
pieqMorning all00:20
pieqbluez and pulseaudio, my nemesis(es)00:20
pieqthe issues I was having the other days are gone, but now BT devices don't connect anymore, and the "Test speakers" in g-c-c doesn't do anything even though the sound output works properly...00:21
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
jibelMorning everyone06:01
pieqsalut jibel06:07
jibelBonjour pieq , ça va?06:08
dufluMorning jibel06:11
jibelhi duflu06:12
pieqjibel, ça va! Fighting with bluez and pulseaudio issue on my daily laptop06:23
pieqbut I don't have much time to spend on this at the moment06:24
jibelpieq, i've similar issue, the broken "Test speakers" thing is a recent regression06:27
pieqjibel, good to know!06:28
jibelpieq, actually I thought it was just me and my device which never worked very well06:30
jibelI'll file a bug06:30
pieqjibel, ok!06:31
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:00
jibelmorning oSoMoN07:04
oSoMoNsalut jibel07:05
jibeloSoMoN, ça va?07:07
oSoMoNbien, et toi?07:07
seb128goood morning desktopers!07:08
seb128lut oSoMoN, comment ça va ?07:08
jibeloSoMoN, tranquillement, confiné toutes les journées se ressemblent un peu07:09
jibelsalut seb12807:09
seb128jibel, salut, comment ça va ?07:09
oSoMoNsalut seb128, ici tout va bien07:09
oSoMoNet toi?07:10
jibelseb128, plutôt bien, je manque un peu d'exercice et toi?07:10
seb128un peu pareil!07:10
seb128ils ont fermé le tennis club, j'ai fait qu'un footing de la semaine :-/07:11
oSoMoNperso je ne me suis jamais autant entraîné… enfin je ne cours pas, je n’ai pas besoin de beaucoup d’espace07:11
jibelici pas de footing, 1km et 1h max / jour, ça ne fait pas bien loin07:11
oSoMoNsinon pour substituer le footing: le saut à la corde07:13
seb128aux info ils ont montré un gars qui a fait un marathon sur son balcon07:15
seb1286000 aller-retours :)07:15
jibelj'ai compté que pour faire un 10km, il faut que je fasse 200 tours de jardin :)07:16
seb128ben voilà :-)07:16
didrocksgood morning07:42
oSoMoNsalut didrocks07:43
didrocksça va oSoMoN ?07:44
oSoMoNdidrocks, bien, et toi?07:48
didrocksoui oui :)07:53
dufluMorning seb128, oSoMoN, didrocks07:57
didrockshey duflu07:58
dufluPhew, my first visit to a supermarket since Frankfurt. Actually went well aside from a couple of missing items08:01
oSoMoNhey duflu08:03
seb128hey duflu, how are you?08:24
dufluseb128, hey going well. I think I've caught up the gnome-shell issues and will make progress on plymouth this evening08:25
seb128duflu, I'm good!08:25
seb128duflu, sorry for the plymouth emails spam08:25
dufluseb128, no problem. You can assume I will get the bug updates anyway08:26
seb128at least I feel like we have things in a state where we can start working on the code now08:26
dufluYes, without system tests though. But I will look at implementing the protocol spec first08:26
seb128duflu, k, noted for next time but since you were not assigned/subscribed to e.g the fsck one I was unsure08:26
seb128duflu, well, I've added steps on the fsck bug to test on the real system as well08:27
seb128but using the casper script and the plymouth command interface should make easier to iterate/test code changes than having to reboot08:27
dufluseb128, just a reminder, the growing number of windowing bugs in gnome-shell 3.36.0 need this to be updated in the next upload: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/merge_requests/1070.patch08:30
seb128duflu, ack, Trevinho^08:33
dufluOh... seb128 the new plymouth logo has broken ubuntu-logo a little08:33
dufluMissing some spacing on the left to balance it08:33
seb128ah :/08:33
dufluAlso it is 49px high and gnome-shell squishes it to 48px08:33
duflubut that is fixed in 3.36.108:33
seb128we can probably but one line out of that's better08:34
seb128if you send me an updated image I can squeeze it in the next plymouth upload08:34
dufluOK, to the gimp08:34
dufluActually the new design is not possible to reduce to 48px. Nobody will notice and gnome-shell 3.36.1 fixes it anyway08:39
didrockssalut seb12808:42
seb128lut didrocks, comment ça va ?08:42
dufluseb128, fixed: bug 186915008:42
ubot5bug 1869150 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "New Ubuntu logo (after LP: #1866413) is not horizontally centred" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186915008:42
didrocksça va, et toi ?08:43
