
OvenWerksThe real problem is that I use the string as a list00:23
EickmeyerAh. Anything we can do about that OvenWerks? (sorry if I've been unresponsive, I've been wrestling with my own issues)00:27
OvenWerksI am thinking to just chop off anything more than 30 or 50 char in the string before I use it as a list00:28
EickmeyerA workaround could be installing python3-rdflib as a dependency of -installer, though that would just make it "not our problem" and be a hack at best.00:28
OvenWerksIf we do that... the same kind of problem will come back and bite us later00:29
EickmeyerExactly. Instead we should just fix the string issue.00:29
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I created a short string (50 char) for the three operations that use the string as a list00:41
OvenWerksI was able to install python3-rdflib with no error00:42
EickmeyerPerfect. If you want, go ahead and push it and I'll test it here.00:42
OvenWerksI will but need to save the file to a partition I can deal with after reboot :)00:43
OvenWerkshmm kid3-qt is in the audio production menu instead of in the utilities submenu00:48
EickmeyerWell that's odd.00:48
OvenWerksEickmeyer: ubuntustudio-branding-common is ok for kde?00:48
EickmeyerIt sure it. It will change your grub and plymouth theme to the ubuntu studio ones.00:49
Eickmeyerit sure is*00:49
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Basically it's safe for all DEs. The only one that isn't safe for all DEs isn't in that list.00:51
OvenWerksI thought that was the case00:52
OvenWerkskid3-qt probably changed the name of their desktop file :P00:53
EickmeyerWonderful. Well, that's a -menu edit.00:53
OvenWerksit is: /usr/share/applications/net.sourceforge.kid3-qt.desktop00:54
OvenWerksinstead of kid3-qt.desktop00:55
EickmeyerI'll work on that after dinner.00:55
OvenWerksAnd I thought everyone was dropping sourceforge00:55
OvenWerksI think I should get rid of all the ??%[working] lines  :)01:00
OvenWerksbut that would be a feature not a bug fix01:00
* OvenWerks goes off to check on the turkey (tastes just like chicken)01:09
EickmeyerUsually anything that's still on sourceforge hasn't seen a commit in a few years. 20 to be exact. (exaggeration)01:17
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I did the change and uploaded it straight to focal.01:56
OvenWerksinstaller needs a workout... umm fix the change log before too long though02:01
OvenWerksI lowered the short line length again to 40 because there was another problem02:02
EickmeyerOh, wow.02:05
EickmeyerIf the changelog is really bad, Debian has a built-in workaround to make it so that most of the changelog is just there for historical purposes. It's as easy as adding a line that says "Old changelog:" with no whitespace line afterwards.02:06
OvenWerksits just the first line so it can be released not bady wrong. I upped the version but you may wish to revert before testing02:07
EickmeyerI'll check it out when you're done.02:08
OvenWerksshould be done02:08
EickmeyerOk. I'll pull it and check out the changelog before I do anything else, otherwise the build system will be angry.02:08
Eickmeyerchangelog looks fine, but as the uploader I'll have to replace your signature line, but that's normal.02:10
OvenWerksya that too. I just used dch cause I knew it would need a new paragraph02:11
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Launchpad's build system is being painfully slow tonight for some reason.02:47
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Bad news, it happened again but with a different package. While installing pitivi, this happened: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VsRP3NPR36/03:26
OvenWerksSo still not short enough maybe.03:46
EickmeyerI will say it made it further.03:47
OvenWerksIt's wierd that I can put a "print" statement in there and most of them just don't show.03:47
OvenWerksI guess I will have to do some more looking.03:48
bashfulrobotEickmeyer: Curious - Do you by chance have a wiki on how the individual components of Studio are setup? Sometimes it would be nice to follow the work you and the team have done on some of the individual components (say something like Jack, etc) for use in other flavours. I see your work as a great reference. 🤔16:25
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-controls | bashfulrobot: We have the wiki, but really we make it so simple nobody much to set-up if they use this16:26
ubottubashfulrobot: We have the wiki, but really we make it so simple nobody much to set-up if they use this: Ubuntu Studio Controls is the application through which audio is configured in Ubuntu Studio. It configures Jack, sets the CPU governor, and ensures the user has realtime audio permissions. For more info, see !jack and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls16:26
Eickmeyernobody has much to set-up *16:26
EickmeyerMost of our focus is on Controls.16:27
EickmeyerEverything else is just inclusion or packaging.16:27
EickmeyerOvenWerks, teward: We have another problem. Apparently bug 1851346 is OUR problem now, and nobody is willing to help us. I'm about ready to start throwing tables with this "it's your problem, fix it" attitude we're getting from Foundations, especially this late in the game.17:05
ubottubug 1851346 in ubuntustudio-live (Ubuntu Focal) "Ubuntu Studio 19.10 Installer Causes Wanted Programs to be Removed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185134617:05
EickmeyerAnd I have no idea what I'm doing. I converted ubuntustudio-live to git.17:09
tewardcode plz17:18
tewardotherwise i'mma just clone it down the old school way17:19
tewardlooks like xnox weighed in17:19
Eickmeyerteward: launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-live17:19
EickmeyerThis is something I've never touched before.17:19
bashfulrobotEickmeyer: Thanks. I'll dig in. Its something I wanted to see about getting operational on my own machine. 👍17:21
