
lotuspsychjegood morning04:14
lordievaderGood morning07:05
ducassegood morning07:49
pragmaticenigmahggdh: you mean the fact that they've been doing it for more than 4 hours isn't enough reason to block them?14:32
oerhekshe avoida a ban by using multiple ways of connection, weak tor config14:33
hggdhoerheks: banned by $a, not connection address/type14:34
pragmaticenigmaI'm guessing with the somewhat higher internet usage.. tor is really going to be flakey14:34
oerheksthanks hggdh :-)14:35
akemWill "service" (to list services) be removed at some point? also i wonder why it is so slow to list.14:35
pragmaticenigmaIsn't that something server side?14:36
akempragmaticenigma, Hm, you mean that to me? It's all local AFAIK, i was trying to list running services, first using "service --status-all" and it's very slow, but "systemctl list-unit-files" is instant.14:39
akemOf course much more infos with systemctl.14:39
pragmaticenigmaakem: oh... you mean on your machine... didn't realize the topic of the conversation switched14:39
akemIt is a bit faster now, but first time i tried, it was waiting on each line, strange.14:42
pragmaticenigmaindexing perhaps?14:42
akemYeah, i don't know.14:45
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: First and foremost, your company should be running daily backups of their production systems. If they're not doing that much, then they are setting themselves up for major single point of failure.15:23
pragmaticenigmathe backups are the first line of defense for restore after system crashes, bad updates, etc15:24
pragmaticenigmaand they should be keeping several backups around, in case an update takes a few days to manifest a problem15:24
akemIf they want you to compile everything, switch to Gentoo it will be easier maybe :P15:24
pragmaticenigmaakem: please don't15:24
akemJust joking.15:25
oerhekshe worries about his 'production environment'  ???15:25
oerheksno testing setupo?15:25
ChadTaljaardtWe keep database backups every day and store them for 60 days if i recall correctly15:26
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: To make your company understand better... tell them that it takes more man hours and costs more money to take their proposed approach, when there are so many smaller more maintainable approaches15:26
ChadTaljaardti dont think the comapany cares about that, they see it as a really high priority to make sure everything is version static15:27
pragmaticenigmaalso, all that stuff you mentioned, increases the chances of something breaking... not preventing15:27
ChadTaljaardti just dont understand whats so bad about getting curl from apt..15:27
oerhekscurl bad from apt?15:28
pragmaticenigmacompanies do many stupid things... but one they will pay attention to is their bottom line... they don't want to spend more money on a problem than they have to15:28
ChadTaljaardti think their perspective is that if you download a specific version and compile it manually, there is no chance of something going wrong with it later on, as everything should be exactly the same15:28
pragmaticenigmaand then they wonder why they got hacked because someone wasn't paying attention to a security update and didn't patch the servers15:29
oerheksChadTaljaardt, if you are so sensitive, built it yourself then, i see no security risc building by ubuntu15:30
ChadTaljaardtIve tried presenting that argument... they said getting the latest updates is a security risk15:30
ChadTaljaardtWhile - because this is essentially a temp solution until (hopefully) we go "docker", I can live with it,  I would point out that just pulling the "latest" version of even smaller widgets is a recipe for a) a bollocks when something unexpectedly gets broken (and sorry - sooner or later that will happen) and b) is a security hole as big as a very big one should the underlying widget codebase get compromised.   Its fine for Dev trees, as a15:30
ChadTaljaardt "production" thing it rather less so...15:30
ChadTaljaardtthats what they said15:30
oerheksso, if you have no seperate testing pc, even your own builded packages can fail15:31
oerheksapt or make..15:31
ChadTaljaardtwe do use a staging environement to test stuff15:31
ChadTaljaardtbut we only update things like every 6 months or so15:32
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: Personally... I'd quit my job15:32
oerheksyeah, stay @
ChadTaljaardtbad time to quit lol, job market looks bad atm15:32
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: soon as they get hacked or something crashes... your butt is going to get fired... they're looking for a scape goat15:32
ChadTaljaardtproblem is that the data hosted on the website is "highly sensitive"15:34
ChadTaljaardtso we need to have very very good security15:34
ChadTaljaardtsuch a dilemma..15:34
pragmaticenigmaSo they want to lower the security to make it more secure... oh that makes so much more sense /sarcasm15:34
