[03:59] good morning [07:29] Good morning [07:47] good morning [14:34] .join @ubuntu-server [14:35] Welcome to #ubuntu-server [14:36] all sorts of huh? === ezri is now known as dax [17:56] hey bluefox83 [17:57] what do you wanted to know about snaps? [17:57] so whats the deal with snaps? why is ubuntu using them/it? [17:57] evolution [17:57] devs like them [17:57] it's going to eat an awful lot of hard drive space if everything i install requires snaps [17:57] bluefox83: as user, you have the choice to remove snaps [17:57] Snaps are intended to allow developers to release software packages at their own pace instead of waiting for their latest versions to be picked up by major distributions like Ubuntu. [17:57] and, i just have a little 150gb ssd [17:58] ah [17:58] 150gb you will need to install a lot of snaps to get full [17:58] is it supposed to help mitigate things like dependency issues? [17:59] no dependencies needed, so no cruft extra on your system, fast updates, and pretty good confinement [17:59] sure you read that too... [17:59] i saw something about sandboxing, whats that all about? [17:59] snap quiz :p [18:00] to ensure snaps do not cause harm to the host system, they are "sandboxed" by default, and the developer has to choose which things they will need access to carefully and configure their snap release accordingly [18:00] sorry, i'm not trying to put you folks on the spot here, i'm just not sure about snaps, and whether theyr're a better option than .deb [18:00] a standard package and snap have their strengths and weaknesses... which to use depends on your usage case [18:01] oh it was just a flamewar? [18:01] also, i got my linux start by installing debian sid with a set of floppies, way back in 04. so i'm rather fond of it. i don't want ubuntu to abandon it's roots, ya know? [18:01] bluefox83: Debian and Ubuntu are more distant that they were a few years ago [18:02] wether snaps are "better" or not, depends onuse case IMHO [18:02] does ubuntu no longer provide upstream work? [18:02] like updates to kernel, and software updates to things gthey have in common, like gnome? [18:03] they do [18:03] *they [18:03] +1 Ussat [18:03] snaps can be useful in some cases [18:03] Where's my +1 lotuspsychje ... i said that 2 minutes and 23 seconds before Ussat [18:03] !cookie | pragmaticenigma kiss [18:03] pragmaticenigma kiss: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [18:04] :-P [18:04] bluefox83: snaps aren't a better option for many reasons, not least that even Canonical snaps can break especially when installed in classic (unconfined) mode [18:04] :p [18:04] bluefox83: the other issue is access to source-code, knowing where support, if any, should come from (not IRC for example) [18:05] Very true... support for Snaps is rather up in the air right now [18:05] bluefox83: then there's confined snaps not being able to access network shares and other ad-hoc mounts users may have where they want to read and write documents to [18:07] I discovered last week that the snap-core itself breaks on 20.04 server... because it operates unconfined, has an *old* version of ssh client and libs in it, but due to being unconfined its LD_LIBRARY_PATH means it is linked by the dynamic linker to the libraries on the *host* 20.04 ... which are missing symbols, so snap-core breaks === pauljw_18 is now known as pauljw [18:12] TJ-: that sounds problematic, to say the least [18:13] nothing like breaking all of your applications at once because your snaps-core is out of date with the system. [18:16] honestly, i'm having issues with getting the folding at home program to install correctly...sure i forced it to ignore broken depencencies, but it doesn't offer the same control with what i managed to get working [18:17] and every time i try to install a package, it fails, saying there's a broken package. and there's an icon that indicates something is broken... [18:18] every time i try to fix it, it uninstalls the fahcontrol .deb [18:21] fwiw there are no work units going around at the moment, totally idle here [18:21] i fired it up on seeing the news about there being corona research to do :) [18:21] i'm running something right now [18:22] i read that if you can't get it to start something right off, give it another try because there are so many systems working that the network is a little jammed [18:24] more like... just install it, set it up... and let it do its thing... don't force refresh or trigger anything manually.. you will just contribute to further delays [18:24] yeah [18:25] i don't have any other option with my setup anyways [18:25] i'm tempted to pull out my old desktop and get that working [18:25] Rosetta@home is a similar project also researching proteins and COVID-19... it has different goal, but worthy of some attention too [18:26] ive never heard of rosetta@home [18:26] well mine worked on a few WUs overnight [18:26] it's up to it now yeah :) [18:27] i thought i had mine set up to run all the time, but my damn laptop logged out when i closed the lid. so it stopped [18:28] * lordievader runs folding@home since a week [18:28] hah hope there is some nice fresh paste and clean vents on that... [18:30] +1 pragmaticenigma ...better :) [18:30] on the old desktop? i don't have any cooling paste, but it does have clean vents [18:32] you're kind of expecting some mindreading here, i don't know your systems xD [18:32] all systems have paste between the CPU and heatsink, if you haven't got any, that's not great :D [18:35] what i mean is, i don't have a tube laying around to refresh what is already there. [18:36] i'm certain i can do it, i just don't know if my gf would be ok with me doing it. [18:37] yeah don't experiment on others equipment if you've not done it before xD [18:38] also, it's a pretty old desktop, i think it's only dual core... [18:38] it's my equipment [18:38] honestly i would leave f@h off laptops [18:38] i'm more worried about running up the power bill :D [18:38] that's not my point [18:38] reducing lifespan is [18:38] it's running fine on this laptop [18:39] there's actually a laptop setting for folding@home [18:40] bluefox83: if you wish to run on a laptop, I would encourage you to elevate your laptop to ensure lots of airflow underneath [18:40] yes i know, i mentioned i use it [18:40] yeah extra breathing room for sure [18:41] pragmaticenigma: yeah, i set it up so the vent gets a nice unobstructed breeze [18:41] the vent side stays propped up when i'm not actively using the laptop [18:41] * pragmaticenigma has been using the hearth of my fireplace which is really cold right now [18:42] nifty [20:16] UWN623 Hot off the terminals: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue623 :D [22:31] is it like everyone has nothing better to do than troll #ubuntu... so many other channels out there [22:31] why this one [22:31] i left. [22:32] i just read the logs, hilarious [22:34] 1B people are on lockdown some slight increase in trolling is to be expected [22:35] yeah, but this seems more suspicious... when there are "several people" with very similar topics throughout the day... very high coincidence or something fishy goin' on [22:42] "support is now closed due to targeted trollings from bored stuck-at-home individuals with no lives" === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [23:03] 2 notifications for the same song thank you spotify [23:04] daftykins: how can I get help with my Mint install? [23:07] o0 [23:07] But it is based on Ubuntu [23:09] jeremy31, install first these ppa's [23:09] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SJKdztDDXg/ [23:10] I guess I am on both sides as I am a forums moderator in Mint and ubuntuforums [23:10] then on hexchat > window > systemsettings [23:10] oh [23:10] you are one of the 2 developers? [23:11] I am just a forum moderator [23:13] There might be 6 devs. [23:24] How is everyone doing today? [23:25] Still alive [23:25] Good to hear that Jeremy. [23:26] jeremy31: i figured you were just joking / copying the style of query from someone in #u ? [23:27] daftykins: I see quite a few post on ubuntuforums from Mint/EOS and other distros [23:27] unsurprising - i'm not really getting why you highlighted me with that, though [23:28] daftykins: that was the joke part [23:29] ruffling feathers [23:29] not the intent [23:30] heh, nah i didn't take it that way - but i used to see all this directly when i still gave support [23:30] these days i see how much of a waste of time it is when the majority of the cretins are working against you [23:31] A lot don't even want to give enough info to even start with [23:31] *nod*