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-installer | bashfulrobot: If you want to use budgie17:22
ubottubashfulrobot: If you want to use budgie: Ubuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, or add additional packages. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioInstaller17:22
EickmeyerThough, is slightly broken atm.17:22
EickmeyerOvenWerks is working on that.17:22
bashfulrobotYEah - I do not want all the apps. Just certain components. Or can you select which options you want?17:22
tewardEickmeyer: i think i need to ask ubiquity pros if they know any way to dump debug data from the plugin, etc.17:25
tewardbecause i want to *literally see* what the plugin is doing17:25
tewardi just don't know ubiquity well enough17:25
tewardunrelated i'm starving so food time17:25
Eickmeyerbashfulrobot: Yes, but ubuntustudio-controls comes with it.17:26
EickmeyerYou can select which metas you want.17:26
Eickmeyerteward: Get food, but yeah, it's hard to tell. Basically the problem is described in the bug.17:26
OvenWerksEickmeyer: is it possible to install the applications directly rather than with metas?17:45
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I don't think that's the way Ubiquity works.17:46
OvenWerksEickmeyer: our iso is populated with metas and then copied to the install medium17:46
EickmeyerRight, but it installs as metas.17:47
EickmeyerI'm working on one of the ubiquity devs in #ubuntu-devel right now if you want to chime-in.17:47
OvenWerksso if only parts of a meta are installed the meta has to not be installed17:48
OvenWerksI should be working on installer...17:50
EickmeyerYeah, work on installer. I'll worry about ubiquity, maybe enlisting teward if he has time (do you have time?). Seems juliank is done for the day.17:51
tewardi'm pretty busy and don't know enough about installer/ubiquity17:52
EickmeyerSeems anybody that does doesn't really want to help. :/17:59
Eickmeyerstgraber wrote the plugin and is likely not to respond.18:00
OvenWerksEickmeyer: maybe installing the metas with --no-install-recommends? (at the end of installing or as part of one of our other packages)21:03
* OvenWerks reinstalles another flavour to test new -installer21:04
EickmeyerOvenWerks: juliank thinks he has an idea, but it's too late in the day for him.21:04
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I'll be awaiting your fixes for -installer. I'm working on a bugfix hydrogen update that trebmuh alerted me to.21:04
Eickmeyerteward, RikMills: New hydrogen beta2. No bugfixes, no new features. https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+git/hydrogen21:16
EickmeyerIt's ready, lintian clean.21:16
RikMillsgreat :)21:17
RikMillsEickmeyer: build in a ppa for me to grab?21:18
EickmeyerRikMills: Have at it: https://launchpad.net/~eeickmeyer/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages the arm builds are still doing their thing, but whatev.21:24
RikMillsEickmeyer: why is that a ubuntu3?21:26
EickmeyerRikMills: Because I had some failed builds in my PPA.21:26
teward*downloads code, does his tests*21:27
RikMillsEickmeyer: so change to ubuntu1 and upload?21:27
EickmeyerRikMills: If I do that it errors.21:27
tewardlet me handle it21:27
Eickmeyerteward has it.21:27
RikMillsit won't error in the main archive21:27
RikMillscan safely be reset to ubuntu121:28
EickmeyerIt won't error in the main archive, but it will error in my PPA.21:28
EickmeyerYes. But, teward has it handled if you want to go back to whatever.21:28
EickmeyerRikMills: Thanks for being so willing! :)21:28
* RikMills goes back to an 80 source package FFE21:28
EickmeyerRikMills: oof21:28
tewardEickmeyer: do you need it build tested or does it just work?21:30
tewardand is it ready for upload?21:30
Eickmeyerteward: It just works, ready for upload.21:30
EickmeyerBugfix, no new features, lintian clean, even had a copyright error that I fixed because upstream changed a filename. :P21:30
tewardrunning my tests anyways21:31
EickmeyerHave at it.21:31
tewardafter this i'mma go and handle some changes - gonna set up my system on my business class network's wifi heh21:31
teward'cause that's faster :P21:31
EickmeyerWell, duh.21:32
EickmeyerIt should be for how much you pay for that.21:32
OvenWerksinstalled menus ok. so now trying the whole works21:41
EickmeyerI'll test after you do.21:42
OvenWerksit'll be a while... I am at 6% install. It says 1 hour remaining...21:43
EickmeyerI'll go take a nap.21:43
Eickmeyerj/k, got too much to do.21:43
tewardEickmeyer: doesn't block, but may want to fix in future.  I: hydrogen source: unused-file-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright paragraph at line 21 - I: hydrogen source: unused-file-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright paragraph at line 67 - I: hydrogen source: wildcard-matches-nothing-in-dep5-copyright */ladspa.h (paragraph at line 67) - I: hydrogen source: wildcard-matches-nothing-in-dep5-copyright src/plugins/wasp/* (paragraph at line 21)21:52
tewarduploading now21:53
EickmeyerAh, so they changed stuff.21:53
EickmeyerShweeeet. Thanks, teward.21:59
tewardif inquiries come from the release team you'll have to explain/justify21:59
EickmeyerWell, no new features/is a bugfix will be my answer.21:59
OvenWerksEickmeyer: installed all packages on fresh kubuntu install22:36
OvenWerkswill reboot so I can upload :)22:36
EickmeyerOvenWerks: ack22:43
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I'll take a look momentarily.22:51
EickmeyerOvenWerks: It built rather quickly today, just waiting for it to publish.23:04
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Success. I'll go ahead and upload/backport this.23:31
OvenWerksfix changelog to released23:48
EickmeyerWell, it'd be "focal", but yes.23:55

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