
AlligatorJoeFlannel..okay...well i hope i am not advocating anything...i dislike choosing sides on any issuel.00:02
AlligatorJoeFlannel it is much better to straddle the fence rather than to come down on one side or the other00:03
FlannelAlligatorJoe: No worries.  And yeah, I may have misread your last.  But again, you're more than welcome to provide technical support here.  We just like to keep the chatter down so it's easier for people to get technical support.  That's why we provide other places for chat and conversations.00:04
KatronixHi all, can someone tell me what log file I'd look in to see if PHP is sending email via mail() ?00:11
pavlostheborger: looking at this page, https://wiki.debian.org/msmtp there are some differences with your config file00:11
pragmaticenigmaKatronix, I don't think there is a log entry made for that... you might want to ask in ##php00:13
oerheksdid you set/enable in your php.ini; /var/log/phpMail.log ?00:14
Katronixpragmaticenigma I did, they advised checking email logs. Just not sure which one to check00:14
oerheksthat is where you find the real name, if any00:14
Katronixoerheks didn't know that was an option00:14
oerheksit needs some steps too, chown the mail-user /var/log/phpMail.log00:15
oerhekselse it won be written, ofcourse00:15
Katronixoerheks who did you say had to own phpMail.log?00:27
Katronixoh there it is, ty00:29
oerhekshave fun!00:29
Katronixnot sure which owner to put it under.. same as Exim? or dovecot?00:30
AlligatorJoeok i am calling it a day....doesn't sound like there are too many serious problems although there are still quite a few in regards to gaming and database centers...see you later maybe...bye all00:44
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phibonacciHello. I am trying to install Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu 18.04 to work with Cuda 10.0 but I cannot make it work.01:15
phibonacciI created a question here https://askubuntu.com/q/1219399/257686 Can you help me please?01:16
Ubiquity4321Good evening01:23
Ubiquity4321I'm having trouble logging into my desktop through the default login screen01:24
Ubiquity4321Ubuntu studio LTS01:24
Ubiquity4321I have a separate /home partition, and I ran into an issue where I had to resize my / partition01:24
EickmeyerUbiquity4321: Just to clarify, 20.04 or 18.04?01:25
pragmaticenigmaphibonacci, given the nature of your issue, I would recommend sticking to the thread you hvae on askubuntu. The community will benefit better if both your issue and solution can be found in the same place.01:26
EickmeyerUbiquity4321: Thanks. Not that I can help right now, just wanted to get that clarified for those that can.01:26
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-backports | Ubiquity4321 Also, don't forget this01:26
ubottuUbiquity4321 Also, don't forget this: The Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is required for users of Ubuntu Studio to receive LTS support for Ubuntu Studio 18.04, and for #ubuntustudio to support users of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and its flavors using !jack. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA, !ubuntustudio-controls, and !ubuntustudio-installer01:26
phibonaccipragmaticenigma: I will update my question wherever the solution comes from01:34
phibonacciI just tried the .run from nvidia website without the DKMS but it did not change anything01:35
AlligatorJoewow. i am really surprised there is only 54 people in ubuntu-mate....i thought there would be a lot more people with crap video cards that could use a decent desktop without requiring heavy handed graphics processing power.01:41
AlligatorJoeconsidering this channel lists 1,203 ubuntu users01:42
barabaAny recommendations/guides for a well supported graphics card?01:44
AlligatorJoebaraba..it is hard to say as there is still ongoing work with many video drivers like vulcan and opengl and directx and the xvideo driver....so hardware manufacturers are scrambling to keep up with the ever changing specs for a deccent graphics card...so it is difficult to recommend any particular one01:45
Ubiquity4321AMD recently put out a press release stating they want to make better linux drivers01:46
barabaI'm not going for bleeding edge. Just a decent GPU, proven on Ubuntu01:47
lestacAlligatorJoe what do you mean with decent desktop ?01:49
AlligatorJoebaraba well i can only talk about the old days....i found that ati would run some programs and not others and the same thing was true for nvidia but they would differ on which programs the cards would run...and now intel can run a few...so they have to be considered  too....but with the changing specs to accomodate future applications for the newer drivers...it is difficult to pin down which card you should use..01:49
AlligatorJoebaraba i recommend you talking by phone to the various hardware manufacturers that can see what apps you are interested in and let you know if they have a card or chip that will accomodate them01:51
krytarik...That sounds rather unlikely to work out.01:52
AlligatorJoewell i can't think of any better way than to get the advice from the specific graphics gpu hardware specialist about what apps their various cards have been able to run....since they are not all the same01:54
pragmaticenigmaAlligatorJoe, Please again, stop01:54
AlligatorJoepragmatic....well okay but i am just trying to state "Caveat Emptor" and the need to make careful decisions with regard to applications desired and which hardware can accomodate them.01:56
fairuzGood day people01:56
fairuzon Ubuntu 16.04, I got this error "E: Method https has died unexpectedly!" when doing an "apt-get update"01:57
fairuzI wonder what can I do to fix this01:57
pragmaticenigmaAlligatorJoe, This is a support channel, topics are limtied and should only pertain to receiving and offering specific help to the issue at hand. Discussion about personal feelings or history of linux is not allowed here and you have been asked several times to discontinue it. Stick to the support only, and leave your personally feelings and musings for #ubuntu-offtopic01:57
KatronixHi all, can someone look at https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mP3RZJpJw3/ not sure why I'm getting this error, can't find the character that awk says I have in the file.01:58
AlligatorJoepragmatic...okay but baraba had a question about what graphics card he should invest in01:59
barabafairuz, maybe paste your sources list02:15
barabathx, AlligatorJoe, basically I'm just looking for a screen tear less experience, and I want them all apps to work LOL, is that too much to ask02:16
fairuzbaraba https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Qn437c9dQF/02:20
rfmKatronix, those quotes (around cwd= and the awk code) are in fact high bit characters.  Did you copy/paste this in from some word processor doc?02:22
Katronixno I copied it from a website02:23
Moogus_ShowHullo. I used pv02:23
Katronixshould I just replace them with ' ?02:23
barabamaybe normal quotes02:23
barabafairuz, any in the sources.list.d dir?02:24
fairuzbaraba yes, there are quite a number02:25
krytarikbaraba: To be fair though, what you've told us so far, is about the most unspecific description of what you really want to use your system for.  Based on that, even a built-in Intel graphics should be sufficient.02:25
Katronixthanks rfm02:26
barabamy PC restarts randomly on linux when I use integrated graphics :( krytarik, it's a relatively new board02:27
Moogus_ShowHullo. I was screwing around, making a thumb drive, and I used "pv XP32bit.iso > /dev/sdb" when I really meant "/dev/sdc" soooo, I lost about 800MB at the beginning of my external hard drive and torched the file system. Can anyone suggest a way to recover whatever's left of my data?02:27
krytarikbaraba: Well, not mine by a long shot.02:28
barabafairuz, maybe run the update with some debug logging02:30
guivercMoogus_Show, I assume you stopped using drive as already suggested, but easiest fix is just restore backups.. you likely wiped your partition table so recovery isn't quick/easy; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery maybe helpful02:30
KatronixI guess its a good thing that that command didn't return anything02:32
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fairuzbaraba how to do that if I maya sk02:34
