=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh [07:45] PR snapd#8306 closed: snap-bootstrap: add creationSupported predicate for partition types [09:33] Hitting an issue on Ubuntu 20.04 trying to install charmed kubernetes. ssh fails to execute due to linking to the host's libpthread which doesn't have a symbol ssh expects - symbol exists in the snap/core libphthread but I assume due to operating unconfined the host's copy is being linked. [09:34] "ssh: symbol lookup error: /snap/core18/current/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0: undefined symbol: __libc_vfork, version GLIBC_PRIVATE']" [09:35] seems related to bug #1860660 [09:35] Bug #1860660: Strict confinement (was: microstack.init is broken on eoan) [10:20] PR snapd#8312 opened: many: fix packages having mistakenly their copyright as doc === adrian is now known as alvesarian [12:46] hello [12:46] am getting a run time issue with jetty on a snap for a java server app [12:47] $ gluu-server.jython [12:47] Jython 2.7.2rc1 (v2.7.2rc1:1fcef1abf1d6, Mar 1 2020, 16:27:06) [12:47] [OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Amazon.com Inc.)] on java1.8.0_222 [12:47] Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. [12:47] >>> [12:47] >>> f=open("/tmp/text.txt",'w') [12:47] >>> f.write("test") [12:47] >>> f.close() [12:47] >>> import os [12:47] >>> os.getuid() [12:47] 1000 [12:47] >>> os.system('chown 1000 /tmp/text.txt') [12:47] chown: changing ownership of '/tmp/text.txt': Operation not permitted [12:47] 1 [12:47] >>> os.stat("/tmp/text.txt").st_uid [12:47] 1000 [12:47] >>> >>> os.stat("/tmp/text.txt").st_gid [12:47] 1000 [12:47] >>> os.getuid() [12:47] 1000 [12:47] >>> os.getgid() [12:47] 1000 [12:47] >>> os.chown("/tmp/text.txt", 1000, 1000) [12:47] Traceback (most recent call last): [12:47] File "", line 1, in [12:47] OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/tmp/text.txt' [12:47] i cant chown or su -c === Eighth_Doctor is now known as Conan_Kudo === Conan_Kudo is now known as Eighth_Doctor [17:26] PR snapd#8311 closed: randutil: don't consume kernel entropy at init, just mix more info to try to avoid fleet collisions [17:49] PR snapd#8313 opened: release: 2.44.1 [22:22] PR snapcraft#2990 opened: ci: remove osx test from Travis [23:37] Issue # closed: core18#56, core18#86, core18#89, core18#117, core18#129, core18#137, core18#142, core18#145 [23:37] PR # closed: core18#43, core18#72, core18#90, core18#98, core18#126, core18#134, core18#144, core18#146, core18#148 [23:38] Issue # opened: core18#56, core18#86, core18#89, core18#117, core18#129, core18#137, core18#142, core18#145 [23:38] PR # opened: core18#43, core18#72, core18#90, core18#98, core18#126, core18#134, core18#144, core18#146, core18#148