
=== maccraft123 is now known as maccraft
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lubotpoteintejok was added by: poteintejok13:47
lubot<poteintejok> hello13:47
guiverc@poteintejok, this isn't a chat room, if you have a Lubuntu support question, please just ask it (try and keep to a single line, and please be patient awaiting replies, volunteers will respond when they can)13:48
lubot<poteintejok> Who can hack a website?13:51
guivercSorry I don't see that as a Lubuntu Support question.  Only Lubuntu support questions please.13:52
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Zaurhi everyone20:08
lubot<TheLimeRunner> Is there a Lubuntu off-topic telegram channel or is it just limited to IRC?20:09
krytarikYes, as per <https://lubuntu.me/links/>, that would be: https://telegram.lubuntu.me/offtopic20:11
lubot<kc2bez> The offtopic channel is bridged just like this channel.20:11
Zaurwho #lubuntu20:11
krytarikZaur: Hello, do you need any help with Lubuntu (or with IRC) ?20:12
lubot<TheLimeRunner> Can someone shoot me an invite to the OT one? It's the only one I'm seemingly not in.20:12
krytarikDid you not see my response above?20:14
ZaurHey. Hi. Yep. I would like to put chrome icon to the quicklunch. How can I do that? Simply dragging an icon to the quicklunch wouldn't work.20:14
krytarikWhat version of Lubuntu?20:14
ZaurI'm very new for the linux user. So pls take it into consideration )20:14
Zaurversion is 19.1020:14
Zaurand one more. I'm using quassel irc for that chat. How can i make avaliable channel list? Cause right now I can't see the list of users in channel20:15
krytarikYou'll need somebody else to answer either of those.20:16
lubot<kc2bez> Dragging to the quicklaunch is the right approach. It can be a little tricky to get it in the right spot. The red X should turn green when you get it there.20:17
lubot<kc2bez> For users in quassel go to view and select Nicks. The list of the nicks should show in the right panel for the channel you are in.20:19
ZaurLubot That's right. I noted that.  Although The red X turns to green but It still says that "chrome.desktop cannot be embedded into Quicklaunch for now"20:21
lubot<kc2bez> Are you dragging it from the menu?20:22
ZaurNot I'm dragging it from Application folder20:22
lubot<kc2bez> Try dragging it from the menu.20:23
ZaurOh. Thx to you Lubot. I've tried it from the menu and It's worked20:23
lubot<kc2bez> Excellent!20:23
lubot<kc2bez> BTW Lubot is the bot that bridges Telegram to IRC my nick is kc2bez you should see it in the <>20:24
lubot<kc2bez> You can mention me with a `@kc2bez`20:25
Zaur@kc2bez Thx for info. I haven't been using irc since 2001 ))... and I used only mirc. So it's a little bit new for me try to use quassel )).20:26
ZaurAcctually missed that kind of communication. It's like old school u know )20:27
lubot<kc2bez> Quassel is nice, I use that when I am not on Telegram. IRC is still great.20:27
ZaurCan i join to this irc channel from telegram ?20:28
lubot<kc2bez> Yes20:28
lubot<kc2bez> You can find all of our IRC channels at https://lubuntu.me/links20:28
ZaurI will try that on my own.20:28
Zaur@kc2bez Oh, thx..20:29
lubot<kc2bez> YW Enjoy!20:29
ZaurU know in quassel the option "Show Nick List" is not active. It's gray...20:31
Zaurcan't activate it20:31
krytarikMake sure to be on a channel tab when trying to activate it?20:32
lubot<kc2bez> (Photo, 410x431) https://i.imgur.com/zxsYLaz.jpg In the view menu?20:36
ZaurI'm on channel tab. But still nothing. I've tried restore default option in "configure interface" but still not working20:36
Zaur@kc2bez yep. In that view menu. And in my case it's name is "show nick list"20:38
kc2bezWhich version of quassel do you have? `apt-cache policy quassel` should let you know.20:41
Zaur@kc2bez 1:0.13.1-1ubuntu1.19.10.1 50020:43
kc2bezI can't explain that Zaur I have looked on a couple of machines now and they all look like my screenshot and the nick list shows to the right side of the window.20:48
Zaur@kc2bez when i was connected to it first time the channel nick list was avaliable then something happened (I think i closed it accidentally) and it's became unavaliable20:50
ZaurWill try reboot it20:52
Zaur@kc2bez can I reinstall quassel?21:13
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