
nshirewas exfar-fuse removed or something00:19
nshireI can't find any exfat packages00:20
pavlosthey should be exfat-utils and exfat-fuse00:20
nshireE: no installation candidate00:21
nshireI have a liveusb loaded, trying to get data off my broken installation before I do anything00:22
marcodiegoI'm using 18.04 and my laptop's backlight sometimes starts blinking. I stopped systemd-udevd and it seem that it stops it from blinking, but I don't think it is a proper solution. Is ther a way to fix my backlight to be always at the maximum value?00:22
nshireand my only other drive is exfat......00:22
Bashing-om!info exfat-utils | nshire00:25
ubottunshire: exfat-utils (source: exfat-utils): utilities to create, check, label and dump exFAT filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-1 (eoan), package size 39 kB, installed size 227 kB00:25
Bashing-omnshire: ^^ insure that the universe repo is enabled :D00:26
nshireis all that possible to do on a liveusb?00:26
Bashing-omnshire: Yes - just will not persist a reboot.00:27
pavlossudo add-apt-repository universe; sudo apt update00:28
smacktalkit was a key combo with my laptop , now my camera works00:28
Bashing-ompavlos: :D00:28
=== nt0__ is now known as nt0
pavlossmacktalk: does the camera appear in lsusb now that it is working?00:29
pavlossmacktalk: Fn+F6 enables camera for msi laptops00:31
nshirecommand not found when I try to add-apt-repository00:41
pavlosyou're on liveusb, 18.04 ?00:43
nshireyep 18.04 lts00:43
pavlossudo apt-get install software-properties-common00:44
pavlosit seems that add-apt-repository is part of the software-properties-common pkg00:47
ScarletMarauderHello, I am trying to setup mergerfgs to merge two exteneral drives together and could use some help since this is the first time i have ever done this00:53
nshireugh disk full00:53
vigilantello friends00:55
vigilantdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of sendmail:00:55
vigilant sendmail depends on sendmail-bin; however:00:55
vigilant  Package sendmail-bin is not configured yet.00:55
vigilantwhenever i am trying to do apt-get upgrade, i get these errors00:55
ScarletMarauderpretty much that00:57
vigilanthow do i configure it mr ScarletMarauder00:57
Bashing-omvigilant: Ehat resilts: ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure sendmail-bin ' ?00:57
Bashing-omvigilant: *what results00:58
vigilantsudo dpkg-reconfigure sendmail-bin00:58
ScarletMaraudervigilant, I am not sure, bashing om probably knows alot more then me and seems to be helping.00:58
vigilant/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: sendmail-bin is broken or not fully installed00:58
pavlossudo sendmailconfig00:58
vigilanti did that00:59
vigilanti just did apt-get upgrade00:59
vigilantand it's broken00:59
Bashing-omvigilant: pastebin ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; dpkg -l sendmail-bin '.00:59
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=== Zanetti is now known as zanetti
Bashing-omvigilant: Force the upgrade - maybe not the best thing to do ' sudo apt full-upgrade ' .01:04
ScarletMarauderSo I want to merge two of my drives in mergerfs so I change the mount points to /mnt/TVdisk1 and /mnt/TVdisk2 and then write this /mnt/disk*     /home/username/TV/     fuse.mergerFS direct_io,defaults,allow_other,minfreespace=5G,fsname=mergerFS 0 0 in fstab anything else?01:05
vigilantmr Bashing-om https://pastebin.com/cYjDbyy501:05
Bashing-omvigilant: Now as pavlos suggestes '01:08
Bashing-om19:59 < vigilant' ?01:08
vigilantsame issue mr Bashing-om01:09
Bashing-omvigilant:  ?sudo sendmailconfig01:09
vigilantafter doing that01:10
Bashing-omvigilant: Hummm ... ' sudo apt install -- reinstall sendmail ' give us any additional hints ?01:11
vigilantAfter this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.01:12
vigilantE: Internal Error, No file name for sendmail:amd6401:12
Bashing-omInfo sendmail eoan | vigilant01:13
Bashing-om!Info sendmail eoan | vigilant01:14
Bashing-om!info sendmail eoan | vigilant01:14
ubottuvigilant: sendmail (source: sendmail): powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Transport Agent (metapackage). In component universe, is extra. Version 8.15.2-13 (eoan), package size 6 kB, installed size 234 kB01:14
Bashing-omvigilant: ^^ Is in the universe repo . is that repo enabled ?01:15
vigilantmr Bashing-om01:15
vigilanthow can i check if the repo is enabled01:16
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Bashing-omvigilant: ' grep -I "main restricted universe multiverse" /etc/apt/sources.list01:20
vigilantdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan-security main restricted universe multiverse01:20
ScarletMarauderSo I am trying to merge two drives in mergerFS using the following line    /mnt/TVdisk* /home/username/TV fuse.mergerFS direct_io,defaults,allow_other,minfreespace=5G,fsname=mergerFS 0 0 in. but then i get this error /bin/sh: 1:mergerFS not found anyideas what i did wrong01:27
Bashing-omvigilant: That is for security - not what we seek. We want something like " deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ eoan universe " .01:27
Bashing-omvigilant: If you have  GUI .. can check in the software center.01:29
vigilantmr Bashing-om01:56
vigilanti don't have gui01:56
vigilantit's a VPS01:56
vigilantcan you tell me what repo to add and how?01:56
ScarletMaraudersorry for the bother turns out i am an idiot01:57
sarnoldScarletMarauder: hehehe :)01:57
sarnoldScarletMarauder: what was it?01:58
ScarletMaraudersarnold, turns out i was supposed to type mergerfs not mergerFS01:58
Bashing-omvigilant: Compare ' cat /etc/apt/sources.list' to this exanple - https://gist.github.com/seveas/09139dc2ce7e46e37ca6647b193ac0c9 .01:59
sarnoldScarletMarauder: ahhhhhhhh :) yes, that'll do it.02:01
ScarletMarauderyeah litterally burst out laughing when the dev told me the mistake02:01
sarnoldheheh :)02:03
Bashing-omvigilant: If you  do not have "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ eoan universe multiverse" or a close resemblence - then we add that repo :D02:04
vigilanti replaced everythi0ng in the sources.list file with the line you gave me02:07
vigilantbut it's still giving me the same problem02:07
Bashing-omvigilant: ' apt list sendmail02:07
NGravityvigilant: vps running?02:08
NGravitySendemail is better because you can also use outside02:08
NGravityThen mailx02:08
NGravitySo sudo -apt-install mailutils02:09
NGravityThen xrdp ,then xwindow so sudo apt install xfce402:09
NGravityAnd then you are done and you have windows on your vps02:10
NGravityIf eoan means you are running 19.1002:12
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vigilantroot@star:/home/vigilant# apt list sendmail02:17
vigilantListing... Done02:17
vigilantsendmail/eoan,eoan,now 8.15.2-13 all [installed]02:17
NGravityBravo, now install xfce402:17
NGravityThen xrdp02:17
NGravityAnd you will have gui's02:18
NGravityXrdp uses 3389 port remote desktop02:18
vigilantwhy NGravity02:18
vigilanttoo much wOrK02:18
NGravityAfter finishing that yoù have to install wine-hq02:19
vigilantwhat are you talking about NGravity02:19
NGravityThen install max-bulk mailer02:19
NGravityAfter installed you can add your milion email list address then spam them up02:20
NGravityVia GUI's :)))02:20
vigilantwhat the heck are you talking about NGravity02:20
NGravityYou can put xfce4 anyway :) to have a rdp or vnc connection02:21
NGravityDo not use much ram so02:21
NGravityIf needed then do it02:21
ChadTaljaardtI am getting a weird error when trying to install a specific version of erlang02:24
bratchleyhey, for some reason whenever I move my nginx server's doc root to a tmpfs mount I get 404's anyone ran into this before? https://dpaste.org/uivA02:25
ChadTaljaardtif i install it using the command apt-get install erlang it works fine02:25
ChadTaljaardtso it only has that issue when i do apt-get install <package-name>=<package-version>02:26
NGravity404 means page not found, verify the link if corect02:26
ChadTaljaardti did apt-cache policy erlang to make sure that version was available, and it was there02:26
bratchleyNGravity: yeah the URL is correct, updated the snippet: https://dpaste.org/fq2O02:27
bratchleyI can literally copy/paste the path it says it can't find and can read it as the user I'm running nginx as02:27
NGravityOk, at this point try on root or with sudo02:28
bratchleyto read the file from the command line? yeah all users appear to be able to read that file02:28
bratchleyit's just getting to it through the web server that seems to have an issue02:28
bratchleyit started when I moved the doc root to tmpfs but I don't know if that's related02:29
NGravityChmod then chown can fix if not a code error02:30
Bashing-om!info erlang eoan | ChadTaljaardt02:30
ubottuChadTaljaardt: erlang (source: erlang): Concurrent, real-time, distributed functional language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:22.0.7+dfsg-1build1 (eoan), package size 12 kB, installed size 53 kB02:30
