
lotuspsychjeGunnarHj: hello, im letting you know bug #1813262 seems to be fixed on my 20.04 daily now13:33
ubottubug 1813262 in language-pack-gnome-nl (Ubuntu) "livepatch strings not fully translated yet in bionic" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181326213:33
GunnarHjlotuspsychje: Good, thanks for letting me know. Closing the bug then.13:35
lotuspsychjethank you!13:36
lotuspsychjeGunnarHj: i filed it originaly on bionic, will that also be pushed?13:36
GunnarHjlotuspsychje: Ah, my mistake. Bionic will be updated at next 18.04 translation update, provided that some member i the Dutch translators team tests and confirmed the updated language packs. You may want to subscribe to <https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators> to be notified about next call for testing.13:40
lotuspsychjeno worries, its good that 20.04 will include it now13:41

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