seb128didrocks, thanks for the fsck hints, with the systemd service hacked to remove the initramfs check and the mock instead of /sbin/fsck I get the disk check messages displayed on boot now08:43
seb128didrocks, ça va bien :)08:43
seb128duflu, thanks08:44
didrocksseb128: phew, the mock is still working thus! :)08:45
seb128didrocks, yes, quality code :)08:45
didrocksheh :)08:47
oSoMoNhey Laney09:05
Laneymoin oSoMoN09:08
Laneyhow's it going?09:08
oSoMoNall good, you?09:16
seb128hey Laney, how are you09:19
didrockshey Laney09:19
RikMillsis much ubiquity work planned land before the beta? I want to get LP: #09:22
RikMillsLP: #1863073 fixed09:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1863073 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity-dm in Kubuntu Focal does not display the KDE wallpaper" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186307309:23
jibelRikMills, I can hav ea look09:23
jibelI've something else to land for oem09:23
RikMillsbut no point in advocating for a specific upload, if it can land with other work09:23
RikMillsok. great09:23
RikMillsI would appreciate it then if the linked merge could go in when other things do :) thanks09:25
Laneymoin seb128 didrocks09:27
Laneyyeah doing ok, this 10 year prison sentence is boring though09:27
seb128doing well, but yeah it's frustrating to be locked down, especially that summer arrived09:28
seb128would be perfect weather to play some tennis :-/09:28
jameshHere they still seem to be saying individual outdoor exercise is okay09:33
seb128in France they say it's ok to go 1km away and alone09:34
pieqseb128, my sister lives 200 meters from a river, and the river has been locked down. She is not allowed to access it, even for just a small walk, or else she faces 135 EUR fines09:39
pieqFrance became worse than the worst authoritarian regime on Earth! :D09:40
tkamppeterseb128, My libmtp printer fix made it all the way through to Debian and upstream:09:50
tkamppeter https://salsa.debian.org/debian/libmtp/-/commit/01797b1808e5e01115af10d30b557c14d85a8d1b09:50
gitbotlibmtp issue 24 in libmtp "Printer HP LaserJet P1102 gets "mtp-probed" and this messes it up in CUPS" [Closed]09:50
Laneyyeahhhhhh upstream!09:51
seb128tkamppeter, great10:08
tkamppeterseb128, but note that Debian did not upload yet. So if they do not do this by the end of the week please upload our package as you had originally planned.10:09
seb128tkamppeter, I've uploaded now, we can sync over once Debian does an upload10:10
seb128tkamppeter, thanks for upstreaming to Debian10:10
tkamppeterseb128, great, thanks.10:10
Laneythere was an upload to unstable commit 59 minutes ago10:10
seb128Laney, too late to undo the dput sorry10:11
Laneyit's ok if someone remembers to come back and do the sync :-)10:11
seb128I will do, version has a nice section for things which are on the same version than Debian just a revision behind10:12
seb128I review that on regular basis10:12
seb128nice to see https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages being a reasonable list :)10:12
Laneybileto generating weird changelog entries for me10:17
LaneyI remember asking robru about that back in the day and he blamed my setup10:18
jameshpreferred email address on your LP account maybe?10:18
Laneyit was something on the bzr side10:19
jameshbzr whoami10:19
jameshauthor of the bzr commit then10:19
jameshYou can configure Bazaar to use different email addresses for branches checked out below different subdirectories10:20
LaneyI've got a thing in my .zshrc to use different identities depending on the checkout location10:21
Laneypresumably the way I'm setting the bzr one doesn't agree with bileto10:21
jameshyou can use ~/.bazaar/locations.conf -- sections are directory prefixes, and you override configuration like "email" as keys within the section10:22
Laney  export BZR_EMAIL="$NAME <$EMAIL>"       # Override email for Bazaar.10:22
LaneyTIL about locations.conf though!10:26
jameshLaney: looks like the breezy fork renamed the environment variable to BRZ_EMAIL10:28
jameshLaney: ~/.bazaar/locations.conf probably still works10:28
seb128Wimpress, is Ccing you on launchpad bug enough to reach you or do you get launchpad spammed enough that it's likely to be missed?10:30
Laneyjamesh: Indeed, looks like adding BRZ_EMAIL works10:30
seb128Wimpress, I've Cced you on bug #1869008 , it's low importance probably10:30
