
IrcsomeBotGina Williams was added by: Gina Williams02:05
IrcsomeBotGrace Greenwood was added by: Grace Greenwood03:23
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ubuntu_holy shit04:57
ubuntu_testing from another vm04:57
ubuntu_this thing actually works04:57
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Sup folks04:57
Guest81881i just downloaded a linux mint 1.0 vm04:57
user|31945live version05:32
user|31945is there a live version05:33
IrcsomeBotJill Brown was added by: Jill Brown06:31
masonbee-MHmmm, a couple of days ago my volume control disappeared from my status and notifications in taskbar....any idea how to get it back (Kubuntu 18.04 updated).07:21
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> How are you guys07:22
lordievaderGood morning07:29
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> How r u07:33
IrcsomeBotJessica Bico was added by: Jessica Bico07:40
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IrcsomeBotWhy was added by: Why09:05
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IrcsomeBotKayla Lopez was added by: Kayla Lopez10:56
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BluesKajHowdy folks11:36
theMetamorphosisHello BluesKaj11:42
BluesKajhi theMetamorphosis11:43
theMetamorphosisI'd like to help KDE as a translator. I can translate KDE apps from English to Persian (Farsi) which is the official language in 4 countries and is spoken by over 120 million people.11:50
theMetamorphosisI've been translating projects like Uget and MegaGlest in Transefix website, but I couldn't find any KDE projects in there.11:50
BluesKajtheMetamorphosis, you should ask in #kubuntu-devel chat about translating11:52
BluesKajyou'll need to be patient for a response11:53
theMetamorphosisThank you11:54
=== jaka is now known as stravs
wallbreakerHey folks, sorry if I'm just being slow. I'm experiencing the issue described here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=411321 Can someone tell me what the specific CLI package I need is in order to launch ovpn config networks without receiving a 'Missing VPN Plugin' error?12:44
ubottuKDE bug 411321 in general "Erorr "Missing VPN plug in'" [Normal,Reopened]12:44
wallbreakerActually here's the open launchpad bug as well https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-nm/+bug/1841767 Same issue and user.12:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1841767 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "19.04 OpenVPN plug-in not installed" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:47
BluesKajwallbreaker, I'm using openvpn , but I've never come across that plugin issue. The issue might be the network-manager-openvpn plugin core. It has to be installed separately from the repo.13:04
aienaI am trying to add this ppa https://launchpad.net/~kritalime/+archive/ubuntu/ppa it adds fine but on update I get Err:5 https://launchpad.net/~kritalime/+archive/ubuntu/ppa eoan Release   404  Not Found [IP: 64:ff9b::5bbd:59df 443]. What could be the reason?13:16
aienathe paapis fully browseable on launchpad and there is a version for eon AFAIK13:16
BluesKajaiena, I'd like to help, but ppas aren't supported here sinced they're nondefault and considered experimental. Also many will no longer work or can break your system after kernel upgrades.13:19
aienaok can you help me remove this ppa13:20
aienarestore it to vanilla state no packages were installed from it13:20
BluesKaj!ppa purge13:21
aienahmm bot is down?13:21
BluesKajhttps://itsfoss.com/how-to-remove-or-delete-ppas-quick-tip/ ...scroll down to the terminal method13:23
RikMillsaiena: that ppa works just fine here on eoan13:23
RikMillsmaybe wait until later on and try again13:23
aienaRikMills: I think i goofed up somewhere.13:23
aienabecause I cannot ppa purge the ppa either13:24
aienaerror comes "E: The repository 'https://launchpad.net/~kritalime/+archive/ubuntu/ppa eoan Release' does not have a Release file."13:24
aienaI had added the launchpad url by mistake with apt add-repositoy13:24
aienalike `  add-apt-repository https://launchpad.net/~kritalime/+archive/ubuntu/ppa`13:25
RikMillsremove the .list file that was created for it in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/13:25
RikMillsyou never installed anything, so don't need to purge13:25
RikMillsjust delete the .list file13:25
BluesKajyup, I've done that a few times13:26
aienaI deleted a list file called kritalime-ubuntu-ppa-eoan.list after running apt-update I still see this 'https://launchpad.net/~kritalime/+archive/ubuntu/ppa' in apt-update13:27
aienaso is there some other place i have to check too13:28
BluesKajaiena, remove it from /etc/apt/sources.list as well since it looks l;ike you added it there13:28
RikMillscheck in /etc/apt/sources.list to see if a wrong line was added to that. if so edit it out13:29
aienaRikMills: yes thank you13:31
aienai think the .list file is the correct one added on the second run and the sources.list got edited by the launchpad url command13:32
RikMillssounds right. I haven't done it woring for a long time, so didn't immediately recall13:34
aienaRikMills: you rock thanks a lot for you help13:40
