
Eickmeyerteward: I shot you some stuff on Telegram with the stuff to add to the packageset.01:39
tewardI'll look in the AM01:50
tewardEickmeyer: emailed to devel-permissions requesting the package additions to the packageset19:32
tewardPM me your link to your application19:32
tewardfor rights19:32
Eickmeyerteward: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Eickmeyer/PPUApplication220:39
tewardalready dug it up and put a testimonial down20:39
tewardalso refer to devel-permissions archive of messages20:39
Eickmeyerteward: Interesting, I'm subscribed to that but didn't get a message.20:43
tewardthose're delayed sometimes ;)20:43
EickmeyerI wish we could tear postman out and replace it with something better.20:44
EickmeyerPostorius is so much better.20:45
Eickmeyerteward: Not sure if your message took? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2020-March/thread.html20:49
tewardi'll send again later20:50
Eickmeyerheh bummer20:50
EickmeyerHey RikMills - I know you're working on a huge FFe, but if you get a chance, do you think you'd be cool with throwing a comment or testimonial on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Eickmeyer/PPUApplication2 ? I'm trying to get the Ubuntu Studio packageset (finally).21:05
RikMillsEickmeyer: ok. I will try to in the next few days. My 80 source FFe is working it's way through proposed. I have another 60 package one to do though :/21:15
RikMillsKDE is a b***h21:15
EickmeyerRikMills: Oof, best of luck. I don't envy you, I hate doing FFes.21:15
RikMillsI am used to them now. not sure if that is good or bad!21:17
EickmeyerRikMills: For you, that's an every-6-month thing due to the unfortunate Plasma release timing.21:29
RikMillsEickmeyer: luckily release-team have said they can't sensibly review them, so have delegated authority to approve Kubuntu FFes to me and Simon22:02
EickmeyerRikMills: Oh yeah, I think I saw something about you and tsimonq2 having super powers or something like that.22:02
RikMillsjust pragmatism from the r-t really22:03

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