ubot5bug 1869008 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "installer slideshow thunderbird is listed as 'supported' while is installed" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186900810:30
LaneyI'd rather avoid maintaining the same thing in locations.conf that I have in my zshrc if possible10:31
jameshLaney: I think that is probably a bug10:31
Laneyyou mean that Breezy isn't backwards compatible with Bazaar in this respect?10:32
jameshLaney: yes.  The documentation even references bzr's environment variable: https://www.breezy-vcs.org/doc/en/user-guide/setting_up_email.html10:33
jameshso what you had should have worked10:33
* Laney nods10:36
KGB-2mutter signed tags 7b9be6c Iain Lane ubuntu/3.36.0-2ubuntu1 * mutter Debian release 3.36.0-2ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/G3ZU10:50
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master 8f09aae Iain Lane * pushed 181 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3yPoF10:51
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master 15d3de0 Aman Alam po/pa.po * Update Punjabi translation * https://deb.li/ECWi10:51
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master 6cd0aa4 Jonas Ådahl src/wayland/meta-window-wayland.c * window: Force placement for first placement rule * https://deb.li/3Iy8h10:51
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master 79920d6 Nathan Follens po/nl.po * Update Dutch translation * https://deb.li/X1L210:51
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master 227eea1 Jonas Ådahl src/backends/native/ (12 files) * kms-impl-simple: Add fake cursor planes if no real ones * https://deb.li/iUg6C10:51
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master 6e966e4 Jonas Ådahl src/backends/native/meta-cursor-renderer-native.c * cursor-renderer-native: Handle lack of cursor planes gracefully * https://deb.li/t1eg10:51
seb128Laney, well done sir :-)10:58
KGB-2gnome-session signed tags b1cf7ab Iain Lane ubuntu/3.35.3-1ubuntu4 * gnome-session Debian release 3.35.3-1ubuntu4 * https://deb.li/3ovSV11:02
KGB-2gnome-session ubuntu/master 1aacab4 Iain Lane * pushed 6 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/SvaC11:02
KGB-2gnome-session ubuntu/master b50718c Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/ gnome-session.preinst gnome-session.postinst gnome-session.prerm * d/gnome-session.{preinst,postinst,prerm}: Don't install gdm3.css anymore * https://deb.li/3zwHG11:02
KGB-2gnome-session ubuntu/master eabfeba Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/ control control.in * debian/control: Bump dependencies for ubuntu-session * https://deb.li/3gupc11:02
KGB-2gnome-session ubuntu/master 728f946 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/iOHby11:02
KGB-2gnome-session ubuntu/master 0505901 Iain Lane debian/ control control.in gnome-session.preinst * control, gnome-session.preinst: Add a ~ to relations on exact ubuntu versions * https://deb.li/kvNs11:02
KGB-2gnome-session ubuntu/master 2589638 Iain Lane debian/changelog * changelog: fix typo * https://deb.li/37wPU11:02
jameshno emojis?11:03
KGB-2gnome-session ubuntu/master Iain Lane * [merge] merge request !5: ubuntu/master: Depend on newer gnome-shell and yaru and remove gdm3.css handling * https://deb.li/euxn11:03
Laneyan unacceptable oversight11:03
LaneyI'm currently updating the webhooks one by one, would be better to script that I think11:04
jameshLaney: I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/brz/+bug/1869178 about that Breezy problem11:05
ograomg ! color TV !11:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1869178 in Breezy "Breezy ignores BZR_EMAIL environment variable" [Undecided,New]11:05
mantas-baltixHi, could someone accept simple patch for console-setup, see bug #186300111:07
ubot5bug 1863001 in console-setup (Ubuntu) "[PATCH] Incorrect LAYOUT is set when choosing Lithuanian in dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration and Ubiquity" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186300111:07
Laneyjamesh: ah, I did too, sorry for not saying, I will dupe mine to yours11:07
KGB-2gnome-shell signed tags 205ea40 Iain Lane ubuntu/3.36.0-2ubuntu1 * gnome-shell Debian release 3.36.0-2ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/rDg011:08
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master 2559d11 Iain Lane * pushed 184 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3fvJ211:08
