
zygagood morning06:55
zygamborzecki: how was your weekend?06:55
mborzeckizyga: indoors mostly ;)06:55
mborzeckizyga: is it equally cold in waw?06:56
zygame too, what a coincidence :)06:56
zygaI see we had a 2.44.106:57
zygaanything special on Friday?06:58
mborzeckizyga: idk, spent almost whole friday fighting console conf07:00
mvogood morning zyga and pstolowski08:04
zygahey pawel, hey mvo08:06
zygaI'm not sure how it's around where you live08:06
mborzeckipstolowski: mvo: morning guys08:07
zygabut when I walked outside earlier today08:07
zygait was so so incredibly quiet08:07
zygaI heard birds chirping and not much else08:07
zygaI saw maybe four cars on a wide artery that is normally stuck in traffic at this time08:08
zygait's so surreal08:08
zygatravis very non responsive today08:16
zygaat least for me08:16
mvozyga: yeah, travis had half-a-day of database upgrade at saturday08:17
mvozyga: and I no longer have the "rebuild" button08:17
zygawhat could possibly go wrong now08:17
zygaI'm trying to open or restart runs08:18
mvozyga: can you still restart runs?08:18
zygano, I cannot get the pages to load08:20
zygatravis times out, gh is responding fast08:20
mupPR snapd#8315 opened: tests: ensure session agent service is ready in prepare <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8315>08:30
mupPR snapd#8316 opened: github: add prototype workflow running unit tests <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8316>08:34
pedronisjamesh: hi, we sometimes see failures of snap-session-agent-service-control , https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/665599033/log.txt08:42
pedronisjamesh: seems mvo was also looking in that: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/831508:46
mupPR #8315: tests: ensure session agent service is ready in prepare <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8315>08:46
mvojamesh: yeah, if you could review that PR 8315 that would be great08:48
mupPR #8315: tests: ensure session agent service is ready in prepare <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8315>08:48
mvojamesh: it might be too simplistic08:49
jameshmvo: is there a systemctl invocation to wait for a unit to be started?08:50
jameshe.g. I wonder if we could do "systemctl --user start sockets.target"?08:51
mvojamesh: maybe, this is also about socket activation so start might test less than what we tested before?08:51
jameshmvo: the tests expect that sockets.target has completed: i.e. systemd has created the unix domain socket and is prepared to start the session agent when someone connects to it08:53
zygahey pedronis, good morning08:53
zygapedronis: do you remember that A=$B; B=$C; C=foo; problem my earlier implementation of environment untangled?08:53
jameshI don't think this would meaningfully change what is being tested, and might get rid of the race08:53
pedroniszyga: yes08:54
pedronisis somebody trying to do that?08:54
zygapedronis: it seems snapcraft has a bug where it would be useful, it reorders environment entires, it sorts them :|08:54
zygapedronis: I filed a bug for snapcraft08:54
pedronisit's definityl a snapcraft bug08:54
zygajust found this ironic08:55
mvojamesh: ok, feel free to push something else to the PR or a new one, happy with a better fix :)08:55
jameshmvo: I don't think I can edit other peoples' PRs, so I'll create a new one09:05
mvojamesh: thank you09:06
mupPR core20#28 opened: Add iptables package <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/core20/pull/28>09:19
mupPR snapd#8317 opened: many: make sure ephemeral failover snapd does not open sockets <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8317>09:26
zygaplease review https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/831609:37
mupPR #8316: github: add prototype workflow running unit tests <Skip spread> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8316>09:37
zygalast run was one minute and 55 seconds09:39
zygafor "go test" results09:39
mupPR snapd#8298 closed: many: enumerate system seeds, return them on the /v2/systems API endpoint <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8298>09:45
mupPR snapd#8318 opened: tests: ensure sockets target is ready in session agent spread tests <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8318>09:47
mupPR snapd#8318 closed: tests: ensure sockets target is ready in session agent spread tests <Created by jhenstridge> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8318>09:51
