=== JanC is now known as Guest71318 === slackerx_ is now known as slackerx [08:05] kenvandine, hi, regarding libvte-2.91-common, this package contains a binary file (/usr/libexec/vte-urlencode-cwd) but is marked as "Multi-Arch: foreign", this doesn't look correct to me [08:19] hi desktoppers, LP: #1759325 seems to be back for me, is this expected? [08:19] Launchpad bug 1759008 in ubuntu-settings (Ubuntu Bionic) "duplicate for #1759325 Revert automatic suspend by default for bionic?" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1759008 [08:20] bad bot, the description is "PC suspends after 20 minutes at the login screen" [09:04] ginggs, back in bionic or focal? [09:04] focal [09:05] ginggs, ok, it's the default for energy star compliance, but I think it'll be changed for the release. [09:05] cannot find where I read that [09:06] jibel: thanks, should i do anything to the bug report? unmark as a duplicate, or open a new identical bug? [09:07] it will be a big problem at my uni, shared machines often stay at the login screen and accessed remotely [09:10] ginggs, it's on the radar of the desktop team but you can file a new bug if you wish for tracking. I cannot find one. [09:10] jibel: thanks, doing [09:10] thanks [09:12] jibel: should that be against gnome-settings-daemon or ubuntu-settings? [09:24] ginggs, so that was bug 1868260 and discuss 4 days ago https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2020/03/24/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t14:40 [09:24] bug 1868260 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Change sleep-inactive-ac-timeout to 1200 to meet eStar 8 requirement" [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1868260 [09:24] file a bug against g-s-d if case 2 is not the default anymore [09:24] it should suspend only when on battery not AC [09:27] jibel: thanks for the pointer. this machine is on AC, I'll check my settings and file a bug if needed [14:34] RikMills, hey, could you have a look at getting scribus and calligra rebuilt for the new poppler? [14:39] seb128: I can 'have a look', certainly [14:39] rikMills: thanks! [15:32] seb128: omg your Plymouth upload is so pretty!!!!! [16:30] xnox, :-) [16:32] rikMills, thx, great that no change rebuilds were enough :-) [16:33] seb128: for once! :D [17:19] seb128, hellsworth, hi, looks like libreoffice help is broken [17:21] ricotz: link? [17:21] i'm looking at the armhf build failure log but it looks like a builder issue (dpkg-buildpackage died) [17:22] hellsworth, open libreoffice and press F1 [17:22] hellsworth, which armhf failure? [17:22] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/471143099/buildlog_ubuntu-bionic-armhf.libreoffice_1%3A6.4.2-0ubuntu0.18.04.3_BUILDING.txt.gz [17:22] hellsworth, ah ignore that [17:22] k [17:23] hellsworth, concentrate of the official builds :) [17:23] eh i got an email about it so was curious :) [17:23] but yes you're right [17:24] yeah, you will get reports for all ppa build failures [17:25] hellsworth, can you reproduce the help issue? "Object not accessible. ..." [17:25] on focal [17:26] installing it now [17:26] hellsworth, simply use what is in focal now [17:26] the ubuntu1 build is sufficient [17:33] yes i see the object is not accessible [17:35] looking to see if this issue exists in 6.4.1~1ubuntu1~ppa4 (in my libreoffice1 ppa) [17:43] libreoffice help works in the snap [17:58] I suspected an apparmor problem, but it seems to be another reason [18:02] ok well i can't install 6.4.1~1ubuntu1~ppa4 due to missing depends so... [18:03] ricotz: do you have any recommendations for hunting down the issue? i have baby duty now so need to go.. but i can work on it tomorrow morning [18:17] it's unfortunate that there are no journalctl logs made when hitting F1 to see the issue [18:46] ricotz: F1 works on the 6.4.2 from tdf, on a debian 10 vm. i mean it says 'help not installed, read docs online' but that is expected [18:46] ok now i really need to focus on the baby. i'll check back tonight