
Eickmeyerteward: Fixed copyright, give it a whirl.00:50
EickmeyerThe biggest part was the dpf stuff, which I already had from the dpf-plugins package.00:50
studiobot<teward001> I'll review but can you get someone on the archive team's assurances they will review?  they need to make sure it will get reviewed before next freezes and such00:54
studiobot<teward001> I am not on the archive team so I cant JDFI for the guarantee of review00:54
studiobot<teward001> because src+bin:NEW00:54
studiobot<teward001> also NACK - incomplete licensing01:16
studiobot<teward001> dpf/dgl/[files in directory not recursively] - ISC per licensecheck01:16
studiobot<teward001> can you verify Eickmeyer?01:16
studiobot<teward001> you have to document *every* file :P01:16
Eickmeyerteward: I'm aware, it should've been in what was copied-over from dpf-plugins.01:17
studiobot<teward001> it's not but eh01:17
studiobot<teward001> the rest looks OK01:18
EickmeyerAlso, just FYI: this is the part about debian packaging I absolutely hate. RPM packaging doesn't have this copyright requirement, they trust the upstream.01:18
tewardthats where RPMs can have copyright problems :P01:19
EickmeyerAnd then, if asked, the finger goes to the upstream for being irresponsible.01:20
Eickmeyerteward: Really, it looks like dpf/* needs to be ISC, but I have it as GPL-2 because dpf-plugins has that. So, that's something I need to fix in dpf-plugins as well.01:26
studiobot<teward001> well it was OK'd previously so maybe that'll stay the same UNLESS the repack has newer DPF01:36
Eickmeyerteward: No, I checked the dpf-plugins package and it's wrong there.01:53
studiobot<teward001> ok then that needs updated next bump02:05
studiobot<teward001> but not high priority if it's that far off.  (though i'm sure we could sneak it in for policy)02:05
studiobot<teward001> if you fix it in both places I'll upload both02:06
studiobot<teward001> NEW will need archive review, the other one I'll state we're fixing an error we just caught02:06
studiobot<teward001> (nobody'll care)02:07
studiobot<teward001> (and if they do I'll say "I felt it necessary to upload" and handwave lol)02:07
studiobot<teward001> they can yell at me if they want xD02:07
EickmeyerExactly, it's pretty much a bugfix with an increment to 0ubuntu2 for dpf-plugins.02:07
studiobot<teward001> yep02:08
Eickmeyerteward: Both dragonfly-reverb and dpf-plugins changes are pushed, work your magic.02:10
studiobot<teward001> bleh i lost the git link to dpf-plugins *goes to find*02:13
Eickmeyerlaunchpad.net/dpf-plugins (duh)02:13
Eickmeyerteward: ^02:13
studiobot<teward001> i already found it ;)02:13
studiobot<teward001> blah this is the one which i have to uscan to get the package >.>02:14
studiobot<teward001> because pristine-tar has issues >.>02:14
EickmeyerOH yes. This one was weird.02:15
studiobot<teward001> dpf-plugins upload in progress02:16
Eickmeyerteward: ack02:17
studiobot<teward001> 'cause that's bigger ;P02:17
EickmeyerMakes sense. More plugins.02:18
studiobot<teward001> yep02:18
tewardrejected because 0ubuntu2 already exists in the archive02:23
EickmeyerWait... whut?02:23
tewardahhhh it's doko's fault02:23
tewarddpf-plugins (1.3-0ubuntu2) focal; urgency=medium02:23
teward  * No-change rebuild for libgcc-s1 package name change.02:23
tewardlet me fix that02:23
EickmeyerYeah, he did that with most of our packages without bothering to commit to git. smdh02:24
tewardhe like me02:24
tewarddon't update git repos for *upstream* locations for ncrbs02:24
teward(no change rebuilds)02:24
tewardi'll do the changelog merge02:24
EickmeyerI got the vernacular, but the git repo in this case isn't the upstream part.02:25
tewardunless you're using git-ubuntu and a few other things02:27
tewardit doesn't get autoimports02:27
tewardthe repository's versions sit in a different location02:27
tewardso for all intents and purposes02:27
tewardthis is the 'source' VCS for the package data02:27
tewardbut not the repos' VCS02:27
tewardhttps://git.launchpad.net/dpf-plugins/tree/debian/changelog - merged02:27
tewarddoko literally did this yesterday lol02:28
EickmeyerJust pulled locally, looks good.02:28
tewardi'll rebuild and push02:28
EickmeyerI really wish he'd tell me for stuff my name is on. I'm not that hard to reach.02:28
tewardi'm going to talk to the release team who has the release bot02:29
tewardand try and set up a Python hook equivalent bot to see the uploads by whom, etc.02:30
tewardtry and figure out how they do it02:30
tewardand apply one for here02:30
EickmeyerSounds like a plan.02:30
tewardbut that's another long-term project02:30
tewardin the mean time i'm just going to slap doko around :p02:30
teward(not really)02:30
teward(I need to be in peoples' good graces lol)02:30