pedronismvo: I think you closed the wrong PR ^  8318 sees it was closed in favor of 831810:12
mvopedronis: oh, sorry, /me is a muppet10:14
mupPR snapd#8318 opened: tests: ensure sockets target is ready in session agent spread tests <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8318>10:15
mupPR snapd#8315 closed: tests: ensure session agent service is ready in prepare <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8315>10:16
pstolowskipedronis: hi, i pushed some changes to search v2 wrt error-list. it turned out to be slightly annoying and the change may look a bit confusing, happy to discuss10:18
pedronispstolowski: thx, in a meeting atm10:18
mupPR snapd#8319 opened: github: run unit tests and spread via github actions <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8319>10:27
zygawow, github actions runner is FOSS10:28
zygaand can run on hosted machines10:28
zygathis is neat https://github.com/actions/labeler10:30
zygaaction to put labels based on what's changed in the tree10:30
ackkzyga, hi, any chance https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8265 can be merged? I'd be happy to test a snapd snap with that fix10:39
mupPR #8265: tests: add regression test for MAAS refresh bug <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8265>10:39
zygaackk: this is just a regression test, there's no fix there10:39
zygathe fix has been merged and is behind a feature flag, long ago10:39
ackkzyga, the https://trello.com/c/QjX63wGx/201-4-document-snap-downgrade ?10:39
ackkzyga, I'm still seeing that issue with it enabled10:40
ackkzyga, it happens all the time for me10:40
zygaI cannot see that10:40
ackkactually,even when I connect interfaces10:40
zygalet me log in10:40
ackkzyga, sorry, wrong link10:40
alvesadriangood morning10:41
ackkzyga,  I meant if it's robust-mount-namespace-updates10:41
alvesadrianthere is way to sort this with jetty10:41
ackkcopy/paste is a  bit messed up in focal10:41
zygaackk: I'm sorry, is this different from any of the earlier fixes we did recently?10:41
alvesadrianzyga https://pastebin.com/W9iT0sF310:41
ackkzyga, wdym?10:42
zygaackk: I'm confused10:42
zygaackk: can you tell me if the thing that is failing is one of the things we inspected last week10:42
alvesadrianStarting Jetty: chown: changing ownership of '/tmp/oxauth.pid': Operation not permitted10:42
alvesadriansu: must be run from a terminal10:42
zygaalvesadrian: I'm sorry, I cannot debug things for you10:42
ackkzyga, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mjV2zR4Pcn/ is an example of failure10:42
alvesadrianzyga is not a debug10:43
alvesadrianam not asking for that10:43
zygaackk: does this represent one of the failures we've inspected before or is a new failure?10:43
alvesadrianis how or why snap is failing to run a jetty app using jetty and the app in the same yaml10:43
ackkzyga, I'm not sure. one question I have is, does snap-discard-ns clean up everything? I wonder if running that might cause issues with later operations10:44
alvesadrianzyga where i can find snapcraft.yaml10:44
zygaackk: yes it does10:44
alvesadrianzyga for java server apps10:44
zygaackk: it should be invoked when there are no processes around, otherwise you fracture the view, some inhabit old world, some new10:44
zygaalvesadrian: I don't know, did you try checking on the forum?10:44
zygaalvesadrian: since you mentioned chown, snaps should not change ownership of files10:44
alvesadrianif course i already open a ticket10:44
alvesadriansorry a post10:45
ackkzyga, so, just rebooted the container, I get this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NVQ34Jvwxw/10:46
zygaackk: I'm not entirely sure what rebooting a container does10:46
zygadoes it really discard mount namespaces?10:47
alvesadrianzyga https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/issues-with-different-users-chown-and-su/1612910:47
ackkzyga, well, it should? I mean it's like a a machine reboot10:47
zygaI don't know10:47
zygathat's a lxd question10:47
zygaalvesadrian: please familiarize yourself with https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/multiple-users-and-groups-in-snaps/146110:47
alvesadriani already read that10:47
ackkzyga, what should I check to see if the correct namespaces are set up?10:48
alvesadriani cannot find a snapcraft.yaml file as example of people bullding a java app with the tocamcat or jetty on it10:48
zygagreat, then you should understand that you cannot chown anything to 1000 or most other values10:48
zygaI cannot help you beyond that, I don't even know what jetty is10:48