ChadTaljaardttheir argument is that newer versions of software can continue security holes, because it most likely hasn't been extensively tested and had time for people to look at it.15:35
ChadTaljaardtcontain *15:35
ChadTaljaardtwhereas older versions have had more time to be tested, thus more secure and more stable15:36
pragmaticenigma!latest | See this:15:36
ubot5See this:: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:36
pragmaticenigmaUbuntu already does that for you ChadTaljaardt ... they don't release the "latest" versions... they keep the version at the same version that was available at the time of release of the Ubuntu version15:37
oerheksa package gets tested before it gets green light...15:37
ChadTaljaardtalready told them that..15:37
ChadTaljaardtgot ignored15:37
pragmaticenigmaThe updates that Canonical pushes out are patches against the existing and vulnerable version, they don't upgrade to the latest because of a hole or bug... they fix it15:37
ChadTaljaardtis that what you get when you do stuff like apt-get upgrade?15:38
ChadTaljaardtcause we arent allowed to do that15:38
pragmaticenigmaThen I'm done with this exercise... As mentioned in main, the support channel will not support packages not provided through apt. That holds true for the channel and would probably hold true if your company had a support contract with canonical15:38
pragmaticenigmaThe volunteers rely on the documentation put out by the developers of ubuntu... when a person/group compiles their own, we have no idea what flags, customizations, etc, where done to the code. and wouldn't have the proper documentation to support it15:39
ChadTaljaardtwell i got a call with them in 25 minutes to try argue the case for using apt.. so i wonder how this will go15:39
pragmaticenigmaOh my Tux! You guys are just begging to get hacked... your company is a very very sad company15:40
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: you can inform them... updates provided by canonical, within the support cycle of a release, do not push out the latest versions. They only focus on severe bug fixes and vulnerabilities. In the most rare of rare occassions is a new version release, but only when there is absolutely no way to fix the issue in the existing release.15:42
ChadTaljaardtwhen you say a new release and a fix in a pre-existing realease, does that mean that if you install the same version of a package, say curl, that the code used to run this could be different in both cases?15:43
ChadTaljaardtunless i am misunderstanding this15:43
pragmaticenigmaAnd when such an event happens, there are notifications sent out through release notes and other channels to let customers and users know that such an update is being made. so companies have ample time to prepare and test before deployment15:43
pragmaticenigmaExample: For Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, the version of curl I'm running on my machine is the same version that was available at install 2 years ago. Only thing that has been updated was for security vulnerabilities in that time. That is it15:44
ChadTaljaardtright okay, so the version number will change but itll only be minor version number changes, not major15:45
pragmaticenigmait won't necassarily be the minor version that changes... it might be a build number15:45
pragmaticenigmaso sub of the sub minor version number15:45
ChadTaljaardtand if there are no security updates or major bug fixes, it'll be the original that was shipped with the os version15:46
ChadTaljaardtahh okay15:46
pragmaticenigmathat is correct ChadTaljaardt15:46
ChadTaljaardti think they might listen if i say that, because their perspecitive is that any changes as long as its not a major change gets packaged and shipped..15:47
pragmaticenigmaI'm a software developer myself... there is nothing worse than coding an application to leverage a system tool, only to have that tool change on you. It is one of the reasons that I have choosen Ubuntu over other distributions15:47
ChadTaljaardttbh they just need to learn how this stuff works, dont think it should be me doing this lol15:47
pragmaticenigmadarn right15:47
ChadTaljaardtyeah thats their fear, we used to install things like elasticsearch and when there was an update it would break the system, we have pinned the version of elasticsearch now, but because of that they want to pin absolutely everything15:48
pragmaticenigmathe devs for Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat, SuSE have been doing this for many many years... they all have similar philosophies when it comes to updates of software15:48
pragmaticenigmabetter is to pin the problematic package, terrible is to assume everything is doing that15:49
ChadTaljaardtyeah i proposed pinning the versions of all the stuff that is not within ubuntu, so like elasticsearch, rabbitmq, we have a custom python version (3.8) so thats pinned etc15:51
