
ubot5In #ubuntu-discuss, lotuspsychje said: !snap is <reply> Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io and #snapcraft09:36
ubottuSnaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io09:41
jphilipshi all. can you let me know who is the ops for the ubuntu-quality channel13:15
Priceyjphilips: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-quality list16:53
jphilipsPricey: okay i ran it in the channel16:54
jphilipsit mentions Pici, UbuntuIrcCouncil, and balloons16:56
jphilipspinged balloons17:00
jphilipsPici: if balloons doesn't do it, can you append this text to the topic " | Telegram: https://t.me/UbuntuTesters"17:03
Priceyjphilips: fwiw /msg doesn't matter what channel you do it in. It the second argument is a nickname and the rest is the message to sen.17:25
jphilipsPricey: yep i see it now, didnt look at it, just copied and pasted. luckily not in the terminal ;D17:27

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