aienaits all smooth and fine now13:40
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ecovwhy is it when i insert a freshly formatted usb stick into my system it's owned by root :(15:10
ecovi guess its because "root" formatted the stick with KDE partition manager?15:10
theMetamorphosisWell, I guess you can't open Dolphin as root which is a security nonesense.15:12
theMetamorphosisThis guide might help.15:13
oerheksformatted to what filesystem?15:13
oerhekschown it to your user?15:16
ecovi guess i figured a newly created usb stick would be automatically chowned :P15:18
ecovdumb assumption15:18
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franzpowI need help with my kubuntu pc. It's important. Today I can't boot my system. When I try to boot it up, after bios, I got the message of kernel starting and it stucks on loading initial ram disk...16:47
franzpowI can't do anything at this point. I can boot into command line and try something but I don't know where to start. Yesterday I installed OBS and maybe I updated my system that's all16:48
diogenes_franzpow, try an older kernel.16:50
franzpowI tried to boot with legacy.. but Had no luck16:51
franzpowI have installed low_latency and liquorix. Actually using the last one16:51
masonbee-MHold Shift while booting to display grub and choose another kernel16:52
masonbee-MCan you boot off a USB stick?16:52
franzpowI can click on advanced boot options and select liquorix 5.5. or linux 5.3 generic and low latency but at this point nothing changes. Even if I select recovery mode16:53
franzpowIt loads kernel and get stuck on loading initial ramdisk...16:53
masonbee-MThat's fine, I was thinking more does the home volume exist and to back it up before anything else.16:54
franzpowI am booting via usb now16:56
franzpowI am gonna check if the disk is ok.. But I ran dell diagnose via bios and it gave me no errors16:56
franzpowI booted kubuntu via usb stick. What should I do now?16:59
masonbee-MUnfortunately the baby woke up but I would, unplug everything and try rebooting in case it is a hardware fault somewhere,  back up the home folder (eg; the important stuff) and then usually I just reinstall but that is cheating (it's just faster a lot of the time)/ run through these options, but back up first. http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/ways-to-rescue-or-recover-grub-menu17:03
masonbee-Mdiogenes_: What do you think?17:04
franzpowIs there a way to recover all the programs installed? I can't just fresh install.. too much work to reinstall anything17:06
franzpowwould like to recover this installation.. maybe reinstalling an older kernel??17:06
franzpowTried to reboot and starting again but I had no luck. Same error17:07
franzpowThis is a laptopo17:07
diogenes_masonbee-M, when i just started with linux, i used to re-install the system several times a day until i learned how to handle it so yeah, re-installation is a panacea.17:08
franzpowIs there a way to backup all the files and program installed without reinstalling everything from scratch? If not I need to save this installation. I have to work with this pc.. my fault I didn't backup anything but I was using this machine with gloves to prevent things like this to happen..17:11
franzpowany of you guys can help?17:27
theMetamorphosisIf you want to clone the whole disk (like what Norton Ghost does in Windows) you can try Clonezilla which is an FOSS alternative.17:28
theMetamorphosisOtherwise you can manually backup your data and you know what to do.17:28
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate17:29
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup, !borg, and !cloning17:29
masonbee-MWell, backup first but I have used the 4th option in the link I posted a few times and it has worked. You have to choose the right disk to install grub to from memory. But really, backup first. Because booting depends on the first part of the disk (does it still on modern disks, it did on msdos ones) it can bork your partition table is something goes wrong.17:30
franzpowhmmm can I clone it with clonezilla while booting with live stick usb?17:30
franzpowYeah.. I was trying the first method but couldn't get it to work17:31
franzpowif cloning the drive via clonezilla and usbstick is possible, I will proceed in that way17:31
masonbee-MHere is the site for the boot repair tool. https://sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair/home/Home/ for further reading.17:32
masonbee-MJust before you do that though, I have a distant memory of something similar happening because if my uefi settings. I changed OS and it wouldn't boot but it was because I had another OS specified in UEFI....vague memory.17:34
franzpowmmm I have no other os or dual boot.. I bought this pc with windows pre-installed and formatted installing kubuntu17:35
masonbee-MDoesn't hurt to look. What did you say the last things you installed before reboot were?17:38
franzpowI installed OBS.. a streaming software17:38
franzpowbut had no erorrs or something like that17:38
franzpowand, If I remeber correctly, did some updates17:39
masonbee-MWhat version kubuntu?17:39
franzpowright now I am trying to use clonezilla17:41