tewardEickmeyer: -0ubuntu3 tagged and upload in progress02:30
tewardthank you `gbp` for teaching me some tagging knowledge/fun02:31
Eickmeyerteward: Perfect, thanks.02:31
tewardalso thank you Debian for showing me `gbp` which is **fun**02:31
tewardmakes it real easy to handle the import, etc. I do for my packages02:31
tewardI'd set up NGINX locally for it02:31
tewardbut I am a lazy SOB02:31
tewardBUT it's useful for vmfs6-tools and xca02:32
tewardbecause for xca, it existed already in Debian02:32
tewardand i needed to just gbp import it from debian snapshots02:32
tewardthen updated from there02:32
studiobot<teward001> again, thank you Debian for the assists :P02:33
studiobot<teward001> you use a hybrid workflow of the tools gbp refers to to do the pristine-tar, etc.02:33
studiobot<teward001> i just use gbp straight :P02:33
EickmeyerYeah, I guess I do things the hard way.02:34
teward-0ubuntu3 uploaded and accepted02:34
tewardEickmeyer: typo in d/control of dragonfly-reverb, fixed locally will commit02:36
EickmeyerThere was bound to be a typo. *facepalm*02:36
tewardi can't force a retag though02:38
tewardlets make a deal02:38
tewardhow about we leave the tagging of versions in the repos to me upon upload02:39
EickmeyerI can force a retag.02:39
tewardwait what02:39
EickmeyerI know why it won't work.02:39
tewardi have no upload rights02:39
teward*stabs you*02:39
tewardyeah maintainer is you and not Studio Dev02:39
tewardthen I can delete push and retag xD02:40
EickmeyerNow you can.02:40
tewardapparently not02:40
EickmeyerI made that repo 23 hours ago.02:40
tewardstill perm denied02:40
EickmeyerWait... whut?02:41
tewardso it may need time to apply02:41
EickmeyerProbably give it 10.02:41
teward*spends 10 minutes making vanilla hot cocoa*02:41
tewardstill permission denied but i'm lazy.  going to wait the full 1002:45
tewardif it still doesn't work02:45
tewardi'll poke #launchpad to see if they need to rejigger things02:45
studiobot<teward001> nope still getting denied Eickmeyer03:06
studiobot<teward001> not sure what's up there03:06
EickmeyerVery odd.03:06
studiobot<teward001> ANYWAYS03:06
studiobot<teward001> you can change it yourself03:06
studiobot<teward001> fix the Provies -> Provides in the control file03:06
studiobot<teward001> and force retag03:06
EickmeyerYou mean just the tag, right?03:06
studiobot<teward001> yeah update the tag03:07
studiobot<teward001> as well as the typos in debian/control03:07
EickmeyerYes, got that.03:07
studiobot<teward001> and poke #launchpad asking them to take a look at perms03:07
Eickmeyerteward: pushed and retagged.03:15
studiobot<teward001> W: dragonfly-reverb source: syntax-error-in-dep5-copyright line 277: Continuation line outside a paragraph (maybe line 276 should be " .").03:17
studiobot<teward001> debsign failure03:17
studiobot<teward001> you have a space before a license blurb in this that makes it error03:18
studiobot<teward001> W: dragonfly-reverb source: missing-license-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright gpl-3 (paragraph at line 6)  <— when that's fixed03:18
studiobot<teward001> Eickmeyer: ^03:19
Eickmeyerteward: I see.03:19
tewardEickmeyer: you want to fix those or do you want me to fix the typo?  I don't ahve the gpl-3 license text at my system right now03:26
Eickmeyerteward: You don't need the full text since it's in in /usr/share/common-licenses. :P03:28
EickmeyerBut I've got this.03:28
studiobot<teward001> ack03:28
studiobot<teward001> it was a warning I usually just yell at em03:28
studiobot<teward001> but you should at least make a note the full text is in there (and it at least needs a License: declaration in the copyright file)03:28
EickmeyerTake a look (pushed, retagged), teward.03:31
Eickmeyer" On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public  License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'." <--standard text03:33
studiobot<teward001> works for me03:33
studiobot<teward001> running and letting the system determine if there's any other lintian issues03:33
EickmeyerIf you've read debian/copyright license files as much as I have you'd recognize the text.03:33
studiobot<teward001> yep03:33
studiobot<teward001> yep, i recognize that03:34
studiobot<teward001> i'm just tired :)03:34
studiobot<teward001> LGTM going to upload shortly03:36
studiobot<teward001> this one is larger heh03:37
studiobot<teward001> once this is done i'mma start making revisions to my networks03:37
EickmeyerIt's not as many plugins, but it is fancier in terms of code.03:37
studiobot<teward001> yep03:39
studiobot<teward001> uploaded and sitting in NEW now03:51
studiobot<teward001> Eickmeyer: ^03:52
Eickmeyerteward: Looks like dpf-plugins wasn't the only package doko messed with.15:49
