
alkisgHi, I'd like to help in getting the patch in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wpasupplicant/+bug/1867908 accepted for Focal, how can I help? Send it as a debdiff instead of a .patch?02:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1867908 in wpasupplicant (Ubuntu) "Patch for MAC randomization" [Undecided,New]02:43
sarnoldalkisg: I can't promise anything, but a tested debdiff, and descriptions of how to test, would probably help, yes02:49
alkisgsarnold: thank you, I will try to do that later on today02:49
alkisgsarnold: I uploaded a merge request for LP bug #1867908, and I've tested the generated .deb package for four wifi adapters that I had, and it solved the issue for all of them. If/when you have time, please have a look, thank you!07:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1867908 in wpasupplicant (Ubuntu) "Patch for MAC randomization" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186790807:39
seb128xnox, hey, you hacked on casper/plymouth before, do you maybe have debugging hint you can share on bug #1867909 ?09:25
ubottubug 1867909 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "plymouth spinner can not show the messages after installation." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186790909:25
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rbasakbryce: here's the MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/usd-importer/+git/usd-importer/+merge/38111616:38
brycerbasak, thanks16:55
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dokotjaalton: dogtag-pki is missing build-deps, trying to download stuff during the build18:36
tjaaltondoko: yes, somehow it wasn't an issue on debian, but -1u1 fixes it18:44
ahasenackhi, some imput please. I was tasked with adding "tests" to a package that is going through a MIR (libfido2). The package has regression tests, but they are only enabled in a debug build. So I added this as DEP8: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ns5WzVcCnH/18:50
ahasenackI do a build with debug enabled, which is enough to run the tests. To be sure, I do another run, where I patch a test to fail, and then expect the test run to fail, that way I'm sure the tests were being run18:51
ahasenackwhen they pass, they are invisible18:51
ahasenacknow, I could have done the same thing in a dh_auto_test override in d/rules18:51
ahasenackwhat do you think is better?18:51
ahasenacksarnold: ^18:51
dokotjaalton: debian buildds have network access18:51
ahasenackthis is the good dep8 output: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/KQqcfYPtFv/18:52
ahasenackthis is when the expected failure doesn't happen: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/JqttQZCSrN/18:52
sarnoldahasenack: "Expected regression test failure did not happen", nice18:53
tjaaltondoko: huh, ok18:53
ahasenacksarnold: I commented out the patch on that run18:53
ahasenackthe patch that introduced the failure18:54
ahasenackfor srus, I generally feel that a build-time test is more effective, as excuses will be looked at much later after the package was built, once the sru is accepted18:54
sarnoldahasenack: it's not the easiest thing to try to convey that something should have failed, but it didn't fail, and that's a failure :)18:55
sarnoldahasenack: but this does a good job of it, well done18:55
ahasenackthe messaging in the good case should be better, after all, anyone looking will see a core dump, and go wtf18:56
ahasenackwhy did this pass18:56
sarnoldahasenack: I don't know what the dh_auto_test override would look like, but this looks nice to me18:57
ahasenackit would be similar. I would create an empty directory, cd into it, invoke the build with the debug parameter18:57
ahasenackmight use sed instead of a patch to change the source for the expected failure case, and do it again18:58
ahasenackand I think it would be easier for the security team, since you usually can't use the public dep8 infrastructure to test packages18:58
ahasenackso if you see a failure in your private ppa, that's immediate18:59
sarnoldoh, right, so .. that'd be double the build time, roughly, but provide 'instant' feedback?18:59
ahasenack3 times19:00
ahasenackthe real build, then build 1 for the good case, build 2 for the bad case19:00
ahasenackall 3 took about 5min on my laptop19:00
sarnoldoh right19:00
sarnoldwow, that's a lot better than I feared19:00
sarnold(same as the autopkgtest, I expected that runtime to be worse too)19:00
ahasenackwell, 5min was with dep8, and in my dep8 run i was also building the package itself19:00
ahasenackI can experiment without throwing this away19:01
Laneyahasenack: The best autopkgtests are supposed to test the artifacts that users will run; building something and then testing that thing is not really ideal in that respect19:06
LaneyIf you can build the tests and then convince them to run against the system's stuff, ...19:06
ahasenackLaney: agreed, I have seen dep8 tests being just unit tests, and wondered why they were never run at build time19:07
ahasenackturns out some are, and again as dep8. I think the latter is to check interactions with other packages in the system, that were not there at build time (different versions?)19:07
LaneyI guess you can summarise it as "is the package in the archive still working properly?" - you should be trying to write autopkgtests which answer that question IMO19:10
Laneybuild-time tests are: is that thing I just built something which works properly?19:12
ahasenacksarnold: ok, now it's at build time19:24
ahasenacksarnold: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gnP7FFRSqp/ <-- when the injected failure did not happen19:24
ahasenackhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PYWSksqBXC/ <-- when it happened and was caught19:25
ahasenackfor both cases, scroll to the bottom19:25
ahasenackactually, for the good case, go to line 4925: SUCCESS, the expected failure happened.19:25
ahasenackeasier to find19:25
ahasenackI'll add some more verbosity and call it good, and submit an MP19:26
sarnoldahasenack: very nice, thanks!19:26
dokorafaeldtinoco: you merged kmod to suppress warnings, however these still show up in every autopkg tests. could you have a look? see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kmod/+bug/186499220:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1864992 in kmod (Ubuntu Focal) "depmod: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:515 lookup_builtin_file() could not open builtin file '/lib/modules/5.4.0-14-generic/modules.builtin.bin'" [Medium,New]20:10
dokosforshee: ^^^20:10
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dokoso why didn't that help?20:16
rafaeldtinocodoko: will check20:24
rafaeldtinocodoko: https://git.launchpad.net/~rafaeldtinoco/ubuntu/+source/kmod/commit/?id=d08be3cad6af9e1d414af1aed7cdaa158f43773c20:25
rafaeldtinocothis is the fix20:25
rafaeldtinoco-proposed for bionic and eoan20:25
dokobut not working in focal20:26
rafaeldtinocohum. ok]20:26
rafaeldtinocolet me fix it20:26
dokoe.g. https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-focal/focal/amd64/d/doit/20200323_182614_c1613@/log.gz20:26
rafaeldtinocodoko: alright, ill push a fix in a few20:27
rafaeldtinocofocal is still applying that patch, I missed that before the sru20:27
dokoso maybe also merge from debian20:28
rafaeldtinocothere was a fight about this fix and we decided to drop that change while they decided20:29
rafaeldtinocolets see if they got that sorted out20:29
rafaeldtinocoah great they dropped it20:32
rafaeldtinocodoko: kmod gets updated after linux-image and thats why there is still errors there. you can see kmod being updated *after* The kernel gets updated21:28
rafaeldtinocoso you would have to wait for the cloud images to get kmod updated21:28
rafaeldtinocoparide: ^21:28
rafaeldtinocoparide: as you opened this bug.. just to make sure we get kmod updated in cloud images21:29
rafaeldtinocoorelse kernel updates might take end users crazy with those libkmod error messages21:29
rafaeldtinoco(if kernel is updated before kmod)21:29
LocutusOfBorgrbalint, hello kodi* syncs?22:11
rbalintthey would just drop the delta22:25
rbalintLocutusOfBorg where it mattered i've already synced22:25

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