
lubotundandy was added by: undandy03:52
ballDownloading lubuntu-19.1004:48
lubot<Rutvikm> @ball [<ball> Downloading lubuntu-19.10], Get 20.04 beta instead05:05
lubot<Rutvikm> 19.10 won't be updating to 20.04 automatically afaik05:05
guiverc19.10 users will get the option to release-upgrade to 20.04 post-release (not the first day though; it's turned on/enabled usually later)05:06
lubot<kc2bez> 20.04 hasn't been released and should only be used in testing, not production use.05:08
ballI can nuke and pave when 20.04 is released.05:15
ballMight have a spare SSD by then.05:25
ballThat's the first gigabyte downloaded...05:31
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ball...installing, if it can find the first disk.06:23
ballNope.  It's not seeing disks (tried two disks, two SATA cables)06:35
ballOh well.06:37
ballHey look, it's snowing on my computer.06:46
ballCan Lubuntu install onto a mirrored pair of SATA disks?06:55
guivercthere are many ways to mirror disks, with hardware mirroring the mirror'd disks (sata/sas/scsi/..) appear as single disks so lubuntu isn't even aware it's mirrored06:56
ballCan Lubuntu create a software mirror?07:00
ball(and install onto that)/07:00
guivercsorry I have no experience with that and can't answer ball07:01
ballUnderstood.  Thanks anyway.07:02
ballI'll try a single disk for now.07:02
guivercit may require you to manually setup your disks, then using 'Manual Partitioning" to use the prepared setup you want...07:03
* ball nods07:20
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nmzmHello everyone. How can I create a live usb with lubuntu? I do know how to do this using a CD16:08
akemI think you can use woeusb/woeusbgui and the LUbuntu ISO.16:11
akemYou may have to install it first.16:11
nmzmHmm, so there isn't a way to create a live usb from live cd? :( Sadly, but thanks for the info! :)16:12
akemIt will work the same way from a live CD.16:13
nmzmhmm, thank you, akem. Gonna try that :)16:14
akemIn fact i think i was wrong; try to run 'usb-creator-gtk' instead.16:15
akemwoeusb is for Windows ISOs. :P16:15
nmzmhmm, usb-creator-gtk is preinstalled?16:20
akemNo, but "usb-creator-kde" should be :P16:27
akemOtherwise install one on them with apt, they are tiny tools. But "sudo usb-creator-kde" should work.16:28
nmzmthank you, akem, will try that! :)16:28
akemYeah, let us know. I run regular Ubuntu on this machine, and i have LUbuntu in a virtual machine...They are a bit different on some aspects OFC.16:29
nmzmThanks for help, akem :p17:12
akemnmzm, Np, good you got it working, cause i was a bit messy with the different usb creators available... :P17:13
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yk901is the current dailybuild of lubuntu (03.21) usable, or does it have any showstopping bugs / dev issues to be resolved?18:07
yk901lubunt 20.04 dailybuild I mean18:07
geniiyk901: Better channel to enquire in would be  #ubuntu+118:08
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