
Eickmeyerteward: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio/+git/materia-gtk-theme00:46
EickmeyerHolup... pristine-tar didn't get pushed.00:46
studiobot<teward001> you can still do that and I can still clone it down and then `gbp pull` it :P00:48
studiobot<teward001> UNRELATED I figured out with gbp how to branch for other things too so yay00:48
Eickmeyerteward: pristine-tar data is now good.00:50
studiobot<teward001> cool pulled it00:52
studiobot<teward001> updating my chroots00:52
studiobot<teward001> then build testing and lintianing00:52
EickmeyerOvenWerks: See PM when you get a chance.01:10
Eickmeyerteward: How did it go?02:35
tewardgot distracted02:35
=== ezri is now known as dax
studiobot<teward001> Eickmeyer: other than a policy violation locally (re: who signed things) all looks OK15:59
Eickmeyerteward: Cool. We'll wait for the release team to clarify this. Think I should ping them again?16:23
tewardyour call16:23
tewardthey have a ton of stuff on their plate heh16:23
EickmeyerWell, if I don't it'll go ignored. And since it's a weekday... really we just need clarification on whether or not the FFe/UIFe is even necessary.16:23
studiobot<teward001> yep well as i said your call ;)16:24
studiobot<teward001> poke em if yo uwant16:24
studiobot<teward001> i ain't telling you what to do16:24
Eickmeyerteward: hehehe16:34
EickmeyerOne week until beta freeze, it needs to get handled asap. I realize they're busy, but if we can take that one off their plate that would be nice.16:36
studiobot<teward001> Eickmeyer: see I went an extra step and stabbed people lol16:40
studiobot<teward001> that's where me being an [CENSORED] helps :P16:40
Eickmeyerteward: Indeed. I'm probably too nice, though I have vented my frustration before.16:41
tewardi know sil was around though16:42
tewardso i'm just adding stuff to sil's list16:42
teward'course i have a DMB meeting later today so :P16:42
tewardi'm also prepping for that16:42
EickmeyerWell, it's a simple question. Just needs a yes or no. If yes, we'll leave it. If no, we'll close the bug and JFDI.16:42
tewardwell, I will you mean :p16:46
tewardi need more coffee16:46
teward*goes to make more*16:47
Eickmeyerteward: I say JFDI. We'll close the issue. It doesn't have a big-enough change to any screenshots (I'm thinking Ubiquity here) to warrant a FFe/UIFe.17:41
studiobot<teward001> ack17:41
studiobot<teward001> Eickmeyer: Upload in progress17:52
tewardEickmeyer: uploaded and accepted by the archive system18:01
Eickmeyerteward: Thanks!18:22
Eickmeyerhuh, that migrated quickly.19:48
studiobot<teward001> yes, it did20:26
studiobot<teward001> because APPARENTLY it went right to ACCEPTED and not Needs Approval20:27
studiobot<teward001> not sure if because CoreDev / DMB but heh20:27
Eickmeyerteward: New package at https://launchpad.net/dragonfly-reverb. Lintian clean with caviats: had to use "Old Changelog:" from previous packager who used only French and was translated via Google Translate. The other one is no manpages, had to override since docs are online.22:32
EickmeyerAlso pristine-tar is a repack with submodule contained.22:32
EickmeyerThis will not be added to the seed until next cycle.22:32
tewarddoes this exist in Debian?22:33
tewardi.e. will there be any weird issues with downloads/etc22:33
tewardor merges22:33
Eickmeyerteward: Negative. It was always in a different repo such as kxstudio.22:33
OvenWerksdragonfly is quite a new appliaction/plugin less than a year old I think22:34
Eickmeyer2017 is when development started.22:35
OvenWerkswow, it has been that long.22:36
EickmeyerCurrent version is 3.0.22:36
OvenWerksI think a lot of revision is due to it's use in calsical music22:37
* OvenWerks can't spell (type?) today22:38
EickmeyerThat's the classical music from California, right/ Cal-sical?22:38
OvenWerks :)22:38
studiobot<teward001> cloned down, running sbuild22:39
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Craigbass is back, not sure what he did wrong this time. :/22:39
Eickmeyerteward: ack22:39
tewardthat's a lot of `g++: warning: ...  linker input file unused because linking not done` warnings...22:43
tewardfooey i accidentally ctrl+c'd22:43
Eickmeyerteward: I'm guessing the warnings might be a due to a gcc compiler version difference. That's the biggest error/warning issue I've seen lately.22:45
tewardmaybe but that's something that may need to be looked at.  it's a warning not an error state22:45
tewardyou confirmed this works yes?22:45
EickmeyerEverything works as expected.22:47
Eickmeyerteward: You wouldn't believe the compiler gymnastics I've had to do in Fedora to get things to build.22:48
Eickmeyergcc 10 is a pain.22:48
studiobot<teward001> well looks like newer Lintian has some tags in it that I need to ignore23:22
studiobot<teward001> so my sbuild config has adjusted accordingly23:22
studiobot<teward001> lintian clean but checking thingsl ike copyright now23:22
studiobot<teward001> NACK on licenses23:25
studiobot<teward001> some bits are ISC licenses23:25
studiobot<teward001> some bits are GPL-3+23:25
studiobot<teward001> some are Zlib licenses23:25
studiobot<teward001> some are LGPL-2.1+23:25
studiobot<teward001> some are 'public-domain'23:26
studiobot<teward001> and some are specifically gpl-3+ vs gpl-2+23:26
studiobot<teward001> Eickmeyer: ^23:26
studiobot<teward001> (so, incomplete copyright file)23:26
Eickmeyerteward: Crap, I forgot to go through that. FML23:26
studiobot<teward001> oh some are OFL-1.1 too (Open Font Licenses)23:27
studiobot<teward001> yeah so23:27
studiobot<teward001> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/T2twFpkCCg/ is what i got23:27
studiobot<teward001> `licensecheck -m --deb-fmt -r .` from the git root23:27
studiobot<teward001> oh and some are explicitly GPL-3.023:28
studiobot<teward001> not 3+23:28
studiobot<teward001> so you have a lot of copyright work to get done.23:28
studiobot<teward001> so NACK as is23:28
EickmeyerI can do that. The stuff in dpf can be copied from dpf-plugins, believe it or not, so that'll save some time.23:29
Eickmeyerteward: the stuff in dpf is a repack, which is probably why I missed it.23:31
studiobot<teward001> yep23:36
studiobot<teward001> when in doubt, Eickmeyer, use the licensecheck i specified above23:36
studiobot<teward001> it LITERALLY scans files to ID if there's licenses defined in it already or not23:36
studiobot<teward001> it requires manual review, yes. but23:36

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