fairuz*may ask02:34
Moogus_Showguiverc, I'm learning as I go. I've been running foremost for, like, eternity and I'm not even sure if I'm doing it right. I know at this point I'm looking at forensic-type stuff02:34
barabafairuz, https://askubuntu.com/questions/347830/how-can-i-get-a-verbose-apt-get-exit-code02:37
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RoeyViCi: PornFish was a great nick04:03
iresfhello everyone  i have installed ubuntu 18.04 on my vps also i have installed nginx and i want to open port 80 but when i check the ip address and port 80 on some test open port they says the port is close ?04:33
illuminatediresf: is nginx running?04:35
AlligatorJoeires..isn't nginx just YAWS or yet another web server....04:35
AlligatorJoeires you may need to start it with systemd if you are using systemd04:36
iresfilluminated yes04:36
illuminatediresf what does "sudo ufw status" say?04:36
iresfAlligatorJoe  i did it04:37
iresfilluminated nginx full and nginx http , https. , 80/tcp04:37
illuminatediresf does it say allow or deny on 80/tcp04:38
iresfi can not also ping to my vps04:39
illuminatedwhat does systemctl status nginx say?04:39
AlligatorJoeirest ok..well the thing is what do you want a web server for? the dot-com bust destroyed all the code usefulness of years ago...now everyone just puts their website with godaddy or someone they like since everything has been consolidated and it is usually much cheaper than trying to host your own web server.04:39
sebasspf89@iresf can the firewall be the problem?04:40
AlligatorJoeirest...many years ago i built an auction server to compete with ebay.....but it became cost probitive to try to host it on the web so everything just got consolidated into ebays site04:41
iresfsebasspf89 no i think04:43
AlligatorJoeit was basically a LAMP system with a database server and some extra code to accomodate large client numbers but no one messes with that old code from many years ago...the dotcom bust put an end to all of that04:43
illuminatedmaybe do a "systemctl ufw stop" or something04:43
illuminatedstop the firewall04:43
iresfilluminated it says  nginx is active.04:43
illuminatedsee if it's still having issues04:43
illuminatedyeah, but stop the firewall04:43
illuminatedmake sure that isn't blocking something04:43
iresfilluminated  i did , it didnt work.04:46
illuminatedmaybe you have to do something in the provider's control panel to open up ports to your ip04:48
illuminatedI believe in AWS you have to do that.. so maybe also in whatever you got goin on04:48
illuminatedif you've disabled the firewall and still can't access a web server you know to be active, then, idk04:49
illuminatedwhen you do a "netstat -tulpn" do you see anything listening on port 80/443?04:50
iresfyes i see04:51
illuminatediresf then sorry man.. idk.  you've verified the server is running and listening, and you've disabled the firewall on the system.. sounds more and more like a provider thing, like they're blocking ports before traffic even hits your box..04:55
Nyle*** System restart required ***04:55
iresfyes you are right04:55
NyleI found this message on my VPS after logging in today.04:56
NyleHow can I find out specifically what is requiring the restart?04:56
iresfthank you illuminated04:56
NyleI use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on my VPS04:56
illuminatediresf ya man, sorry couldn't get you going..04:56
AlligatorJoeirest it could be part of the dotcom bust where the isp's began consolidating the web business all to themselves....and they can block traffic to your listening ports...so that it becomes cheaper and really so to just use their web hosting services.04:57
NyleFailed to connect to https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts. Check your Internet connection or proxy settings (but I can wget it, so I dunno why it says this)05:06
tripelbNew installation of 18.04 partition and I started up the computer and looked away and it's into mem test. How did this happen?06:07
tripelbI'm going to let it run all night anyway06:08
tripelbI installed a DE (or so I thought) of Pantheon/elementary on an Ubuntu computer and now it only sees elementary -- which doesn't work. I could drop to shell and remove this offensive stuff if I only knew how. It balks on caja- follows by 2 chars. It still looks like the previous mate except for color but the splash screen says elementary and Debian06:12
tripelb.  The gnome screen says elementary in front of each instance of Ubuntu which I believe are on different partitions. Quelle mess.06:12
tripelbThat is an HP-Probook and I cannot get throught the protections of Windows to book off a USB. (I had done it in the past but I forgot how. It was a particular boot s rwwn thing every time. O get to the boot screen but.. I am not doing whatever worked. The last time I tried that computer it would not see the Ethernet - thobit worked yesterday and wo06:17
tripelbrks on the Pentium doing the memteat. On Ssung M461B5773CHS-CH9 chips (ram)06:17
tripelbEven if no one answers it was good for me to express the two computers and their very unexpected problems06:17
tripelbI've got some other RAM here but I don't know what I did with it. So morning will come.06:18
tripelbScreenshot of my issues06:20
ubonei have a systemd timer that doesn't work; the service works; the script it executes works; https://bpaste.net/raw/IROQ06:31
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drupolHello all, I'm using Kubuntu 18.04 and I can't see apps installed with Snap in the KDE menus.08:55
drupolIs there a workaround ?08:55
Bomber4ChatsHaving trouble getting my headphone's in-built mic to be detected by linux mate on my asus laptop. Details:09:01
Bomber4Chatsinux version 4.15.0-92-generic.   driver=snd_hda_intel    No errors in journalctl -f  when connecting disconnecting device09:03
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Bomber4ChatsHaving trouble getting my headphone's in-built mic to be detected by linux mate on my asus laptop. Details:   Linux version 4.15.0-92-generic.   driver=snd_hda_intel    No errors in journalctl -f  when connecting disconnecting device.      alsamixer says "This sound device does not have any capture controls."10:06
cixxi want to split terminal window to use 4 or 6 terminals on one screen10:39
cixxi know there is tmux but copy&paste between X windows and tmux is really terrible10:39
cixxis there an app to interact between gui and terminal easily and split terminals?10:40
Tylertwo_I'm trying to disable unattended-upgrades. When I run the command "sudo apt-get remove unattended-upgrades" it tells me the resource is temporarily unavailable and doesn't work. Any ideas?10:48
lestacgood day11:02
p0aHello I am trying to uninstall virtualbox and I cant do it11:11
p0aI get errors from dkms11:11
p0aactually wait, apt-get remove virtualbox-dkms worked11:13
p0aI was doing `remove virtualbox' previously11:13
p0ayay! we dit it11:13
pragmaticenigma!cookie | p0a11:14
ubottup0a: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!11:14
DalekSec`apt purge virtualbox*` just to be sure. :>11:14
eeosp0a: I urge you use apt purge ....11:14
eeosp0a: not apt remove ....11:14
eeosp0a: apt remove would leave you with all configuration files laying around.11:15
p0aeeos: and then what would I do instead? btw configuration files are okay11:15
p0aas far as I understand it the configuration files are useful in case I decide to reinstall11:16
pragmaticenigmap0a: you are exactly correct11:16
eeosp0a: apt purge virtualbox*11:16
eeosp0a: of course, but if you decide to reinstall a later version that is not backward compatible, they may give you some issues11:17
pragmaticenigmap0a: If you intend to reinstall later, and there was nothing wrong with your configuration, then there is no reason to use purge. However, if you believe it will be some amount of time before you reinstall, you might want to consider purge, as it will avoid unexpected behaviors later when you do decide to reinstall11:17
eeosp0a: (configuration files and virtual disks / images are not the same of course .... just to clarify)11:17
p0agot it, thank you11:17
eeosp0a: exactly what pragmaticenigma said!11:17
BluesKajHowdy folks11:36
