=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [04:16] hi. i am trying to install the software for my wifi card. for this, i need to first have build-essential and dpkg, or just make. apt-get --print-urls gives me "no candidate for make/build-essentials/dpkg". Do I have to download all dependencies individually from https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/devel/build-essential? I will need to go back and lookup my arch, right? Is there an easier way? [04:21] neever mind. got it [10:30] I installed i3-wm and somehow dunst replaced the original xfce4-notification. How can I get my original xfce4-notif [10:31] Hamilton: uninstall dunst [10:31] brainwash, But can I use xfce4-notif in i3wm? [10:32] in? you mean "with" [10:32] sure you can [10:33] brainwash, thing is, with i3 I have to call my own pactl and xbacklight and the like. But if I use xfce's who controls those stuff? Aren't they part of DE? [10:34] well yeah. Xfce has components to manages various things. [10:36] the pulseaudio panel plugin handles multimedia keys, the power manager reacts to brightness key presses [10:36] xfsettingsd applies many settings (display, themes, etc.) [10:38] i3 is only a window manager [10:39] brainwash, So I have to write my own notifs with dunst with non-xfce utilities in the i3 config file...Another question [10:39] How to use Xfce's own locker, light-dm, instead of i3lock since I installed i3 as a new session and it seems improper to have another locker control logging in [10:39] the easiest approach would be to replace xfwm4 with i3 though [10:39] When I invoke dm-tool lock, it could be bypassed by switching to and back from tty [10:39] you install/use light-locker [10:39] or any other screen locker [10:40] brainwash, Isn't light-dm a screen locker? [10:40] no [10:40] it's a display manager [10:40] I mean the one Xubuntu comes with preinsatalled [10:40] that one was light-locker (which is using lightdm-gtk-greeter as unlock interface) [10:40] When I boot to the login page, what exatly is the name of that program? (From there I can enter password or change session) [10:41] in recent Xubuntu versions we have the new xfce4-screensaver [10:41] My xubuntu is 18.04 [10:41] lightdm-gtk-greeter is the visual interface for login/unlock [10:42] lightdm is the backend [10:42] In Xubuntu, screen lock goes to lightdm-gtk-greeter, yes? [10:43] right [10:43] I want this behaviour in i3wm also. So I don't manage two lockers [10:43] then put "light-locker" in your autostart list [10:44] and use light-locker-command --lock [10:44] to lock the session [10:44] nice...Can I check it in terminal? [10:44] yes [10:45] light-locker-command -l [10:45] ** Message: 15:14:51.621: Received error message from the locker: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver was not provided by any .service files [10:45] you did not start light-locker [10:46] or? [10:47] exec --no-startup-id xss-lock --transfer-sleep-lock -- i3lock --nofork [10:48] i3 is starting its own "lock process", right? [10:49] ... [10:49] brainwash, I did not start light-locker [10:49] why not? [10:49] Since I fear it ocnfilits with this xss-lock [10:50] if you are unsure, please ask in the i3 channel [10:50] keep in mind that this is the Xubuntu support channel [10:50] brainwash, ok. In 20.04 light-lock stuff is going to be dropped? [10:50] with xfce-screensaver? [10:51] Why? Because of security? [10:52] because of bugs due to how locking with lightdm + lightdm-gtk-greeter works [10:52] mostly caused by graphics drivers [10:53] or when suspending the system [10:58] brainwash, you are one of the devs? [10:59] no [11:09] hi guys [11:10] I know that I cat tile windows in XFCE, and already have binding with Super+Left|right to tile Left and right [11:11] This gives me a 50% / 50% split of the realestate [11:11] Is ther any way in XFCE to resize the windows (like its done in e.g. i3vm) so that a keypress will e.g. reduce left windows by 10% and at the same time increase the right windows by 10% ? [12:09] hi. i need to install dkms, build-essential, and make on an offline computer. i am now on another linux box that has internet. where can i download a .deb file that would contain these? [12:14] roadrunneratwast, you can do: apt-get download package.deb [12:15] ok thanks [12:16] make sure you got dependences too. [12:16] build-essentials has a ton of dependencies [12:16] will the apt-get download all of them? [12:17] i am trying to build the driver for my network card [12:18] so i need build-essentials, make, dkms [12:18] i don'd think so, you can try: a[t-get download pack1 pack2 [12:18] apt-get* [12:18] oof [12:18] ok [12:22] See also: apt-offline [12:28] build-essential deb is just a list, not actual packages [12:28] just the dependency list [12:32] yeah a meta package. [12:51] when i do apt-get print-uris i receive the message " has no insallation candidate [13:18] oh. but xenial has build-essentials installed by default? [13:18] ok. that would be easier [15:57] Err:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main amd64 libquadmath0 amd64 8.3.0-6ubuntu1~18.04.1 [15:57] 404 Not Found [IP: 80] [15:57] Err:2 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main amd64 libgfortran4 amd64 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1 [15:57] 404 Not Found [IP: 80] [15:57] I seem to have broken packages tht depend on these files [16:01] According to synaptic, I have 3 broken packages: libarpack2, libhdf5-100, and liblapack3 [16:02] If I try to just remove any of them, they list a bunch of stuff dependant on them, especially the 3rd one, which includes stuff that's currently working fine [16:13] hrm, synaptic at least won't let me remove the former two, as the main thing depending on them doesn't work to start with [16:13] with the 3rd package broken still