
nt0has anybody had success installing node.js v13 in 20.04?01:39
lotuspsychjegood morning02:19
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TJ-Was there a transition from python 3.7 to 3.8 recently? seeing a 20.04 host with several packages marked as local install, e.g. libpython3.7.7-1 but cannot find a source for it via packages.{ubuntu,debian} 12:11
lotuspsychje  Geïnstalleerd: 3.8.2-0ubuntu112:12
lotuspsychjechecking dpkg logs12:15
lotuspsychjeTJ-: on 2020-03-0912:22
TJ-it turns out it came from debian experimental or testing12:37
loruHello everyone. I have a dumb question. I'm trying to install php and its dependencies. There's almost everything on php 7.3, for example php7.3-json, but when i try and install php-geoip, i have php7.4-geoip (and other dependencies as 7.4)20:10
loruShould I expect 7.4 or 7.3 with focal?20:10
naccloru: there is a transition ongoing to 7.420:11
naccloru: php-defaults hasn't migrated yet (i believe) but will soon?20:11
loruI hope it'll be okay, my whole code is on 7.3 I hope not much is going to break :(20:11
oerheksreinstall to 7.43 ?20:12
loru7.43? lol20:12
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longstrideHey guys, looking for some insight.  I have a few games I play in Ubuntu and the experience is flawless in 18.04.  I play Minecraft with BSL shaders, and Factorio through Steam.  In 20.04 I have some issues, basically some minor screen tearing and the camera pan in Minecraft just isn't as buttery smooth as in 18.0421:57
longstrideNow is this something that just goes away once 20.04 is officially released?  If it works in an older version, it should technically work in the newer version as well, right?21:57
Bashing-omloru: In progress as you speak: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1869087 .22:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1869087 in php7.3 (Ubuntu) "Remove "php7.3" from Focal, which has transitioned to php7.4" [Undecided,New]22:28
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