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master 303d71e Iain Lane debian/ control control.in * control: Breaks: gnome-shell-extension-appindicator << 33 * https://deb.li/MIKi11:08
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master d2eb49a Iain Lane debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/i40ah11:08
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master 130c918 Iain Lane debian/changelog * Finalise changelog * https://deb.li/7ISN11:08
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master 122fc7b Iain Lane debian/ control control.in gnome-shell.install gnome-shell-extension-prefs.install * Split gnome-shell-extension-prefs out into its own binary package * https://deb.li/3F0nx11:08
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master 3f59bc1 Iain Lane debian/patches/ (5 files) * Cherry-pick a few patches from 3.36.1; see patch descriptions for more details * https://deb.li/avvg11:09
KGB-2gnome-shell ubuntu/master Iain Lane * [merge] merge request !36: ubuntu/master: Update to 3.36.0 * https://deb.li/02hj11:09
seb128mantas-baltix, hey, subscribe ubuntu-sponsors ?11:09
mantas-baltixseb128, done, ubuntu-sponsors subscribed :)11:18
WimpressMorning destoppers o/11:24
jibelHello Wimpress 11:30
mantas-baltixseb128, I created merge-request a month ago, but no reaction from Debian developers :( , see https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/console-setup/-/merge_requests/311:34
KGB-1gnome-session signed tags 85c7d1d Iain Lane ubuntu/3.36.0-2ubuntu1 * gnome-session Debian release 3.36.0-2ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/3JF5F12:24
jphilipshi all, i was running the daily ISO and the universe repo wasn't checked in software & updates. is this normal?12:43
seb128hey jphilips, I think it is yes, it's not supposed to be on in the live image, but it's on in the installed system12:45
jphilipsoh okay, as i was banging my head trying to install synaptic and audacious before thinking to check it12:46
jphilipsseb128: does ubuntu come with the system tray extension preinstalled?12:53
mantas-baltixseb128 , it's very important for Lithuanian users to have included this simple patch for console-setup before 20.04 beta will be released, how I can speed up the process? see bug #186300112:58
ubot5bug 1863001 in console-setup (Ubuntu) "[PATCH] Incorrect LAYOUT is set when choosing Lithuanian in dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration and Ubiquity" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186300112:58
tjaaltonmantas-baltix: is it in debian?13:00
mantas-baltixtjaalton, my patch isn't included in Debian - I created merge-request a month ago, but no reaction from Debian developers :( , see https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/console-setup/-/merge_requests/313:02
tjaaltonso it's at least submitted, that's good13:03
mantas-baltixtjaalton, it would be good if the patch would be accepted ;)13:20
seb128mantas-baltix, did you submit to the bts as well? some maintainer don't notice salsa merge requests/are not used to work with it yet13:28
seb128jphilips, the appindicator one is installed by default yes13:32
seb128tjaalton, do you want to sponsor that console-setup one?13:32
tjaaltonseb128: I could13:33
seb128tjaalton, k, let me know if you do. If you don't I will have a look later or tomorrow13:33
jphilipsseb128: thanks. strange that the audacious icon doesnt appear in it :(13:34
xnoxmantas-baltix:  uploaded to unstable13:36
tjaaltoneven better13:37
xnoxtjaalton:  but that would still need sponsor into ubuntu or a merge in ubuntu13:43
xnoxbecause it is forked a lot13:43
tjaaltonmantas-baltix: please provide a debdiff for it14:01
tjaaltonagainst the current pkg in focal14:01
ograkenvandine, nothing new from me this week ... do you have anything ?14:02
kenvandineogra: nope14:02
kenvandineogra: thanks!14:02
ricotzhello desktoppers14:22
oSoMoNhey ricotz 14:22
ricotzare there rules about using non-default gcc for a specific arch?14:22
ricotzoSoMoN, hi14:22
ricotze.g. using the available gcc-8 on bionic for armhf build14:27
seb128hey ricotz14:28
ricotzseb128, hi14:28
hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:53
kenvandinegood morning hellsworth 14:55
hellsworthhi kenvandine 14:55
didrocksgood morning hellsworth 15:02
hellsworthhi didrocks how are you doing?15:03
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth, kenvandine 15:05