z4kst4rWhen I try to install a package on a pc with no internet access I end up with the message for unmet dependencies and a failed install. Is there a way to check unmet dependencies without installing the package?11:39
lestacanyone knows how to get a color profile for my screen? It's a S19E31011:39
lestacWell, nvm11:40
pragmaticenigmalestac: Were you able to figure it out on your own?11:48
lestacgnome it's not available for 18.04 LTS?12:08
pragmaticenigmalestac: what are you asking?12:09
Moogus_ShowIt's going to take 401h36m15 to run PhotoRec on my external hard drive12:13
pragmaticenigmalestac: Can you please provide more detail about what you're asking? Your question doesn't appear complete12:18
pragmaticenigmaMoogus_Show: If you were writing data to the wrong disk... the data is gone.. there is no way to recover data once it has been overwritten12:20
pragmaticenigma*the original data is gone12:21
Moogus_Showpragmaticenigma: I wrote about 750MB of data to the beginning of a 1.5TB drive containing about 250GB of data. Won't the rest of my stuff be there after the section that was overwritten?12:26
pragmaticenigmaMoogus_Show: It's possible the data will still be there... however the recovery tools out there are doing a byte-by-byte scan. If it was me, I'd take it as a learning moment to back up your data, and consider the data gone.12:35
Moogus_Showpragmaticenigma: The drive I mistakenly wrote to was my back up your data. I'm just going to have to suck it up and run my machine for 17 days and see what I get back.12:38
p0aIt's kind of impressive to write 750GB of data mistakenly12:42
p0aoh, you only wrote 750MB ? yeah your data is still there12:43
Moogus_ShowI'm smart so I used pv as root and selected the wrong drive letter. Oops.12:43
p0aMoogus_Show: have you restarted the computer?12:44
p0a(if not, do not restart it)12:44
Moogus_Showp0a: yes, unfortunately, I restarted12:45
p0aMoogus_Show: first thing to do is clone your hard drive12:45
Moogus_Showp0a: Any ideas on just getting my photos out, besides running PhotoRec for 17 days?12:45
p0aany future attempts to fix your data should be doned in the cloned version12:46
p0aMoogus_Show: take a look at https://askubuntu.com/a/98264912:46
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pragmaticenigmaMoogus_Show: As I mentioned before, these tools are doing a byte-by-byte scan of the entire drive. It is going to take a long time to scan a large drive like that12:51
Moogus_Showp0a: understood. thank you for the link! I previously used Testdisk to try and recover the partition table and file system from the end of the disk. It appears it may have worked, but I am afraid to stop running PhotoRec for a couple of reasons. I can see my old disk/partition on my desktop with it's correct label, looking as if I can just right-click and mount it.12:52
Moogus_Showpragmaticenigma: 16.66 days, in fact!12:53
Moogus_ShowAs we speak I'm down to 399h36min54 --open to other ideas12:53
pragmaticenigmaMoogus_Show: it's possible that the drive information is cached and that's why it looks like that. chances are, you might recover some files... certainly not the files that were at the beginning of the drive. There are no other methods for data recovery. It's a painstaking process12:54
Moogus_ShowI'm going to need a pallet of popcorn.12:54
pragmaticenigmaMoogus_Show: The only other method would be to ship the drive to a data recovery company12:54
p0aor to copy it to a fast computer with an SSD hard drive12:54
pragmaticenigmap0a: that doesn't work12:55
p0aOh, why not? IT would make the tool run faster12:55
pragmaticenigmap0a: in fact p0a that would obliterate the data completely12:55
p0aI don't understand why12:55
pragmaticenigmap0a: Data recovery can only be done from the original device. Without an active file allocation table... the resulting image would just be random noise on the destination media.12:56
Moogus_ShowYes, my computer is ancient. It's a hand-me-down from c2006. That's what I love about linux.12:56
Chrys3557Hey there, trying to Dual Boot install a Linux distro onto my work laptop. Ubuntu's installer tries to install to the USB stick rather than the disk. fdisk -l doesn't contain the SATA disk in it at all. I assume this is related to Windows disk encryption.12:56
p0apragmaticenigma: you can clone the device, right?12:57
Moogus_ShowTheoretically, I would have to clone the ENTIRE 1.5TB device, right? Is there any way to just work with the section that actually has data on it?12:58
pragmaticenigmap0a: To put it simply, with data recovery, you must use the original device. Cloning tools will attempt to interpret the data blocks, which may put them out of order12:58
pragmaticenigmaMoogus_Show: Just please stop... I'm really getting tired of repeating myself12:58
Moogus_ShowCopy that12:59
pragmaticenigmaChrys3557: First question, do you have the blessing of your employer to be installing a second OS on your machine?12:59
Chrys3557pragmaticenigma Not only do I have the blessing, I have been told to.12:59
pragmaticenigmaChrys3557: Then why isn't their IT department helping you?12:59
Chrys3557pragmaticenigma It's a 7 person company. There is no IT department.13:00
TJ-Chrys3557: "sudo lsblk" to locate (names of) devices13:00
TJ-Chrys3557: what Ubuntu release are you trying to install?13:01
Chrys3557TJ- let me boot back into Ubuntu via the USB.13:02
pragmaticenigmaChrys3557: It might be that the machine is configured for UEFI and you are using the wrong installer13:02
Chrys3557TJ- Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS13:02
Chrys3557TJ- "sudo lsblk" only comes up with the USB stick13:03
p0aChrys3557: try `hwinfo' ?13:06
p0asomething like `hwinfo --disk'13:07
Chrys3557p0a: hwinfo not found, can't seem to install it with apt install either13:07
ioriaChrys3557, parted -l should see the disk also if encrypted with bitlocker, so might be a sata mode issue (from RAID  to AHCI mode)13:07
Chrys3557ioria: parted -l only brings up the USB13:09
p0apragmaticenigma: thanks, that is something I didn't know (or expect). Surprising to me that you can't clone a hard drive byte for byte13:09
TJ-Chrys3557: does the liveISO have network access?13:09
ioriaChrys3557, check in bios the SATA mode selected13:09
p0aChrys3557: https://www.top-password.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/sata-mode3.jpg13:10
TJ-Chrys3557: if so "sudo apt install pastebinit; pastebinit <( dmesg )"13:10
p0ait should be mentioned that it says online that if you change the modes, you will get a `blue screen of death' in next Windows boot13:11
p0aso maybe don't do that yet13:11
Chrys3557ioria: Intel RST Premium with Intel Optane System Acceleration; AHCI is the other choice.13:11
ioriaChrys3557, what machine is that ?13:12
Chrys3557ioria: Asus VivoBook S1513:12
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ioriaChrys3557, not sure  you can install ubuntu on that device13:13
Chrys3557ioria: is there another distro that I could install or am I going to have to virtual box this?13:14
ioriaChrys3557, i was referring to dual boot situatio (you might try to disable optane in windows)13:15
pragmaticenigmaioria: Chrys3557: probably need to disable fast startup in windows too?13:15
ioriaChrys3557, go with VM (if you ask me)13:16
Chrys3557pragmaticenigma: Fast Boot is already disabled13:16
Chrys3557in BIOS anyway.13:16
ioriaChrys3557, but it would be silly to disable such a feature13:17
Chrys3557ioria: Didn't change it, was already like that from the box apparently.13:19
pragmaticenigmaChrys3557: Fast Boot != Fast Startup13:19
Chrys3557pragmaticenigma, alright, going to go disable it and see if it works better after.13:21
ioriaChrys3557, someone did it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uXgbF3P2F813:22
Chrys3557ioria, thanks I'll have a look.13:25
Aryanhow could this be fixed ?13:33
BluesKajAryan, remove the ppas from from your /etc/apt/sources.list.d file ... you're on dangerous ground with wrong release ppas as well13:37
pragmaticenigmaAryan: remove the PPA? This channel focuses it's support on the software packages available through the official Ubuntu software repositories. PPAs are supported through their maintainers listed on their launchpad pages.13:37
Aryanpragmaticenigma: aha thanks13:38
pragmaticenigmaAryan: Also, do not mix release repos, you have Ubuntu 18.04 LTS installed, and included a repo for Ubuntu 19.10 which will cause a lot of issues.13:38
