
jphilipsi tried to report the bug like sebastien suggested and it came up as a duplicate of your bug00:12
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
jphilipsXubuntu 20.04 Testing Week - https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-20-04-testing-week/06:13
bluesabregreat post jphilipz 10:01
bluesabreOne Ninety Threeeeeee10:23
bluesabreUnit193: you're the last active xubuntu-team member that hasn't voted on wallpapers.. ;-)10:24
Unit193Yeeeeah, there were so many options. :3310:24
Unit193bluesabre: Did you see the scrollback here?10:25
Unit193/lastlog regularsam10:25
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, I wasn't caring about too many submissions, and just voting on everything10:25
bluesabrea good number of folks that overdid it didn't get my votes anyway ;)10:26
Unit193I don't tend to go with pictures, but when I do it's more like https://unit193.net/images/Japan.jpg - https://unit193.net/images/Light%20Pillars.jpg - https://unit193.net/images/Russian%20Ice.jpg so the current selections are a bit complicated. :310:30
bluesabreYep, I get that :)11:06
jphilipsbluesabre: thanks. was hoping that you'd read it before it went up ;D12:33
bluesabrejphilips: yeah, last night didn't work for me... :)23:04
Unit193bluesabre: Slowly going through them now.23:37

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