
EickmeyerAnd with that, we already have an item for the backports.00:34
OvenWerksEickmeyer: work is also moving on -controls  so that will end up there as well05:17
OvenWerksI am going slow though as I have two boys to keep entertained...05:17
tewardhey at least you have distractions I am going stir crazy right now stuck at home with everything shut16:11
OvenWerksBuild a boat. " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats"16:22
tewardheh.  in an apartment building so would be hard.  also, cant get wood - hardware store is shut16:25
OvenWerksMy 33 year old son and I built a boat in the living room when he was about 816:26
OvenWerksIt was fun getting it out the door but we did.16:27
OvenWerksbut yeah you do need the wood16:28
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I hear that. I've got one boy to keep entertained, but he keeps himself entertained fairly well.17:36
OvenWerksEickmeyer: re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-menu/+bug/186841023:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1868410 in ubuntustudio-menu (Ubuntu) "Menu->Audio Production is not sorted" [Undecided,New]23:09
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I'll take a look and see what's up.23:10
OvenWerksI am not sure which gnome budgie is but I suspect this is actually the system menu file that comes with budgie23:11
OvenWerksboth the gnome 2era and the newer system menu definitions have a bug that causes this... the gnome devs do not care (having moved on to no menu) and those who do deny it is a bug23:12
EickmeyerWell, I'll see what I've got compared to the order -menu does.23:14
OvenWerksunfortunately the sample menu definition file at freedesktop.org23:16
OvenWerksis broken23:16
EickmeyerLooks like it's sorted for me, so I can't reproduce.23:16
EickmeyerI'll check the latest ISO too.23:16
OvenWerksif you look at: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/ar01s08.html you will find close to the top a line: <MergeDir>applications-merged</MergeDir>23:17
OvenWerksthat line really should be the second line from the bottom23:18
OvenWerksthat is it should be the last line before the last </Menu>23:18
EickmeyerThat line is missing from studio.menu. You're saying it should be there OvenWerks?23:20
OvenWerksThat line shouold not be in that file.23:21
EickmeyerIt's not. I do know what he's talking about though, but in this case it's sorted in a workflow priority, not alphabetcially. Not a bug, as far as I can tell.23:22
OvenWerkscompare: /etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu with /etc/xdg/xdg/etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntustudio/menus/23:22
OvenWerksthe same file.23:23
EickmeyerWe don't touch either of those in ubuntustudio-menu.23:23
OvenWerksno. that wouold be the wrong package23:24
EickmeyerIt's in -default-settings that we have that.23:24
OvenWerksthe problem would not be in our package but in the budgie package23:25
EickmeyerRight, so it's completely irrellevant to us and not a bug.23:25
OvenWerkscompare to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-menus/+bug/119200223:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1192002 in gnome-menus (Ubuntu) "Menu config file merges menus from standard locations too soon so defaults override merges." [Low,Triaged]23:25
OvenWerksI actually put out bug reports for flavour menu files with this problem23:27
OvenWerksnone have been fixed except maybe xubuntu (and not xfce?) and I have heard that lx may have by now too.23:27
OvenWerkskubuntu/plasma/kde has always been correct23:28
EickmeyerNo, I tested it, and even if it has the bug, our menus are honored.23:28
OvenWerksyou have budgie too?23:28
OvenWerks wow.23:28
EickmeyerI don't think we can rightfully expect other desktop environments to conform to it. -menu is very specific to Xfce.23:29
OvenWerksyeah the menus would still work, but normally in that case the order would be wrong23:29
EickmeyerExactly. I'm going to mark the bug as "Won't Fix" because we have it in a workflow prioritization order more than an alphabetical order. His "not sorted" is intentional in our case.23:30
OvenWerksit was not meant to be, I actually spent a lot of time making that as generic as possible and it will work with any correct .menu file I have tried23:30
OvenWerkstheir bug description is not helpful either... a list of sub menus when correct and when broken would be much better23:32
OvenWerks(what I see vs. what I hoped to see)23:32
EickmeyerYeah. For instance, GNOME doesn't even use a menu, so they don't care. Xfce, Plasma, and LXQt honor the menu pretty well, though I think, especially in LSQt's case, it gets sorted alphabetically.23:37
EickmeyerBudgie has to implement their own system altogether since they're GNOME-based.23:38
EickmeyerNot sure what MATE does, but their menu plugins have difficulty conforming if they're not the old GNOME 2 style menu.23:40
OvenWerksAnyway, I think that is what this bug is about. If I knew which of my many bugs it works with I could mark it as a duplicate of.23:44
EickmeyerI marked it invalid. He wants it "sorted" but we have it intentionally in the order we have it in.23:46

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