[02:37] hi! [02:38] duflu, hey! I saw you market https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/1866194 as a duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1850766, but I'd argue it's not (I added a comment to explain) [02:38] Ubuntu bug 1850766 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1866194 Bluetooth headset selected as default sound output, yet sound outputs to laptop speakers" [Undecided,Confirmed] [02:38] Ubuntu bug 1850766 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth headset selected as default sound output, yet sound outputs to laptop speakers" [Undecided,Confirmed] [02:38] pieq, no problem. Just looked like a common mistake [02:39] Many people log the same bug multiple times, including me [02:39] duflu, yeah, so many things happen and I felt a bit dumb reading my own prose from October :) But I can confirm it's not the same [02:40] pieq: heh, I'm glad I'm not the only one who dislikes my old bug reports :) [02:40] pieq, OK. Just try to make them sound more different and confirm both bugs are still active [02:40] By the way, I tried what OsOmOn did for the other bug (removing pulseaudio and reinstalling it) but it didn't fix the issue [04:21] pieq, if you get in quick the bugs might get immediate attention by going on this list: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/issues/733 [04:21] PulseAudio issue 733 in pulseaudio "[TRACKER] PulseAudio 14.0 release blockers" [Opened] [04:21] So remember to upstream the bug reports [04:30] duflu, argh, I have to upstream it... [04:30] duflu, what do you mean by "quick"? :) [04:47] duflu, https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/issues/832 [04:47] PulseAudio issue 832 in pulseaudio "[Dell Inspiron 7370] shows up in the sound output options but the sound keeps being emitted from the internal laptop speaker" [Opened] [04:47] duflu, thanks for the reminder! I got caught in other tasks and didn't find the time to upstream this issue [04:48] pieq, quick meaning we are waiting for upstream release 14.0 but they still seem to be prioritising bug fixes before tagging it [04:50] duflu, OK, got it. I hope my bug report is clear enough. I linked to the LP issue anyway [04:51] pieq, yeah thanks. Please do the same for the other bug too [04:51] gnome-shell crashes every time I resume from suspend.. is this known? [04:51] tjaalton, not known by that scenario, but probably a known stack trace.... [04:51] well, there's always a package that's too old to actually file it.. [04:52] it's become a morning ritual to see the popup failing to file it, and then installing all updates :) [04:53] tjaalton, can you update the system, removed the .uploaded and then resubmit the crash report? [04:53] -d [04:53] guess I need to reproduce it after installing the updates [04:53] or that [04:58] yeah it just needed a lockscreen, then hitting a key crashes gnome-shell, which is kinda a security issue too [04:59] I wonder if Xorg catching its own crashes ever reduces the likelihood of a clean core dump and crash report [05:04] could be [05:04] ok so I think it submitted the crash, how do I discover it? [05:04] ah, 4e9abd64-6d8c-11ea-a78a-fa163ee63de6 [05:05] in .uploaded [05:09] tjaalton, all I can see for sure is: maalis 24 06:59:10 leon gnome-shell[149767]: st_widget_remove_accessible_state: assertion 'ST_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed [05:09] and no existing reports of that anywhere [05:11] at least not in the top 100 [05:12] tjaalton, got extensions? [05:12] workspace matrix [05:12] can't live without it :) [05:17] tjaalton, well hopefully it's not related. Though if you can reproduce the crash easily you really should test without the extension installed [05:17] Because I can't find any crash reports matching that extension failure. It's at least rare [05:18] or reliably corrupted and never reports cleanly [05:18] yeah I'll try without [05:20] erm, matching that assertion failure [05:21] still happens after disabling matrix [05:21] tjaalton, try uninstalling. Disabling extensions is a lie [05:21] the only other extension that's enabled is ubuntu dock [05:21] hum ok [05:23] no change [05:23] There's *probably* an error page for this. Just not in the top 100 so I don't know how to find it [05:24] Weird. No crash signature makes no sense if it's a "clean" assertion failure [05:25] tjaalton, if you want you can create a bug and just mention: maalis 24 06:59:10 leon gnome-shell[149767]: st_widget_remove_accessible_state: assertion 'ST_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed [05:26] ok [05:26] still happens after a logout [05:27] pieq: btw I'm affected by the same bluetooth bug [05:45] duflu: also, I'm seeing this on another machine too [05:56] pieq: looking at those bugs, it's 1850766 that doesn't happen anymore in focal, the behaviour changed to what's on the other bug. I saw the older