Aryanpragmaticenigma: no i have 19.10 now, i upgraded bro13:39
pragmaticenigmaAryan: either way... you have a mix of bionic and eoan in your sources... setting yourself up for some stability issues with your system13:39
Aryanpragmaticenigma: should i wipe the 18.04 repositories ??13:39
pragmaticenigmaAryan: With that configuration, I don't know what the fall out would be... back up your system first before you remove them, but yes, I would suggest it is a good idea to remove the bionic references13:40
Aryanpragmaticenigma: no worry, i'll wipe it now13:41
Aryanpragmaticenigma: is there any option to tell apt to not resist to my PPA's ?13:45
pragmaticenigmaI don't understand the question Aryan13:46
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BluesKajthink referenceing this Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default13:52
HamiltonWould the bug related to alt+shift breaking other shortcuts be fixed in the upcoming release?13:52
HamiltonI mean alt+shift to change keyboard layout13:53
pragmaticenigmaHamilton: questions regarding yet to be released Ubuntu releases should be discussed in #ubuntu+1 ... If there is a bug in your current installation of 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS, or 19.10, you should file a bug report. If the devs don't have a bug report, they won't know what's wrong14:03
Hamiltonpragmaticenigma, ok I ask there (there is a bug report)14:04
malwar3hun73ri am using grep to look for strings across a raw device and printing the offset, once i find locations of interest how can i read from that location?14:04
pragmaticenigmamalwar3hun73r: Please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, ##linux, #bash ... channel here is for Ubuntu support with the OS or applications not working.14:06
davrosbefore i google, anyone know off hand what the max ubuntu version is that could run on a Core2-QUad ? (I have a spare old computer i'd like to get up and running Folding@home..)14:13
davrosi think it's currently got version 12 on it14:14
davros12.04 , its a long time since i fired it up14:14
pragmaticenigmadavros: is it 32bit or 64bit?14:16
pragmaticenigmathe computer, not the install of ubuntu14:16
davroslet me check 1min14:16
davrosi see claims its "32 or 64bit" , i kind of assumed it was 64bit14:17
davrosyeah its 64bit capable14:17
davrosi know that SSE instruction set versions have moved on a hell of a lot since then14:18
davrosbut it does have 64it support14:18
pragmaticenigmadavros: yikes, that's going to be an expensive power bill. I would suggest Lubuntu 18.04 LTS if you're just running F@H ... Lubuntu is a lighterweight DE that should allow more system resources work towards your project14:19
davrospragmaticenigma, yeah you have a point about old hardware with power useage14:19
davrosi'm aware newer processors do the same work for less energy14:19
davrosits a 65nm cpu14:19
davrosstill i was thinking that for folding, its mostly a GPU workload14:20
davrosi've got a GTX1080 that i could deploy in the COVID fight, lol14:20
WoC`F@H has a cuda client, right ?14:20
davrosyes yes yes14:20
pragmaticenigmaWoC`: Please stay on topic14:21
WoC`so u should be good14:21
davrospragmaticenigma, yes i was thinking of 18.xxx - i'm using xubuntu18.04 on my main machine right now14:21
WoC`just supporting his intent of mainly gpu workload14:21
davrosi think i have some hoops to jump through like installing a version on a HD on another machine, because this old machine isn't letting me boot off a USB at the moment (the very same USB that i've used to install a core i7 i860 recently)14:22
davrosi realise there might be bios issues there or this machine might just be partially broken. it's booting up into 12.04 though14:23
pragmaticenigmaYou might be able to make use of Plop to help get the USB to boot14:23
AryanDoes ubuntu have nmcli utility??14:24
pragmaticenigmaAryan: nmcli is part of the "network-manager" package14:26
Nyledavros: is there an OS on that machine already?14:28
davrosMyle yes its booting an ubuntu 12.04 install it seems14:29
NyleSo why don't you boot the new Ubuntu install or load the ISO from grub which is already there14:30
NyleYou don't need to mess around with USB or anything.14:30
davrosyeah there's a GRUB menu that appears at the start,14:30
NyleI'm guessing ubuntu that old should have grub legaqcy instead of grub2 but either way, just get the ubutu iso you want, load the linux ramdisk and kernel image14:30
davrosit can read the USB stick once its booted14:30
davrosit invites me to open the media with the package manager, it detects that the usb stick has packages on it..14:31
NylePlot is just another boot loader which has usb drivers built into it, so it doesn't need bios to support USB, once plop is loaded, it can load USB or CD, but how do you load plot then? Catch2214:31
davroslet me see my options14:31
davrosthere's the "give up and order a ryzen machine to plug the spare GPU in" option, there's the "install it on a HD on another machne and transfer the HD across", or <what i'm reading above>14:32
Nyledavros: For example14:33
Nyledavros: This is my grub2 custom config which loads KDE Neon ISO14:33
davrosok interesting. i mean i've seen grub menus manage dual booting and so on14:34
NyleYou can do this with any ISO in grub214:34
NyleDownload Ubuntu ISO, put in some hard drive. Get the UUID of the hard drive. Then just change the file location and UUID on my config and try that in grub214:34
pragmaticenigmadavros: I wouldn't recommend trying all this... if your intent is to get rid of 12.04... start fresh, use PLOP if you want to install from USB. Or burn a mini.iso if you don't want to waste DVD14:35
NyleDont' blindly copy paste, try to understand. you set root, loopback the iso, load linux kernel and initrd ramdisk images14:35
pragmaticenigmaNyle: This all seems highly unnecessary and possibly a way to lead to a highly unstable system.14:35
NyleI would highly recommend learning this. I think you're smart enough to dot his.14:35
NyleI don't doubt you, man.14:35
NyleLet others doubt you and not recommend something slightly more difficult or involved.14:36
NyleI think you got this.14:36
davrosNyle, thanks , i mean i'm a coder, i've written driving game engines, but i can still fuck up installing things14:36
pragmaticenigmadavros: please refrain from cussing... this channel is meant to be kept family friendly14:36
davrossorry hah14:36
davrosi'll just try my lo-tech idea - installing something on a machine that works and moving the HD across14:37
NyleTry stuff. Talk less.14:37
NyleA little less talking and little more action please!14:37
NyleThen you get some satisfaction, please! ha. have fun14:38
pragmaticenigmaNyle: To find out what packages are requesting a reboot: cat /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs14:43
Nylepragmaticenigma: aha. Thanks. Too late now, as I already rebooted the VPS14:44
NyleI appreciate you taking the time to scroll up and look and answer. Cheers14:44
NyleStay safe in the virus times!14:44
jtreminioCan anyone tell me if using zfs on Ubuntu encrypts the disk?14:45
Nylejtreminio: You mean by default or does it have the capability?14:46
NyleI'm sure ZFS does not automatically encrypt any volumes unless specifically made to do so14:46
jtreminioNyle LVM has checkbox option on installer, I don't see anything similar for zfs14:46
AryanHow can i change server of mirrors in ubuntu CLI??14:46
NyleAryan: you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list14:47
NyleAryan: you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*14:47
AryanNyle: in gui it has main server or US servers.14:48
AryanHow can i change to us server in source.list?14:48
NyleAryan: You can use the following format http://<country-code>.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/14:49
NyleOR you can use http://<country-code>.releases.ubuntu.com/ for releases14:50
NyleYou can broser the web using elinks or lynx or links in cli14:50
Nylehttps://linuxconfig.org/how-to-select-the-fastest-apt-mirror-on-ubuntu-linux here's an interesting article14:52
BluesKajAryan, or you could change the sources in your package manager gui app which wil auto change your sources list to the country you choose in tha package manager14:53
