and the themes are the same, etc.)22:51
Unit193Was there something else that jumped out at you, then?22:53
jphilipsi analyzed xubuntu core and my finds are here22:54
Unit193I should wrap lines..22:54
jphilipsit doesnt include 7 auto start apps from the full version22:54
jphilips4 of them are enabled while 3 are disabled22:55
Unit193Hrm, gnome-system-tools is useful for setting clock/etc, meh oh well.22:56
Unit193Note that the site does try to be a little vague, such that I don't have to specifically compare and re-write it every release (though I do diff manifests anyway, of course..)22:58
jphilipsthe other issue i mentioned before was the 'See also Appendix A of the Xubuntu docs.' which didnt have a link23:00
jphilipsdidnt get what this text means 'and only adding what you want.'23:04
Unit193Yeah unfortunately there isn't a perma link I can use.23:04
Unit193"You hopefully don't have to purge as much crap on initial installation before installing what you actually want."23:04
krytarikUnit193: https://docs.xubuntu.org/latest/user/C/appendix-packages.html - in this context, I remembered having suggested (iirc) a "latest" symlink before, and as it turned out there is! \o/23:06
Unit193Yep, I just found https://docs.xubuntu.org/current/user/C/appendix-packages.html myself.23:06
Unit193krytarik is the one I somehow managed to pull in and fix a few CSS things.23:07
krytarikYeah, thought of "current" too, but stopped short of also checking it since I already found the other. >_>23:08
Unit193I logged in to the server to check..23:08
jphilipsUnit193: it says 'only ships Xfce' and likely should be 'only ships basic Xfce' as it doesnt have mousepad or catfish23:16
krytarikhttps://git.xfce.org/ - as per the 'core' definition though.23:19
jphilipsoh okay, so 'only ships core Xfce'23:20
krytarikYeah, that's what came to my mind too, but then again..23:21
Unit193'Xfce' is fine enough though, it's modular so it can be kind of confusing for some.  I wouldn't say 'core' because that might be overuse and there's a lot of extras.23:34
jphilipsi've edited the text in the google doc for your review23:37
jphilipsnone of the text should require updating23:40
Unit193Not really sold on 'core Xfce', and it just doesn't have the community wallpapers, it still has all the Xubuntu default ones.23:41
jphilipscore gone, and community wallpaper added23:41
Unit193Kind of wondered if catfish shouldn't be moved from desktop to core, but that's likely excessive.  I don't see anything else that jumps out at me.23:43
Unit193(Did I really have that typo?)23:43
jphilipsthere were two typos that google doc noticed - targetted and courses23:43
jphilipssearching on a desktop seems kind of core, especially when you are doing it from thunar23:45
jphilipsother file managers have search inbuilt23:46
Unit193I guess there's other search options though, so.23:47
jphilipswill thunar link up with those search options if installed?23:48
Unit193But yeah, that looks pretty good I'd say.  Thanks for the review.23:49
jphilipsglad to help. i'm preparing a tweet to point to the page, so want it to be at its best :D23:50
Unit193Oh dear... :P23:50
jphilipslet me know when you've update it, so i can send out the tweet23:50
Unit193Want to format-patch, so it gets your name?23:50
jphilipsokay let me clone and work on it23:52

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