bug with 19.10 and now the new one on focal [05:56] so, I guess the old one could be closed? [05:56] doubt it's getting fixed in eoan anymore [06:01] tjaalton, ah, the mysteries of pulseaudio... [06:02] yeah it's quite frustrating, especially with bt.. [06:02] From what I can gather, there seem to have a lot of regressions going on with pulseaudio. It's really hard to have a model that works on all kinds of configuration, for sure. Maybe we could help if we had some kind of tests we could run on our infra. [06:37] good morning desktoppers [06:51] Morning oSoMoN [06:51] hey duflu [07:07] gooood morning desktopers [07:12] Hi seb128 [07:13] BTW, I am confused... Running plymouth manually on my focal desktop I do see messages. Don't you? [07:13] I can change them to anything [07:13] Using spinner, which I thought was the goal [07:17] Nevermind. Let me triage the relevant bugs and review everything Hans said [07:17] salut seb128, ça va? [07:19] Also there are crashes in plymouth. Those won't be helping [07:20] hey duflu, oSoMoN, how are you? [07:21] duflu, segfault? that's worth reporting upstream [07:21] seb128, apparently we have a number of them so looking at those too [07:21] I'm good [07:22] duflu, and yeah, messages seem to display following the steps I emailed you. I also though that was not implemented/the goal, I'm confused now on why e.g the liveCD messages don't display then [07:22] And Launchpad is timing out. So I will go water some plants and then try again [07:23] duflu, also fsck doesn't display anything for me when I create a /forcefsck even with the ubuntu theme, unsure if that's because the check is too short on my ssd or if that regression before the theme change [07:30] tjaalton, hey, should we sync the new libinput point version from Debian? [07:35] seb128: yep [07:35] done [07:36] tjaalton, thanks [07:37] salut seb128 et oSoMoN ! [07:37] lut pieq, comment ça va ? (brb, reconnecting using the vpn) [07:38] good morning [07:40] seb128, yeah that's what I've been saying. Got no way to reproduce or test the fsck problem [07:40] If it exists at all [07:40] Morning didrocks [07:40] hey duflu [07:40] salut pieq, salut didrocks [07:41] lut didrocks, comment ça va ? [07:41] duflu, maybe worth checking the liveCD case/problem first instead [07:41] Yes. Still triaging [07:42] seb128, ça va ! Spending way more time that I'd like trying to understand binary e-mail attachments in a Python script... :) [07:42] salut oSoMoN, seb128, ça va, et vous ? [07:43] didrocks, ça va ici [07:43] oSoMoN, I saw your answer on lp:1850766 and was hopeful it would work for my other problem (lp:1866194) but no :( [07:44] oSoMoN, I tried to remove pulseaudio and reinstall it, but #1866194 is still here, so I filed an upstream bug [07:44] oSoMoN, Trevinho, so I don't know why the mozilla urls don't work from the script on people [07:44] the log has [07:44] Unable to open URL: https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/, None [07:44] same for TB [07:45] but with the same proxy env doing a wget of the URL works [07:45] weird [07:46] pieq, sounds like a different issue than the one I was experiencing then [07:48] now that I think about it, I recall experiencing something similar in a past development cycle (but I can't remember if it was disco->eoan, or an earlier one): a pulseaudio upgrade broke my bluetooth, downgrading and then upgrading again fixed it [07:49] The most recent big Bluetooth audio fix mostly only affected Sony headphones. So it's important and useful to log your own bug detailing what you're using [07:51] oSoMoN, yes it is [07:51] oSoMoN, [07:51] >>> urllib.urlopen('https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/').readlines() [07:51] ... [07:51] ... 'ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved\n',... [07:51] but curl / wget on the same url works :/ [07:52] oSoMoN, it's on people.canonical.com if you want to try yourself [07:52] seb128, I'm guessing Mozilla server filters by user agent [07:53] pieq, why would they allow wget/curl and not python urllib? [07:54] seb128, good question :) [07:54] nah, the same urlopen call works here locally [07:54] it seems to hang when I issue it from people.c.c [07:55] indeed, that as well [07:56] oSoMoN, you need to use the proxy, cf my /msg [07:57] yeah, now I'm seeing the same proxy error page [07:58] "Unsupported Request Method and Protocol" [07:59] seb128, works with s/https/http/ [07:59] right [07:59] I was typing the same thing [08:00] which is weird, we have other https urls in there and they work fine [08:02] oh, well, not worth spending time on that, let's just change those urls to be http [08:02] oSoMoN, do you want to do it or should I? [08:02] mozjs ones are in the same case [08:02] yeah, and I'm not seeing anything suspicious when monitoring network traffic with chrome devtools when fetching the same https URL in chromium [08:03] seb128, IIRC I can't push directly to the branch, so you might as well want to do it yourself? [08:04] oSoMoN, k [08:07] wooot, ICU migrated [08:07] \o/ [08:07] Laney, Trevinho, ^ [08:10] seb128, any idea what package sends the media removal message etc to plymouth? [08:11] oSoMoN, I found some posts thazt say urlopen isn't greazt with proxy and using request works better, I might poke a bit with that [08:11] ursing [08:11] >>> import urllib2 [08:11] >>> req = urllib2.Request('https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/') [08:11] >>> response = urllib2.urlopen(req) [08:11] urllib2.URLError: [08:11] duflu, casper [08:11] Ta [08:12] Good morning seb128! [08:12] seb128: Do you have acces to remove glib2.0 from disco-proposed? (interrupted SRU due to EOL) [08:12] duflu, I poke at uploads yesterday http://launchpadlibrarian.net/40863725/casper_1.226_1.227.diff.gz has the diff for md5sum messages [08:12] but yeah, just look at the plymouth calls in the source, easier [08:12] GunnarHj, hey, how are you? [08:12] I'm fine. Hope you are as well. [08:12] GunnarHj, I wouldn't bother about cleaning disco proposed, but ask on #ubuntu-release if you care enough [08:13] I'm good yes, thanks [08:13] sorry, need to step out from the keyboard for a bit [08:13] seb128: I you don't think it's worth it, I don't either. [08:18] seb128: thanks for the -c4 on symbol file check! [08:22] Morning desktopers o/ [08:22] Morning Wimpress [08:22] How's it going duflu? [08:23] Wimpress, trying to learn plymouth so I can help with some issues there [08:23] You? [08:24] Ah, the prompts and user feedback in the new spinner theme? [08:25] All fine here. UK is in total lock down now. [08:27] Yeah, fixing bugs would be easy. Reproducing them is the hard part [08:27] Morning. Yeah, UK is closed [08:27] (except if you are a megalomanic sports retailer) [08:27] Morning RikMills o/ [08:44] good morning Wimpress [09:00] didrocks, np, thanks for the reviews! [09:00] Wimpress, bug #1853830 is MIR approved, you can turn it into a ffe now if wanted [09:00] bug 1853830 in gamemode (Ubuntu) "[MIR] gamemode" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1853830 [09:01] hey rikmills, Laney, Wimpress, how are you today? [09:02] morning [09:02] morning Laney [09:03] seb128: yw [09:03] hey Laney [09:06] moin seb128 oSoMoN didrocks [09:16] * seb128 emailed mterry with some questions about deja-dup/pydrive and got a reply overnight, nice to see he's still around :-) [09:20] desktopers, did anyone see the plymouth/fsck integration in recent cycles? [09:20] following the regression report for the new theme I tried on focal with the ubuntu-logo plymouth theme and by creating a /forcefsck [09:21] seb128: No [09:21] I've had spinner enabled for a few months. [09:21] but I don't see anything on plymouth. I wonder if that's because my ssd doesn't take long enough to check [09:21] or if that regressed before the theme change [09:21] I have seen fsck in a testing VM, but it was text based console output. [09:21] d_uflu also said he couldn't see those message in 19.10 either [09:21] Wimpress, and in 19.10? [09:22] I don't remember having seen those for ages [09:22] I didn't test it in 19.10 long enough to encounter that. [09:22] Hangon. [09:22] 'it'? [09:22] I meant plymouth before the theme change [09:22] You're asking if the fsck output was visible in the old Plymouth theme? [09:22] I wonder if the fsck integration regressed before plymouth changed [09:22] yes [09:22] I can't see it by switching back the theme and foccing a fsck [09:23] but I don't know if it's just that the ssd check on that machine is too short to even display something [09:23] Well, in the old theme I see the iso integrity check in the live session, but not with the spinner theme. [09:23] right [09:23] that's another topic [09:23] Ah, OK. [09:23] as said I can't see fsck even by going back to ubuntu-logo [09:24] Wimpress, basically [09:24] $ sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth [09:24] OK, I'll get some testing on that. [09:24] pick ubuntu-logo [09:24] create /forcefsck [09:24] See if I can confirm. [09:24] reboot [09:24] thanks [09:26] seb128, funny story: I can't start plymouthd anymore because it claims to be running when it's not. Have you seen that? [09:26] Even removing the /run/plymouth doesn't help [09:26] duflu, no [09:27] does sudo plymouth quit helps? [09:27] if not I guess reboot :/ [09:27] seb128: #1853830 is now an FFe [09:27] Wimpress, great [09:27] I've subbed ubuntu-release [09:27] seb128, yes thanks. That removed *something* [09:27] np! [09:28] duflu, sorry to have throwed you under that plymouth bus, I though it would be a more obvious 'theme doesn't handle text message' problem, turns out it's not that and that it's not easy to get into a situation to trigger / be able to easily test and iterate on the problems :( [09:29] seb128, I just can't get