alvesadrianthat will be great for me but i cannot find it like nobody did an snap of hat10:48
zygaackk: it's hard because of startup services,10:49
zygaackk: can we spin it another way? can you report a bug with reproducer?10:49
zygaackk: I cannot promise I will look instantly10:49
zygaas we have some other fires10:49
zygabut I will do my best10:49
ackkzyga, sure I'll try10:49
alvesadriancouldnt find any example of snaocraft.yal for a java app containing a tomcat on it10:50
alvesadrianor a java server app to serve the app10:50
zygaI don't know anything about tomcat but I googled some results10:50
zygadid you go over the first few hits?10:51
alvesadriannothing man10:51
alvesadrianbeing the whole weekend digging10:51
alvesadrianits like nobody build it a snappy for tomcat app or java server app10:51
alvesadrianforget about tomcat, just mean a java server app10:52
alvesadriannobody builds java server apps on snaps10:52
zygaalvesadrian: did you check out https://snapcraft.io/docs/java-applications ?10:53
zygacan you post some feedback about that to the forum10:53
zygaI'm sorry, I"m not the spokesperson for snapd :)10:53
zygaI cannot help everyone10:53
alvesadriandidnt mention anything about using an external java serer as source10:53
alvesadriani know10:53
alvesadrianjust wondering if u know something about it10:54
zygaI don't know what an external java server is (is that tomcat?)10:54
alvesadrianexternal means dont using the plug of jdk10:54
alvesadrianthata what i mean getting from source10:54
alvesadriandownload it and running10:54
alvesadrianthats what i mean10:54
zygawhat does "the plug of jdk" mean?10:55
alvesadrianlike a snap that fetch tomcat(java server) and run the app inside10:55
zygawhy fetcH?10:55
zygawhy not bundle tomcat at build time?10:55
alvesadrianthe pluging for the jdk framework10:55
alvesadrianwhat u mean?10:56
alvesadrianan example?10:56
zygamaybe I misunderstand but from what you are saying the snap package would, after being installed, download tomcat and do something with it10:56
alvesadriansnap has a part tomcat and anotehr part for the java app10:57
zygaI see10:57
zygaand what is the problem there?10:57
zygadownloading tomcat?10:57
ackkzyga, fwiw https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wQpmk2mkcS/ reproduces it for me. I'm not sure whether to file a new bug or it's just a manifestation of the previous one?10:57
alvesadriani cant find an example about how to10:57
zygaalvesadrian: is tomcat special? is downloading it different from downloading other files?10:57
alvesadrianplace it and run it with the java app10:57
alvesadrianjust a source zip file10:58
zygaalvesadrian: did you check the snapcraft documentation for parts?10:58
alvesadrianit will run a daemon10:58
zygathere's a way to download things there10:58
zygasource: URL10:58
zygait can fetch tomcat, or whatever10:58
zygaackk: at this rate, I'd say please file one10:58
zygaeven if it's a dupe10:58
ackkzyga, ok10:58
zygait's easier for me to keep a TODO list this way10:58
zygaackk: I'm sorry for the issues, it's likely that maas has found more bugs than an average snap by now :)10:59
ackkzyga, we like to live on the bleeding edge :)10:59
zygaalvesadrian: so can you download tomcat using snapcraft part or not?10:59
alvesadrianas a part10:59
zygaok, so what's the problem again?10:59
alvesadriannot tomcat specially jetty but they are similar11:00
alvesadrianafter download11:00
alvesadrianmove the java app into the webapp folder11:00
alvesadrianbut not cluu how to run it11:00
zygawith a service declaration11:00
ackkalvesadrian, add an app: with daemon:simple and command pointing to a script which runs tomcat?11:01
zyga(remember to exec in the last line of the script)11:01
alvesadrianwhere i can get a snapcraft.yaml with an example11:01
alvesadrianabout how to do it?11:01
zygaI really think you should slow down and look at snapcraft docs11:02
ackkzyga, oh, so maybe I'm still hitting https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1867752 actually11:02
mupBug #1867752: Unable to remove snap with content interface (with robust namespace update) <snapd:Fix Committed by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1867752>11:02
ackkzyga, is this available in a snapd snap?11:02
alvesadrianso i need to create a service declaration to run the script that start tomcat?11:02
ackkalvesadrian, yes11:02
zygaalvesadrian: ^ please check that page11:02
alvesadrianzyga thanks thats enough11:03