ChadTaljaardtbut should leave things like autoconf and wget to just come from apt15:51
pragmaticenigmathat sounds like the right approach to me15:51
pragmaticenigmafrom this conversation... what it sounds like to me is they got bit in the bum version chasing... now they're gun shy about everything15:52
pragmaticenigmaI develop personally in python... I develop against version 3.6, even though most of my stuff is running on 3.7 and 3.8 machine15:52
pragmaticenigmalittlekimmy... at it again...16:05
oerheksyes, a bad boy16:06
oerheksif people do not want to read, why reading in #u ?16:07
pragmaticenigmaeverything that comes up with a google search on their handle has someone telling them to leave16:07
pragmaticenigmaand notice how ever time someone calls them out on it... they go silent... until they think I'm not looking16:08
pragmaticenigmaor someone else that called them out for their behavior16:08
ChadTaljaardtconvinced my team, they are on board with only pinning major packages we use like elasticsearch.. now i need to convince the CTO to allow us to run things like apt-get upgrade and not version pin everything16:37
ChadTaljaardtfun fun16:37
daftykinsapt-get is pretty old school at this point fwiw, just apt now is enough :) saves on the ol' keystrokes16:37
pragmaticenigmaagreed... apt helps simplify... apt-get is still better for automating stuff16:38
pragmaticenigma!info fglrx bionic16:41
ubot5Package fglrx does not exist in bionic16:41
daftykinsdefinitely took a while for feature parity, i think the xenial one couldn't 'clean'16:42
pragmaticenigmaI guess it came out of the man page: The `apt` command is meant to be pleasant for end users and does not need16:44
pragmaticenigma       to be backward compatible like apt-get(8).16:44
oerheksapt is superiour over apt-get16:44
pragmaticenigmaI think where I got the apt-get for automatted purposes was the progress bar in apt (which can be turned off) could cause issues for applications trying to pull and interpret the output16:45
ChadTaljaardtpragmaticenigma do you know of a source which states that the ubuntu packages from apt are not the "latest"17:04
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: I'll see if I can find a place that it is explicately spelled out... for now it might be somewhere in these docs: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs17:07
pragmaticenigmaI don't know where the source of our factoid came from17:09
ubot5Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.17:09
ChadTaljaardtyeah i tried googling for that term and it doesnt show anything except irc logs17:11
daftykinsif people are version chasing, educate them how ridiculous it is17:11
pragmaticenigmahggdh: Do you happen to know the source of the !latest factoid17:11
pragmaticenigmadaftykins: we just did that earlier in here17:12
ChadTaljaardtfound this https://askubuntu.com/questions/151283/why-dont-the-ubuntu-repositories-have-the-latest-versions-of-software which tells it, but they want a more official source17:12
ChadTaljaardtwhat is version chasing?17:13
daftykinswhen people think that a bigger number and the pursuit thereof is everything17:13
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: It's the opposite of what your company is trying to do17:13
ChadTaljaardtahh so always wanting the latest and greatest of everything17:14
lotuspsychjeChadTaljaardt: latest doesnt mean greatest, thats the whole point17:15
ChadTaljaardtit was just tongue and cheek17:16
ChadTaljaardtim gonna get lunch, be back in a hour or so17:16
ChadTaljaardttake care :)17:17
sarnoldhopefully helpful https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Versions https://www.debian.org/security/faq#version https://access.redhat.com/security/updates/backporting https://documentation.suse.com/sles/15-SP1/html/SLES-all/cha-update-backport.html17:17
ChadTaljaardtthanks sarnold17:19
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: White paper here: https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle17:19
ChadTaljaardtill check it out17:19
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: in the link I sent, under the heading "Maintenance and security updates"17:21
sarnoldpragmaticenigma: that's nice page17:21
pragmaticenigmaBINGO! found it... same page ChadTaljaardt under the heading "Ubuntu kernel release cycle" second paragraph17:22
pragmaticenigmaIn general, all of the LTS kernel packages will use the same base version of the Linux kernel, for example, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS kernels typically used the 4.15 upstream Linux kernel as a base. Some cloud-specific kernels may use a newer version in order to benefit from improved mechanisms in performance or security that are material to that cloud. These kernels are all supported for the full life of their underlying LTS17:22