a shell at all to debug it. The system even kills ssh logins before it happens [09:31] duflu, I will try to get some help on how to debug those issues during my day, you should probably stop there for today, it's too late in the day to start on figuring out even how to set up debugging [09:32] I might try one of the other plymouth bugs I do suffer from myself. Especially since I'm not the only one and frankly those are more common than the messages bugs [09:34] seb128: oh, have I mentioned that the seamless Plymouth theme now *works* on the laptop it wasn't in Cape Town? [09:35] RAOF, no you didn't, but good to know since I did some fixing in Frankfurt and meant to ask you if that made a difference (and sorry I didn't found a slot to come back to you to have a look in real there) [09:35] duflu, makes sense [09:38] Eh, no problem. Since you got it to work now anyway we didn't really need to go over it in Frankfurt 😀 [12:03] hi all. after going through popey's bug reporting video, i felt ubuntu should have an easier means to report a bug without opening the terminal, so i was pondering on how such a gui app should work and after some digging into what is available available on the install iso, i see we already have such a GUI, but need to make it easily accessible in the application menu [12:03] i would like to suggest we add a .desktop file to run `ubuntu-bug -w` [12:03] ubuntu-bug, yes. I don't know why it doesn't have a desktop file [12:03] maybe jibel knows [12:05] not sure that's a good idea, it would encourage users who don't really know what they are doing to send poor quality reports to launchpad... [13:22] good morning desktopers [13:22] good morning hellsworth [13:25] hey hellsworth, kenvandine [13:25] hi didrocks kenvandine :) [13:27] good morning hellsworth [13:27] good morning kenvandine [13:27] hi oSoMoN ! [13:54] I agree with seb128. Users who want to report bugs find how to do it and there is pretty good documentation on the wiki that explain how. [13:55] expecting people to load up the live ISO and then go to the wiki to find documentation on how to report a bug isnt good UX [13:56] why not only let devs report bugs as only they can report good ones [13:58] we ask regular users to contribute by trying out our testcases, but they say 'we arent going to make it easy for you to report bugs' isnt logical [14:01] hiho desktop people, does the VTE change I identified in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vte2.91/+bug/1868116 ring any bell? [14:01] we used to have the predecessor of ubuntu-bug hooked into the help menu of each and every app ... that resulted in tons of "i dont like the color if the icon" or similar pointless bugs ... its a two edged sword and you need to find a balance between making it too easy and making it too hard to still get useful reports and nt drown in a flood of opinions an general complaints [14:01] Ubuntu bug 1868116 in qemu (Ubuntu) "QEMU monitor no longer works" [High,Triaged] [14:01] TL;DR some qemu function in focal is broken due to the new vte2.91 version that changed from iconv to ICU [14:02] Now that I actually know what I look for I can re-search qemu logs, but if this is a known issue on the desktop side I'd appreciate if you'd let me know [14:06] ogra: quite true. kde apps do the same in the help menu but the bugs go to the kde bugzilla. maybe a more sophisticated ubuntu bug reporting app needs to be created which can weed out the silly bugs before they reach launchpad [14:11] cpaelzer, hey, not known from our side no, sorry that a desktop update created issues for you/qemu though :-/ === didrocks999 is now known as didrocks [14:17] seb128: thanks for the answer [14:18] seb128: I'll update the bug once I have rechecked qemu git [14:18] if desktop could subscribe/watch it that would be nice [14:18] just in case the outcome is "please change vte" [14:18] is that a case for champagne? [14:19] rls-ff-incoming rather? [14:19] though any would work I guess, unsure in which case one should be used if they have the same result [14:21] yeah don't think it really matters [14:28] seb128: btw, I remember that I created a mock fsck for systemd integration tests if you or duflu needs it to fix the new theme: it’s in debian/tests/fsck [14:29] didrocks, ah, that's useful info, thanks [14:29] it’s slowely running and sending progress [14:29] I will try that after the meeting [14:29] (5 passes from 0 to 100 and multiple disks) [14:29] yw! [14:30] * seb128 hugs didrocks for the high quality work, remaining useful years after :-) [14:31] * didrocks hugs back \o/ [14:31] :-) [14:31] Wimpress, meeting? [14:31] didrocks, oh, if you have any idle time, pydrive is in focal/NEW, unless I screwed something all the issues you pointed out yesterday are addressed [14:31] o/ [14:32] Sorry I am late. Just had a relief drop from the super market :-) [14:32] Let me grab my notes. [14:32] seb128: ack, doing in a short while [14:32] thx [14:33] #startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-24 [14:33] Meeting started Tue Mar 24 14:33:21 2020 UTC. The chair is Wimpress. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [14:33] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-24 | Current topic: [14:33] _o/ [14:33] Roll call: didrocks, duflu, hellsworth, jamesh, jibel, kenvandine, Laney, marcustomlinson, oSoMoN, seb128 , tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell [14:33] o/ [14:33] o/ [14:33] 😷/ [14:33] hey [14:34] How is everyone? [14:34] good thanks [14:34] good [14:34] OK, lets do this. [14:34] #topic rls-bb-bugs === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-24 | Current topic: rls-bb-bugs [14:34] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bug-tasks.html [14:34] all locked well [14:35] Trevinho: Stay safe :-) [14:35] OK, that looks all clear. No desktop issues. [14:35] o/ [14:35] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-tracking-bug-tasks.html [14:36] Don't think I see anything there either? [14:37] looks fine indeed [14:37] seb128: Shall we skip over Eoan? [14:37] why? it's still our current stable [14:37] incoming is empty [14:37] so should be easy... [14:37] #topic rls-ee-bugs === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-24 | Current topic: rls-ee-bugs [14:37] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ee-incoming-bug-tasks.html [14:37] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ee-tracking-bug-tasks.html [14:38] nothing on tracking [14:38] looks like it's a skip anyway :) [14:38] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1733321 [14:38] Ubuntu bug 1733321 in network-manager (Ubuntu Focal) "network-manager ADT tests fail with on ppc64el with artful/linux" [Medium,New] [14:38] I'll circle back to that one later. [14:39] Relevant for prodstack. [14:39] #topic rls-ff-bugs === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-24 | Current topic: rls-ff-bugs [14:39] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html [14:39] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1863239 [14:39] Ubuntu bug 1863239 in libmtp (Ubuntu) "/dev/bus/usb/*/* device file of HP multi-function printer assigned to "audio" group" [Critical,In progress] [14:39] tkamppeter: SHould that be assigned to you? [14:40] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1868260 [14:40] Ubuntu bug 1868260 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Change sleep-inactive-ac-timeout to 1200 to meet eStar 8 requirement" [High,Confirmed] [14:40] seb128: I think the OEM team talked to you and I separately about that ^ [14:40] Let's review it this afternoon. [14:40] My part I have already done on it, we only need a core-dev for upload. [14:40] OK, tkamppeter. Thanks. [14:41] Wimpress, I would welcome team opinion on the change [14:41] I'm fine doing it if we want to be estar 8 compliant, and we probably want? [14:41] The OEM power change? [14:41] I personally find autosuspend on ac annoying... [14:41] yes [14:42] I agree that staying compliant with eSTAR is the right thing to do. [14:42] 'power sleep-inactive-ac-timeout to 1200 (20 minutes) as default to meet the Power Management Requirements of Energy Star Computers Specification Version 8.0.' [14:42] k [14:42] what [14:42] Any other desktopers have an opinion on that? [14:42] autosuspend on 20 min idle sucks from an user experience though [14:42] Yep. [14:43] well I guess it depends what you use, but if you have e;g and IRC client open [14:43] I don’t really like either autosuspend after 20 min when you are on AC… [14:43] The other option is the the OEM team carry their own gschema override. [14:43] complying with the spec seems sensible, even if I tend to agree that autosuspend on AC isn't something I would expect [14:43] I can understand the compliance regulation though [14:43] what is this spec? [14:43] Wimpress, I guess it's up to you to decide on whether we do that an OEM image setting or a default Ubuntu one [14:43] Laney, https://www.energystar.gov/products/spec/computers_version_8_0_pd [14:44] New device shipped with Ubuntu from OEMs should comply with that. [14:44] feels like a bit of a crappy default to me [14:44] k [14:44] Hence the request. [14:44] so I think you got the team consensus [14:44] It is a setting a would change for sure. [14:44] we don't like it [14:45] Wimpress, now your call on OEM only or not [14:45] OK. I'll ask the OEM team to carry their own override. [14:45] thanks [14:45] (I guess it means win10 also default to that on new laptops now?) [14:46] (don't forget to rls-ff-notfixing / close the bug too) [14:46] Yep and macOS. But only if the intend to comply with the spec. [14:47] k, let's move on I guess [14:48] OK, bug updated and closed. [14:48] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1866044 [14:48] Ubuntu bug 