zygaackk: this should be in edge11:03
ackkzyga, ok, I'll test with that, see if it solves the issue. thanks11:03
alvesadrianackk also thanks11:03
ackkzyga, that seems to work, thanks!11:06
alvesadrianzyga final question11:10
alvesadrianthose contaiing dirs writeables11:11
alvesadriancan be chown?11:11
alvesadrianteh files inside fo those?11:11
alvesadrianackk also if you know this ^^^11:12
ackkalvesadrian, yes those are writable. why do you need chown?11:12
alvesadrianjava developers are asking me11:14
alvesadrianwhy we cannot chown to jetty or tomcat user11:14
alvesadrianwhy it needs to run as root11:14
ograwhere would that user live11:14
ackkalvesadrian, services run as "root" in the container11:14
ackkalvesadrian, that's a confined root user though, so it's safe11:14
alvesadrianno clue why they complaing about that11:14
ograiirc fchown and chown syscalls are blocked by seccomp by default11:15
ograyou can make them a no-op by using snapcraft-preload if you can not change the code11:15
ograif your developers heavily insist to drop to a user (which is pretty much nonsense inside confinement, but some apps can not be changed) you can use https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/system-usernames/1338611:17
ogra... but need to change your app to use this username ...11:17
alvesadrianogra the problem is they want to run jetty services11:18
alvesadrianwith user jetty11:18
ograwell, and they can not run it as root ?11:18
ograit is inside confinement ... switching to that user brings no benefit11:19
alvesadrianogra here is teh case11:19
alvesadrianogra https://pastebin.com/Uwe6vF8r11:19
ograbut they *can* switch to an unprivileged user if needed ... as described in the doc i just gave you above11:19
ograso make them use that and configure it in the snapcraft.yaml11:20
ograor convince them to run it as root11:20
ackkit should be possible to run jetty as root11:21
ackkthere are few apps that really can't be convinced to run as root (postgres being one of them)11:21
alvesadrianackk https://pastebin.com/Uwe6vF8r11:21
alvesadrianthats an exxample of whats going on11:22
ackkthat's a flask app though? I don't see how is it relevant11:22
alvesadriansu - jetty11:24
alvesadrianI also set JETTY_USER=jetty for command11:24
ograwell, su or sudo inside snaps dont work anyway11:24
alvesadrianJython 2.7.2rc1 (v2.7.2rc1:1fcef1abf1d6, Mar 1 2020, 16:27:06)11:24
alvesadrian[OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Amazon.com Inc.)] on java1.8.0_22211:24
alvesadrianType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.11:24
alvesadrian>>> f=open("/tmp/text.txt",'w')11:24
alvesadrian>>> f.write("test")11:24
alvesadrian>>> f.close()11:24
alvesadrian>>> import os11:24
alvesadrian>>> os.getuid()11:24
alvesadrian>>> os.system('chown 1000 /tmp/text.txt')11:24
alvesadrianchown: changing ownership of '/tmp/text.txt': Operation not permitted11:24
alvesadrianEven see this:11:24
alvesadrian>>> os.stat("/tmp/text.txt").st_uid11:24
ograand chown is blocked by seccomp11:24
alvesadrianso we need to fix rthat app code?11:25
ograrun jetty as root, run the commands as root ...11:25
pedronisor use snap_daemon if possible11:25
ograthe snap confinement is designed to be root safe11:25
ackkalvesadrian, is that chown a test or actual code you have ?11:26
ograright, if you really cant use root, use snap_daemon ...11:26
ograthe point is, there is no jetty user on systems you install your snap on ... and nothing in snaps that allows to create such a user11:27
alvesadrianthats real code11:27
ackkalvesadrian, maybe unrelated but, you shouldn't really need to chown the file to the same user that created it?11:28
alvesadrianam not the developer11:28
alvesadrianjust packaging11:28
ogrause snapcraft-preload to make chown a no-op then11:28
ackkalvesadrian, fwiw if the service is running as root in the snap, that chown will succeed (assuming you replace 1000 with os.getuid()): https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v88DXT45bh/11:31
ackk1000 won't as you can only chown to the same user11:32
ackk(and root doesn't have CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE in the snap)11:32
=== Eighth_Doctor is now known as Conan_Kudo
=== Conan_Kudo is now known as Eighth_Doctor
mupPR snapd#8320 opened: Updates to login-session-observe and network-manager interfaces <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8320>12:12
pedronispstolowski: commented, let me know12:37
