[02:18] hey all [02:18] im stuck trying to upgrade my laptop [02:18] An upgrade from 'cosmic' to 'eoan' is not supported with this tool. [02:19] how do i get on the latest version? [02:20] oh man, this distro really is dead eh [02:20] so dead [02:20] :/ [02:21] dang, i had this distro installed on my wifes laptop and she loves it [02:21] it's not dead :P [02:21] what got that crazy idea in your head [02:22] 50 ppl in rc and 50th on distrowatch? :P [02:22] i beg to differ [02:22] anyway, that discussion is for a different day [02:22] i ran the updater tool because i can't install software on this laptop anymore, how do i get on the latest version from 18.10? [02:23] everything i google just says run the updater tool and voila, you'll be upgraded [02:24] Software & Updates -> Updates -> Notify me of a new Ubuntu version: For any new version [02:24] yes, that's selected [02:24] but its trying to jump from 18.10 to 19.10 [02:24] and failing [02:24] what's failing? [02:24] An upgrade from 'cosmic' to 'eoan' is not supported with this tool. [02:25] you might need to go 19.04 -> 19.10 [02:26] ok how to i upgrade to 19.04 [02:27] https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/upgrade-ubuntu-18-04-19-04-to-ubuntu-19-10 [02:28] that page is of no use to me [02:28] 18.04 is an LTS release [02:28] how do i upgrade 18.10 to 19.04, and then eventually 19.10 [02:28] sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade [02:31] that fails because it can't find cosmic repos [02:32] E: The repository 'http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu cosmic-security Release' no longer has a Release file.N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. [02:34] so 'sudo apt dist-upgrade' fails? [02:34] yes [02:34] sweet [02:36] 18.10 was end of life July 18, 2019 [02:37] look like you'll have to update your sources [02:37] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [02:37] already doing it [02:38] no worries [02:38] didn't know old-releases.ubuntu.com was a thing now [02:41] Most discussion for Ubuntu MATE happens elsewhere. When in doubt, check the website. [02:41] Ubuntu MATE is very much alive and well, billybigrigger and kernal_. [02:41] distrowatch says otherwise :S [02:42] either way, i'll get 19.10 on this laptop and be good for a few years :P [02:42] billybigrigger: distrowatch rankings are not at all indicitive of the life of the distro. [02:43] 19.10 is only supported for 9 months, billybigrigger. [02:44] god damn instructions don't work on the ubuntu wiki either lol [02:44] billybigrigger: Distrowatch rankings are just how many times their page for that distro has been clicked. === skookum5 is now known as skookum [20:59] is there a night-mode feature like Flux in Ubuntu Mate??