ChadTaljaardtim on 18.0402:30
Bashing-om!info erlang bionic | ChadTaljaardt02:31
ubottuChadTaljaardt: erlang (source: erlang): Concurrent, real-time, distributed functional language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:20.2.2+dfsg-1ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 13 kB, installed size 50 kB02:31
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ChadTaljaardtso i should be installing 1:20.2.2+dfsg-1ubuntu2 instead?02:32
Bashing-omChadTaljaardt: depends on where you are pulling erlang from. A PPA enabled ?02:33
ChadTaljaardtthis is how we are installing it02:33
Bashing-omChadTaljaardt: If our version in the repo is not good enough for your needs; then you take up with erlang_solutions.asc the issues you face installing.02:35
ChadTaljaardtso wait i can jsut do sudo apt-get install erlang without having to add all that stuff?02:36
ChadTaljaardtalso here is a error i got when trying to install the version in the thing you sent02:36
Bashing-omChadTaljaardt: Yup !02:36
ChadTaljaardtlet me try it quick, give me a few minutes :)02:37
Bashing-om!ppa-purge | ChadTaljaardt02:37
ubottuChadTaljaardt: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html02:37
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ChadTaljaardtthanks Bashing-om it looks like its working02:42
ChadTaljaardtdidnt realise that i could do that, wonder why it was implemented this way originally..02:43
Bashing-omChadTaljaardt: Great - glad we have resolution :D02:43
Bashing-om!ppa | ChadTaljaardt02:43
ubottuChadTaljaardt: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge02:43
ChadTaljaardtyeah, i was wondering why the script we are working on used the ppa for this instead of the method you said where you can just get it from apt02:44
ChadTaljaardtsoftware seems to work fine with this way.. so ill inquire about that with my team02:44
Bashing-omChadTaljaardt: Depends on versioning needed . Then again prehaps erlang recently made it into the repo . would have to look at the changelog to know.02:46
ChadTaljaardtthis script was originally made like 2 years ago if i recall, so maybe02:47
ChadTaljaardtanyway im gonna get back to testing this, thanks so much for the help, have a good evening :)02:47
Bashing-omChadTaljaardt: Links provided ' apt show erlanf02:48
glestrademy install of ubuntu is fairly fresh and I messed up a complex install process03:23
glestradeso it won’t hurt that much to do a “factory reset”03:24
glestradehow could I do that03:24
ash_worksistill looking for any help on recovering data from a usb drive that wont connect03:31
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: photorec to the rescue03:32
ash_worksilotuspsychje: `apt install photorec` ?03:33
ash_worksilotuspsychje: also, what is that?03:33
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: no, sudo apt install testdisk03:33
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: after that: sudo photorec and select your partition/hd you want to recover03:34
ash_worksilotuspsychje: well, it's a usb drive that never connects03:34
ash_worksiso the partition is never available03:34
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: if photorec cant see it, its probably dead03:34
ash_worksibut it says: [20524.714099] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Read Capacity(10) failed: Result: hostbyte=DID_NO_CONNECT driverbyte=DRIVER_OK03:34
ash_worksidmesg I mean03:34
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: you might check it on another Os too, to doublecheck03:35
ash_worksilotuspsychje: well, I don't know if it's a matter of photorec seeing it, but I'll tryin installing and seeing what happens when I run it03:35
lotuspsychjeyeah try it03:35
ash_worksiI checked it on another laptop, but not a different OS03:35
ash_worksiI could try windows I guess03:35
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: yeah some cases, its a windows repair trick thats needed03:36
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: and you still need the data on it i suppose?03:36
ash_worksiI mean, there was indeed a lot of data written to it, but I think it's only like 1/2 full; most of it's activity was grepping03:37
ash_worksilotuspsychje: yes03:37
ash_worksiI just tried photorec03:37
ash_worksidoesn't seem to see it03:37
ash_worksiit'd be sdb03:37
lotuspsychjeyeah prob bad news ash_worksi03:38
ash_worksiand it only shows sda and dm.03:38
ash_worksiI don't know what dm is though.... maybe referencing memory?03:38
lotuspsychjei always try gparted & photorec myself03:38
ash_worksiif I could just get into it one more time, I'd copy everything over03:39
ash_worksi(and never trust USB drives again)03:39
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: try gparted too, just to see if it recognizes03:39
ash_worksiso the fact that it can detect data like [sdb] 120127488 512-byte logical blocks: (61.5 GB/57.3 GiB) doesn't spark any hope?03:40
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: pastebin a journalctl -f with your medium plugged out, plug back in lets have a look on those errors03:41
ash_worksilotuspsychje: k, well, I have a series of errors recorded by dmesg already if that's helpful03:43
ash_worksilotuspsychje: is journalctl better?03:43
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: i like it realtime, and focused on what we are doing03:44
ash_worksidmesg -w seems to be in real time03:44
ash_worksioutput looks identical03:44
ash_worksiI might end up pasting the dmesg jsut cause it doesn't show my laptop name03:45
ash_worksioh actually there are differences03:45
ash_worksilotuspsychje: https://gist.github.com/ash-m/87b6a8675bd2681ff15eaf13e2c4877003:50
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: yeah IO errors, this was not a device, device not accepting...looks like bad news to me03:51
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: as last resort i would try gparted and another Os03:52
ash_worksi"this was not a device"?03:52
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: mtp-probe[9905]: bus: 4, device: 4 was not an MTP device03:52
ash_worksilotuspsychje: trying gparted03:53
ash_worksioh I missed that03:53
ash_worksilotuspsychje: gparted error: could not stat /dev/sdb03:54
ash_worksino such file or directory03:54
lotuspsychjeyeah presumed..03:54
ash_worksiso where is the other data that it *can* discern coming from?03:54
ash_worksiie: logical blocks: (61.5 GB/57.3 GiB)03:55
ash_worksidoesn't it have to read that from somewhere?03:55
ash_worksior is that just some catalog on my system that knows this information based on some easily accessible id on the drive that isn't part of the main circuit and I'm just looking at basically a cache?03:56
ash_worksiwindows is starting...03:58
* ash_worksi crosses fingers03:58
ash_worksiIME, if I try any USB drive that was formatted on linux on windows, it'll immediately ask to reformat03:59
ash_worksibut we'll see03:59
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: if you can make it work that would be a start..03:59
ash_worksishows up in device settings for a moment then says Unrecognized device (set address failed)04:04
ash_worksishitty shitty bang bang04:04
ash_worksiI guess I'll be using external hdds from now on for this kind of stuff04:05
ash_worksiit's just a huge amount of miscellanous coding projects, logs, etc04:05
ash_worksilots of nice helpful info in those IRC logs04:05
ash_worksicouldve removing the drive unsafely caused this?04:07
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: i dont think so, you would get other errors04:07
ash_worksiso shittily annoying04:08
lotuspsychjeplease keep language family friendly04:08
ash_worksilotuspsychje: sorry; how poppily annoying04:10
ash_worksinot even a "heh" :\04:12
ash_worksinot so much as a *cough* at my "hilarious" joke.04:13
lotuspsychjedrop it please ash_worksi04:13
ash_worksisorry, trying to make light of the situation during my hour of plight.04:15
ash_worksithanks though for you help lotuspsychje04:15
aaardvarkcan someone please explain to me why chroot is restricted to the root - it seems to me that as long as I could only change to a directory to which I ave permissions there would be no loss of security - so clearly I am missing something04:18
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IntelCoreBashing !05:15
* nshire turns on mitigations for IntelCore 05:16
IntelCore the /dev/sda2 is red in gparted05:17
IntelCorethe Ms reserved partition is 128Mb05:18
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IntelCorerun chkdsk on it via cmd  ?05:22
IntelCoregrub menu boots05:23
NGravityHow fast . Total seconds?05:27
Bomber4ChatsHaving trouble getting my headphone's in-built mic to be detected by linux mate on my asus laptop. Details:   Linux version 4.15.0-92-generic.   driver=snd_hda_intel    No errors in journalctl -f  when connecting disconnecting device             Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS \n \l05:48