franzpowI will update you if after backup I could recover via bootrepair or uefi settings17:41
masonbee-MOK. Try a quick search for problems with OBS and 19.10 as well. It does affect graphics packages. Look forward to find out.17:44
franzpowI should check it but I installed the same program on my other kubuntu 19.10 installation and had no problem at all.17:54
franzpowOther kubuntu system*17:54
franzpowMetamophosis: clonezilla gets stucked on scanning dir/tmp/oscroot_bind_root17:58
franzpowis this normal?17:58
franzpowMetamorphosis: is this normal?17:59
Metamorphosisfranzpow I haven't used it in the past 5 years but they have very good documentation, alternatively you could ask them at #clonezilla18:13
franzpownobody answered me19:11
franzpowon #clonezilla19:11
franzpowbut I was thinking that's a bad idea to clone an entire disk that's not booting... when I restore it will I have problem? I think it will does not start..19:11
MetamorphosisI still don't understand your exact problem. Why don't you just copy your data to an external(or internal) hard drive and reinstall Kubuntu?19:12
MetamorphosisI prefer this approach to cloning disks which has always been risky.19:13
franzpowbecause I have to reinstall all the programs. Plus if I copy only home folder I will lose a lot of preset files  in the program folders.. right?19:16
MetamorphosisSure, but that's the safest bet.19:17
franzpowI really hoped to avoid reinstalling everything cloning the ssd.. but that's not possible19:17
MetamorphosisAnd remember, no matter if you are reinstalling or cloning: backup your important data.19:17
franzpowI never learn by my errors.19:18
franzpowbtw I successfully copied my home data with dejadup19:18
MetamorphosisThat's good. A fresh install is always the best thing to do. That's my experience.19:19
=== bart_ is now known as Barfman
user|43788how do I control the webcam and microphone? (disabling, enabling)19:49
diogenes_user|43788, applications handle that e.g. skype, discord etc.19:55
user|43788Thank you19:56
IrcsomeBot<Mazork> Hey boys21:13
IrcsomeBot<Mazork> Could someone help me restore the grub? On the Internet there are several tutorials that I have tried but none have worked for me21:14
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
masonbee-MThis page seems OK to me. Babysitting so can't help more than that really. Backup first. http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/ways-to-rescue-or-recover-grub-menu21:29
masonbee-MSkip the windows one though unless you know you have borked your mbr.21:30
IrcsomeBot<tuxifan> (Photo, 978x745) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/LCN3T9LC/file_25968.jpg Bad news Wannacry works on Kubuntu via Wine lol … (At least it does in my overlayfs sandbox)22:25
franzpowI reinstalled kubuntu and I had the same problem!22:40
franzpowI tried to switch from UEFI to legacy and finally it booted.. after that I restored it to UEFI22:40
franzpowmasonbee-M: Maybe you were right afterall?22:41
leaftype2One thing that's still a problem on linux - when something doesn't work, I have no idea if it's my fault or not. Got a windows game on Steam that should be platinum no-hassle working... and it doesn't load23:14
Metamorphosisleaftype2 try explaining your problem at #steamlug23:29
leaftype2thanks Metamorphosis23:30
leaftype2will try that23:30
MetamorphosisAnd don't forget that Steam officially supports Linux, so you could try contacting their customer service.23:30
leaftype2Steam does, but this isn't one of their greenlisted titles23:32
leaftype2I was just relying on protondb23:32
MetamorphosisI hear you leaftype2, if you are into games, you can give FOSS games a try too. Linux gaming is really improved.23:34
leaftype2I've been on linux since 2006... have yet to see a FOSS game on par with a middle of the road commercial game23:37
leaftype2Battle for Wesnoth was pretty close though23:37
MetamorphosisIf you are a fan of RTS games, give 0AD a go. Battle for Wesnoth is very deep and amazing.23:38
leaftype2Battle for Wesnoth is super deep, super amazing, workable graphics, but lacking polish in the balance, story, and UI design, last I checked23:39
leaftype2I haven't checked out 0 AD though in several years, might be worth looking at23:39
MetamorphosisAlien Arena, MegaGlest, OpenRA, Sauerbraten, The Dark Mod, The Saga of Ryzom, FreeCiv and Freedoom are also worth playing.23:43
leaftype2Though, on that note I did just learn that I'm literally getting no benefit from my fancy graphics card over the built-in vega graphics23:43
leaftype2Yeah... I've played half o fthose back before the steam days. It's what's convinced me that we gotta pay for games.23:45
leaftype2Like honestly if I could get someone to polish minetest until it was an equal UI to minecraft, I'd pay 20 bucks for it23:45
Metamorphosisleaftype2 Your contributions and donations will pave the way for better FOSS games. Feel free to help the developers.23:48
leaftype2Yeah... except that's not the relationship. If I throw hundreds of dollars at the game, it doesn't guarantee even a better \game23:51

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