mupPR snapd#8312 closed: many: fix packages having mistakenly their copyright as doc <Simple 😃> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8312>12:38
pedronispstolowski: also ping me when is ready for re-review, I saw there bits still not addressed. thanks12:38
pedronispstolowski: I did a pass on #830912:56
pedronisthanks for it12:56
mupPR #8309: o/configcore: implement Apply method for early configuration of core <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8309>12:56
pstolowskipedronis: thanks! i just replied to one of your search v2 comments12:59
pedronispstolowski: answered13:02
pedronispstolowski: I'm sure we can do something but yes touching the global helper is delicate so we can postone13:03
pstolowskipedronis: thanks. yes it's all messy and super confusing already. nb, error-list vs error_list in struct storeErrors, but that's probably historical?13:04
pedronispstolowski: yes, that's used in the bit that we should drop when we can13:05
mborzeckipedronis: do you think we could stay after the standup and discuss integration of snap-recovery-chooser with console-conf?13:09
pedronismborzecki: yes, if the standup doesn't take too long13:09
ijohnsonmorning folks13:18
cmatsuokahey ijohnson13:19
ijohnsonhey cmatsuoka how was your weekend ?13:20
cmatsuokaconfined, and yours?13:20
ijohnsonhaha yep same, but we did a lot of cleaning so that's nice13:21
cwaynecmatsuoka: thats a whole new level of eating your own dogfood man13:33
cmatsuokacwayne: haha indeed13:34
pedronisijohnson: I answerd to you comments in 8314, we cannot write a snap-failure that assumes only new snapds13:55
ograjdstrand, if i added "/dev/usb/lp[0-9]* rwk," to the raw-usb interface to allow a customer to use a receipt printer (writing  to the device directly, no cups or so) ... would you object that ? (raw-usb seems like the correct place, if thats wrong we'll likely need a "raw-usbprinter" interface or so)15:10
jdstrandogra: sure, for the same reason as we allow "# Allow access to all ttyUSB devices too"15:12
ograyeahm that was my rationale to pick that place :) create15:12
* ogra glares at his fingers15:13
ijohnsonmvo: #8287 is the PR for 2.44 of my initial snap-failure changes that pedronis's changes are based on top of FYI15:34
mupPR #8287: tests, many: don't use StartLimitInterval anymore, unify snapd-failover variants, build snapd snap for UC16 tests (2.44) <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8287>15:34
mvoijohnson: thanks, checking it now15:41
cachiomvo, hey15:43
cachioI am creating the cloud config in this place currently system-data/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/15:43
cachiofor uc2015:43
cachiomvo, this right? ubuntu-seed/data/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.15:44
pedroniscachio: it depends what kind of data are you creating15:44
pedronisis it user-data?15:45
cachiouser-data and meta-data15:45
pedronisyea, your place is correct15:45
pedronisand we need more code15:45
pedronis(I mean correct about to /data)15:45
pedronismvo: ^15:45
pedroniswhat we discussed last week actually15:46
cachiopedronis, i tried to merge #8299 but still out of sync15:47
mupPR #8299: devicestate,sysconfig: support "cloud.cfg.d" in uc20 for grade: dangerous <Squash-merge> <UC20> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8299>15:47
cachioI did re-login15:47
cachiobut didnt work15:47
cachioon github and travis as well15:47
cachiopedronis, any other idea?15:47
mvopedronis, cachio indeed, the current PR only supports cloud.cfg.d - I can extend the code for user-data and meta-dat15:48
* mvo added a todo for himsef15:49
pedronismvo: we need to extend for seed/* at least for dangerous, for non-dangerous we need to be a bit more careful15:49
cachiomvo, if it is in a following pr should be nice15:49
ngaioHello everyone, where do the MOTU team chat? IRC? The MOTU information on the Ubuntu wiki is many years out of date (seriously!)15:52
mvopedronis: yeah15:52
mvocachio: yeah, put on my todo15:52
ngaioI'm asking because I have a request about a specific package in Universe that is packaged in Debian15:53
ngaio(not because I'm looking to update the Ubuntu Wiki ;-) )15:53
mupPR snapd#8314 closed: cmd/snap-failure,tests: try to make snap-failure more robust <Created by pedronis> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8314>15:54
mupPR snapd#8287 closed: tests, many: don't use StartLimitInterval anymore, unify snapd-failover variants, build snapd snap for UC16 tests (2.44) <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8287>15:56