1866044 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with signal 5 in clutter_box_layout_allocate() ("ClutterBoxLayout child Gjs_ui_shellEntry_CapsLockWarning natural height: 0.000000 < minimum 24.000000 for width ...") when enable-animations=false" [High,Fix committed] [14:48] Fixed upstream it appears. [14:49] in the ppa waiting for icu transition... [14:49] Trevinho, that ppa landed earlier today [14:49] well, in focal proposed [14:49] set it to fix commited now I guess [14:49] it is! [14:49] OK, so it will autoclose soon. [14:49] yeah, so well s/ppa/proposed [14:50] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1807276 [14:50] Ubuntu bug 1807276 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Cannot open Onscreen Keyboard in Xorg" [Medium,Triaged] [14:50] Mark as rls-notfixing. [14:50] I'll remove the champagne bug. [14:50] yup [14:51] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1865845 [14:51] Ubuntu bug 1865845 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "No UI indication for fingerprint enrolling progress" [Low,Incomplete] [14:52] Trevinho: Is that one for you? [14:52] oem cares about it, we should at least accomodate for the change asked in the most recent comment imhp [14:52] imho [14:52] Looks trivial. [14:52] Wimpress: yeah [14:52] although.... [14:52] so +1 for nominating/assigning to Trevinho [14:52] there's some design to do IMHO [14:52] that view is crap, talk later [14:52] Thanks. Assigned to you. [14:53] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/1866841 [14:53] Ubuntu bug 1866841 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Add chrome-gnome-shell to ubuntu-desktop recommends" [Wishlist,New] [14:53] I'll take that one. [14:53] I know the submitter. [14:53] Wimpress, reject it you mean right? [14:53] The answer is won't fix, right :-) [14:53] :-) [14:54] thx [14:54] The new Extension app is the way to go now I believe?> [14:54] I'll update it later. [14:55] http://launchpad.net/bugs/1868666 [14:55] Ubuntu bug 1868666 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashes when resuming from lock screen [st_widget_remove_accessible_state: assertion 'ST_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed]" [Undecided,New] [14:56] is that another report of the segfault with disable-animation that is fixed with 3.36? [14:56] Trevinho, ^ [14:56] Is was wondering that. [14:56] mh need to look a bit deeper [14:57] Looks like it to me, I would incomplete and ask Timo to try again with 3.36 [14:57] Worth assigning? [14:57] Laney: OK. [14:57] should land soon [14:58] looks a bit different though [14:58] I've commented. [14:59] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1866259 [14:59] Ubuntu bug 1866259 in yaru-theme (Ubuntu Focal) "Text clipped on password overlay dialogues" [Undecided,Fix committed] [14:59] Looks like it is fixed upstream and confirmed fixed. [14:59] looks like that's fixed in proposed now? [15:00] we got a new yaru landing with gnome-shell & co there [15:00] Are any of those package set to autoclose this bug? [15:01] launchpad timeouts on me so I can't check :/ [15:01] i was just grumbling about LP timing out [15:02] I'll leave that one there and review in a couple of days. [15:02] doesn't look like it does, I will manually clean up once it migrates [15:02] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-tracking-bug-tasks.html [15:02] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd-glib/+bug/1866574 [15:02] Ubuntu bug 1866574 in snapd-glib (Ubuntu Eoan) "Update to 1.56" [Medium,Confirmed] [15:02] Looks like robert should beassigned. [15:03] yus [15:03] Done [15:03] it should be closed [15:03] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd-glib/1.56-0ubuntu1 [15:03] no bug reference [15:04] * kenvandine closed [15:04] thx [15:04] I will closed with a comment later. LP is sick. [15:05] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/exiv2/+bug/1715931 [15:05] Ubuntu bug 1715931 in exiv2 (Ubuntu Focal) "Update to exiv2 version 0.27" [Wishlist,Fix committed] [15:05] Wimpress, that's to close as well, that version is in focal for a while now [15:06] seb128: enabling animations does prevent the crash, fwiw [15:06] tjaalton, k, good, so hopefully the same issue than the one fixed in 3.36 [15:06] ok [15:06] Thanks tjaalton [15:07] I am closing the exiv2 bug. [15:07] ...or will... [15:07] #topic update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-24 | Current topic: update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages [15:07] https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages [15:07] I can do that one [15:07] but basically icu migrated and cleared most of the list [15:08] current backlog is mostly things waiting for arm to catch up [15:08] Yep, I already have 202 new packages since yesterday evening :-) [15:08] and libraw/libcaca needing i386 crossbuild fixes, I will do those [15:08] Thanks seb128 [15:08] np [15:08] Anything else in there not ICU related? [15:09] ICU is off, but nothing else out of waiting and some retries maybe [15:09] I think we can move to AOB [15:09] OK, great. [15:09] #topic AOB === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-03-24 | Current topic: AOB [15:10] we are mostly done on 3.36 but still some updates and merges to claim on https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 [15:10] I have a couple of questions. [15:10] I'm trying to get things done but lockdown is making my days a bit challening and I've other things I delayed, so help would be welcome still [15:11] Actually. I have no questions. I will wait for 3.36 to land. [15:11] Wimpress, sorry, your turn now :p [15:11] sry got called away [15:11] seb128: I am happy to help with GNOME packaging work. [15:11] I noticed that Daniel has been unassigning himself from rls bugs [15:11] Wimpress, great, let's talk after the meeting then [15:11] Sadly, our plan for me to learn from you in Frankfurt got delayed. [15:11] Laney, which ones? [15:11] should we have ... a ... converstaion about that? :-) [15:11] oh gosh [15:11] If you can spare the time, I'm happy to do some. [15:11] I can find out if you want [15:12] Laney, plymouth ones? [15:12] or others? [15:12] could be [15:12] (I've the plymouth work on my list) [15:12] OK [15:12] One is for Trevinho about X11 fractional scaling. [15:12] We agree to proceed. [15:12] Do you have what you need? [15:12] no [15:13] Robert sent an email, he has the patch done [15:13] but we didn't get the string from design [15:13] OK [15:13] can you chase that? [15:13] Add to my list of design chase requests. [15:13] I will. [15:13] thanks [15:13] Laney, the one I was thinking about is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/1867909 but wasn't rls tracking [15:13] Ubuntu bug 1865161 in casper (Ubuntu Focal) "duplicate for #1867909 Written "press return to shutdown the computer" does not appear." [Critical,Confirmed] [15:14] Laney, I will mention to him that he shouldn't unassign himself from rls assigned bugs though [15:15] thx [15:15] So... on that g-c-c thing, I submitted a bug on upstream design https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Design/settings-mockups/-/issues/18 but well, I assume we can't wait for that to be fully addressed, but we have to fix this ourselves, mostly because the current view (other than ugly) makes impossible to have some drivers (i.e. godix, i.e. xps13) to do proper enrollment as they need more stages [15:15] I want to preserve flicker free boot. How optimistic are we feeling about fixing it? [15:15] than the UI can. So I think we'd need some UIFe for it. [15:15] Wimpress, I'm more optimistic now that I was when Dimitri raise the problems [15:16] 7 minutes, pfft, these people are LAZY! [15:16] Can you file the UIFe please Trevinho [15:16] ok [15:16] Wimpress, it would help if someone could confirm fsck integration was/is still working with the 'old' ubuntu-logo theme [15:16] I'm not convinced that's a theme regression [15:16] Understood. [15:16] I can't get it to work with the old theme either [15:17] I will ask some community members to assist with testing. [15:17] also if anyone has some debugging/hacking clue on how to similate the liveCD boot mode that would be useful [15:18] What do you mean by that? [15:18] Daniel didn't really manage to find a way to get a debug setup working for that it looks like [15:18] Wimpress, the ISO boot doing the checksum [15:18] Is testing in an EFI boot VM suitable? [15:18] unsure if that can be emulated from an active system or something you can ssh to [15:18] so get debug info, poke, etc [15:19] I have flicker free boot working in QEMU. [15:19] well it's rather being able to get a ssh prompt/command line at the time the issue is happening [15:19] right [15:19] I see. [15:19] but to be able to debug why the checksum messages are not showing it would help to have a command line at that time [15:19] neither Daniel or I are familiar with liveCD/iso debuggign though [15:19] but probably not a meeting topic either [15:19] there won't be network at that time [15:21] So, something to investigate them. [15:21] Wimpress, anyway, I just wanted to mention that, end of the plymouth topic I think [15:21] Anything else? [15:21] not from me [15:21] nothing here [15:21] One last thing. [15:22] We're all going to be impacted by COVID19 in some way or other in the coming weeks/months. [15:22] Trevinho: If you get some design work done by Canonical on that bug, please try to get them to do it on Gitlab rather than the Ubuntu wiki or a Google doc or anywhere weird like that ... :) [15:22] If you need anything, let me or your manager know so we help. [15:23] thank you Wimpress [15:23] Laney: yeah, I wish I could.. Wimpress any string I can pull to get that? [15:24] thanks Wimpress! [15:24] Trevinho: