
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
jphilipswhen will the branching for 20.10 happen?00:38
Unit19320.04 gets released, 20.10 gets a name, there's pre-open freeze (initial transitions, bootstrapping, etc.) then the archive is opened.  What do you mean by 'branching' in this context though?00:39
jphilipsusing branching in the context of git branching, where master would be 20.10 and 20.04 would be a separate branch, like we currently have master as 20.04 and 19.10 as a different branch00:41
Unit193For what repo, then?00:41
jphilipswell i guess xubuntu-defaults so i could submit patches for the default i proposed00:42
jphilipsare any of these old FAQs useful these days https://xubuntu.org/news/tag/faq/01:47
jphilipsis changing the .desktop file's label for gnome software from 'Software' to 'Software Manager' or 'Software Store' something doable02:16
jphilipsshould we encourage testers to join the xubuntu testers team - https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-testers03:14
jphilipsi've reviewed the help & support webpage - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qenHqnop4DWne2DsX5nPgaN7xdJLzL6etb0gfBGL6fk/edit#heading=h.fsdgs1i4rdsd03:56
jphilipsknome, pleia2: ^^^03:56
bluesabrejphilips: RE: faqs, the ones that are not release-specific, definitely.09:35
bluesabrejphilips: RE: .desktop file, not at this point in the cycle, but yes it's doable (and something Ubuntu did for a while)09:36
bluesabrejphilips: RE: branching, we wait until the end of the cycle so we don't have to keep 20.04 and 20.10 branches in sync, but you can create your own branch and submit a MR09:38
bluesabreUnit193: any news on Ayatana indicators making their way into Ubuntu?10:28
jphilipsbluesabre: thanks for the info. does the of the cycle, mean the day the LTS is released?12:07
bluesabrejphilips: yep, then we branch master into the latest release code name, and continue development in master for the next cycle12:10
jphilipsUnit193: tweet went out 4 hours ago. Let me know how the jump in downloads go12:36
jphilipspeople were asking for the 18.04 core iso and i found it online, so maybe consider putting up the torrent file or magnetic link12:57
jphilips64bit - https://btdb.io/torrent/7728679d017e596021153147e80bceff2062445f12:58
jphilips32bit - https://www.skytorrents.lol/info/ab966a80b1b0568fb351b90a8404dff6ef01595112:58
jphilipsfacebook comment: "No offence, but the site looks like a malware or gore site. Perhaps change its style to something a little more trusting and professional to bring new users in. Thanks 👍"13:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1868457 in elementary-xfce (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] elementary-xfce 0.15 for focal" [Undecided,New]13:53
bluesabreI'll tag the right folks shortly13:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1868459 in greybird-gtk-theme (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] greybird-gtk-theme 3.22.12 for focal" [Undecided,New]14:00
bluesabreI'll also try to finish getting the themes into gtk-common-themes14:22
bluesabreBut from what I was experimenting with before, many snaps seem to hardcode adwaita as the theme, and there's not a user-friendly way around that :(14:23
jphilipsbluesabre: we should likely bundle the full adwaita rather than just the base, as its a bad UX to click on it in Appearances when its like that17:36
bluesabre!info adwaita-icon-theme-full17:43
ubottuadwaita-icon-theme-full (source: adwaita-icon-theme): default icon theme of GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.32.0-1ubuntu1 (disco), package size 7144 kB, installed size 22007 kB17:43
bluesabreYeah, that's not too monstrous, and the depends are tidy enough, https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/adwaita-icon-theme-full17:44
bluesabreUnit193: thoughts on including that for -desktop?17:44
jphilipsi chatted with JackFrost about it last week or so17:47
jphilipsit is only 7mb to download and 23mb installed, so definitely not to big17:47
pleia2jphilips: thanks, I made some comments in the doc18:27
jphilipspleia2: thanks18:32
jphilipsso for those that dont already know, i've teamed up with the other flavours for a ubuntu testing week starting on the 2nd of april (beta release day)18:37
jphilipslike all the other flavours, we will put out an announcement of this testing session for xubuntu using points found in this google doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PVui1kB1JijGCoBPdkrg4P94LS4DozLtEJ37GKWga2E/edit#18:38
jphilipscomments are welcome18:39
