[01:43] [telegram] @popeydc timestamps added to all your wonderful testing videos :D [03:02] [telegram] I don't see any response from a Lubuntu team member; did I miss it or there hasn't been one [yet, here or elsewhere]? (I see Dan/kc2bez has release notes ready.. but no beta on phab..) (re @philipz: yes announcement text should be prepared by each flavour using the text in https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PVui1kB1JijGCoBPdkrg4P94LS4DozLtEJ37GKWga2E/edit#) [03:07] [telegram] i've just completed the preliminary bug session announcement text here for xubuntu - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PVui1kB1JijGCoBPdkrg4P94LS4DozLtEJ37GKWga2E/edit#heading=h.kpgv9ngwzu24 [03:09] I saw it ... (if I find the window again, I'm the anonymous person reading & admiring it!) [03:18] [telegram] i was wondering who that was. :D [03:19] [telegram] guiverc: saw you had a branch for the manual tests and it would be great if you could assist in closing some of my reported bugs so that we can have up to date testcase texts [03:23] Yep... I'd like to get a response from Walter (when he can) first on all my [lubu] adds.. I saw your bugs, i'll endeavour to look at them later this arvo (my local time) [03:24] [telegram] thanks. most of the bugs effect all ubiquity installer distros, so its a win for everyone, except lubuntu. :D [03:25] (look, if they're just text changes, I could edit & push & then assign changes/ownership for other teams to get thru maybe) [03:25] [telegram] yes all text changes [03:27] * guiverc gets helped by RikMills, franksmcb & many many others (from other teams) regularly... [04:09] @philipz, you don't mind if I plaguirize (spel?) from your announcement, (parts anyway) or will they be used in ways where that would look obvious/bad? (or please tell me if NO you cannot; how dare you!) [04:11] [telegram] its in the google doc for everyone to see and benefit from and make their own spin / flavor :D [04:22] Thank you good Sir @philipz [04:40] was thinking to suggest testers to include basic hardware info as part of their testcase reporting and wondered if `inxi -CGmMP` would be good [04:59] jphilips, I think a great idea albeit a trifle long [iso.qa.ubu comment wise maybe] (but simple to run is a huge +++) === jphilips_ is now known as jphilips [14:01] [telegram] @Eickmeyer if you have finished your announcement text for the session, even if its rough, why not add it to the google doc so that others can get ideas for theirs [14:02] [telegram] @popeydc @wimpress any update from your sides regarding the ubuntu announcement [14:03] [telegram] I haven't done anything towards this announcement, no. [15:15] [telegram] I haven't done anything toward announcements either. I do have other responsibilities that take priority. (re @philipz: @Eickmeyer if you have finished your announcement text for the session, even if its rough, why not add it to the google doc so that others can get ideas for theirs) [15:17] [telegram] Sadly I have a couple of big FFEs that take priority [17:10] [telegram] @guiverc here is the link for xubuntu's announcement for UWN - https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-20-04-testing-week/ [17:12] philipz: guiverc is afk for now, want me to notify him later? [17:14] [telegram] he's pinged here on telegram, so he'll know. thanks lotuspsychje [17:14] oh cool [17:54] [telegram] welcome @bashfulrobot [17:54] [telegram] [17:55] [telegram] heyo [17:57] [telegram] checkout the pinned google doc for more info on the joint ubuntu test week and the announcement [18:02] [telegram] Thanks for pointing that out. [19:33] [telegram] valorie said she'll take care of it (re @RikMills: Sadly I have a couple of big FFEs that take priority) [19:34] [telegram] can you pass on the task to anyone else in the studio team? (re @Eickmeyer: I haven't done anything toward announcements either. I do have other responsibilities that take priority.) [19:35] [telegram] can you work the announcement text for the mate team? (re @franksmcb: I'm here from the Ubuntu MATE team) [19:45] Has anyone had any reports of US mirrors for the daily ISOs failing on download? The person implied it's only the flavours. And only from the USA. But trying to get more info from this person (other than what I stated) has been difficult. They reported it in UB and Kubuntu. [19:47] [telegram] Fails to see how it would be "only flavours" - it's all one archive. [19:52] That is what I thought. [19:52] I was just hoping to get some feedback so that I could take it away and inform the user. Just wanted to avoid the "works for me" response. [19:53] people are antsy and I think starting to spread a bit more disinformation [19:53] @popey Thanks for clarifying that one point on the archive. [19:53] valorie: Good point. [19:54] I just want to go back with an educated response vs an emotional one. ha ha [19:54] people who are fearful don't always act logically [19:54] give them something useful to do and they will calm down [20:27] [telegram] How is this being coordinated? Are the flavours expected to be releasing this on webpages, twitter, forums or is this going to be done entirely on the Ubuntu website, twitter, etc? [20:29] [telegram] My team is rather small, and consists of myself and two other busy people. Don't rush us, it'll get handled. We are volunteers, remember? (re @philipz: can you pass on the task to anyone else in the studio team?) [20:29] [telegram] Sorry, more like 4 other busy people, but still. [20:39] oh gosh, brain fart -- what is the installer named? [20:39] and what is the name of the live-session package [20:40] [telegram] valorie: Ubiquity is the installer, unless you've pulled a Lubuntu and switched to Calamares. [20:41] thank you [20:41] brain would not produce it [20:41] [telegram] yes its all mentioned in the google doc. flavours announce the 'ubuntu testing week' and promote it on their various platforms (re @franksmcb: How is this being coordinated? Are the flavours expected to be releasing this on webpages, twitter, forums or is this going to be done entirely on the Ubuntu website, twitter, etc?) [20:41] we want to switch but after the LTS [20:41] [telegram] Yes Kubuntu is using Ubiquity [20:41] ah, casper is the live session [20:42] [telegram] okay. (re @Eickmeyer: My team is rather small, and consists of myself and two other busy people. Don't rush us, it'll get handled. We are volunteers, remember?) [20:44] [telegram] So there is no coordination then as to the dates that we do this announcement just that it's for 2 April beta week? [20:45] there is a date in the doc [20:45] we should all announce together [20:45] [telegram] also mentioned in the google doc. announcement is to be jointly made on the 26th, tough it maybe difficult for some flavours to do it. but xubuntu, kubuntu and lubuntu are ready. [20:46] [telegram] announcement text bullet points can be found in https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PVui1kB1JijGCoBPdkrg4P94LS4DozLtEJ37GKWga2E/edit# [20:47] [telegram] xubuntu's announcement can also be found in there, and valorie is adding kubuntu's and lubuntu team will hopefully add theirs today or tomorrow [20:48] when I tweet stuff like this I always tag everyone [20:48] we're all in this togethe [20:48] [telegram] ubuntu family for the win [20:49] and we always urge people with extra time to help out any projects on the qa tracker lacking testers [20:49] @philipz -- you have suggesting on [20:49] rather than editing [20:49] seems like needless work for you [20:50] [telegram] editing now enabled [20:50] [telegram] please refresh for the new powers [21:13] thanks [21:15] [telegram] your welcome. in the xubuntu announcement, i've embedded 2 of @popeydc's recent videos, so that testers can watch them rather than having to explain it in the text.