greatgatsbyjust reading the ubuntu server download page, and it states: "Application container technology based on Docker and Kubernetes..."  What exactly are they talking about here?  Is there some easy-mode for k8s on Ubuntu?14:54
NyleI don't even touch things that have a goofy name.14:55
ecovi'm assuming its just saying docker is included?14:55
greatgatsbybased on Docker _and_ kubernetes?   That makes it sound like it's something included/installable.  Of course, anyone can install k8s on pretty much any Linux distro.14:56
NyleWhere does it say that?14:57
pragmaticenigmagreatgatsby: Those are images specific to being installed into a Docker/Kubernetes... they are not hosts14:57
greatgatsbythe second bullet there really makes it sound like there's some "Application container tech" on ubuntu server14:58
greatgatsbyjust looking for more details14:58
NyleYeah, no.14:58
NyleYou're misunderstanding. It has the capability, but you'd need to install packages on server and configure it.14:58
greatgatsbyhahaha, ok, didn't think so, was curious about the wording14:58
NyleIt's not something pre installed or preconfigured14:58
greatgatsbyhere's a box full of wood, nails, and glue.  This box includes wood-clock capabilities.14:58
greatgatsbyok - thanks, appreciate the replies15:00
NyleBeen using Ubuntu for a while now. Was on Debian for 18 years or something.15:00
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davros<ok i'm churning away getting a fresh install of ubuntu 18.04 on another HD>15:28
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kostkonMrhubris, hi15:40
Mrhubrisis this a place to ask questions?15:40
lotuspsychjeMrhubris: if its ubuntu related, sure shoot15:40
Mrhubrisi'm experiencing an issue on a new box i've setup. I installed ubuntu 19.10. rebooted. updated. rebooted again15:41
Mrhubrisnow i can't login anymore15:41
Mrhubrisusername is filled in and when i type my password it just gives me the login screen again15:41
lordcirth_Mrhubris, press ctrl-alt-F2 to switch to a tty, and try to login there. What happens?15:42
Mrhubrisi tested with a wrong password and then i get a notification that my password is wrong (so i know i'm using a correct password)15:42
Mrhubrisah gimmie a sec15:42
lordcirth_Probably the desktop is crashing15:42
Mrhubriscould be but i don't understand why. It's a fresh install (apart from the updates)15:43
Mrhubrisvia tty it's working so it seems15:44
ioria Mrhubris restart  gdm :  sudo systemctl restart gdm315:46
Mrhubristhat worked. Thanks!15:47
Mrhubrisbut what i found weird is that it persisted after reboots15:48
ioria Mrhubris but ...15:48
Mrhubrisshouldn't that also restart gdm?15:48
ioria Mrhubris logout / in15:49
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Mrhubrisioria, logout doesn't seem to work ...15:50
ioria Mrhubris you can't logout or you can't login again ?15:51
Mrhubrisi can't logout15:52
ioria Mrhubris what's your vidoe card ? nvidia ?15:52
ioria Mrhubris  lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 999915:53
Mrhubrislol, it just logged out :-)15:53
Mrhubrisand now login in is not doing what it should15:54
Mrhubrisi'm staring at black screen right now :-)15:54
ioria Mrhubris   sounds a buggy install or a video driver/nvidia issue15:54
Mrhubrisweird because everything was working this morning (also 19.10) before i did a clean install15:55
Mrhubrisgoing to try a new install15:57
Mrhubrissee what happens15:57
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dh01having a bad time with my 9th gen intel build even with 20.04. really unstable. knew i shouldn't have done a build with the latest gen hardware but i couldn't resist.16:19
dh01this was the main bug that took me awhile to resolve: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/186286516:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1861395 in linux (Ubuntu Focal) "duplicate for #1862865 system hang: i915 Resetting rcs0 for hang on rcs0" [Undecided,Fix released]16:21
dh01but i still have random freezes when trying to upgrade my memory from 16GB -> 32GB16:21
oerheks5.4.0-17 (from the Kernel Team's Unstable PPA) and 5.4.0-18 (from -proposed) seems to fixes it...16:24
oerheksdh01, but please join #ubuntu+1 for these bugs16:25
oerheksto keep them where dev is hanging out16:25
=== lestac is now known as lestac_afk
bluefox83well, i hope everyone is staying safe at home...16:37
bluesj0tsshould USB external hard drives work on ubuntu out of the box? I've tried with 3 different hdd's in my usb drive bay and none of them turn on when plugged in, or show up on lsblk16:44
johnjayIs the system load indicator supposed to display the system load?16:44
johnjayit seems to just have a static image of blue green and red bars16:45
dh01@bluesj0ts are you running desktop or server?16:45
bluesj0tsdh01, desktop16:46
bluesj0tsI'm not sure if its an issue with ubuntu or my drive enclosure, the light comes on when plugged in just doesnt turn the drive on. Or maybe all the drives are dead16:47
oerheksbluehardware issue, try an other port, blue=usb3 .. try a black one16:47
pavlosjohnjay: the command w will show load (now, 5 min,15 min)16:48
bluesj0tsits a usb 3.0 drive bay but doesnt work for any port16:50
pavlosbluesj0ts: after you plug it in, type dmesg does it show anything at the end?16:51
bluesj0tsyeah sdc read capacity(10) failed16:53
bluesj0tssdc sense key: hardware error [current]16:54
bluesj0tswould that mean a dead drive?16:54
pavlosmight ... do you know how to use gparted?16:54
pavlospop gparted, select the drive at the top right and see if you can format it16:55
bluesj0tsdoesnt show up on the list in the top right16:56
pavloshmmm, drive might be dead16:56
geniiIt's possible the drive is trying to negotiate ( and failing ) with the onboard USB3 controller for adequate juice to run16:56
johnjaypavlos: it says the update interval is 500ms16:56
johnjayalso it doesn't show network traffic which is coded yellow16:57
bluesj0tsI have one more drive to try lol16:57
bluesj0tstime to tear open the macbook and take the drive out lolol16:57
pavlosjohnjay: w gives me, 09:57:54 up 18 days,  2:23,  1 user,  load average: 0.48, 0.53, 0.6116:58
pavlosjohnjay: what colors you refer to?16:58
pavlosjohnjay: seems you're looking at system monitor preferences, update interval is 500ms17:02
bluefox83looking for packages python-support and python-gnome217:02
bluefox83how do i go about getting them? they aren't available in the repo17:02
bluefox83at least not what i can find17:03
pavlosbluefox83: apt show python-gnome217:05
oerheksthere is a transition to python3, what ubuntu are you on?17:05
pavlosbluefox83: apt show python-gnome2, in bionic universe17:05
HamiltonWhere are fonts located?17:06
Hamilton`sudo apt install fonts-inconsolata` where does this command install the font?17:06
johnjaypavlos: it shows blue bar, half green, nothing, full red bar17:07
johnjaybut doesn't change at all even if i initiate a copy or download a large file17:07
johnjaythe actual system resources monitor does show changes17:07
oerheksjohnjay, likely that tool is connected to the wrong interface?17:08
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pavlosjohnjay: at the top of the prefs, you select what to show (processor, memory, network, swap load, harddisk17:09
johnjayit just has config options like $(mem.user) and $(cpu.sys)17:09
johnjaypavlos: yes that has no effect if i change them17:09
johnjayi'm on 18.04 default desktop17:09
johnjayit's blank by the way unless i hover mouse over it. in which case it shows the blue/green/red static image17:10
johnjayi'm not sure how i can get a different load indicator either17:10
pavlosjohnjay: how wide is it, I have 240 pixels which gives me a lot of room to display stuff17:11
johnjayit's this i believe: https://launchpad.net/indicator-multiload17:11
johnjaypavlos: 50 pixels. i changed it to 240 but no effect17:11
bluefox83sorry, i'm on ubuntu 19.1017:12
pavlosI'm booting a VM ...17:13
johnjaypavlos: i restarted it at 100 pixels. I see a thin blue and thin green line now17:13
johnjaypavlos: ah nice. does ubuntu provide premade vm images?17:13
pavlosjohnjay: based on color selection, cpu is blue memory is green etc. You can change all this ... about VM, I just build them with virtualbox17:14
