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feohHi all. Does anyone on off chance know how to enter emoji in 20.04? The advertise right click doesn't work, and I can't ctrl+. because 1Password hooks that keystroke :)01:22
feohAh, pardon, scratch that. Just read that Firefox doesn't use the standard input controls01:24
lotuspsychjegood morning02:54
lotuspsychjehey feoh 03:05
feohlotuspsychje: How's life? Staying healthy and sane I hope :)03:07
lotuspsychjeyes sir, trying to remain at home as much possible03:07
feohUs too. Lucky enough to be gainfully employed in jobs where we can both remote work.03:10
lotuspsychjeah thats nice mate03:12
feohSo how goes the release testing? 20.04 is coming along nicely03:17
feohI've been totally impressed that when I see an issue before I can report it it's fixed in a few hours :)03:17
lotuspsychjegood, think i filed around 15 bugs atm03:17
lotuspsychjethings are shaping pretty nice03:21
lotuspsychjefirst everyone presumed fossa was going to be a flat release03:22
lotuspsychjebut a lot of cool candy inside already03:22
feohOh totally. The Gnome improvements alone are bonkers!03:38
lotuspsychjeyeah not bad03:38
feohAlso dropping Python2 is a nice step. Puts more pressure on the "Python 3 isn't a real thing until they pry my Python 2 out of my cold dead hands" crowd :)03:39
feohHave a great night.04:05
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shemgphello, anyone knows how to test subiquity in focal server daily iso? I tried it and it seems to be using debian installer.12:18
tim23423424hello everyone - I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 on a ThinkPad P50 with I think an Nvidia GPU. Yesterday my external monitor (an LG plugged in with HDMI) worked fine, and then after doing an apt update/upgrade I rebooted and am having some weird issues where screen refresh seems to be quite messed up, but only when the Desktop is visible. It looks like the desktop background isn't being drawn except for the top left corner (and my des14:25
tim23423424kground image fits into that smaller top left corner). I also deleted ~/.config/monitors.xml  -- before I did that my monitor wasn't appearing at all and the Displays part of Settings was seeing the monitor but telling me "for hardware reasons" it wasn't working14:25
oerheksi think your thinkpad has a short key FN , to switch internal/external/both, what happens if you toggle this?14:27
tim23423424hmm, I have an external keyboard plugged in, the laptop keyboard has a symbol of three rectangles within a larger rectangle which is maybe the only one that I could interpret as "monitor toggle", it doesn't seem to do anything14:29
oerheksFN + F7 ??14:32
tim23423424F7 has a little camera symbol next to it. Toggling does nothing14:33
tim23423424(FWIW in case it wasn't clear, Settings->Displays now works to turn this monitor on, but I get weird non-refreshing happening only when the Desktop is visible)14:34
tim23423424and only in a certain region of the Desktop14:34
oerheksoke, and did you try to reset the monitor with its own keys to factory standard?14:34
tim23423424not yet, trying now...14:35
tim23423424now I'm back to the monitor not working at all - Settings says "Changes cannot be applied. This could be due to hardware limitations". It sees the monitor but can't set my SEttings to use it14:36
tim23423424unplugged monitor, plugged back in, now Settings doesn't see it at all14:37
tim234234241(this is me, joining on a different computer so I can try to reboot my Ubuntu machine to improve things)14:41
tim234234241wow, ok, resetting the monitor's internal settings, removing ~/.config/monitors.xml, and rebooting, seems to have done the trick14:44
tim234234241not sure what was going on14:44
oerheksobviously, such bugs are hard to repeat :-(14:47
oerheksgood you found it.14:47
tim234234241thanks for your help!14:50
lotuspsychjecookie oerheks 14:52
lotuspsychjeanyone else has a rather long loading time on the games section of the snap store?14:53
lotuspsychjethe game list is long i know, but on i5 with ssd, 6sec wait15:21
dg14hi all.15:58
dg14python-minimal is a transaction package?15:58
dg14because, i had to backport nodejs v12 (from nodesource)15:59
dg14it's possible to focal to set a screensaver? because of my monitor remains always powered on. 16:01
ducassedg14: see 'man xset' if you're using x1116:14
dg14ok thanks. 16:17
dg14settings are permanent? 16:17
dg14even if i use dm-tool lock ?16:18
anon_linuxOlá a todos16:23
oerheksdownload url in the topic, anon_linux 16:23
anon_linuxWhere do I download Ubuntu 20.0416:23
dg14do-release-upgrade -d16:24
anon_linuxthanks bro16:24
dg14gsd-wacom[3029] trap int3 ip:7fd4ac2520d5 sp:7ffd7b666460 error:0 in libglib-2.0.so.0.6400.1 ? 16:27