hellswortho/ oSoMoN !15:05
didrockshellsworth: I’m good, thanks, and you?15:08
seb128hey Heather, how are you?15:08
seb128cpaelzer, @vte, we should get 0.60.1 for focal, 0.59.91 is a rc1 for 0.60, we are lacking behind merging the stable version from Debian but it's on our backlog (kenvandine was look at that one), the .1 is part of GNOME 3.36.1 which we plan to get before release (I would understand if you would like to backport a patch to help testing rather than waiting though)15:10
kenvandinei don't know when i can look at that again15:12
seb128kenvandine, what was the issue? did that much change between 0.59.91 and 0.60.0 ? that seems weird :/15:15
kenvandinei was probably doing something wrong :)15:15
kenvandinelots of conflicts to resolve15:15
kenvandineand I didn't have a ton of time to dig through it as I had other things to finish that day15:16
kenvandineseb128: i also tossed everything and stepped through your instructions again and had the same issue15:17
kenvandineiirc there are maybe some package name differences between debian and ubuntu?15:18
seb128kenvandine, weird15:22
kenvandineseb128: yeah, i was probably doing something wrong :)15:23
oSoMoNhey all, I'm applying for upload rights to the mozilla packageset (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OlivierTilloy/MozillaPackageSetApplication) and I'd appreciate your endorsements15:35
seb128kenvandine, it's the same name in debian and ubuntu, vte2.91 in debian as well, I probably gave you vte wrongly15:36
oSoMoNthis is mostly paperwork as I already have upload rights for firefox and thunderbird, but the process has to be followed15:36
kenvandineseb128: no, i did get the right one.  I might be missremembering where the conflicts were15:37
seb128kenvandine, $ git merge salsa/debian/master15:37
seb128gives conflict on symbols/control.in/changelog15:37
seb128which is expected, those are the ones we need to rebase usually15:37
seb128symbols due to some patches15:37
seb128changelog is usual15:37
seb128control as well15:37
seb128kenvandine, I can drive you through the steps again if you want to do another try15:38
kenvandinei had tons of conflicts15:38
kenvandinei can't today, meetings nearly back to back all day15:38
LaneyFWIW you can at least avoid the changelog one by using dpkg-mergechangelogs - see man dpkg-mergechangelogs the last section there15:39
sa-ghostswhat happend to the gdm3.css alternative in focal?15:50
sa-ghostsafter the last gdm update I can no longer user the vanilla one (without the ubuntu theme)15:50
seb128Laney, thanks, that's useful15:51
seb128Trevinho, ^15:51
seb128Trevinho, the ping is about the gdm/css question15:52
seb128oSoMoN, I will write something on your application, I didn't realize you didn't have access to that set yet15:53
oSoMoNseb128, it's a long overdue piece of paperwork which I kept delaying because I was lazy to write the application wiki page…15:53
Laneysa-ghosts: It's a GResource now, see what yaru-theme does for inpspiration15:55
sa-ghoststhe problem is I don't use the ubuntu session and the yaru-theme gdm doesn't really fit vanilla gnome.15:58
LaneyYou can configure the gdm3-theme.gresource alternative16:00
Laneysudo update-alternatives --configug gdm3-theme.gresource16:00
sa-ghostsah, thank you!16:00
Laneyfix my spelling, don't like to make it too easy for people16:00
cpaelzerseb128: could you state that we get vte 0.60.1  before focal release soemwhere on the bug?16:10
cpaelzerI'm absolutely fine to leave that to people that feel more at home with vte16:10
cpaelzerbug was https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/186811616:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1868116 in qemu (Ubuntu) "QEMU monitor no longer works" [High,Triaged]16:10
KGB-2mutter Marco Trevisan 150293 * commented merge request !57 * https://deb.li/3jjpN16:20
KGB-2mutter ubuntu/master Marco Trevisan * [close] merge request !57: ubuntu/master: Update to 3.36.0 * https://deb.li/pF0g16:20
sa-ghostswhat happend to the new gnome Extensions program?17:10
sa-ghostsI can no longer see it in the app grid17:10
sa-ghostscant use the terminal to bring it up also17:10
sa-ghostsnot talking about tweaks17:11
mitya57sa-ghosts: it was split out to a separate package, gnome-shell-extension-prefs19:10
oSoMoNgood night all19:47

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