
HiDeHohi all anyne around today06:16
HiDeHotrying for the last 2-3hrs to download the latest iso06:16
GoDiegoGoHello! Is there a way to resize the Ubuntu Controls window?19:04
GoDiegoGoIt's bigger than my screen and I can't see the what's below "apply audio settings". I already tried resizing the normal way, but I can only make it bigger.19:05
EickmeyerGoDiegoGo: Use the version from the backports repo.19:11
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-backports | GoDiegoGo19:11
ubottuGoDiegoGo: The Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is required for users of Ubuntu Studio to receive LTS support for Ubuntu Studio 18.04, and for #ubuntustudio to support users of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and its flavors using !jack. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA, !ubuntustudio-controls, and !ubuntustudio-installer19:11
EickmeyerThe window is much smaller in that version.19:11
GoDiegoGoThank you, I'll give it a try.19:14

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