tewardthis doesn't surprise me15:53
tewardEickmeyer: I may end up just tacking a watchdog script/program onto the -changes lists15:54
tewardand then have a grep for the packages we want to monitor and then spit here15:54
tewardbut i'm lazy :P15:54
tewardstill need the full set of packages though15:54
EickmeyerThe only ones I've found so far were ardour, lsp-plugins, and carla.15:54
EickmeyerYeah, I might be able to work on that list today.15:55
Eickmeyerteward: You had previously done a testimonial at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Eickmeyer/PPUApplication2, perhaps you feel like revising it now?16:16
tewardEickmeyer: I create tesimonials new each time17:10
tewardso :P17:10
tewardyou are missing a Testimonials section vs. Coments but meh17:10
teward*goes to finish some work first*17:10
EickmeyerOvenWerks: We still have that bug in -installer where it fails during installation of "python3-rdflib".17:44
* OvenWerks guesses he should dl an other flavour ISO to try. Probably just need an extra " or ' somewhere17:46
EickmeyerProbably. I'm filing it as a bug officially so we can get this figured out.17:47
OvenWerksEickmeyer: is thgere any particuolar flavour this is known to be a problem on?17:49
EickmeyerOvenWerks: All.17:49
EickmeyerIt happens whenever python3-rdflib is called in as a dependency.17:49
OvenWerkshm zsync is not multithreaded17:51
EickmeyerBug 1868855 for reference.17:52
ubottubug 1868855 in ubuntustudio-installer (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Studio Installer GUI fails during installation of python3-rdflib" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186885517:52
OvenWerksIt says I am at 51%17:54
EickmeyerWhich iso are you zsyncing?17:54
OvenWerksI may move to a Studio over Kubuntu for 20.0417:55
OvenWerksxfce has a small team and so moves slowly... on the other hand... it is the applications I use, not the desktop :P17:57
EickmeyerYeah. bluesabre knows all about that.18:08
OvenWerksfirst thing I notice about the kubuntu ISO live boot: it does a forced media check to make sure the person actually downloaded the whole ISO image (and printed to the media too)20:38
OvenWerksnot a bad idea20:38
* OvenWerks is creating some space on his HD20:46
EickmeyerYeah, I have no freakin' clue how to implement that.20:54
EickmeyerThe ISO check, that is.20:55
OvenWerkskubuntu's installer is different in lots of ways...20:55
EickmeyerIt's just the Qt version of Ubiquity.20:56
EickmeyerThey're pulling a Lubuntu and switching to Calamares after the LTS. We could do that, but then we'd completely lose the package selection during install.20:56
OvenWerksbut somehow deals with odd size partitions better... that is using a partition with the size it already has does not tell you it will resize20:56
EickmeyerBelieve it or not, tsimonq2 has told me from the start that Qt desktops are much easier to deal with than GTK ones.20:58
OvenWerksthere only used to be kubuntu that qualified... and at the time plasma had .... issues20:59
EickmeyerPlasma 4 was a PITA.21:00
OvenWerksI may play with lq after lts21:00
OvenWerksAnyway time to get my wife off to work (essensial services)21:01
EickmeyerYep. Stay safe.21:01
tewardEickmeyer: bother me tomorrow for a testimonial if you need one21:05
tewardi'm not in an awake enough state atm21:05
Eickmeyerteward: Go to sleep, no hurry.21:18
OvenWerkskubuntu has Thunderbolt settings.... does that mean linux supports such things? (audio devices?)22:20
OvenWerksEickmeyer: where is the "correct" place to DL installer from?22:21
OvenWerksIs apt up to date for that?22:21
EickmeyerOvenWerks: sudo apt install ubuntustudio-installer22:21
Eickmeyerapt replaces apt-get for the most part, and is functionally identical.22:22
OvenWerksWow it sure has a lot of deps...22:22
EickmeyerThat has a lot to do with needing ubuntustudio-controls installed for ubuntustudio-system to be available and to bring in jack because we don't have a way to present an apt-initiated dialog box in -installer.22:24
EickmeyerThis was something we worked on months ago.22:25
OvenWerksYa, I remember that part22:25
OvenWerksI am installing one ittem at a time22:29
OvenWerksEickmeyer: this is a pain.... first install problem shows up... add a debug line, remove all packages... works fine.23:16
EickmeyerThat's disappointing.23:16
OvenWerkspython3-rdflib was not removed23:25
OvenWerkshere is the line: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/rdflib/plugins/memory.py:354: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?23:28
OvenWerksIt appears that the package has an error23:29
OvenWerksStill we should be able to handle that23:29
OvenWerksThe problem is that the line has many " in it23:30

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