
jwtiyarhow to translate ubuntu settings? its in which part in launchpad translation?09:24
lotuspsychjehey GunnarHj16:35
GunnarHjlotuspsychje: o/16:36
lotuspsychjeGunnarHj: i have a little question about bug #186937916:37
ubottubug 1869379 in language-pack-gnome-nl (Ubuntu) "Apport strings not fully translated yet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186937916:37
lotuspsychjei found another non-translated button, and im trying to add the dutch translation team, but all it find are the mailing lists16:37
GunnarHjlotuspsychje: The name of the dutch team is ~ubuntu-l10n-nl. I just added it to the bug report.16:46
lotuspsychjeah thank you, so the search keyword must be exact?16:46
GunnarHjNot always, I think...16:48
lotuspsychjeok thank you again!16:48

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