davros(if anyone remembers my inquiry from earlier.. well I finally got ubuntu 18.04 running on the old-spare PC just by installing on an HD from another PC and moving the HD. maybe it would have been possible to install directly on the HD inplace, but i got it done in the end. )17:20
bluefox83seriously starting to consider installing debian and ditching ubuntu...i'm having nothing but trouble with it17:23
bluefox83i'm not ok with ditching apt and .deb for snaps...it's complete nonsense17:24
pavlosbluefox83: you can try LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) ...17:27
bluefox83pavlos: maybe17:27
oerheks ditching apt and .deb for snap  ... fud17:30
oerhekssnaps might replace PPA's, even that is uncertain17:30
Hamiltonwhy this doesn't print anything? echo "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"17:34
ioriabluefox83, what do you need python-gnome2 for ? FAHControl ?17:35
chainzi'm looking for a specific ubuntu package, postgresql-10_10.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1_amd64.deb17:37
chainzgoogle brings up hits but most if not all point to postgresql-10_10.12-0ubuntu0.18.04.1_amd64.deb17:37
chainzcan somepoint point me to postgresql-10_10.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1_amd64.deb ?17:38
rfmHamilton, because you haven't set XDG_CONFIG_HOME.  Ubuntu doesn17:38
Hamiltonbut config files are in ~/.config right?17:38
rfmHamilton, doesnt set it, the default ~/.config17:38
bluefox83ioria: yes, FAHControl trying to help with the coronavirus stuff17:39
oerhekschainnot sure why you need that old package, you are on your own  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/amd64/postgresql-client-10/10.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.117:39
Hamiltonrfm, Can I ask another question? One of the apps uses a bad font for my language. English is ok but the other lang font is imporper17:39
AlericHuh what ditching .deb?17:40
HamiltonI used a rule in ~/.config/fontconfig but still that app has not changed the font for that language17:40
johnjaypavlos: so wait it works fine in the VM?17:40
oerheksHamilton, so change the 'apps'  config?17:40
ioriabluefox83,  that pkg is not essential afaik, you can force dependencies with dpkg cmd : dpkg -i --force-depends17:40
oerheksor completely delete the font, but that would be dramatic17:41
Hamiltonoerheks, Actually it's not just this app. I use this machine bilingually. Firefox 's font also render shitty on non-english17:41
Alericbluefox83: Is ubuntu going to ditch apt and .deb?17:41
HamiltonI just want to set a rule to force every app use another font for a specific language17:41
oerheksAleric,  ditching apt and .deb for snap  ... fud17:42
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt17:42
bluefox83Aleric: i dunno if they're doing it completely, but 20.10 is reportedly using snap for everything, which is going to use a ton of disk space17:42
AlericI never even heard of snap;17:42
bluefox83just what i've read on omgubuntu.com17:43
AlericGot some url about that bluefox83 ?17:43
oerheksbluefox83, false. you have no proof.17:43
HamiltonAleric, I use Snap for VScode, youtube-dl, and telegram17:43
bluefox83give me a minute17:43
AlericThat doesn't sound serious (the 'omg' part)17:43
oerheksomgubuntu is not the spokesman for ubuntu, believe me17:43
lotuspsychje!discuss | bluefox83 Hamilton17:43
ubottubluefox83 Hamilton: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:43
lotuspsychjekeep the room free for ubuntu support questions please17:44
Hamiltonlotuspsychje, I stated my problem17:44
CarlFKhow do I find what id is sda and sdb?  id like /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-ata-217:44
AlericI compiled kernel 5.5.11 yesterday and it didn't even boot :(. Said it couldn't find root :/17:45
CarlFKor I guess what path.  or how do I go backwards from pci-0000:00:1f.2-ata-2  to sda b c ?17:45
lotuspsychjeAleric: we dont support own compiled kernels here17:45
Alericso don't17:45
AlericWhat's this "we support (not)" here anyway? Is anyone here paid to help people?17:46
bluefox83https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle  <---scroll down to Release components - debs, snaps, images, containers17:46
oerheksCarlFK, lshw -class disk17:47
CarlFKAleric: people donate their time.  read the url's in the topic for more info.17:47
bluefox83it's not saying it's replacing it, but it will be using snaps17:47
AlericYes well, I'm a volunteer too - full time to be precise.  Currently trying to fix a kernel bug.17:47
CarlFKoerheks: thanks17:47
ducasseCarlFK: do 'ls -l /dev/disk/by-path'17:47
oerheksAleric,  you knew compiling your own kernel is not supported here, try the -kernel channel?17:47
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)17:47
AlericNo don't give me support - it's against the IRC channel rules. I'll just have to fix your kernel bug on my own.17:48
oerheksAlstop the rant, thanks17:48
AlericI've been on #ubuntu-kernel 24 hours yesterday - during that time two people spoke one sentence.17:48
oerhekswell excuse us, there is some situation in the world, even in officehours17:49
CarlFKAleric: if you don't follow the rules, you will be asked to leave.17:49
CarlFKducasse: doh, that was easy.  thanks x217:50
bluefox83so, what was that about ubuntu not using snaps?17:54
lotuspsychjebluefox83: do you want to discuss something?17:55
oerheksdo not fush it, you stated dropping apt and deb17:56
bluefox83lotuspsychje: yeah, that's why i scrolled up and found the suggestion for #ubuntu-discuss17:56
lotuspsychjebluefox83: join there, we can chat a bit17:56
lestacCanonical Livepatch has experienced an internal error. Please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Livepatch#CommonIssues for further information.18:00
johnjaywell if anybody needs to know how to solve my issue with indicator-multiload I couldn't.18:00
johnjayBut I managed to get this gnome ext installed which does a similar thing: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/120/system-monitor/18:01
lotuspsychjejohnjay: on 18.04?18:01
johnjaylotuspsychje: yes18:01
lotuspsychjejohnjay: thats a known bug yes, lemme pass you the ID18:01
johnjayapparently you need chrome-gnome-shell AND a browser extension in firefox to install a "gnome extension'18:01
johnjayer "18:01
lotuspsychjejohnjay: bug #171480418:02
ubottubug 1714804 in gnome-shell-extension-appindicator (Ubuntu) "Aardvark Daily: Indicator-Multiload doesn't show full-width" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171480418:02
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johnjaylotuspsychje: ah ok. i tried searching for alternate system monitors in the repos but i couldn't find that one18:05
johnjayi was using load as a keyword so that might have been the reason18:05
* johnjay wonders if there is a tagging system for packages in ubuntu that could be handy18:06
lotuspsychjejohnjay: conky is still a thing, but bit of tuning needed18:07
johnjayah ok18:09
johnjaylotuspsychje: maybe i'm being stupid but i don't see that gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor in gnome-tweaks18:09
johnjayis it the same thing as what I installed? https://github.com/paradoxxxzero/gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet18:09
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lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor | johnjay18:11
ubottujohnjay: gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor (source: gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor): Display system information in GNOME Shell status bar. In component universe, is optional. Version 38-1 (eoan), package size 44 kB, installed size 274 kB18:11
preyaloneokay time to run boinc https://boinc.bakerlab.org/18:13
awalishello everyone :)18:19
awalisI've been trying to launch Android-x86-9.0 on Qemu for two days without success! is anybody here familiar with android-x86 and Qemu ?18:20
lotuspsychjeawalis: i tested that on virtualbox with success18:22
awalislotuspsychje: oh! thant there must be something wrong with my VM options18:23
awalisis it possible to get your guest machine setting from VBox ?18:23
awalislotuspsychje: so i can try to imitate those on Qemu18:24
hanshwhen i run `sudo apt install g++-8` it installs g++-8, but if i run `sudo apt install g++-9` it goes all >>Note, selecting 'clang-9' for regex 'g++-9'18:25
