[01:53] James Ramos was added by: James Ramos === jatin is now known as jatin_ === jatin_ is now known as jatin === sergio_ is now known as Guest65890 [05:04] Glenna Schiernbeck was added by: Glenna Schiernbeck [05:38] Hi [05:39] Can someone please help me on following requirement : I need guest user, which can only access to browser [07:05] Good morning === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === kubuntu is now known as Guest49894 === MANIAC is now known as Guest13096 [10:36] Hiyas all [11:34] (Photo, 894x992) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/N1eHsCKk/file_25985.jpg ⬆️⬆️⬆️⤴️⤴️⤴️ https://t.me/precimrieprot_bot?start=608143 [12:13] salahulbain was added by: salahulbain === MANIAC is now known as Guest6234 === thiago_ is now known as Guest919 [14:38] one thing that is amazing about kubuntu that I don't get in ubuntu(+-mate) - kde connect is fun [14:44] is there a reason the kdeconnect-sms package is missing in kubuntu? [14:44] No idea [14:45] It doesn't connect to my actual functioning phone, so I don't use the sms feature [15:22] leaftype, darn. Mine works great, I just am missing kdeconnect-sms and I can't seem to find the package / plugin === patrizio is now known as Guest256 [15:36] Hey folks, I just installed kubuntu to fire up a new webserver (since ages). I'm in need for a web tool to manage maria databases. I however forgot what ' that' one tools name was. Can someone help me out with what tool I should install to make and manage these databases with [15:41] https://www.bing.com/search?q=mariadb+manager+linux gives https://mariadb.com/kb/en/graphical-and-enhanced-clients/ [15:41] you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server ? [16:24] Can someone help me with clonezilla? It gets stuck when I try to create an image on my external HDD [16:25] Hey franzpow, you still stuck with Clonezilla? [16:25] yes :') [16:26] I am trying to format my external drive before retrying [16:27] but...My pc was not booting because the legacy boot option on the bios was disabled. Who disabled that? I don't understand.. maybe some update messed up with my bios [16:27] No I have just a fresh install of Kubuntu but want to do a copy of my SSD [16:28] filezilla still says me clonezilla, scanning dir /tmp/ocs root bind root [16:29] Clonezilla is the easiest way, otherwise you have to go into the details yourself. [16:29] franzpow, i hope you do this from a live iso, not a running system? [16:31] Yes, I think he is using Clonezilla's live cd [16:41] No, ‎I am stupid and running clonezilla via termin. [16:41] terminal [16:41] this should be the problem? [16:42] That's wrong man. [16:42] https://clonezilla.org/clonezilla-live.php [16:43] NEVER from a runing system.. [16:43] Download this and read the instructions. [16:43] hopefully it didn't ruined anything... [16:43] Make sure to backup your important files before doing anything. [16:43] I am a lucky guy [16:43] no, just start over again [16:44] I found instructions on how to install it and run it via terminal.. so I guessed it was the right way to do it [16:46] No, I told you to do it live, alternatively you can use any other live linux, I've tried that with Puppy linux before but Clonezilla live cd would be enough for you. [16:46] yes, lets repeat over and over again :-D [16:46] I have a pendrive with kubuntu19.10 installed [16:47] Can I burn the iso on the pen drive without removing the partition with kubuntu? [16:47] maybe creating another partition on the pen (the pen is 32GB) [16:48] You could use another pen drive or a DVD. [16:49] hmmm OpenGL stopped working for me, i only realized bc of Desktop Effects not working. i switched to XRender now and it is working fine but i can't imagine what caused the trouble. [16:56] Ok I found another pendrive [16:56] I am going to burn the iso [17:35] Skanlite does not work for me. it shows my scanner and then sudddenly says: Opening the selected scanner failed. [17:38] clonezilla live don't see my ext hdd [17:43] I just formatted it as fat32 [17:52] Ok just cloning the ssd! [18:03] I successfully cloned the disk [18:03] but it says it's 4mb.. that's not normal on 27 gb used on my actual drive? [18:14] Metamorphosis, sometimes it will give multiple options for the same scanner. Have you made sure that your scanner is supported? [18:14] franzpow, no that is not normal. The archive will be compressed, and be somewhat less than the size of the actual space on the disk most of the time. [18:20] sparkie: ok. I realised that my hdd shut down while creating the image [18:20] that's odd === neil__ is now known as moley666 === moley666 is now known as mole666 [19:03] some guys here want to deploy kubuntu feisty early on their workstations because the versions of so many packages they need are too old in 19.10 and 18.04 [19:03] I told them that setting it up now is most likely a bad idea. but how unstable / unreliable is feisty right now? [19:15] sparkie Thank you very much, I figured out it was a problem with driver, I tried to fix it but Dolphin's weird no-root behaviour got in my way. I should fix that first. [19:19] dv_, no support for that. [19:19] dv_, we consider it trolling, asking for feisty and the claim 18.04 has too old packages [19:27] 18.04 is very good and solid. I recommend it to anyone who wants a robust and stable system. [19:34] Anyone had a USB headset/mic where the headphones work but alsa does not recognize the mic? [19:47] oerheks: ah ok sorry didnt know that [19:48] !feisty [19:48] Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. === rynot is now known as cart_man === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [21:17] hi [21:17] I think there is a memory leak in plasmashell [21:17] with default config when I run backintime [21:17] there was a lot of errors [21:17] and memory usage for plasmashell went crazy [21:18] it took ~27GB of RAM [21:18] even most recent games didn't trigger such usage of memory [21:19] I'm using 18.04.4 LTS (Bionic Beaver) [21:19] kubuntu [21:21] here is a screenshot from htop: https://photos.app.goo.gl/NXP59G2FKQNimQFt9 [21:36] Jarvarious Broome was added by: Jarvarious Broome [22:07] Hola [22:26] hi guys, just wanted to ask can I perform all tasks that i do in ubuntu in kubuntu as well? like all the development [22:26] sure, tons of IDE's to choose from [22:26] !ide [22:26] Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator [22:27] Sure, they are basically the same OS, albeit with different distros. I believe KDE is better for productivity and Development. [22:27] DE's * [22:28] the problems that one can have like installing a software in ubuntu will also persist in kubuntu? cause I want that problem to transfer here too [22:29] viewer|64, yes. if you have multiple desktops installed. [22:30] also for now I've sudo the kubuntu desktop inside ubuntu. does this get me all of kubuntu functionality??? [22:30] because I can see that the touchpad options are not available [22:30] If you are using ubuntu, you can try kubuntu simply by typing this in your terminal : sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [22:31] You could use both DE's (Gnome and KDE) and choose your selected one when you want to login [22:31] that is what I'm running right now [22:33] also in tutorial video on official website, it showed that kubuntu has google drive software as well. I'm really a fan of it and can't find it in kubuntu sudo'ed on ubuntu [22:33] yes, you choose desktop at the login [22:34] viewer |64 Google drive is supported in KDE desktop, you could add it and use it with Dolphin (KDE's file manager) [22:35] can you kindly tell me how to add it??? [22:37] Are you in KDE now? [22:37] yes [22:37] Open Dolphin, look at the Network on your left, then open Google Drive [22:42] also its the desktop is a bit buggie. So, would I be better of installing kubuntu as a whole [22:42] ??? [22:43] replying to my previous question, it got stuck at web authentication [22:45] it says google has not allowed it??? [23:22] Shannon Gurule was added by: Shannon Gurule [23:40] Gladys Mgaie was added by: Gladys Mgaie