zygatest failure in 2.44.1+ git build15:57
zyga... error string = "Get http://42/v1/session-info: context deadline exceeded"15:57
zyga... regex string = "Get \\\"?http://1000/v1/session-info\\\"?: context deadline exceeded"15:57
=== lool- is now known as lool
zygamvo: ^ perhaps this is what was blocking edge builds?15:57
zygaFAIL: client_test.go:101: clientSuite.TestAgentTimeout15:57
zygathere's also a c.Check(err, IsNil) that should be c.Assert15:58
zygaand a panic after that15:58
zygaPANIC: client_test.go:287: clientSuite.TestSnapdClientIntegration15:58
zygaI can send a patch that quickly15:58
mupPR snapd#8321 opened:  cmd/snap-failure,tests: try to make snap-failure more robust (2.44) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8321>15:59
mupPR snapd#8322 opened: client: use Assert when checking for error <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8322>16:01
mupPR #8322: client: use Assert when checking for error <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8322>16:01
ackkzyga, is it possible to make "snap run --strace" work in a container?16:11
ackkit doesn't seem it is by default16:11
zygaackk: IIRC no without lxd changes16:11
ackkzyga, ok, thanks16:12
mupPR snapd#8299 closed: devicestate,sysconfig: support "cloud.cfg.d" in uc20 for grade: dangerous <Squash-merge> <UC20> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8299>16:19
mupPR snapd#8323 opened: many: improve comments, naming, a possible TODO <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8323>16:40
pedronisijohnson: ^ tries to apply your feedback and turns a point of it into a TODO16:41
ijohnsonthanks pedronis just approved it16:42
ijohnsonhmm pedronis (hopefully quick) question about refactoring the logic from snap-bootstrap to boot pkg, should snap-bootstrap/cmd_initramfs_mounts.go pass in the bootloader and modeenv to a function in boot, or should the function in boot get that stuff itself ?16:47
pedronisijohnson: this is for run mode right?16:50
ijohnsonpedronis: yes16:52
ijohnsonthe logic to pick the base snap and kernel snap to mount and also for the base to update the modeenv16:52
pstolowskipedronis: can you clarify on #8309 (just replied)?16:53
mupPR #8309: o/configcore: implement Apply method for early configuration of core <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8309>16:53
ijohnsonI'll save the bikeshedding about function names for the PR itself, but while coding it just occurred to me  maybe it would be easier/make more sense if the book package picked that stuff up itself instead of getting that state passed to it from snap-boostap's code16:53
pedronisijohnson: yes, I don't think that passing in the bootloader is useful,  it's more like MakeBootable really16:54
pedronisijohnson: but what's the input and the output?16:54
pedronisijohnson: if we look at how install works,  the input would be []snap.Type and the output paths?16:55
ijohnsonwell the input for now was just which snap (base or kernel) and the bootloader and the modeenv, the output is what snap to mount as a string and an error16:55
ijohnsonoh hmm16:56
pedronisI mean, there's more to the input than []snap.Type,  definitely the bootloader is not needed16:56
ijohnsonright sure ignore that16:56
ijohnsonthen I have this (ignore the name)16:56
ijohnson`func InitramfsSnapToMount(snapT snap.Type) (snapFilename string, err error) {`16:57
pedronisthat seems ok fine, it might or might not need to take the model? maybe not? there' the wrinkle that we need to mutate modeenv16:58
ijohnsonright so the other thing I was doing here just for simplicity is that this function would mutate the modeenv and write that out, so in generateMountsModeRun, we wouldn't have that step "4.1 Write the modeenv out again"16:59
ijohnsonbut I suppose I could return the modeenv and keep that step 4.116:59
ijohnsonalso where would we get the model from during snap-bootstrap ?16:59
* ijohnson looks17:00
pedronispstolowski: answered17:02
pedronisijohnson: do we need the model?17:03
ijohnsonpedronis: not right now AFAICT ?17:03
pedronisok, so ignore me17:03
pedronispstolowski: let me know if my comment is still confusing17:03
ijohnsonokay, but do you have thoughts on step 4.1 in snap-bootstrap ?17:03
ijohnsonpedronis: i.e. should we still write the modeenv at the very end, or could we write it sooner?17:04
pedronisijohnson: I think we could write it sooner afaiu,  the issue then is more that function name doesn't scream I'm mutating stuff17:04
ijohnsonyeah let's figure out a good name in the PR review :-)17:05
