
babbageclunkreview anyone? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1134300:14
kelvinliubabbageclunk: lgtm01:22
babbageclunkthanks kelvinliu01:23
wallyworldjam: forgot to ask - the jujuc  PR - you looking to land that? w can then ensure it's incorporated into the release etc05:06
wallyworldjam: here's a race fix for the query tracker. i am not across the original design consideration for not allowing for concurrent access but i think it's necessary to have the mutex https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1134405:33
stickupkidmanadart, do us a solid and CR this https://github.com/juju/os/pull/2009:14
manadartstickupkid: Yep.09:18
flxfoohi all,09:20
flxfooWe are using rackspace, somehow they change an OS image, now whatever deploy I tried an error raised up as "image not found" or so... `juju cached-image` return an empty list... is there a possibility to tell juju to use another image ID?09:22
stickupkidflxfoo, I'm totally not sure on this and someone will probably confirm that, but you may want to look into https://jaas.ai/docs/cloud-image-metadata09:28
stickupkidmanadart, I'd agree, I guess this is a much better improvement over the older way, let me fix09:29
manadartstickupkid: Cool.09:29
flxfoostickupkid: thanks, will have a look09:49
flxfoo stickupkid , yeah I folllowed a bit the tutorial, and kind of generate some yaml files to describe the image to be used, but it seems that I can not really "update" rackspace, except bypassing it and setup a webserver which would serve the image definition to use, which seems very unlikely for me to do so...10:27
flxfooanyone had deal with rackspace here before?10:27
manadartstickupkid: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1134510:43
stickupkidmanadart, we have to support trusty right?10:48
flxfooa related question would be, which provider are you guys using, which would fully support `juju` ?10:48
stickupkidflxfoo, aws, gce, lxd, maas, azure10:49
stickupkidmanual (which is to say, BYOS)10:50
manadartstickupkid: ESM, yes.10:50
stickupkidyou tried bootstrapping with trusty ;-)10:50
manadartstickupkid: Not lately.10:50
stickupkidyou should it's fun10:51
stickupkidmanadart, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1134610:54
stickupkidmanadart, I'll make a bug around trusty deployment10:55
manadartstickupkid: `failed to start mongo`?10:55
stickupkidmanadart, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/186854510:57
mupBug #1868545: Failed to bootstrap trusty <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1868545>10:57
stickupkidmanadart, I've put it as critical, you can change if required, but seems like we should fix asap10:57
flxfoostickupkid: thanks11:23
flxfoostickupkid: I mean rackspace is in the list of juju supported platform but obviously there are some holes here and there :p11:24
stickupkidflxfoo, others might have different mileage, but I do know that's what I'm testing day in day out11:24
flxfoostickupkid: ok thanks, for example I have a problem with rackspace not supporting network namespace which makes some charm relation not working between our webservers/perconas...11:26
manadartstickupkid: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11347 No conflicts.12:07
stickupkidmanadart, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1134814:40
stickupkidmanual CI tests14:41
manadartstickupkid: Timely. Swap you https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/juju-qa-jenkins/pull/40514:42
rick_h_ty for that manadart, was going to try to do that today after the discussions last week14:47
manadartstickupkid: Keep getting this: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/QndmtYgsPK/15:00
manadartTest log says too many auth failures for SSH15:00
achilleasahml: left some comments in 1134215:08
stickupkidmanadart, do you wildcard your id_rsa to all hosts in ~/.ssh/config15:08
hmlachilleasa:  rgr15:08
stickupkidmanadart, if you do then it won't work because it doesn't know which ssh id to use. And juju doesn't say (we should pass -K) when doing ssh stuff I believe15:09
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stickupkidmanadart, I'll update to remove the profile, good spot15:11
manadartstickupkid: Removed my wild-carding. Same.15:20
stickupkidmanadart, you have to restart your agent15:42
stickupkidmanadart, i had the same thing last week, can't remember how I bounced it15:42
manadartstickupkid: I got it. I have a user systemd service for starting my agent.15:59
stickupkidyeah, bounce it16:00
stickupkidmanadart, I do wonder how this hasn't be hit before, I'm sure juju could be smarter around ssh16:03
tlmhey babbageclunk, do you have 5 minutes to help me figure out how something works ?22:50
babbageclunktlm: sure sure - in standup?22:50
tlmok, give me 2 minutes to login and 2fa22:51
tlmmismatch at .CertGetter: non-nil functions; obtained (func() *tls.Certificate)(0x1b17a30); expected (func() *tls.Certificate)(0x1b17a30)23:10
tlmappears deep equals doesn't do functions very well23:10
babbageclunktlm: oh yeah, it doesn't - typically we nil them out before the comparison.23:34
babbageclunktlm: if you're feeling especially diligent you can try calling it to check that it's the right one (possibly overkill)23:35
tlmcheers babbageclunk, just rubber ducked it with hpidcock. I can't nil them because the dependency stuff complains. Checked our chehck lib and it doesn't implement functions for deep equals. Just going to fix the problem there23:37
babbageclunkno, I mean, nil it out before the DeepEquals in the test23:37
tlmthat might work23:37
tlmlet me check23:37
hpidcockahh that was what I meant by nil it before the check23:38
babbageclunkoh right - yeah, if you want to fix it in the library that would be cool too23:38
babbageclunk(not sure how difficult that is)23:38
hpidcockbut yeah fix the library and I'll +1 it23:38
tlmI figure if they are of the same type and the pointers match they are the same thing23:38
hpidcock"If v's Kind is Func, the returned pointer is an underlying code pointer, but not necessarily enough to identify a single function uniquely. The only guarantee is that the result is zero if and only if v is a nil func Value. "23:39
hpidcockthis may be the problem23:39
hpidcocktlm: ^23:41
tlmyeah just reading, got it working with nil but I feel dirty23:41
hpidcocknah all g23:42
wallyworld_hpidcock: in api client IssueOperatorCertificate, "{Tag: applicationName}" should be {Tag: names.NewApplicationTag(applicationName).String()}23:42
hpidcocktlm: does the certgetter function need to be called in this test case?23:43
hpidcockbecause what you can do is compare the functions by calling them like babbageclunk said23:43
hpidcockthe function could panic("testing the function") and the test just recover()23:44
hpidcockthen nil it23:45
hpidcockdo the DeepEquals23:45
tlmnil it is23:45
tlmthanks hpidcock and babbageclunk. Doing some reading we could compare pointers of the values but that is not a deep equals23:46
hpidcockwallyworld_: is that where the Unauthorized is coming from?23:46
wallyworld_not sure, depends on how the apiserver side unpacks it23:46
wallyworld_i didn't look23:46
babbageclunkhpidcock, tlm: yup, or just something that returns a unique value, or sets some closed-over variable when called.23:48
babbageclunk(I mean, if you control what the function being passed in is)23:48
wallyworld_hpidcock: server side unpacks the "right" way for what's passed in, but should be a tag. i can do a driveby fix23:49
hpidcockwallyworld_: all good I'm in the area23:50
hpidcockI'll fix it with my changes23:50
wallyworld_ok, i'm working on OperatorProvisioningInfo()23:50

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