
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
=== CrazyLikeAFox is now known as Wayward_Vagabond
=== ilvipero1 is now known as ilvipero
gnrphrm, I am having a problem with Xubuntu 19.10:10:04
gnrpFresh installation, just some packages on top. But still standard lightdm with xfce10:05
gnrphowever, the shutdown/restart buttons are greyed out, suspend is not even shown.10:05
gnrpall the "old" recommendations are consolekit stuff, but that doesn't exist anymore10:05
gnrpah, and the policykit pkla files I found I tried out, but didn't work10:06
gnrpanybody with an idea on what to do?10:06
gnrpin lightdm, the shutdown/restart buttons are also greyed out10:06
gnrpalso, when I put the suspend action on the power button via energy manager, it requires me to enter a password when I push the power button before it works10:08
diogenes_gnrp, run: groups | nc termbin.com 999910:12
diogenes_and share the link.10:12
gnrpdiogenes_: https://termbin.com/py5j10:12
gnrpon my notebook, also on 19.10, shutdown and all that stuff works. There, groups are mostly the same, but due to the installed software (replace lxd by adbusers)10:14
diogenes_gnrp, did you install on top of the previously saved /home?10:15
gnrpwas an 18.04 before10:17
gnrp(did the same on the notebook btw, where it works)10:18
diogenes_gnrp, when it comes about troubleshooting issues that occur after an upgrade, first thing i do i create a new clean user to rule out configuration issues.10:18
gnrpwill try. At the moment I was too inpatient and I am upgrading to focal right now^^10:19
gnrpbut yeah, that's a good idea in general, I should follow that10:19
gnrpand yes, from "something doesn't work" to "using experimental releases" is not very smart. But at least I have some good corona-time now for reporting bugs, heh10:22
diogenes_so it's called "corona-time" now? maybe "covid-time" :)10:23
gnrpdepends on whether you spend time at home or you spend time drinking beers? ;)10:25
gnrpdiogenes_: So focal does the same, and a new user also has the same issues10:29
gnrp(as does lightdm, btw)10:29
diogenes_gnrp, hmm xfce4-session is responsible for that afaik.10:31
gnrpso the action required for the suspend at least is org.freedesktop.login1.suspend-ignore-inhibit10:48
gnrphow would I allow my user to perform tihs?10:49
gnrpwohooo, I made it work! :D11:12
gnrpsuspend, hibernate, reboot, all works. Had to grant some of the org.freedesktop.login1 permissions11:12
gnrpalthough I am not happy with the result. :(11:12
gnrpnow that I understand it I cannot insult and rant about policykit anymore. That sucks.11:12
gnrpand this time even the on-board documentation alone was doing ti11:13
xubuntu45wI have strudels downloading applications16:59
xubuntu45wCan you help me please?16:59
xubuntu45wthe error message is: "It is not possible to install Inkscape: cannot perform the following tasks:"17:04
=== xubuntu45w is now known as YourNick
=== YourNick is now known as YourNickhel
xubuntu40wHi there guys! You might be able to help me out with this one.20:38
xubuntu40wAs you guys know, the images, documents folders have different icons.20:39
xubuntu40wI added a Games folder, but I can't set a different icon for it, how do i do that? I'd appreciate some guidance.20:39
diogenes_xubuntu40w, you can make it a link and specify the desired Icon= or right click > properties > emblems, maybe there are other ways too.20:42
xubuntu40wdiogenes: Uh this is weird, but if I click one of the emblems, it unclicks itself.20:44
diogenes_indeed weird.20:45
xubuntu40wAny suggestions?20:49
diogenes_maybe someone else could suggest something, it's too late for me so i'm off, if you won't find anything, come again tomorrow and maybe we could find something.20:52
* diogenes_ is offline20:52
xubuntu40wAlright, thanks anyways!20:53
DarkTrickSometimes when I'm shutting down my computer,some programs hang22:34
DarkTrickThis prevents ubuntu to shut down immediately22:34
DarkTrickin the shutdown-phase it hangs with a "waiting for a process to finish"-like message. This has a 2 min timeout.22:35
DarkTrickIf 5 apps hang at the time, the computer won't shut down for 10 minutes.22:35
DarkTrickQ1.) Is there anything I can do (in that situation) to stop the waiting and tell the computer to immediately shut down?22:36
DarkTrickQ2.) The system won't show which process it's waiting for, until the time is up. Is there any setting, that will make the system show which process it's waiting for?22:37
brainwashDarkTrick: maybe "sudo systemctl poweroff" will do the job22:53
DarkTrickbrainwash, then I would have to shutdown my system like that all the time. Isn't there any antimeasure when I'm in the situation of a hanging process?22:54
DarkTrickI would expect something like CTRL+\ to work22:54
brainwashno idea22:55
brainwashI guess I would need a reproducer22:56