hanshthis might have made some horrifying kind of sense back when g++-9 didn't exist yet, but now..18:26
hanshnow that g++-9 actually does exist, it just makes apt install the wrong goddamn compiler18:27
CarloWoodI solved my problem: out of disk space in /boot  --> no initrd.img  -->  update-grub not using root=UUID=...  -->  can't find root during boot.18:27
TJ-hansh: which ubuntu release is that on?18:27
hanshTJ-, 18.0418:27
hanshspeaking of, how is 20.04 coming along?18:27
lotuspsychjehansh: 20.04 support in #ubuntu+1 please18:29
hanshlotuspsychje, kk (just to be clear, i'm complaining about 18.04 apt's behaviour, not 20.04's)18:29
lotuspsychjehansh: yeah, i got that, just widening your 20.04 options18:30
hanshmm, thanks18:30
skolariihey guys I'm working on a project where I'm supposed to achieve a complete automated install of Ubuntu 18.04 Server. Basically, the machine first needs to PXE boot, then get a kickstart file for the language, local settings etc and then get a preseed file to set up the root password and set up a sudo user. All this needs to happen without the user having to press a single key. Have been struggling with this problem for a while now. Any ideas and help18:31
skolariiwould be highly appreciated18:31
bluefox83i think there's already a netinstaller available for ubuntu O.o18:32
skolarii@bluefox83 do you know what it's called?18:33
pragmaticenigmaskolarii: https://askubuntu.com/a/12250618:33
pragmaticenigmaskolarii: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot18:34
pragmaticenigmaskolarii: note, that community link is from 2014 and highly out of date18:35
HamiltonHow to change the output of fc-match? I've changed my gtk font using Lxappearance18:43
HamiltonIs the output of fc-match some kinda default font?18:44
sarnoldskookum: perhaps also useful to you https://maas.io/ https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/18:45
skolariihey @pragmaticenigma thanks for those resources. I actually checked those out. As you mentioned, the community post is out of date. Also, the askubuntu answer was from 7 years ago. Are you sure that solution works ever since Ubuntu introduced casper in 18.04?18:48
pragmaticenigmaskolarii: I have no idea if those work... you might want to ask in #ubuntu-server as some users in there my have more familiarity with automation of installs18:49
skolariiokay.. thanks for the advice!18:50
pragmaticenigmaskolarii: there is also: https://maas.io/18:50
skolariihey thanks for that.. i'll check it out :D18:52
skolariihey @oerheks i found this image, but however if there were a tutorial that could walk through some of the steps as to how this can be done, it would be really helpful for me18:54
sarnoldskookum: oh sorry, tab misfire -- I meant to send my message to skolarii18:55
oerheksskolarii, i am not that good in preseed, tons of examples on github thoug18:55
bluefox83ok, so my system is icon is showing it has no idea if theres a wifi network, yet it's clearly connected. how would i go about showing a screenshot of that here?18:56
skolariialright @oerheks i'll go through those.. thanks for the help mate18:56
bluefox83holy crap i'm having trouble stringing words together18:56
bluefox83i already took a screenshot, where do i post it so i can share the link here?18:57
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.18:57
bluefox83\ive never used imgur before, do i need to register, or can i just post an image and then get a link and share it?19:01
bluefox83https://imgur.com/a/nUu6WMo  <--no idea if this works19:02
pragmaticenigmabluefox83: If you're connected to the internet, then I wouldn't worry about the icon.19:02
bluefox83i'm more wondering how stable the connection is if the icon keeps showing it like that19:04
davrosis folding@home install for ubuntu on topic around here?19:07
pragmaticenigmadavros: https://foldingforum.org/19:08
davros(gure i'm following some guides i had just wondered if anyone knew offhand the best one.. i'm just going through a process of trial and error. you know how you can be led down a blind alley by half obsolete guides left around online)19:10
pragmaticenigmadavros: Software not supplied in the Ubuntu repositories is not supported here, in any form.19:11
sixwheeledbeastdavros: This is channel is for Ubuntu specific support you could try ##folding or #ubuntu-discuss would be suitable19:13
Bromitewhat format do i need to use for goaccess to read /var/log/auth.log?19:17
bluefox83well...i'm pretty sure someone told me not to worry about the icon that shows me not being connected...it of course broke19:21
Moogus_Showpragmaticenigma: Super glad I didn't take your advice and "learn my lesson" and consider my data lost. PhotoRec is going slow, but recovering tons of files. Thanks, anyway. Next time maybe just stay out of it?19:33
Brknmanso... quick question.... what would cause all of the icons in anything tied in with QT to just... disappear?19:50
oerheksBrknman, we need more info, what ubuntu version??19:52
oerheksbasicly what you start with sharing19:53
Brknman lsb_release -r19:54
oerheksi was hoping on more info, and when you nocite they disappear, and what programms exactly..20:04
oerheksi am off20:04
Brknmanvlc and obs are what is noticable20:04
ioriaBrknman, this is for 18.04 but might give some hints : https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/05/get-qt5-apps-to-use-native-gtk-style-in.html20:05
Brknmanioria: https://imgur.com/a/0lsgSwA20:09
Brknmannot quite the issue at hand20:09
ioriaBrknman, yeah, it's the snap version ?20:10
Brknman ioria: not sure, it was just apt installed I think20:11
ioriaBrknman,  'snap list'20:12
Brknmanno snaps installed20:12
ioriaBrknman,  no snap installed ? weird , by default it install some, but ok; what's the version in use ? apt-cache policy vlc20:14
Brknman  Installed: 3.0.8-220:14
Brknmanioria: thing is, I just installed obs, and it's also having that same issue20:15
Brknmanprobably doesn't help that I am also getting some serious issues with other programs:20:16
Brknman$ ghostwriter20:16
BrknmanCannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50c04) with this library (version 0x50c01)20:16
ioriaBrknman, what kind of installation is that ?20:18
ioriaBrknman, cat /var/log/installer/media-info  or  grep cdrom /etc/apt/sources.list20:20
Brknmanit's pop_os technically20:28
Brknman# deb cdrom:[Pop_OS 17.10 _Artful Aardvark_ - Release amd64 (20180221)]/ artful main restricted20:29
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)20:35
=== Guest80017 is now known as catalase
AlericHow can I save the desk configuration/session (which applications are running and where their windows are) so that after a restart of plasma/kde they appear at the same place again?21:08
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GoopWhat are desktop environments with menu bars in them?21:17
GoopI don't like gnome. It doesn't have a menu bar, like Unity.21:17
GoopDoes KDE/XFCE or other have menu bars?21:18
sixwheeledbeastGoop MATE?21:18
greatgatsbyxfce does21:23
GoopI have to upgrade my computers soon. :(21:25
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Goop20.04 is coming out.21:25
GoopAnd 16.04 is going to be obsolete, here shortly.21:25
geniiThere is also a community port of Unity desktop to later Ubuntu versions21:26
genii..no official support here for it, though21:27
KnightARHello, I am trying to get Xen working on my Ubuntu 19.10 Desktop and I'm getting a black screen. Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?21:29
kostkonGoop, still has 1 year left21:29
kostkonGoop, Ubuntu proper not its derivatives21:30
GoopIs Ubuntu MATE an official Canonical project?21:30
geniiGoop: If you still long for Unity, you can find the metapackage named ubuntu-unity-desktop in the "universe" repository. Alternately there is a dedicated install image for what will become 20.04 64bit at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/test-daily-current-ubuntu-unity-amd64-iso/1685 if you feel adventurous21:31
kostkonGoop, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/Derivatives#Recognised_Ubuntu_Flavors21:31
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sixwheeledbeastGoop Mate is yes21:34
sixwheeledbeastit's a Ubuntu Flavour21:34
Bromitewhat can i do with ubuntu22:10
sarnoldyou could build the whole internet22:12
sarnoldas others have done :)22:12