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StrontiumAfter a recent package upgrade I started getting "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libuuid.so.1: version `UUID_2.31' not found (required by uuidgen)" errors.  I looked and uuid-runtime and uuid-dev are both version 2.34-0.1ubuntu2.4 from eoan-updates06:06
StrontiumAnyone else seen this?06:06
openface.j gentoo06:06
rfm Strontium no problem here after updating.  Message sounds like libuuid.so.1 is damaged or missing.  Maybe try "apt-get installl --reinstall libuuid1"?06:19
rfmStrontium, if that doesn't help "ldd -v `which uuidgen`" might pop out a more informative message.06:22
Strontiumrfm: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mysWtP8YFK/06:23
StrontiumDidn't work06:23
Strontiumrfm: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/78p2wPRtRR/06:24
StrontiumOutput from ldd06:24
rfmStrontium, sure looks like a damaged libuuid.so.1.  I suppose the damage could be in the download of the .deb and the reinstall used the cache version.  Unfortunately I don't know offhand how to force a fresh download.06:28
rfmStrontium, ah, "apt-get clean" is the command to blow out the caches, apt-get install --reinstall will then download a fresh copy.  try that?06:30
Strontiumrfm: rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives/*06:30
Strontiumrfm: No change.  Its certainly odd.  Either manual delete or apt-get clean resulted in the same result.06:34
StrontiumI have submitted a bug report on it.06:36
Bomber4ChatsHaving trouble getting my headphone's in-built mic to be detected by linux mate on my asus laptop. Details:   Linux version 4.15.0-92-generic.   driver=snd_hda_intel    No errors in journalctl -f  when connecting disconnecting device06:37
rfmStrontium, I'm baffled,  the only difference I see between your install and my (working) one is you have the i386 libs, which I don't, but which should be irrelevant.06:37
rfmStrontium, I was going to blame the mirror, but I see you're going straight to archive.ubuntu.com.  (Unless there's a caching proxy in the way? I've gotten burned there in the past)06:38
StrontiumNo caching proxy that I have set up.06:39
rfmStrontium, here's the checksum of my version if you want to see if the file really is damaged: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/r7dWnJVhtt/06:42
Strontiumrfm: so far the only noticable problem its causing is the error shows up every time i open a shell (or run uuidgen manually)  so it doesn't appear to be reaking my system.  Will see what the bug report yields if anything/06:42
rfmStrontium, ok.  i'm off to bed, good luck.  (The next thing I would try is seeing if the uuidgen binary is damaged, though I would expect the ldd output to be different if so.)06:47
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PoleschI'm on Pop_OS with a dual monitor setup (1080p primary + 4k secondary), I have a problem where a lot of applications have the menu offset significantly to the right. Anyone how how to fix this?08:24
ducassePolesch: only ubuntu is supported here, you need to ask in a pop os forum08:27
PoleschIt's basically the same thing.08:27
PoleschThis is the problem: https://ibb.co/MNZG95C08:28
Bomber4ChatsHaving trouble getting my headphone's in-built mic to be detected by linux mate on my asus laptop. Details:   Linux version 4.15.0-92-generic.   driver=snd_hda_intel    No errors in journalctl -f  when connecting disconnecting device08:28
ducasse!derivatives | Polesch08:28
ubottuPolesch: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)08:28
PoleschApproximately half of the applications behave like this.08:28
PoleschJust pretend like it's ubuntu and I'll figure out the rest.08:29
ducassesorry, we don't pretend anything, you need to ask in the appropriate forum. we have no ideas what they have changed08:30
parlos@Polesch I'm running 19.10 with 4K (primary) and 1200 secondary. Works fine. Running KDE... Test swapping prim and secondary.08:31
ducassethey left08:31
lotuspsychjeparlos: please dont support users that just have been adviced to not get support in the future08:31
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BluesKajHowdy folks10:22
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mkquistBluesKaj: hi10:29
mkquistBluesKaj: quiet usually at this time10:29
BluesKajhi mkquist, not always10:38
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=== parlos_afk is now known as parlos
gimmelHi all, I've got a bootable Ubuntu USB that I've confirmed works by booting to it on another machine. I'm trying to make an Asus All in One PC boot to it. I've adjusted the BIOS settings to disable secure booth and enable CSM. But whether I configure the USB as the only boot device, or use the BIOS boot override to select the USB, either way it just loops back to the BIOS. Any thoughts?10:59
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EriC^^gimmel: odd, which os does it have currently11:08
EriC^^gimmel: how did you make the usb btw?11:08
Bomber4ChatsHaving trouble getting my headphone's in-built mic to be detected by linux mate on my asus laptop. Details:   Linux version 4.15.0-92-generic.   driver=snd_hda_intel    No errors in journalctl -f  when connecting disconnecting device11:09
gimmelEriC^^: It's currently Windows 8.1 - I made the Ubuntu USB within Ubuntu, using Statup Disk Creator11:10
gimmelEriC^^: I was mistaken, even after making those BIOS changes, the USB simply doesn't show up in the boot options. I mistakenly thought one of the boot device entries was the USB, but it was just the HDD.11:13
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EriC^^gimmel: i see try a different usb port and try disabling fastboot if that's enabled11:14
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gimmelEriC^^: already disabled fastboot. I'll try a different port.11:14
_alx_Everytime I try to update I get this: https://bpaste.net/MXYQ11:15
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gimmelEriC^^: dammit - I should have thought of that. Turns out it won't boot from the USB 3 ports, but it's picked it up and boots from the legacy port.11:17
gimmelEriC^^: Thanks for remembering what I should have remembered myself.11:17
EriC^^gimmel: no problem, glad it worked out11:25
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Bomber4ChatsHaving trouble getting my headphone's in-built mic to be detected by linux mate on my asus laptop. Details:   Linux version 4.15.0-92-generic.   driver=snd_hda_intel    No errors in journalctl -f  when connecting disconnecting device11:31
Bomber4ChatsUbuntu 18.04.4 LTS \n \l11:31
arunkumar413some times my ubuntu system freezes upon launching the first app after login. Any idea if such behavior is logged in any log files?11:35
_alx_where can I find the authentic list of apt sources for ubuntu bionic?11:38
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promilleHi guys. Ubuntu 19.10 64bit (installed yesterday) is very slow/almost unresponsive when GPU VRAM usage is maxed out (e.g. when running hashmap, folding@home, stress tests like Unigine Superposition). Is this expected behaviour? Geforce RTX 2060 with 440 open source driver from ppa graphic-driver.11:44
promilleIt's fine when clock frequency is maxed out, but not the graphics RAM.11:45
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* oerheks sips coffee, black with milk & sugar12:37
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howudodathaving a weird problem on ubuntu 19.10 running on a dell laptop.  when I click on a window's title bar it wont come to the fore.  I have disabled all extensions.  and I have set focus-mode to something other than the default 'click' and then set it back.  This has been happening for about a month or so12:54
ioriahowudodat, have you checked in gnome-tweaks ? or just used gsettings ?13:02
howudodatioria: yes I have looked through both and not found anything in particular, of course there are 10k settings in gsettings/dconf13:12
oerheksrename ~/.config and logout/login to see what happens?13:14
ioriahowudodat, let's start with this : gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences focus-mode13:14
ioriahowudodat, let's start with this : gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences focus-new-windows13:15
ioriahowudodat, gsettings get org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock click-action13:15
ioriahowudodat, i don't have that range; try to set it only  to  'preview'13:17
howudodatioria: done13:19
howudodatbtw: yesterday when I set focus-mode to X and then back to 'click' it worked for a while (5-10 minutes) and then stopped again.  I'll see if this last change helps13:20
POQDavidHi, i am setting up a dedicated server i was wondering would it be wrong to use none LTS version of ubuntu-server13:27
