
RaicesHi. I have UbuntuStudio 19.10 and I always run QjackCTL when I want to use ardour to record something, or when I play with Guitarix and other plugins, but the issue is that I cannot listen anything from internet, is there any way to be able to play music on internet while Jack is running?.16:36
OvenWerksRaices: I would suggest using ubuntustudio-controls for starting jack first off. However, even using qjackctl the pulse-jack bridge should start by default.17:00
OvenWerksIf it doesn't, that would indicate you have turned off the dbus version in qjackctl17:00
OvenWerksin other words, if you run jackdbus, you should get sound from the browser though you may have to use pavucontrol to make sure jack sink is the default17:02
OvenWerksubuntustudio-controls makes sure jack is the default with no other action needed and should also give more stable operation as it removes all audio devices from pulse's use17:03
RaicesOvenWerks Thanks!. I have see something about ubuntustudio-controls17:03
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-controls | Raices17:03
ubottuRaices: Ubuntu Studio Controls is the application through which audio is configured in Ubuntu Studio. It configures Jack, sets the CPU governor, and ensures the user has realtime audio permissions. For more info, see !jack and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls17:03
RaicesBut I do notknow how to configure it17:03
EickmeyerRaices: It practically configures itself.17:04
OvenWerksI would have thought -controls is easier to use than qjackctl17:04
Eickmeyer^ That's why we don't support using qjackctl in this channel. It's too complicated and requres very in-depth knowledge.17:04
RaicesEickmeyer Yes, It looks better!17:05
RaicesI just have this https://ibb.co/jhffkLh17:06
RaicesBut when I click on "Start or Restart Jack" it does not sound anything from internet17:07
EickmeyerRaices: You might have to restart your browser for it to pick up the jack source/sink.17:08
OvenWerksyou probably want to enable the checkbox bridge ALSA to jack MIDI17:08
OvenWerksRaices: which chanels do you use on the xr18 for your outputs? the default is 1 and 217:08
RaicesEickmeyer: OvenWerks Thanks! I really apreciatte your help17:09
EickmeyerRaices: A good tip is to run Ubuntu Studio Controls before anything else to make sure your audio is configured the way you want it.17:09
RaicesOvenWerks: Yes, I use the default 1 & 2. OvenWerks I will click on it17:09
EickmeyerRaices: You can also use Carla's patchbay function to route your audio to individual channels on the XR18.17:10
RaicesEickmeyer: The first thing when I turn on my PC is open -controls and start jack, right?17:11
OvenWerksRaices: once you have it set up it should already be running when you login17:11
EickmeyerRaices: The way we have it, when you log-in, your audio will be automatically configured with however you left it when you shut down or restared.17:11
RaicesEickmeyer: I have seen something about Carla, I have to learn about it, thanks for the tips17:11
OvenWerksin other words if jack is running when you shutdown it should be running when you login.17:12
RaicesOvenWerks: that means, I just have to do it one time?17:12
OvenWerksRaices: I also think there is a newer version of -controls in our backports ppa17:13
RaicesThanks to both of you! I really like being part of the Linux users to make music!17:13
RaicesOk, I will start the ubuntu-controls and restar my pc and I'll be back!17:14
RaicesHi. I just want to say thanks!17:30
OvenWerksyour welcome17:30
RaicesI already have Ardour and youtube at the same time and everything sound17:31
RaicesHave a great day week and tahnks again!17:31

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