brainwashsomething that triggers your scenario22:56
brainwashI know that a running Virtual Box instance can block logout/shutdown22:57
DarkTrickbrainwash, hm... that's difficult, I guess22:57
DarkTrickyes, I also figured that the last time22:57
DarkTrickmy most recent example is a not shutting down mousepad22:57
brainwashprobably due to unsaved changes, right?22:58
DarkTrickI can't tell22:58
DarkTrickMousepad was hanging *before* I tried to shut down22:58
brainwashoh I see22:59
DarkTrickI opened a file, window opens, but mousepad hangs22:59
DarkTrickbtw: why would a virtual box instance block from logout/shutdown?22:59
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14429 in General "XFCE session won't logout when Virtualbox is running" [Normal,New]23:00
DarkTrickbrainwash, ok, so it's been working on23:02
DarkTrickI guess I should comeback with my stuff, if I can reproduce it securely23:02
DarkTrickthank you brainwash!23:03
brainwashwhat gives you the impression that someone is working on it? :)23:03
DarkTrickbecause it's in the system23:04
DarkTrickwell.. I was struggeling sending out that sentence :D23:04
brainwashyour case sounds a bit different though23:05
brainwashI mean you that dialog window with a timeout23:05
brainwashyou get23:05
DarkTrickIn my case Xorg already finished an I'm on TTY123:05
DarkTrickIt looks like this23:06
DarkTrick[ **] Waiting for process to finish [ 1s / 1m59]23:06
brainwashah okay. that is systemd.23:07
DarkTrickSo 'Systemd is waiting for a process to finish' is the right description I guess(?)23:08
brainwashI think it is23:11
brainwashgrep Timeout /etc/systemd/system.conf23:11
brainwashbut that's 90s or 1m3023:11
brainwashand you got 1m5923:11
DarkTrickhm... maybe my eyes played a trick on me...? I'm pretty sure it was 1m59, though23:14
DarkTrickI will change this time and watch my system for a while23:14
brainwashyou can check the journal entries for the previous boot23:16
brainwashif persistent logging is enabled23:17
DarkTrickbrainwash, I could, but I would need some guidance for that23:17
brainwashit is enabled when /var/log/journal exists23:19
DarkTrickbrainwash, does not exist23:19
brainwashsudo mkdir /var/log/journal23:20
DarkTrick(funny... there's already stuff in the newly created folder)23:21
brainwashand with "journalctl -b -1" you can access the log entries from the previous boot23:21
DarkTrick`No journal files were opened due to insufficient permissions.`23:22
DarkTrickand with sudo23:22
DarkTrick"Data from the specified boot (-1) is not available: No such boot ID in journal"23:22
DarkTrickI guess, I'll leave it like this and the next time I experience the problem, I check there?23:23
brainwashyou didn't reboot yet23:24
brainwashso there is no previous boot log data23:24
kgbseems like there's nobody alive in #vbox, what size of partition should I use for Oracle VM - like 10, 20 GB (less?)23:28
brainwashfor what purpose?23:29
kgb(just need it for messing around, maybe trying to build Firefox with less features. :))23:29
kgbI mean, I'll use.VDI right so I can expand and all that23:29
DarkTrickkgb: I would use 20G or even more. And set the option to "dynamically allocated"23:29
kgbDarkTrick: yessir. that's cool!..:) ty23:30
brainwashmine is 10GB23:30
kgbum, encrypt the swap??23:30
brainwashbut I only keep things installed that I need23:30
brainwashencrypt swap? what you mean?23:31
kgbthe swap partition, should i encrypt it - or just not bother with that?? oh and what RAM... I've got 16GB, is there any need of using more than 2 ?? .o023:32
kgbmaybe 4GB, if I'll be compiling and all that, yeah?23:33
DarkTrickkgb: I'm using 1 - 2GB. Works fine for compiling smaller applications. Remember, that you always change those settings :)23:34
kgbDarkTrick: ugh, sure - bt, it (_always?!?) takes a while to manipulate the partition(s) size(s)?23:35
DarkTrickkgb: I was talking about RAM23:36
DarkTrickThat should be changed with a reboot and 10 seconds of mouse clicking23:36
kgbDarkTrick: well, yeah - the RAM is the actual size of the swap partition, no?! :-o23:37
DarkTrickkgb: I don't know. I though "swap partition" is for an actual partition. The RAM is only used in case there is no specific 'partition' for swap (setup in /etc/fstab)23:38
DarkTrick**But I might be wrong**23:39
kgbhey SRY about all the questions, bt how about CPU number - I'm on a Asus FX505DU laptop with AMD Ryzen 7 3750H23:39
kgbmore than 2, or will two be alright??23:39
kgb*running it!..:)23:42
DarkTrickkgb: I'd say, the same thing again: just try and change if necessary :) I personally use only 1 core and it runs fine.23:44
kgbcool, cool! :D just... I *really* want to build Firefox; maybe even for, like, F-Droid or something23:45
kgb(for sure for personal use, without a BUNCH of stuff. :))23:45

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