ijohnsonI should have it open this afternoon, need to break now for lunch though17:05
pedronisijohnson: I might not get to look at it today though, trying to have a short day for a change :)17:05
ijohnsonpedronis: that's perfectly fine I understand :-)17:05
pstolowskipedronis: looks good,ty17:10
mupPR snapd#8324 opened: github: cache go build cache and pkg dirs <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8324>17:12
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
pedronispstolowski: I made a list of the follow ups if I see things correctly17:20
pstolowskipedronis: great, thanks. none of that is sophisticated, mostly a matter of diff size for the review / avoiding loosely related changes in this PR17:23
pedronispstolowski: yea, no proble, small PRs that can go in quickly are good17:24
pstolowskieod, o/17:27
* zyga eds17:33
pedronismvo: this didn't even trigger travis in any way: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8321 seems something really confused there17:41
mupPR #8321:  cmd/snap-failure,tests: try to make snap-failure more robust (2.44) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8321>17:41
mvoif someone could eyeball/approve 8321 that would be nice, maybe the approval is what's missing from triggering a travis run?18:18
ijohnson|lunchmvo I approved it18:29
ijohnson|lunchstill no travis though :-/18:29
mvoijohnson|lunch: meh, silly travis18:33
ijohnson|lunchmvo: what I've done before is to close and re-open the PR18:33
mvoijohnson|lunch: thanks, let me try this18:34
mvothat helped18:34
mvothanks pedronis18:34
pedronisI tried it, but didn't help18:34
pedronisactually it did18:34
pedronisit took a little bit18:35
ijohnson|lunchI reapproved anyways just to make sure it didn't be weird18:35
pedronisso travis and github got desynced again18:41
pedronisfor me18:42
cachiomvo, I am creating cloug condiguration like this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Mz3PHrtZJ6/18:54
cachiois it ok?18:54
zygaTravis has a very bad day18:55
cachiomvo, then I copy that file to /ubuntu-seed/data/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/18:55
cachioon the image18:55
sergiusenszyga: Travis had a very bad weekend!19:07
mvocachio: yeah, that should work19:11
mvocachio: good luck, keep me updated19:11
cachiomvo, and which is hte path in uc18 and uc16?19:12
cachiothe same should work as well?19:12
mupPR snapd#8316 closed: github: add prototype workflow running unit tests <Skip spread> <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8316>19:12
mupPR snapd#8316 opened: github: add prototype workflow running unit tests <Skip spread> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8316>19:13
pedroniscachio: mvo: in the image you don't want the ubuntu-seed bit (that's the partition mount point)19:17
cachiopedronis, currently I mount the partition and then copy to /ubuntu-seed/data/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/19:18
cachioin uc2019:18
cachiothere are 2 partitions and the second one contains /ubuntu-seed19:19
cachiopedronis, is that ok?19:20
ijohnson|lunchcachio: yes the put the data/etc/... files in the ubuntu-seed partition19:26
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
cachioijohnson, thanks19:27
ijohnsoncachio: if you are mounting ubuntu-seed at /ubuntu-seed then that directoriy you have is correct19:27
cachioijohnson, ye19:28
cachioI am running now, reults will be ready in few minutes19:28
ijohnsongreat cachio19:47
=== Wouter010091 is now known as Wouter0100
mupPR snapd#8325 opened: snap-bootstrap: copy auth data from real ubuntu-data in recovery mode <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8325>20:24
mupBug #1868620 opened: Snaps based on Wine fail with nvidia driver 440  <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1868620>20:38
cmatsuokazyga: do you have plans to work on LP:1868450? should I assign it back to you?20:41
cmatsuokaijohnson: do you know who worked with timers more recently?20:57
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: I think mborzecki or pstolowski21:20
cmatsuokaijohnson: thanks, I'll check with them21:21
pedroniscachio: hi, the issues here seems real, one missing/changed package?, issue with the urls we get from the store, the store is changing how they handle downloads so something might have changed there, please talk to them: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/665954535/log.txt21:40

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