DArqueBishopPOQDavid: that depends. Is the server only going to be online for less than eighteen months?13:28
oerheksPOQDavid, some choose LTS for stability and rich documentation13:28
pragmaticenigmaPOQDavid: For recommendations, polls, and soliciting opinions, please use the #ubuntu-offtpoic channel13:29
oerheksDArqueBishop, * 9 months13:29
pragmaticenigmasorry it is: #ubuntu-offtopic channel13:29
POQDavidok ty13:29
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Phruisin Plasma if a window is off the screen how can i move it back on?13:51
Phruisi can see a portion of it13:51
pragmaticenigmaPhruis: if you can click on a portion of the window... press the alt key and click and drag it back into view13:51
Phruispragmaticenigma, ahh thanks!13:52
pragmaticenigmaPhruis: Otherwise, right click on the entry in the taskbar, then click more actions in the context menu, and then you will see "Move" there13:52
NyleMarch is almost over!13:57
compdoconward march!13:57
Phruismarch is the best month13:57
Nylecompdoc lockdown goes into effect today13:57
NyleUbuntu 20.04 Beta: April 2, 202013:58
oerheksNyle, keep on topic. chit chat in an other channel.13:58
compdocIve been locked down for weeks, but I did go to buy groceries a few days ago. still alive13:59
NyleNext time, message someone to say that.13:59
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sumagnaNyle, compdoc: please use #ubuntu-offtopic for this chit chat14:00
NylePeople have stopped thinking for themselves a long time ago.14:01
NyleGo on. Tell me about #ubuntu-offtopic again.14:01
NyleAny more people to repeat this over and over?14:01
oerheks!ops | Nyle trolls again14:01
ubottuNyle trolls again: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax14:01
Nyle"again"? Ok. Find logs of me trolling ever.14:01
NyleI would very much like to ignore this trouble maker.14:02
sumagnacome in the offtopic channel and see how much i talk, Nyle14:02
NyleKids should not be allowed online without parental supervision. *sigh*14:02
JimBuntuNyle: it's not only the idea of trolling, you disregard the policy.14:02
NyleStop talking, if you want the talking to stop...14:02
NyleSee how you start conflict? When you start playing mall cop. Just stop. Not everyone likes being told what to do by random mall cop wannabes.14:03
NyleUgh. What a way to start the morning. All I wanted to do was see about ubuntu and next months' relesae. But no... someone has to play mall cop and bully and harass me.14:03
sumagnasorry for argues14:03
NyleShame on you.14:03
sumagnasorry for *arguments14:04
sumagnaask JimBuntu how much i talk in #ubuntu-offtopic channel14:04
pragmaticenigmasumagna: Please stop, this isn't helping14:04
sumagnaok sorry14:04
sumagnasorry pragmaticenigma for arguing14:05
nssthis is only ubuntu channel or kubuntu too?14:16
pragmaticenigmanss: Ask your question, if it isn't the right channel we can help redirect you. All things "ubuntu" are on topic here. Kubuntu has sometimes better help for things involving the Desktop Environment that some people here may not be familiar with14:17
h00knss: normally ubuntu, some of the things are the same regardless of u/k, but there is also #kubuntu as well14:17
tim23423424hello everyone - I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 on a ThinkPad P50 with I think an Nvidia GPU. Yesterday my external monitor (an LG plugged in with HDMI) worked fine, and then after doing an apt update/upgrade I rebooted and am having some weird issues where screen refresh seems to be quite messed up, but only when the Desktop is visible. It looks like the desktop background isn't being drawn except for the top left corner (and my deskt14:24
tim23423424round image fits into that smaller top left corner). I also deleted ~/.config/monitors.xml  -- before I did that my monitor wasn't appearing at all and the Displays part of Settings was seeing the monitor but telling me "for hardware reasons" it wasn't working14:24
oerhekshi tim23423424 until release, support in #ubuntu+1 please14:25
oerheksto keep beta bugs concentrated14:25
nssi could't find battery life comparisons between kubuntu and ubuntu, someone have some info?14:29
howudodatioria: so it worked for a while, but just stopped working again (focus with click)14:30
pragmaticenigmanss: They will be effectively the same. If you're looking to reduce system load in an effort to reduce battery consumption. You might want to look into the lighter weight edition such as Lubuntu or Xubuntu14:31
sparky8251is there a 20.04 server install iso? i see a daily desktop one, but im curious if the server one exists somewhere14:32
pragmaticenigmasparky8251: 20.04 has not been released yet14:33
sparky8251i know. but they still are minting daily desktop ISOs for testing14:33
oerhekssparky8251, there is, daily builds http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/current/14:33
oerhekssupport in #ubuntu+1 please14:33
sparky8251cool, i wasnt able to find that link. thanks much14:33
_alx_if I use grep, can I specify multiple -E at the same time?14:34
_alx_grep -vi -E … -E … -E … -E … ?14:35
pragmaticenigma_alx_: No, you cannot14:36
_alx_pragmaticenigma: so the wayto do it would be one, with a bunch of | to match all the cases I need?14:37
oerheksegrep does, i think, understand egrep 'foo|bar' *.txt14:37
pragmaticenigmaoerheks: egrep is just a shortcut to grep -E14:37
oerheksoh indeed, then this should work too # grep 'word1\|word2\|word3' /path/to/file14:38
_alx_i'm actually doing this inside of vim to remove the lines I don't want14:42
_alx_grep -vi -E "(.mp3)$|(.mid)$|(.zip)$|(.mp4)$|(.ogg)$|(.mxl)$|(.flac)$|(.mscz)$|(.sib)$|(.avi)$|(.jpg)$|(.mkv)$"14:42
pragmaticenigma_alx_: I don't think that will work, but you can try it. I think "$" will only signify the end of line, at the end of the expression14:43
_alx_pragmaticenigma: it seems to work on regexr, but I guess I won't know till I try :D14:43
_alx_pragmaticenigma: it looks like it worked: i'm doing %!grep -vi …. in vim and it reduced my file list to only have the files ending with the extension I was interested in14:45
_alx_YES! it worked, it was important to add the $ because some files end in .sib.pdf14:46
_alx_I didn't want false positives14:46
_alx_vim, regex and grep are SO COOL!!! :D :D :D14:47
ujjainHello. How can I mount system.img for Android 10 in Ubuntu?14:59
mike10011088hello. My Ubuntu won't boot. It's giving me a bunch of PCIe bus errors14:59
ujjain Android 9: https://i.imgur.com/MvnYva0.png - Android 10: https://i.imgur.com/hmUMfQy.png - There is no longer ext4 in use for the system partition?14:59
mike10011088no one?15:01
pragmaticenigma!patience | mike1001108815:01
ubottumike10011088: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:01
pragmaticenigmaalso mike10011088 that sounds a lot like hardware failure... if this is a desktop, power down, and remove all the cards in the PCIe slots... then re-seat them one-by-one15:02
mike10011088it is a laptop and it also has windows on it, which works15:02
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compdocmike10011088, boot ubuntu from a usb stick or dvd, and see if your drive can be mounted15:03
pragmaticenigmamike10011088: I would second the live disk boot... it would also tell you if it is your installation that has a problem or if it is hardware. If it is infact hardware, you will see similar message during the live boot15:05
mike10011088yeah, now windows won't boot either, so I think it is most likely a hardware problem... I will try booting it off an usb stick anyway I suppose15:06
pragmaticenigmamike10011088: bummer there... hope it's repairable15:07
not_daifanyone running ubuntu/samba pdc for windows clients?15:11
pragmaticenigmanot_daif: It's often better to explain your issue as detailed as possible for assistance. That way if someone has some understanding about the topic, they will be more likely to respond15:12
ioriahowudodat, i can suggest 3 things : uninstall all local extensions ; switch to wayland for a testing purpose ; reset gsettings to default15:19
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howudodatioria: thanks.  I'll probably suffer until 20.04 is released.  I have already disabled all extensions and it still happens.15:20
ioriahowudodat, fully updated ? sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade15:23
pavlosmike10011088: there is a boot-repair.iso you can burn on a usb, boot from there and hopefully will fix boot issues15:27
pavlosmike10011088: https://sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair-cd/home/Home/15:28
oerheksthere is a factoid for that15:29
ubottuBoot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info.15:29
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MalgorathI don't know if this is the place to ask and if not I'd apperciate a bit of direction to look at.  I am using a 18.04 server for my gateway at home since I have dual gigabit  ethernet ports so bandwidth isn't an issue on it. Anyways my issue is I have dhcp running ipv4 net fowarding and my other PC gets DHCP address from server but it does not tracert.exe from the windows box does not go beyond the gateway, I am sure I missed something small15:35