jphilipspleia2: do you have the time to prepare the xubuntu announcement text?18:45
pleia2it's a month away, so it's not even on my radar yet :)18:47
pleia2you're welcome to draft something if you'd like though, following the format of past announcements18:47
jphilipsthis testing announcement is for the 26th18:47
pleia2ah, not today, have to go pick up the kiddo in a few minutes18:48
jphilipsnot a problem, when you are free is fine. please have a look at the google doc above when you get a chance18:48
Unit193bluesabre: You mean as far as the Ubuntu ones being dropped in favor of Ayatana?  Really not fond of including an icon theme we don't use though.18:49
Unit193bluesabre: And I guess there's the answer, add the new dep then Debian will add the gir stuff. :P18:52
jphilipshelp page has been updated - https://xubuntu.org/help/19:43
Unit193Minor nitpick if you so desire, the 'correct' way to spell 'freenode' is with a lowercase 'f'.19:45
Unit193(Yes I know you didn't introduce that, just noting.)19:45
Unit193Also, looks like that did bring a few more visitors to the Core site.20:02
jphilipsany thoughts on putting up the 18.04 torrent20:18
jphilipsif anyone wants to recommend a webpage on the site that i should edit text, you are welcome to do so :D20:19
Unit193Linking to it?  That's likely the correct one, but would be nice to find confirmation in my logs.20:20
Unit193At least the site seems decent enough (with adblock) it wouldn't be the *worst* thing to link to..20:21
jphilipsno i wouldnt recommend linking to the torrent site20:22
jphilipsyou can upload the torrent file to your site or alternatively just give the magnetic link20:22
jphilipsi downloaded the 64-bit but the 32-bit had no seeds20:23
Unit193Well then, guess that's moot.20:23
jphilipsif you still have the 32-bit iso around, i could seed it20:24
Unit193I don't, as noted I remove old releases.20:26
jphilipswell thankfully 64bit is still around, which is whats important ;D20:29
Unit193(As I noted before, Xubuntu Core isn't a "supported LTS release" :>)20:29
jphilipsoh wait, there are seeders20:30
jphilipsi'm downloading it20:30
jphilipswas thinking to send you a patch, but this doesnt look like the download page - https://git.unit193.net/cgit/users/unit193/unit193.net.git/tree/pages/xubuntu/core.txt20:34
Unit193Yeah it's not.20:34
Unit193Like I said though, not too keen on linking old releases. :320:44
jphilipswhat do people think about a 2 column download page - https://imgur.com/yUuvtQ3.png21:10
Unit193How's it look on box screens?21:11
jphilipsbox screens?21:11
geniiNot that great21:11
genii4:3 ratio screens21:12
jphilipsnot sure about 4:3, though very few people have such resolutions these days21:12
Unit193Not sure if 'very few', but yeah they're not as widespread now.  Though I'd imagine we still get those visitors.21:15
jphilipsdo we have any stats counter on the site?21:16
jphilipsokay tested it at 1280 width and still looks fine21:19
jphilips< 3% use 1024 width https://gs.statcounter.com/screen-resolution-stats/desktop/worldwide21:20
jphilips"My Nut by bluesabreWife" :D21:27
* Unit193 ponders if this is going to be SFW...21:28
jphilipsyes sfw21:28
jphilipsits a wallpaper21:28
jphilipsdoes the community menu seems strange to anyone, with sub entries for contact us, brand resources, products, and donate21:34
jphilipsentries under development seem more like they should go under community, so it has sub entries for get involved, developer area, derivatives21:36
ochosihm, looking at the wp contest voting and/or results doesnt seem to work 22:09
ochosii guess "i'm holding it wrong"22:09
ochosioh right22:14
ochosii was looking in the wrong place22:14
jphilipsochosi: any idea when the votes will be finalized so we can announce the winners22:52
ochosinope, i just voted a few minutes ago myself22:53
jphilipsanyone else left to vote22:53
bluesabreLooks like we're up to 5 people having voted23:32
Unit193So you're saying I should do that...23:33
bluesabreYes, please :)23:34
Unit193There were so many choices, and not a lot of the style I use,  I just put it off. :323:35
Unit193!info elementary-xfce-icon-theme unstable23:35
ubottuelementary-xfce-icon-theme (source: elementary-xfce): elementary icon theme modified for Xfce. In component main, is optional. Version 0.13.1-1 (unstable), package size 5729 kB, installed size 18482 kB23:35
Unit193> 0.14 is up23:35
ochosikewl thanks23:47
Unit193ochosi: To Debian, specifically.23:48
ochosisure, that's much appreciated23:49

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