
Unit193bluesabre: https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages?field.name_filter=xfce4-screensaver00:29
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
jphilipsi've just completed the preliminary bug hunting session announcement text here, all are welcome to edit and comment - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PVui1kB1JijGCoBPdkrg4P94LS4DozLtEJ37GKWga2E/edit#heading=h.kpgv9ngwzu2403:07
jphilipspleia2 bluesabre: ^^^03:08
=== jphilips_ is now known as jphilips
bluesabrethanks Unit193 11:10
bluesabreUnit193: can you also sync xfce4-screensaver to focal? It appears to not be in the packageset so I can't do it :(11:10
bluesabresyncpackage -d unstable -r focal-proposed xfce4-screensaver11:11
bluesabreIf you want the copy-and-paste11:11
Unit193I'll attribute to you.11:11
Unit193!info xfce4-screensaver unstable11:13
ubottuxfce4-screensaver (source: xfce4-screensaver): screen saver and locker that is integrated with the xfce4 desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.3-2 (unstable), package size 254 kB, installed size 1010 kB11:13
bluesabreThat seems... old11:15
bluesabreAh, because they put this block in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=91934811:15
ubottuDebian bug 919348 in xfce4-screensaver "xfce4-screensaver: Accidental upload to unstable while fixing bug #919151" [Serious,Open]11:15
Unit193Yes, but unstable...11:16
Unit193Case in point.11:16
jphilipsUnit193: did you not want to include the xubuntu installer slideshow in xubuntu core though it wouldnt be installed on the system anyway?11:36
jphilipsmay i ask the reasoning, as with minimal installs from ubiquity, distros still show the installer slides11:45
Unit193Basically because it's not needed at all considering the target for this, it'd also be "misleading" since it mentions some applications installed, which aren't.11:47
jphilipsunlock other distro slideshows, we dont mention any other software other than gnome software in the slide12:11
jphilipsslide 2 is documentation12:11
jphilipsslide 3 is irc12:11
jphilipsslide 4 is getting involved12:11
Unit193Nice, so at least that's been changed.12:13
jphilipssebastien closed my bug with instructions but unfortunately i cant update appport being to old and no means of updating it as there is no space left on device :D12:18
jphilipswill the next core build come out soon?13:30
jphilipsbluesabre pleia2: would the bug hunting session announcement go on the blog or news?14:10
pleia2jphilips: It all ends up on the blog, but you want the News category15:14
pleia2jphilips: made a couple comments in the doc, do you want to make clear that this is a testing week that multiple flavors are participating in (it's call the Ubuntu testing week, so it's probably obvious, but just want to confirm)15:45
jphilipspleia2: thanks. yes mentioning 'participating' was important and will add that.15:50
pleia2it's a great blog post :) thanks for putting so many resources together15:53
jphilipspleia2: thanks. glad you liked it16:08
jphilipspleia2: do you think we could add any image to the post to spice it up?16:45
pleia2jphilips: sure, I've used unsplash.com for license-free, high-quality photos16:47
pleia2could use something like https://unsplash.com/photos/7d4LREDSPyQ maybe?16:49
pleia2(gosh, a lot of the computer photos on this site are macs! haha!)16:49
jphilipspleia2: think i'll embed 2 of the youtube videos, as they have thumbnails16:55
jphilipsYou can have a peak at it here https://xubuntu.org/?p=473917:04
jphilipsi've scheduled it to release on the 26th at 12pm17:04
pleia2looks good :)17:06
pleia2syncing up announcement with other flavors or something? (wondering why not just do it tomorrow)17:06
jphilipsyes the plan is for everyone to release at the same time and people need time to prepare theirs17:08
pleia2makes sense :)17:10
brainwashnew version of "Floating Xfce" is out :D17:14
brainwashjphilips: it was you who reported bug 183479817:16
ubottubug 1834798 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "incorrect labels and icons pulled from .desktop files" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183479817:16
jphilipsupdate-manager is so full of bugs that i hate using it17:18
jphilipsreported a bug that it maxes out my CPU when it looks at various package changelogs or descriptions17:19
brainwashpoorly maintained most likely17:21
brainwashnetwork icon in panel looks odd now17:23
brainwashit looks like this (wired):  <ยทยทยท>17:25
ali1234ever since i upgraded to +1, a bunch of programs run on start up that i do not want17:29
ali1234like firefox and pidgin17:29
ali1234seems to be the session restore code17:29
ali1234but the thing is i have that disabled and always have17:29
ali1234annoyingly firefox does the same thing. re-opens all previous tabs even though i have supposedly disabled that behavior17:31
ali1234so whenever i log in i get a firefox window with millions of tabs17:32
brainwashclear session cache17:34
brainwashor maybe those apps sneaked in some autostart launcher17:35
jphilipsbrainwash: yep i notice it changed to <...> a while back17:35
brainwashjphilips: looks out of place17:36
jphilipsdefinitely didnt like it, but presume it was ochosi and MauG's decision to change it17:36
Unit193jphilips: It can, sure.21:54

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