pragmaticenigmaMalgorath: This might be better asked in ##networking or #ubuntu-server... though it sounds like DHCP maybe isn't pushing routes to the clients?15:38
tomtasticYou can check by opening a command prompt on windows and typing 'route print'15:39
tomtasticMake sure the 'Gateway' is the IP of your router15:40
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tomtasticAmusingly, I see the same behaviour in my Win10 VM, anyway this question belongs in a windows or networking channel15:42
usr13Malgorath: So you are using the 18.04 server as router for your LAN?15:43
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mike10011088pavlos too late for that haha but thank you, it seems very useful and I'll use it in the future15:45
Malgorathusr13, yes15:48
usr13Malgorath: So the 18.04 server's gateway is working ok.... Right?  (You can access internet from it?)15:51
Malgorathusr13, yes I get on the internet fine, the internal network seems to ping and respond fine15:52
Malgorathonly issue I am having is getting passed the gateway, like I'm gonna reboot and see if it was just something I forgot to restart brb15:52
HamiltonCan someone help me with this? my OS's hplip wasn't working. So I removed it and nuked the /usr/share/hplip.. Then I initiated installation of hplip from a scritp. Problem is, it is using pip2 as SUDO to fetch a shitload amount of deps...What should I do now?15:52
howudodatioria: upgrade, full-upgrade, dist-upgrade all report 0, so I should be fully up2date15:53
usr13Malgorath: So look at the DHCP info that is being issued from the 18.04 server, check one of the PCs to see15:53
usr13Manouchehri: Ok, reboot and report back to us.15:54
usr13 Ok, reboot and report back to us. was for Malgorath15:54
usr13Sorry Manouchehri15:54
Manouchehrireporting in for duty15:54
dg14hi all, where i can write something about focal?15:55
pavlosdg14: channel #ubuntu+115:57
dg14thanks pavlos15:57
usr13Did you enable IP packet forwarding?15:58
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usr13I suppose Malgorath is not back yet.16:00
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ioriahowudodat, yeah; is it affected only the title bar or  the entire window ?16:06
howudodatioria: I thought it was only the title bar, but it also seems to affect the rest of the window.  I can see that the main window loses it's focus and the other gains it, it just doesn't come to the top16:07
ioriahowudodat, as far as i understand, you want an auto-rise of the focused window ?16:15
ioriahowudodat, if so, set Windows Focus to 'Sloppy' and run  ' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences auto-raise true '16:17
howudodatioria: auto-raise was already set, I changed focus-mode to sloppy, lets see how that goes16:19
JohnnyonFlameI've hit some of the weirdest issues on ubuntu, my monitor's line-out over displayport (rx480, foss drivers) is emiting some weird whining noise when booted into ubuntu and it happens even if both volumes are set to 0, I can't reproduce it on windows either16:20
anon_linuxOlá a todos16:21
anon_linuxWhere do I download Ubuntu 20.0416:21
lordcirth_anon_linux, 20.04 is discussed in #ubuntu+116:22
pragmaticenigmaanon_linux: Ubuntu 20.04 has not been released yet... it is for testing purposes only16:22
ZajtHi! I'm running an Ubuntu 18.04 in Azure, and I am trying to run hashcat but I get "clGetPlatformIDs(): CL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR" - so I googled and followed the steps at the top here: https://github.com/intel/compute-runtime/releases - but get same error after I ran and installed those16:26
ZajtWhat else can I try?16:26
monojamoon|Still stuck with this problem: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1219977/how-to-resolve-acer-wmi-errors-filling-up-kern-log-and-syslog16:26
monojamoon|So solution yet :(16:27
howudodatioria: so those settings made no difference.16:30
ioriahowudodat, no idea then; create a new user and test it16:30
pragmaticenigmaZajt: Why are you following instructions for Desktop/Servers when you are running the cloud instance. For help and support for Azure, please consult with the Azure support team. The images used there do not follow the documentation the community relies upon to provide support.16:32
TomyWorkI'm using a logitech g933 headset on linux. works out of the box, but the sound is thin, as if the DSP was off16:32
TomyWorksounds like on windows before the logitech gaming software initializes it. any idea if that can be helped?16:33
Zajtalright I see, thanks pragmaticenigma16:34
pragmaticenigmaTomyWork: sounds like there is a proprietary driver involved there... don't think there is much anyone can do here16:34
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pavlosTomyWork: install pavucontrol and see if playing with the settings helps16:37
TomyWorknah, unfortunately not16:41
TomyWorkhttps://github.com/Sapd/HeadsetControl there's this, which actually tells me the battery level and presumably also sets sidetone (no idea how to test it), but it doesn't enable the DSP, unfortunately16:43
TomyWorki'll see what their support says about this :)16:44
pragmaticenigmaTomyWork: have you seen this: https://hobo.house/2016/01/26/logitech-g933-wireless-headset-linux/16:45
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TomyWorkpragmaticenigma, the article itself didn't help much, but one of the commenters mentioned in passing that one of the G buttons defaults to "surround on/off"16:52
irrationaljessyhey, firefox runs super slow, and results in my whole pc running slowly (even under light load). It's the only app to do this. Is there anyway I can find out what's going wrong?16:52
pragmaticenigmaTomyWork: I saw some stuff in there on checking if the profile is setup correctly16:52
pragmaticenigmairrationaljessy: look for extensions being installed in firefox that you don't remember installing or don't need anymore16:53
TomyWorkone of the other buttons seems to default to audio profile switching16:53
TomyWorkthe top one16:53
irrationaljessypragmaticenigma: running in safe mode, no extension16:54
IntelCorehi, grub will load, and ubuntu works, but sda2 is red in gparted. can that get rebuild, or fixed?16:54
IntelCorebecause Win10 wont boot16:54
pragmaticenigmaIntelCore: what do SMART controls report on the device? red usually means dead I think16:54
IntelCoreno.. I an using the pc now16:55
IntelCoreubuntu works16:55
pragmaticenigmaIntelCore: In Gparted... there should be a menu option to see SMART control reports16:56
IntelCoreso far no viruses16:56
pragmaticenigmaah I give up IntelCore ... you're not going to try and help me to help you16:56
IntelCoredefender had no report before this16:57
pavlosIntelCore: there is a disks app that allows you to look at smart data16:58
oerheksif that sda2 is windows, fix from windows?16:59
pavloshe say, win10 wont boot16:59
oerheksand there are tons of malware out there, defender does not see17:00
oerheksantivirus live iso perhaps?17:00
IntelCorethere is a repair from gparted17:01
IntelCoresearch for filesystem..17:01
IntelCore013456.. and 2 is fried17:02
IntelCoreuefi-gpt drive17:03
monojamoon|What is the best way to at an executable to path in for terminal used in Ubuntu?17:08
monojamoon|*add an executable17:08
monojamoon|editing the .bashrc?17:09
pavlosexample export PATH=$PATH:/opt/wine-stable/bin  ...17:10
IntelCoreclam=Tk see 16 things so far,, ruy roh17:10
monojamoon|thanks pavlos17:10
pragmaticenigmamonojamoon|: better approach is to put a link in one of the /bin folders... ideally ~/.local/bin17:11
monojamoon|@pavlos, and if I want to append another executable into the path. An executable with a different path than /opt/wine-stable/bin17:11
monojamoon|ok, pragmaticenigma! Checking up on how to create a link.17:12
pragmaticenigmamonojamoon|: "ln -s /path/to/target/executable /path/to/save/link/at"17:13
monojamoon|Thanks :)17:13
monojamoon|trying it out.17:13
pragmaticenigmamonojamoon|: I frequently check "man ln" for the instructions... just to double check17:13
IntelCoreoerheks - registry corrupt that bad?17:15
pavlosexample export PATH=$PATH:/opt/wine-stable/bin:/someotherlocation/bin  ...17:15
monojamoon|Nice :)17:16
IntelCoreoerheks - what antiVirus to fet to a usb?17:16
IntelCorelet me look at housecall..17:17
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oerheksanything will do, as long as your windows is not running17:17
pavlosmonojamoon|: echo $PATH ... you will see how the paths are ...17:18
IntelCoreoerheks - in winPE..17:23
IntelCorei find an article at MS that tells about this..corrupted17:35
IntelCoreclam-tk finding many things17:36
itxoin kubuntu after setting the laptop to sleep and then starting it again, the names of icons on the desktop display white boxes17:47
