
guivercBashing-om, Sorry I just realized it's publish day... b/c of covid.. I can't shop @ night [my normal routine, stores closed early now] so was out shopping first thing (first hour is now pensioner/disabled/..); i turned this box on but didn't stay & didn't think of checking it, so sorry..00:53
guivercs/checking it/checking here/00:54
Bashing-omguiverc: Hey - Glad it was that and not something I had said or done :D. All done less cleanup with the issue  - You have anything for Gdoc to preclude wiping it at this time ?00:57
guivercnope, clear away..00:58
Bashing-omguiverc: Ho-Kay - wipping.00:59
Bashing-omguiverc: From today: https://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-says-ubuntu-support-unaffected-by-the-coronavirus-outbreak-529520.shtml. We want to run this again this issue ?01:06
guivercWe gave it prominent last time so doesn't feel like news to me.. I'd likely note it in comments & decide later (maybe it'll seem more important on friday/later-in-week)01:07
* guiverc apologises for poor language, is a tired zombie01:08
Bashing-omguiverc: Sounds good ^ . Will do.01:10
krytarikWild_Man, pleia2: Did any of you already remove Mr Puente from the ubuntu-news mailing list, or feel inclined to mail him back that we can't find him based on the sender details of his mailed request?03:07
Wild_Mankrytarik, is he the one that asked today?03:08
Wild_ManNo I did not, I was going to look but I have been busy03:10
-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Stephen Michael Kellat: Systems Failure At Main Mission @ http://coyote.works//posts/MainMission20200323/03:59
-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: System76 Announces Lemur Pro Linux Laptop with Insane Battery Life @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/system76-announces-lemur-pro-linux-laptop-with-insane-battery-life-529538.shtml (by Bogdan Popa, Microsoft News Editor)05:25
-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Ceph Octopus is now available @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/ceph-octopus-15-2-0-is-now-available09:50
-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: How to launch IoT devices – Part 4: When to ask for help @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/iot-devices-pt4-outsource10:49
-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Building a Raspberry Pi cluster with MicroK8s @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/building-a-raspberry-pi-cluster-with-microk8s11:02
Wild_ManHi hggdh you around?16:24
hggdhWild_Man: NOW i AM :-)17:36
hggdhsorry for the caps17:37
Wild_ManHi hggdh, I just wanted to ask do you know who to contact about the daily iso servers? I have been trying to download Ubuntu Mate for two days and it keeps failing and other people are having the same issue, it see,s to be the U.S. servers, Ubuntu Budgie was having that issue but it is fixed this morning17:40
hggdhWild_Man: not really sure... but you could try #canonical-sysadmin, or #ubuntu-release17:41
hggdhI once knew, but the fog of time...17:42
Wild_Manhggdh, I was wondering if  #canonical-sysadmin was the right people to contact17:42
hggdhI would just go and try. Be prepared to give out the actual errors17:42
Wild_ManI will give them a try in a little while I have to run out for a bit, Thanks!17:42
hggdhmy pleasure17:42
-BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Kubernetes 1.18 available from Canonical @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/kubernetes-1-18-available-from-canonical19:01

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