
=== santi_ is now known as santimirandarp
santimirandarphi :)01:19
guivercsantimirandarp, if you have a Lubuntu support question, please just ask it (this isn't a chat site), try and keep to single line & of course be patient awaiting replies (people reply when they can)01:54
qa-test(qa-test; please ignore)01:54
=== Bojan is now known as lubuntu
=== lubuntu is now known as Bojan
=== UFO is now known as Guest47100
Guest47100i got this error after installing a program now anybody a sollution for this: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libiculx.so.60: undefined symbol: _ZNK6icu_6012LayoutEngine14getCharIndicesEPiiR11LEErrorCode10:56
Guest47100i use lubuntu 19.10 64 - bit10:56
kc2bezGuest47100: which application did you install and how did you install it?11:56
Guest47100kc2bez, i have installed openttd 1.9.3 through donwloading it from openttd.org and install it with sudo dpkg -i (openttd package.deb))12:17
=== ezri is now known as dax
nameless_hello everybody20:39
nameless_каким образом можно установить приложение на этой оське?20:40
kc2bezSorry I only know English.20:41
nameless_how i can install app  on a lubuntu?20:41
kc2bezWhich version of Lubuntu?20:42
nameless_or 5.11.120:44
geniiWhat says result of: cat /etc/issue20:44
nameless_i dont k20:45
nameless_its my first linux20:45
kc2bezOpen a terminal and type the following: lsb_release -a20:47
kc2bezThen provide the output.20:47
nameless_ubuntu 18.1020:48
kc2bez18.10 is end of support some time ago. You will need to update or reinstall with a newer version.20:49
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:50
nameless_can i update throught this os?20:51
nameless_or i need to remove old version20:52
lubot<teward001> https://askubuntu.com/questions/91815/how-to-install-software-or-upgrade-from-an-old-unsupported-release may be useful20:52
lubot<teward001> but from 18.10 you have to upgrade to 19.04 directly (also EOL) and then to 19.10 from that20:52
lubot<teward001> probably *easier* to do a reinstall20:52
kc2bezBackup your data first.20:52
lubot<teward001> ^ that yes20:53
nameless_its difficult for me20:53
nameless_how a default pass?20:56
nameless_better to install new vers21:03

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