itxowhats causing this?17:47
ioriaitxo, have you tried to restart plasmashell ?17:49
itxoioria no, I log out and log back in to fix it every time, but I think it's time to fix this17:55
Blackout_IncHow to open the file explorer from terminal?18:06
bluesj0tHow do I reset my USB mouse driver18:10
bluesj0tMouse works on macbook but not on ubuntu (at all) it's a deathadder chroma18:10
bluesj0tEven doesnt work with openrazer installed18:10
ioriaitxo, i suppose you're using nvidia driver ?18:11
GlorfindelBlackout_Inc: depends which one you are using. if you are able to open it from the app drawer or whatever you can find out by navigating to Help > About18:15
GlorfindelI'm not sure what the default is for ubuntu as I haven't used the main flavor for a while18:16
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oerheksBlackout_Inc, why not just use the icon?18:20
Blackout_IncJust asking to know18:21
pavlosBlackout_Inc: try nautilus18:21
IntelCoreclam find 1250 not done 'file system18:21
oerheksIntelCore, could well be a lot of false positives.18:22
IntelCorethis shows haw lame that win10 is18:22
oerheksno, it is explainable, i just did.18:22
IntelCorei hate them now18:22
itxoioria yes.18:22
ioriaitxo, someone solved with : NVIDIA X Server Settings -> Prime Profiles -> Check NVIDIA On-Demand18:23
ioriaitxo, logout /login , suspend and resume18:24
itxoOkay. Thanks.18:24
IntelCoreend of life 18.04 ?18:26
itxoIntelCore We'll survive beyond that I believe.18:27
IntelCoreunbuntu Covid ?18:27
oerheksyes, end of life, soon .. 3 years.18:27
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ComnenusDoes anyone know which file the proxy setting gets stored in when it prompts in the installer?20:10
pavlosComnenus: it might be in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf20:16
Comnenuspavlos: thanks!20:16
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GoopI do I make a Ubuntu Desktop that is so stripped down that it only has a web browser?20:44
GoopMaybe a terminal, in case I need to install other graphical programs.20:44
GoopNo libre office, no media player20:44
oerheksthere is --no-install-recommends for a minimal desktop20:45
ioriaGoop, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/02/ubuntu-18-04-minimal-install-option20:45
oerheksor the option in the installer, too20:45
pragmaticenigmaGoop: use kiosk instructions ^ ^20:46
LordDoskiashello i have 64g ram and Xorg is using 22.6% of that which seems a lot, my uptime is 14 days and xorg version is: 1:7.7+19ubuntu8~18.04.320:58
oerheksLordDoskias, browser open with 50 tabs?20:59
LordDoskiasjust 13 actually20:59
LordDoskiasi'm using chromium, let me close it and see what happens20:59
oerheksthat would be a good test.20:59
LordDoskiasclosed it and no change21:00
LordDoskiasps -eo pmem,pcpu,vsize,pid,cmd | sort -k 1 -nr | head -521:00
LordDoskias22.6  2.1 21923752 12599 /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg vt2 -displayfd 3 -auth /run/user/1000/gdm/Xauthority -background none -noreset -keeptty -verbose 321:00
kostkonLordDoskias, you could try loggin out and see if that makes any difference21:01
LordDoskiasyou mean simply log out and not reboot the computer?21:01
LordDoskiaslet me try, brb :)21:02
LordDoskiasok, log out log in fixed it21:03
kostkonLordDoskias, did you play any games21:03
LordDoskiasyes, i played guild wars 2 via lutris/qemu21:04
LordDoskiaswine that is, not qemu :D21:04
LordDoskiasbut after i finish playing and close/kill all processes i.e wine and gw2 then shouldn't the memory be freed21:05
oerheksdmesg | grep -i memory21:07
LordDoskiasnow after the logout dmesg doesn't contain anything with memory in it21:07
LordDoskiaslet me play for a couple of minutes and see if xorg takes more memory21:08
AlericRussian roulette: $ !sudo21:11
Mrhubrisso i'm using ubuntu 19.10 with firefox 74.0 (64-bit). I'm listening to music using Deezer. I don't know if this is deezer or firefox or ubuntu but each time a new song starts, a new "sound item" is added in the sound section of settings21:31
Mrhubriseach time the volume is "reset" to a lower value21:31
Mrhubrisanyone else noticed this?21:31
MrhubrisI don't know if this an ubuntu "issue" or if it only happens with Deezer so it's more a general question i belive21:32
sc0utonlinuxHello, how do i set my main display with displaymanager? there deosn't seem to be a check box21:35
Mrhubrisif you use ubuntu 19.1021:35
sc0utonlinuxi am21:35
Mrhubrisyou have two displays (or more)21:35
oerheksom 18.04 one can set primairy display21:35
Mrhubrisjust below that you have selection screen for "primary monitor"21:36
Mrhubrisyou can set it there21:36
sc0utonlinuxno i have just display "enabled"21:37
sc0utonlinuxis that it ?21:37
sc0utonlinuxthey are all ticked but no "primary display"21:37
Mrhubrisah kde :-)21:39
sc0utonlinuxi think i found it .. im in the nvida x server settings21:39
pnwiseDoes anyone know what would be the default python version for the new server21:40
pnwisenew = 20.0421:40
pnwiseSeems like 3.8?21:40
ubottuFocal Fossa is the codename for Ubuntu 20.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+121:40
sc0utonlinuxdo I need to save the x configuration file ? or will it remember automatically ?21:40
tomreyni suspect nvidia-settings just dumps whatever it thinks should be there to /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:43
tomreynif so, that'll be preserved across reboots21:44
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Mrhubrisi think i found my own answer. For other struggling with the whole audio thing: https://linuxhint.com/per_application_sound_volume_ubuntu/21:45
sc0utonlinuxi can't find the xorg.conf :(21:45
sc0utonlinuxis it called something different perhaps in Kubuntu ?21:46
tomreynsc0utonlinux: no, it'd be the same file name. but it's not normally present, the only software i know writes it is this nvidia proprietary driver, which i think nvidia-settings is part of.21:47
dont-panicI'm on 19.04 and sometimes when I open my laptop and attempt to install software, it tells me apt is locked.  When I check I see its automatically doing updates without asking.  I'm not trying to turn this off, I'd just like to know if 20.04 will also be doing this so I know if I should walk away from ubuntu.  This is the first time I've really questioned the direction of the OS since 2004.  Updates21:47
dont-panicshould never happen without a user being asked.21:47
tomreyn!19.04 | dont-panic21:48
ubottudont-panic: Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, support ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html21:48
dont-panictomreyn: you clearly didn't read what I said, I'm aware of the support dates21:48
oerheksdont-panic, it happens after boot, pretty normal21:48
dont-panicoerheks: you also did not read.  I'm not asking if its normal, I'm wondering if its a bug that will also be in 20.04.  I do not see auto updates as a feature.21:49
tomreyndont-panic: for a matter of fact EOL releases aren't supported here, though.21:49
oerheksbasicly, *if* you want to install something, one should be fully updated. you can turn it off.21:49
dont-panictomreyn: I didn't ask about support, I asked an OS question.21:50
dont-panictomreyn: for 20.04, not for 19.0421:50
oerheksbut then people come to complain; apt gives error..21:50
tomreyndont-panic: that's the same to me. see the /topic for what this channel is about.21:50
dont-panictomreyn: ok, I',m using 18.04 on my desktop, it auto updates, will this be around in 20.04 as a bug as well?21:50
tomreyn!20.04 | dont-panic21:51
ubottudont-panic: Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) will be the 32nd release of Ubuntu, scheduled for April 2020 ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule ). It will be a long-term support release. Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions.21:51
dont-panicI've been using ubuntu since 2004, the date.  I'm aware of how it works, auto updates are a bug in my field.21:51
oerheksdont-panic, on your own risk>> https://linuxconfig.org/disable-automatic-updates-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux21:51
dont-panicI'm going back to arch, no wonder most people I know stopped using this os.21:51
oerheks1 less unsafe system on the internets21:52
pnwiseWait I think that is the behaviour since like forever21:53
pnwiseor at least after 16.0421:53
JimBuntuyes, AFTER 16.0421:53
pnwisemight have been before that, but I did not noticed it21:53
pnwise...and you can also disable it21:54
EriC^i think it used to require a password input, maybe not anymore?21:54
pnwiseand like almost every distro does have automatic updates21:54
oerheksjups, sometimes inconveniant.. but helpfull21:54
pnwisewell not the rolling release ones21:54
JimBuntuEriC^: it used to bring up a notice and allow you to apply them or not21:54
pnwisenah it just runs in the background21:54
pnwisetbh it could be annoying21:54
