
pragmaticenigmagenii, can you please help again with Alligator?00:00
Flannelpragmaticenigma: He's being watched.00:00
Flannelpragmaticenigma: assuming you're talking about #ubuntu00:01
pragmaticenigmayes Flannel ... sorry I didn't recognize you as an op :-)00:01
Flannelpragmaticenigma: no worries00:01
pragmaticenigmatake care00:02
pragmaticenigmaFlannel, genii ... either of you still here? Alligator is back at it01:55
ezri@comment 79827 back on the OT rambling after being told repeatedly to stop yesterday, 1d04:59
ubottuComment added. 79827 will be removed after 1 day.04:59
ezrijust got told he was talked to (again) while i was offline, so05:04
ezri@duration 79827 7d05:04
ubottu79827 will be removed after 1 week.05:04
=== ezri is now known as dax

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