longstridehey everyone, I ran apt-get dist-upgrade today.  I restarted my computer, got the login screen, entered my password and...nothing.  Monitors went into sleep mode and the only thing I could do was manually shut off my computer and boot into my 19.10 install.  Any way I can revert back to my working install of 20.04?17:03
lotuspsychjelongstride: in this stage its not wise to upgrade to a devel version yet17:04
longstridelotuspsychje: I am in full agreement lol17:05
lotuspsychjelongstride: can you still enter recoverymode?17:05
longstrideYes I tried that once already, although I have no idea what to do there really17:06
longstrideI got a menu with a few options, tried a few, then rebooted normally, still no luch17:06
lotuspsychjelongstride: lets try17:06
ngaiolongstride, you don't need to manually switch it off. See this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key#Uses17:07
ngaiosee the discussion about "magic SysRq", and also getting a text console using Ctrl-Alt-F2 or similar17:08
ngaioboth of these can be really very useful17:08
longstridengaio: thanks!  I will make a note of this17:10
ngaiothis is probably more use friendly discussion of the magic sysrq keys: https://www.howtogeek.com/119127/use-the-magic-sysrq-key-on-linux-to-fix-frozen-x-servers-cleanly-reboot-and-run-other-low-level-commands/17:10
ngaiothe bottom line is don't poweroff unless  you really really have to, and most of the time, you do not have to17:10
ngaio(I'm speaking from recent experience with failing graphics hardware)17:10
longstrideso I've printed that page, I'll give it a try if I run into that situation again17:14
longstridelotuspsychje, is there anything specific I can do in recovery mode?17:14
longstridesorry if I missed anything.  I restarted my computer, booted into 20.04, tried to log in, same black screen.  Except this time I was able to get back to the login screen using ctrl + alt + f117:34
longstrideIs there any way to try booting with safe graphics, like I had to when I first installed 20.04?17:36
ngaiolongstride, are you using the nvidia driver?17:54
ngaiothe proprietary one that is17:54
longstridengaio: yes I am18:46
ngaioboot up, ctrl-alt-f118:47
ngaiosudo nano /etc/default/grub18:47
ngaioChange the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodset"18:47
ngaioctrl-o to save the file, ctrl-x to exit18:48
ngaiosudo update-grub18:48
ngaiosudo reboot18:48
ngaiolongstride, then hopefully it will work18:48
ngaionote that is nomodset, NOT nomodeset18:49
longstridectrl+alt+f1 at the login screen?18:49
longstrideThanks!  I will try this right away18:50
phpdave11new update to ubuntu 20.04 installed php7.4 but i need php7.3 installed for compatibility with my application.   i can manually install php7.3 packages but as soon as i install "composer", it automatically installs php7.4.  anyone know how to prevent php 7.4 from being installed on 20.04?18:58
lordcirth_phpdave11, does installing php7.4 uninstall 7.3? It shouldn't19:01
longstridengaio: no luck.  But I noticed an error message during boot, flashed by realy quick.  It said "initramfs unpacking failed: decoding failed".  Any significance?19:01
phpdave11no, it keeps both versions installed19:03
lordcirth_phpdave11, then you should be able to choose to run your app in 7.3, I think.19:05
phpdave11i see.  so i may just have to symlink /usr/bin/php7.3 to /usr/bin/php19:07
phpdave11another thing i noticed... python-pip no longer installs correctly.  anyone else notice this?  here's the output from apt-get install:  https://gist.github.com/phpdave11/d583c1f57ef4e7e7b74488aec14cbdc919:09
lordcirth_phpdave11, /usr/bin/php is already using update-alternatives, so use that instead of symlinking manually19:31
phpdave11thanks ill look into update-alternatives19:58
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pnwiseDoes anyone know what would be the default python version for the new server21:41
pnwiseSeem like 3.8?21:41
pnwisenew = 20.0421:41
valorie!info python21:45
ubottuPackage python does not exist in focal21:45
pnwise!info python321:46
ubottupython3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.8.2-0ubuntu1 (focal), package size 46 kB, installed size 188 kB21:46
tomreynpnwise: risking that you may already know: the "rmadison" utility can help you find these things out, too, or https://packages.ubuntu.com21:54
pnwisegives internal server error tho21:56
pnwisehave not heard of rmadison too21:56
tomreynpnwise: when you run into internal errors, just reload the page. it's been that way for a year or so.21:58
tomreynsome bug in the server configuration21:58
pnwisethis is embarrassing 22:03
tomreyndespite the official look, i am told this site is community maintained22:05

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