EriC^it sometimes is, it's easy to disable though21:55
pnwisesometimes when I have not turned on my laptop for a long time and I want to do something fast coulf be pita21:55
pauljwit's annoying when you have data caps21:55
pnwiseyeah agree - never was enough of a problem to bother disabling it21:55
EriC^or when you just need to install something and it's on a update quest in the background, no apt til its done21:55
tomreynpauljw: does updating still happen when you have your connection set to limit background data?21:56
pauljwdon't know tomreyn, i just disable auto updates and do them manually before 8am.21:56
tomreyni see. but i assume it would work around it.21:57
pauljwit may21:57
sc0utonlinuxIm very happy with Kubuntu :)21:58
amazoniantoadHey guys. I can't put my laptop on hibernate but when I close the lid the screen only becomes black, with some text across the top of the screen. Could someone help me fix this issue?21:58
EriC^amazoniantoad: this might help with hibernate ussues and similar stufff http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html21:59
amazoniantoadthanks EriC^22:00
EriC^no problem amazoniantoad22:00
tomreynother reasons why hibernation wouldn't work are no or not enough active / usable swap space, a swap file rather than a swap partition in combination with some file systems (btrfs subvolumes and zfs, IIRC)22:02
sixwheeledbeastAre you sure it's hibernate and not sleep? I don't believe hibernate is used as default due to the potential of a hardware issue22:02
r3duxHello, can I ask for help on this channel or is there a specific ubuntu help channel?22:02
sc0utonlinuxFor the sleep problem could it not just simply be the "energy saving" settings ?22:03
sixwheeledbeasthibernate should store to disk and sleep/suspend would store to RAM22:03
oerheksr3dux, ask, wait and see :-)22:03
tomreyn!support | r3dux22:04
ubottur3dux: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com22:04
sixwheeledbeastAlso yes it could just be that the settings are set not to suspend on lid close and the screensaver is active or the like22:04
amazoniantoadEriC^: it worked. Thanks22:05
amazoniantoadI have another issue now. I cannot control the brightness of my screen. Can someone help me figure out this issue?22:05
tomreynthat's also ACPI related, probably the same root cause22:07
r3duxHello family! I have a surface book 2 in which I have removed windows 10 and replaced it with linux. I would also like to get rid of windows boot manager so when i restart my machine I am not greeted with a windows logo or the secure boot lock. I have to use a specific kernel for my hardware and dont want to have to sign everything to make secure boot happy. Can I get rid of windows boot manager?22:08
amazoniantoadtomreyn: well the solution provided to me did not solve the brightness issue.22:08
amazoniantoadWhat should I do?22:08
amazoniantoadr3dux: you could just disable secure boot, right? I get if you don't want to do that though22:09
tomreynamazoniantoad: what's the change you made while enacting the solution that was provided to you?22:09
amazoniantoadtomreyn: I simply ran the following script: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/acpi_osi.sh22:09
r3duxamazoniantoad: secure boot is disabled. It has to be disabled to work with the unsigned kernal I use.22:09
oerheks surface book 2 .. ouch22:09
tomreynamazoniantoad: did you reboot since?22:10
amazoniantoadtomreyn: yes22:10
r3duxI have tried to go about signing it but can never see to figure it out. I think id need some hand holding to complete that.22:10
tomreynoh okay. so     cat /proc/cmdline    will tell which options were set.22:10
tomreynamazoniantoad: ^22:10
oerheksone needs a special kernel for that :-( >>>> https://github.com/linux-surface/linux-surface22:11
amazoniantoadtomreyn: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.3.0-42-generic root=UUID=656652a0-e65c-4f90-8746-c260dc10dd08 ro acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2015" quiet splash vt.handoff=122:11
r3duxoerheks: ouch indeed! I will say it works great though. I have everything working, touch, the pen, audio, it all works great. I just don't want to have to see the windows logo and that stupid secure boot screen each time it starts up.22:11
tomreynamazoniantoad: and your brightness keys worked before this change was made?22:11
amazoniantoadtomreyn: they never worked22:11
oerheksr3dux, I SEE, NO FIX FOR THAT I AM AFRAID22:11
pnwiseamazoniantoad, what machine?22:12
amazoniantoadpnwise: asus zenbook22:12
r3duxoerheks: So I have to keep windows boot manager? Is there a way I can hide it from displaying at startup like is possible with grub?22:13
tomreynamazoniantoad: hmm, then you may need to review the system log for what happens when you press those keys, as well as for the acpi initialization during boot, to get a better idea of why they don't work. finally, you could also use "xev" to get the key scan codes that need to be handled and work from there.22:13
pnwisedid you try detecting the keys with acpi_list22:13
pnwiseI had to switch to that for my new laptop22:13
oerheksr3dux, no clue, if your bios does not give that option, live with it :-(22:14
pnwiseoh wait you are probably normal person with the gnome DE22:14
amazoniantoadpnwise: no tomreyn: how?22:14
oerheksubuntu20.04 shows all sorts of vendors basicly ..22:14
r3duxoerheks: :(22:14
tomreynamazoniantoad: "no" and "how" to what?22:14
amazoniantoadOh sorry. pnwise asked if I tried detecting the keys with acpi_list. And I was asking you about how to execute the event tester, but I realized you were providing me with the command22:15
tomreynxev is just X events, acpi events should be handled directly by the kernel (and potentially systemd) ideally.22:16
amazoniantoadI see22:17
tomreynbut you could assign X events as a fallback. solving it on the ACPI/kernel level would be the better approach, though, and  pnwise's suggestion points towards that22:17
pnwiseamazoniantoad, https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/i3wm-brightness-control-on-t480s/22:18
pnwisesomethin like this22:18
pnwisebut I think the command there is wrong22:19
pnwiseI think it was acpi_listen22:19
pnwiseif you are not detecting the keys with xev22:19
pnwiseit is acpi event22:19
amazoniantoadpnwise: thanks. I'm reading the page now22:20
pnwisenp, also seems you might be able to use different way to control the brightness22:22
=== skookum2 is now known as skookum
pnwisenot sure if yours will be in /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness22:22
pnwisemight be elsewhere, for sure will be elsewhere if you are having zenbook with amd22:22
amazoniantoadpnwise: acpi_list is a command not found22:22
tomreynhttps://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/en/man8/acpi_listen.8.html is part of the "acpid" package.22:23
amazoniantoadOh I see22:23
amazoniantoadlol, thanks guys22:23
tomreynbut then acpi control has since been handed over to systemd, so i'm not actually sure this will still work. worth a try, though.22:23
tomreynor maybe not, hmm, i'm unsure22:24
tomreynso acpid and acpi-support are still installed by default on desktops. so i guess systemd only handles some of the calls and putting the system to sleep / hibernation22:28
forgotmynickis it "safe" to mount an lxc volume on the host machine while the container is running to back it up?22:30
amazoniantoadtomreyn: it didn't work :<22:38
amazoniantoadI'm using my traditional buttons to trigger the brightness change, though22:39
=== skookum2 is now known as skookum
amazoniantoadtomreyn: the bash scripts themselves don't work either22:41
tomreynamazoniantoad: okay, i haven't used acpi_listen since years ago. i'd start with system logs.22:43
tomreynhi Traca22:43
tomreynforgotmynick: https://serverfault.com/questions/513573/accessing-lxc-containers-filesystem-from-host22:45
pnwiseamazoniantoad, keys are either detected with xev or acpi_listen22:46
pnwiseso should start from there I think22:46
amazoniantoadpnwise: the keys are being detected. The script just doesn't work22:46
pnwiseI told you your brightness is probably somewhere else22:46
pnwisethis is for intel  intergated gpus22:46
pnwisels -lha /sys/class/backlight/22:47
pnwisewhat does it show22:47
pnwiseif anything at all22:47
amazoniantoadintel_backlight -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card0/card0-eDP-1/intel_backlight22:47
pnwisecat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness22:48
pnwisedoes it give some number?22:48
pnwisewhat is?22:48
pnwisesudo echo 3361 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness22:49
pnwiseshould lower it22:49
pnwisehm maybe I gave you too low of a number22:49
pnwisetry 356122:49
amazoniantoadit says permission denined...using sudo though22:50
pnwisethen do sudo -i22:50
Jordan_Upnwise: That will run "echo" as root, while bash (running as the user) will try to write to /sys/.22:50