I'll get you "the best words" today. [15:24] Right, all done then? [15:25] yus [15:25] looks like it [15:25] Yep. [15:25] yep [15:25] Thanks everyone. [15:25] #endmeeting === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 [15:25] Meeting ended Tue Mar 24 15:25:27 2020 UTC. [15:25] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2020/ubuntu-desktop.2020-03-24-14.33.moin.txt [15:25] Trevinho: there's a 'design request' procedure now [15:25] not sure I'm aware of [15:26] thanks [15:27] yeah not sure exactly how it works [15:28] but you fill out a form ... and then it somehow gets scheduled [15:38] Wimpress, oh, also the gamemode bug needs some work to be turned into a proper FFE in case you didn't subscribe/see the update, I can follow up upstream about the activiation issue [15:50] tkamppeter, could you forward that libmtp patch to Debian? We are currently in sync and would be nice to keep it this way :-) [15:51] seb128, I can try but I do not know whether they will handle it quickly. [15:52] tkamppeter, it's fine, it doesn't stop us to also upload to focal, but at least this way we have a chance to be able to sync again later [15:52] tkamppeter, thanks [15:57] oSoMoN, so the url change fixed the mozjs cases but not tb since their webpage does a redirect to the https version :/ [15:58] Trevinho, btw versions lists mozjs correctly now, the proxy/urllib didn't like the https request for some reason, it works with http now [15:58] seb128: cool :) [15:58] well, not cool going http, but do we care? [15:59] seb128: thanks though [15:59] np! [16:03] Trevinho, could you have a look to the patch on bug #1867996 ? [16:03] bug 1867996 in libappindicator (Ubuntu) "Segfault in app_indicator_set_icon_full [patch attached]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1867996 [16:04] the submitter states g_signal apis are not used correctly, weird that we didn't get more reports over the years [16:13] seb128, ack, I'll make a note to have another look later [16:32] Trevinho: I've invited you to a meeting with design on Thursday. [17:00] For everyone who has read my weekly update, I have a quick update to the SANE item in there, now the two maintainers of the "escl" and "airscan" backends want to join their projects! Success! [17:06] that sounds like good news! [17:06] tkamppeter: awesome [17:16] Weekly update updated. [17:21] hellsworth: there are indentation issues in the bottom two YAML snippets in your post: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-snapcraft-3-11/16188/2?u=saviq [17:21] wanted to bring this bug i reported to the teams attention as this affects all flavors using update-manager https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/1834798 [17:21] Ubuntu bug 1834798 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "incorrect labels and icons pulled from .desktop files" [Undecided,Confirmed] [17:23] Saviq: the indentation is off by one in both cases because of the addedd + but i can adjust it [17:23] ricotz, I've tested bumping the python build dep for firefox to python3 (porting the few python scripts in the debian/ directory is pretty straightforward), but mach still requires python2.7 for most of its subcommands, so this ends up adding a build dependency, instead of upgrading the existing one. Do you think this is worth it? [17:25] ricotz, this is the diff: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VncnGMV4kG/ [17:28] oSoMoN, I am fine with making it compatible with python3 [17:28] oSoMoN, firefox itself has still some way to go https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1388447 [17:28] Mozilla bug 1388447 in General "[meta] Support and Require Python 3 to build Firefox" [Normal,New] [17:29] oSoMoN, this should be applied to all branches to avoid differ them [17:30] oSoMoN, if you want to push it yourself then please wait with that until Thursday [17:30] ricotz, of course [17:30] there's no rush, I've been experimenting with it but I can wait [17:31] I could apply on the trunk branch for testing [17:34] ricotz, if you don't mind… [17:38] oSoMoN, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/q9Z2hVzDd7/ [17:38] debian/control* is a bit different [17:41] ricotz, that looks fine, thanks [19:38] oSoMoN, I assume you didn't test your python3 port yet? ;) [20:35] ricotz, I have packages built/building in https://launchpad.net/~osomon/+archive/ubuntu/ff-py3/+packages, but I haven't actually tested them yet, indeed [20:35] is there a problem with them? [20:36] oSoMoN, I see, I guess you didn't ran create_tarball.py then [20:36] no indeed [20:36] there was a change needed [20:36] I reused an existing tarball [20:38] oSoMoN, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vjJt3dCZKK/ [20:39] the universal_newlines=True parameter? [20:39] yes [20:39] ack, thanks for this [20:40] otherwise p.stdout.read() doesn't return a string as needed