
lotuspsychjegood morning04:14
sveinseIs it a general problem that nvidia drivers is unable to detect multiple ports in a hybrid setup with newer kernels? I finally got multiple screens working after considerable fiddling, and then only with nouveau.09:14
lotuspsychjesveinse: wich card and driver version please?11:31
mifritscherupdate do 20.04 pre-release worked, albeit with a few headaches14:05
mifritscher(from 18.04)14:06
mifritscher1. you seem to update libc in a first round. good idea. But do to the similar do dpkg as well. Else libreoffice-base will choke on missing --no-rename on dpkb-divert14:07
mifritscher2. mysql runs into https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=9310114:07
mifritscher3. after the upgrade, systemd-udev chokes on on cpu14:08
mifritscher4. compiz can't read the configuration and loads a default one. ccsm can change the settings during runtime, but these aren't saved14:08
mifritscher3: now I've even 2 systemd-udev processes14:14
mifritschera strace -fvvp gives me14:16
mifritscherepoll_wait(16, [{EPOLLHUP, {u32=2239516848, u64=94328311271600}}, {EPOLLHUP, {u32=2239516592, u64=94328311271344}}], 5, 0) = 214:16
mifritscherread(17, "", 4095)  14:16
mifritscher3. I workarounded it via sudo kill -STOP 79114:18
lotuspsychjemifritscher: did you reproduce all this from a clean daily?14:22
mifritschernope - and I can't do this easily :( But if I get some debug hints I'll glad to help14:23
mifritscher3. ok - it seems to start some fresh systemd-udev process after some minutes14:24
mifritscher3. udevadm monitor is ok14:26
mifritscher5. chromium browser (converted to s snap...) gives me "cannot perform operation: mount --rbind /usr/src /tmp/snap.rootfs_P7hJwt//usr/src: Permission denied"14:27
mifritscher6. (bonus) Ubuntu 20.4 should be able replicate itself via debmirror - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debmirror/+bug/1821251 ;-)15:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1821251 in apt-mirror (Ubuntu) "please add cnf support to debmirror" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:33
tarzeaui know i want a ffe, but i've got no idea how to ask for it20:17
tarzeauhttps://16-bits.org/ft2.php an new archive sync from sid would fix what upstream says: Note: If you used v1.04 up to v1.09, you should update to v1.10 (or later)!20:17
tarzeauA bug where you'd get no sound when entering notes in the song data was fixed.20:17
ubottuFeature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.20:21
valorietarzeau: ^^^20:22
valoriebugfixes are not ffes though20:22
valorieunless the changes are invasive and likely to change other software20:23
valoriethe place to ask about that is #ubuntu-release20:23

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