Jordan_Uamazoniantoad: pnwise: No need for sudo -i...22:50
sc0utonlinuxwhat VM is best for Ubuntu ?22:50
pnwiseand run the command without sudo22:50
amazoniantoadsc0utonlinux: depends on your intentions and hardware22:50
pnwisekk Jordan_U will help you out22:50
amazoniantoadthanks pnwise Jordan_U so what should I do?22:51
Jordan_Uamazoniantoad: pnwise: echo 3561 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness22:51
amazoniantoadNothing happened?22:51
amazoniantoadShould I lower it more?22:51
Jordan_Upnwise: That runs echo as the normal user, but pipes the output to tee running as root. Since it's tee that's writing the file, and tee is running as root, it works as intended.22:51
sc0utonlinuxamazoniantoad: Windows - photoshop and stability22:52
pnwiseidk man ask Jordan_U22:52
amazoniantoadsc0utonlinux: there is gimp for ubuntu...There are different types of virtualization. One in which all vm's are running directly on the hardware. and one in which all vm's are running directly within a host OS (in your case windows)22:53
amazoniantoadSo I'm assuming you want to run all vm's inside of windows, yes?22:53
amazoniantoadJordan_U: nothing happened22:57
=== skookum8 is now known as skookum
glestradehi again all22:59
sc0utonlinuxamazoniantoad: my host os is Ubuntu22:59
sc0utonlinuxI want to run windows in a window on Ubuntu22:59
Jordan_Uamazoniantoad: What is the output of "cat /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card0/card0-eDP-1/intel_backlight" ?22:59
sc0utonlinuxI'm not sure if that is what you are saying22:59
sc0utonlinuxforgive my noobyness22:59
amazoniantoadsc0utonlinux: You should look at either vmware or virtualbox. Virtualbox is free. vmware and virtualbox are equal in their usability and functionality23:00
Ben64or libvirt23:00
amazoniantoadOther options are kinda out of your range, like xen or libvirt23:00
glestradeI got grub to work last time via a stack overflow answer23:00
amazoniantoadBen64: he's not capable of that23:00
amazoniantoadHe's new23:00
Ben64why not? it's easy23:00
amazoniantoadLet him understand the fundamentals of virtualization before that23:00
Ben64you don't have to understand it23:00
Ben64you press button and it works23:00
amazoniantoadHe could break his computer. Oh you mean the gui?23:01
amazoniantoadI forget it has a gui...23:01
amazoniantoadI still say virtualbox is his best bet23:01
glestradei have another question23:01
Ben64vbox is pretty meh23:01
amazoniantoadJordan_U: No such file or directory23:01
amazoniantoadBen64: you're being elitist. sc0utonlinux go watch a video showing the difference between the two. I'm sure you will choose virtualbox over libvirt.23:02
Ben64elitist? lol23:02
forgotmynickyou the man tomreyn23:02
amazoniantoadthere's no reason for him to dive into libvirt other than it being harder for him23:02
Ben64i used virtualbox for years, it works, but libvirt works better23:03
glestradeguys let’s not scold linux people about elitism. it’s like a siren song for arch users :P23:03
sc0utonlinuxI aprecaite both of your inputs23:03
Ben64so if elitist means choosing the superior option...23:03
amazoniantoadUnder the hood it works better, but he doesn't need that.23:03
oerheksKVM for the win23:03
amazoniantoadsc0utonlinux: use either virtualbox or vmware. You are not capable of the other options right now. Or the options have poor interfaces (like libvirt)23:04
Ben64sc0utonlinux: you're definitely capable of using libvirt23:04
amazoniantoadHe doesn't even understand virtualization...23:04
sc0utonlinuxI've had virtual box crash on me a few times .. and in the software manager it's only version 5.3 .. where as on the website its 6+ .I'm wondering which VM is most stable.23:04
Ben64you don't need to understand it!23:04
amazoniantoadBen64: then he shouldn't use it23:04
glestrademy question: if I go visit a package repository that has a ppa23:05
amazoniantoadDon't use a car unless you know the basics23:05
Ben64that's dumb23:05
Ben64most people don't know how a car works and drive fine23:05
amazoniantoadKnowing how something operates before you operate it is dumb?23:05
glestradecan I presumably get an old version23:05
sc0utonlinuxI had not heard of libvirt .. I will do what you say watch a few videos and read about both23:05
amazoniantoadsc0utonlinux: vmware is a paid alternative to virtualbox with a free client23:05
sc0utonlinuxPlease don't fight .. :°) i apreciate both of your help :D and advice23:06
glestradeseveral times when I’ve needed to do something new I surprised myself23:06
Ben64file -> new virtual machine23:06
Ben64i don't see how that's hard?23:06
glestradelike I put on a spare tire. didn’t think I could do that23:06
Ben64then you pick the installation media and you're up and running, ez pz23:06
amazoniantoadI guess we will find out which one is superior...sc0utonlinux23:07
amazoniantoadCome back and tell us what you choose23:07
amazoniantoadWe should bet some money on this, Ben6423:07
Ben64what's your deal23:07
amazoniantoadI'm just being silly23:07
Ben64i know, why23:07
amazoniantoadI'm bored? Is being silly a bad thing to do? I'm waiting for Jordan_U to help me23:08
glestradeguess I’ll have to ask my ppa question later haha23:08
Jordan_Uamazoniantoad: ls /sys/class/backlight/23:08
glestradeit’s getting crowded in here23:08
Ben64amazoniantoad: well it'd be great if you weren't misleading23:08
amazoniantoadJordan_U: intel_backlight23:08
amazoniantoadBen64: misleading because you don23:08
amazoniantoaddon't agree*23:08
amazoniantoadThat's the same as calling me a troll23:09
oerhekspretty good tutor for backlights.. https://itsfoss.com/fix-brightness-ubuntu-1310/23:09
Ben64well if the bridge fits23:09
oerheks1310 is a typo of the author23:09
amazoniantoadAnnnd here is where I won everyone23:09
oerheksglestrade, just ask, more fun23:10
amazoniantoadHe name called me, I won23:10
amazoniantoadoerheks: thanks23:10
glestradeoerheks: I just want a version of timeshift for ubuntu 14.0423:10
kostkonglestrade, a specific version?23:11
glestradeI would assume so23:11
glestradeI can’t accidentally update the compiler23:11
glestradebecause the package I’m compiling is picky23:11
oerheksubuntu got a sort of timeshift buildin, redshift/23:12
glestrade(c compiler)23:12
glestradewill google that23:12
oerheksor do you mean timeshift/systemrestore?23:13
glestradewell since I hardly know the difference between those three, I couldn’t exactly say23:15
glestradei want to be able to go backwards if I screw up this thing23:15
glestradeit’s got steps where it makes me change the firmware lol23:15
amazoniantoadoerheks: didn't work :/23:16
Bashing-omglestrade: https://www.tecmint.com/rear-backup-and-recover-a-linux-system/ - have not used so can not vouch but looks interesting.23:17
oerheksamazoniantoad, i think you need to reboot for this to take effect?23:20
amazoniantoadoerheks: I did. All it accomplished was warping my screen23:20
glestradeby the way, as a macbook owner I’m clearly the least elitist person here :P23:20
amazoniantoadSo I deleted the file23:20
glestradebut OS/2 is actually the best OS xD23:21
glestradei’m kidding of course23:24
amazoniantoadI actually appreciate osx. It's not horribad like, redhat.23:24
glestradeeh I only like os x’s gui tbh23:25
glestradejust need a distro to steal it23:25
glestradetbh I don’t mind red hat23:26
glestradebut apple trackpads are buttery smooth23:26
amazoniantoadYes they are. I customized my macbook a few years ago by punching some dints in its pretty case.23:26
aodsnasionHi guys, trying to 'sudo apt update' a new-installed ubuntu 16.10 x64 system23:28
aodsnasionAnd im getting these kind of errors:23:29
aodsnasionE: The repository 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu yakkety Release' does no longer have a Release file.N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.23:29
kk4ewtyes becasue its EOL aka its Dead JIm23:29
ubottuUbuntu Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) was the 25th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 20th, 2017. See !eol and https://ubottu.com/y/yakkety23:31
robertparkerxit's better to add another user to the group rather than add two users chown23:46
robertparkerxor what do you do rather in that situation23:46
robertparkerxwhere i want to allow www-data:www-data and also winscp: user I created23:47
oerhekswith 2 users, chown is useless.23:49
oerheksso, a group is the solution, yes.23:49
robertparkerxso I add winscp to www-data group?23:50
oerhekssudo usermod -aG www-data $USER ( or in your case winscp)23:52
robertparkerxI still get permission denied23:54
robertparkerxif I change it to 777 it will upload23:55
robertparkerxoh wait if I enter 'groups' www-data doesn't show up23:55
robertparkerxis that strange?23:55
oerheksif one adds a user ot a group, logout/login to let it take effect23:57
oerheksi don't know a short route23:58
robertparkerxI needed 775 not 75523:59

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