
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r
tarzeaui know the archive sync is over, but i'd highly recommend to sync meshlab from debian sid10:53
tarzeauto fix the current proposed pkg to work, it's just another line in the debian/*install file, i can also provide that if big changes are not accepted anymore10:54
RikMillstarzeau: I was already planning to. just completed a test build in a ppa to make sure nothing in our toolchain differences caused something unexpected11:11
RikMillssyncing now11:11
RikMillsthank you :)11:11
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
tarzeauRikMills: sound great :) thank you14:13
tarzeauunfortunately due to holidays abroad+corona stay home i wasn't able to check/fix icon+desktop file associtaion (two bugs on launchpad)14:13
=== rafaeldtinoco_ is now known as rafaeldtinoco

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