
hamzalatif7High I am trying to run alsa on ubuntu mate I have completely removed pulseaudio however when i play a test sound by using aplay test.wav or espeak "some test it gives an error on where it says its enable to open slave.16:17
hamzalatif7since I am trying to use  a console  screenreader.16:18
onioHi I am using Ubuntu mate 18.04 and I want to use meld to compare directory and file from Caja file manager any idea how to go about setting this up16:38
sixwheeledbeastNever used meld before. I would imagine you just do your comparing in meld?17:57
sixwheeledbeastNot sure what your trying to compare tho17:58
oniosixwheeledbeast, yes I can use meld by starting it gui and browsing for files or directory and compare that way. I can also use the commandline to compare "meld dir1 dir2"18:04
oniowhat I want it to be able to use Caja window manager click on one folder and right click to get a context menu and have the ability to select next folder to compare selected one with. This is a feature that "Beyond compare" offers18:05
sixwheeledbeastNo idea unless someone has made some extension for caja to do that18:15
oniosixwheeledbeast, thanks18:24

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