[02:56] hello [02:56] is anybody there? [07:43] hi [07:43] hi [07:44] Please use Lubuntu Offtopic [07:44] Don't post on Support for such purposes === maccraft is now known as macc24 === genii_ is now known as genii [17:58] hello world :) [18:02] x4: you did it. your next goal is to create a reverse polish notation calculator entirely out of irc scripts. [18:02] wxl: with a little sprinkle of erlang in it too ;) [18:02] and cobol [18:02] *lurks* [18:02] bah haskell [18:02] GET YO MONAD ON [18:03] *requires: all programs to be written in Whitespace* [18:53] Hey there [18:53] Do you advice to upgrade from 18.10 to 19.04??? [18:53] I have lot of apps installed [18:54] 19.04 is EOL so I would not recommend it [18:54] 18.10 is dead too [18:54] so if you're looking to upgrade, you will need to install 19.10 [18:55] Wow [18:55] im mad or lxde still works much better/faster then lxqt? [18:55] That's news [18:55] @x4 [ im mad or lxde still works much better/faster then lxqt?], What? [18:56] How do you recommend me to upgrade? [18:56] I have dual boot [18:56] Win and Lubuntu [19:07] x4: mad [19:08] !eol [19:08] End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [19:08] ^ that's for you @IndianOSR911 [19:08] @ubottu [ End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release …], Yup thanks. [19:08] Will start now [19:09] 👍👍👍 [19:19] @wxl but less RAM usage is true. dunoo back on 18.04 or noperinho [19:22] x4: at idle, there is *sometimes* a slight difference. otherwise, nah === alex_m is now known as covid19_hacker === x4 is now known as x4- === x4 is now known as x4- [20:55] I"m using LXQT and ALT+TAB only works for current and most previous windows, not all windows. How do I make it switch between ALL windows? [21:04] @rapidwave [ I"m using LXQT and ALT+TAB only works for current and most previous …], Don't know [21:04] Will check and tell.. system installation in progress [21:07] rapidwave: Do you mean for windows that are on other desktops? If so we implemented a change that will come out in 20.04 https://phab.lubuntu.me/rDEFAULTSETTINGSe46db7f72dd4fe01712b763d237f606d5b9777aa [21:08] It is relatively straight forward to add to your openbox config but you have to edit the file. [21:09] I'll try... [21:10] If you just want to cycle through the windows on the same desktop you can use ALT + TAB and keep tapping TAB to cycle. [21:13] I found it works by ALT+SHIFT+TAB [21:15] I understand now, sorry. ALT+SHIFT+TAB cycles the other way (opposite direction). Sorry I misunderstood. [21:15] Glad it is working for you.