Bromitesarnold: that's on the todolist for next month ;)22:15
Bromiteby the way, is it normal for VPS's to be several times a minute from IP addresses in china and iran?22:16
Bromitesince when was this a thing?22:16
sarnoldBromite: assuming the missing words are "ssh login probed" or "portscanned", yes22:17
Bromitesarnold: it's crazy, never realized that this happens so frequently22:19
Bromitehow do they find my server in the first place? and what are most of them trying to achieve?22:19
sarnoldBromite: ~15 years ago I read a paper about how long a fresh windows install would lsat on the internet before it was compromised. I've forgotten the punchline to the story but it was like eight minutes or something.22:19
pragmaticenigmaBromite: It takes only a few hours to scan every IP address on the public web22:20
sarnoldthere's others like this, but this was the first one whose name I could recall22:21
Bromitesarnold: does that also apply to ubuntu?22:21
Bromitei've turned off ssh password (using ssh key only), installed fail2ban, turned on ufw22:22
hggdhsarnold: yes, I also remember something like 10 minutes or less22:22
pragmaticenigmait applies to every device attached to the public internet Bromite22:22
Bromiteis there anything else i should do for every ubuntu server i create?22:22
Bromitepragmaticenigma: so quick?22:22
sarnoldBromite: probably not, only two ports are open on most ubuntu installs -- openssh-server and avahi-daemon, maybe cups-daemon? on systems with printers?22:23
Bromitesarnold: so these assholes in china/iran are using tools like zmap to find ip addresses?22:23
sarnoldBromite: perhaps, or they've just nmap random ranges and find machines that respond22:23
pragmaticenigmacups is not publically available by default, and is configured to only respond to localhost by default in ubuntu22:23
Bromiteok so i should be good then?22:24
pragmaticenigmaBromite: Asking for assistance like this is dangerous. You don't know who we are, you don't know what we might be trying to convince you of.22:24
Bromitelol i was looking at the logs of a wordpress server the other day, and saw this ip from china trying to brute force the phpmyadmin login, i think they tried ~2000 different combinations22:25
Bromitepragmaticenigma: i'm just asking opinions22:25
pragmaticenigmaBromite: it is up to you to do your own research, there are plenty of websites that offer advice on ways to harden your installation against attack. Further discussion on the topic really belongs in our #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic as these are not really support questions.22:25
Bromitedaddy chill22:27
awalisHello guys, has anyone used Android-x86 on Qemu before ? I'm trying to do that without success. here's my qemu commande " qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -machine q35 -smp 2 -accel kvm -m 2048 -k en-us -display gtk -vga std -usb -cdrom android-x86_64-9.0-r1-k49.iso"22:38
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brendantcccan ubuntu desktop 18.04 run headless with screen sharing enabled?22:46
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pragmaticenigmabrendantcc: it is possible23:02
veebullIs there a quick/easy way to force a time update when resuming a suspended guest VM (VirtualBox)?23:03
sarnoldveebull: it depends on how your time is synchronized already; the usual mechanisms are ntpd, chrony, and systemd-timesyncd.service23:05
veebullThis is (AFAIK) a bone-stock Ubuntu 18.04 install in a VM.23:06
sarnoldalright, try running timedatectl and see what the response is23:07
veebullJust takes some amount of time before it eventually bumps the time and matches back up to current.23:07
veebullsarnold, what am I looking for with `timedatectl`?23:08
sarnoldan idea if you're using systemd's service or something else23:08
veebullIt says system clock synchronized: yes23:08
veebullsystemd-timesyncd.service active: yes23:08
pragmaticenigmaveebull: restarting the service might trigger it to refresh the time23:10
sarnoldI'm surprised I'm not spotting a "sync-now" kind of command23:11
veebullThat was kind of what I was hoping for23:13
pragmaticenigmaveebull: I can confirm that "sudo systemctl status systemd-timesyncd.service" triggers a refresh of the time23:14
pragmaticenigmaveebull: sorry... copy pasta... the command I meant to paste: sudo systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd.service23:14
pragmaticenigmait really does feel like there should be a command that can talk to the service23:16
lestacwith some custom settings, ubuntu looks really great23:19
brendantccpragmaticenigma - so it should be working fine without a screen physically attached?23:23
=== lestac is now known as lestac_hra
pragmaticenigmabrendantcc: you may need a screen attached to do the initial installation. I would recommend installing the Ubuntu Server spin. Once installed and updated, you can then remove the monitor and do the rest of your configuration through SSH. The "How To" is a little out of scope for this channel, i'm trying to find you an article to set you on the right path23:26
brendantcci swear if i've gotta somehow track down a spare VGA cable... lol23:29
brendantccat the moment ive had to connect my second screen to this damned computer lol23:30
pragmaticenigmabrendantcc: Please don't cuss in the channel23:33
brendantccoop, sorry23:33
pragmaticenigmabrendantcc: I don't know how to install without at least startnig with a monitor..> I know once you are done with the initial install you can pull the cable23:34
brendantccit's alright, the machine's literally sitting right next to me at my desk anyway lol23:34
pragmaticenigmabrendantcc: I'm not finding the tutorial that fits the use case unfortunately... you might want to try and ask in #ubuntu-server (9 AM Central to 5 PM central is usualy most active)23:34
brendantccdon't worry about it too much mate, i'd probably stuff it up at some point and give up anyway :/23:36
brendantccluckily for now i know of a kind of okay vnc server for ubuntu which i can use for now, albeit with xfce rather than GNOME23:37
brendantcccause GNOME just Doesn't Work23:37
brendantccthanks for the help anyway, pragmaticenigma23:38
bencc1can I use testdisk to recover deleted file on a cloud VM?23:39
bencc1or will the disk abstraction prevent it?23:39
WaVIf I set DNS servers via GUI other than what is automatically configured, where is that information stored? What file?23:43
pragmaticenigmacorrect brendantcc you might be able to use gnome... but you will need lightdm for handling authentication (if that's your route)... I haven't seen much for getting KDE/Gnome to work on headless23:45
pragmaticenigmaBetter succes with LXDE and XFCE as Desktop environments23:45
brendantccrighto, cheers again23:46
lestac_hrabrendantcc arigato23:47
brendantcclestac_hra - hmwut?23:47
WaVReason I ask is because I have this intermittent issue that I can only attribute to uptime where my computer cannot resolve random hostnames. I decided to set static dns servers via GUI, and that fixed the issue.23:48
WaVHowever, I initially tried editing what I thought was the correct file at /etc/resolv.conf and setting the nameservers there, but when I did that and restarted the systemd service it didn't do anything.23:49
=== lestac_hra is now known as lestac_onelove
_Sym_WaV, maybe try stubby (which also supports encrypted dns as a bonus)23:51
pragmaticenigmaWaV: DNS and networking configuration is handled by systemd-networkd ... NetworkManager and netplan are tools that used to write and commit configuration to that service for your network23:53
pragmaticenigmaWaV: As for why you're losing the ability to resolve, are you running any VPN software or other proxying software on that machine?23:53
WaVpragmatic: I am not, no.23:54
WaVAfter about 20-25 days uptime, it just stops resolving random hostnames. I've been able to duplicate it 2-3 times now (by leaving my computer on for an extended period of time).23:55
WaVpragmatic: ^23:55
WaVpragmatic: The last time the problem occured, instead of restarting the machine, I set a DNS server manually which fixed the issue.23:56
WaVI suppose it may also be related to system updates as well.23:57
Bottlecap65Could anyone help with this? https://pastebin.com/JF4e7bLC23:58

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