ChadTaljaardtthats only saying for the kernel though, not the packages in the apt?17:23
ChadTaljaardtunless im misunderstanding it17:24
sarnoldcloud-specific kernels are weird17:26
pragmaticenigmaI'm not an expert on this, the page as a whole is supposed to instill the confidence that Ubuntu is stable and things aren't going to shift beneath the feat of an organization trying to use the product17:27
TJ-clouds tend to vaporise or rain down on you - remember that!17:27
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: Beyond what we can find, you might have to call https://canonical.com/contact-us17:28
pragmaticenigmaChadTaljaardt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS17:31
TJ-LTS == if we break it we might actually fix it17:31
* lotuspsychje opens umbrella17:31
ubot5latest aliases: newest - added by Seveas on 2006-06-19 13:43:19 - last edited by rww on 2011-03-22 05:25:4417:38
hggdhpragmaticenigma: ^17:38
hggdhor, you meant the raw factoid:17:39
ubot5<reply> Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.17:39
pragmaticenigmahggdh: I mean the actual location of documentation that was used to create that factoid... like where in the Canonical/Ubuntu documentation does that message come from17:43
pragmaticenigmahggdh: as in citation17:43
lotuspsychjehggdh: ChadTaljaardt wanted an explain of why LTS has not latest packages17:43
hggdhoh. No, I do not know (anymore). But the reason is basic: stability. Same thing Red Hat, SUSE, Oracle, etc (even Debian) do: you need a stable image you can redeploy multiple times without wasting time to learn of new problems/issues/features17:46
pragmaticenigmaat some point, that should make it's way into ubuntu.com's whitepapers as "fact" ... for now the only true reference I was able to find lives in a wiki17:47
pragmaticenigmaI don't know what the process is for that17:47
lotuspsychjesomthing to also think about, is when ubuntu serves latest snaps right from software choices, we get mixed systems with both stability and latest software17:49
hggdhI really do not know. It may well be that this is one of the "basic truths" that everybody assumes but very few (myself included) actually thought of documenting17:49
oerheksinteresting conv. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/proposal-for-ubuntu-20-04lts/1296917:50
oerheksall we need is an #ubuntu-snap channel please17:50
lotuspsychjeoerheks: one month to go..i assume things will be bit late for insert all those ideas17:51
hggdhlotuspsychje: yes, snaps can give a sysadmin headaches; most places I have been, snaps are only installed by the sysadmins (and they have to have an approved change request)17:51
hggdhoerheks: there is already #snappy17:52
pragmaticenigmahggdh: I think with Ubuntu evolving toward more enterprise level of products, it would be advantages to include that in their whitepapers and on the main site pages. Where content can't be modified freely by those with accounts.17:53
lotuspsychjeoerheks: maybe 20.10 :p17:53
rfmIs there any reason to prefer UUID=blahblah over /dev/disk/by-uuid/blahblah in /etc/fstab?19:34
lordcirth_rfm, It's shorter and clearer, IMHO19:36
daftykinsyeah critical file, reduce the character count imo19:37
rfmI noticed the 20.04(dev) installer now uses /dev/disk/by-uuid19:44
jalepenoftwHi there! I've been working on an open source project (https://FreePN.com) for a few months and wanted to get some feedback! FreePN is a Linux-first (Ubuntu included) open-source peer-to-peer VPN project.19:58
jalepenoftwexplanations for this and other common questions here: https://freepn.com/pages/faq.html)19:58
akemjalepenoftw, It's a nice idea, but it won't work for many of us.20:01
akemHere i'm using a VPN(NordVPN) because it's not logged and no-one is monitoring the connection. Now if i use FreePN, i can become some sort of exit node for other peers, and my output is monitored, so someone torrenting for example, my ISP would just think i am torrenting. And other peers maybe logged or monitored too.20:04
daftykinsyeah that'd be in violation of most peoples ISP contract20:04
jeremy31Who reads?20:08
jalepenoftwSo we actually allow you to choose what traffic you're comfortable carrying -- we give certain pre-selected categories you can choose from (think filesharing as an example), and if you basically 'check the box' for a given category, that traffic will be rerouted elsewhere / you won't act as an exit node for that category of traffic.20:08
akemYeah. It's still a good project, i hope it will get some attention.20:12
akemI think the alternative is the darknet(Tor) but only if you stay on the encrypted network(onion), that way no one can tell what's going on. - but most people want things that are only available on clearnet OFC, and it's not usable ATM for torrenting.20:16
oerheksLLVM 10.0.0 Release (llvm.org)21:13
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