=== nuuro is now known as ajan [06:48] hi anybody here [11:12] Hi All [11:12] I am trying the 19.1 ubuntu studio, for a dual boot on my new windows10 [11:12] need help [11:12] this is asus tuf, amd machine [11:12] with ryzen 5, with gpu [11:13] first, there is no sound [11:13] second, i dont know, if my gpu is being exploited or not [11:13] any tips? [15:35] Hey there, I'm using this Distro also for gaming, but the game I'm runs not very stable and sometimes causes my system to freeze. Right now I'm trying to setup a keyboard shortcut, that forces a logout and kills alll programms I'm currently running. I've tryed "xfce4-session-logout --logout" but that one dosent terminate my previus session. can you [15:35] recomend me a better command please? [16:02] @der_Rikkit - I use a shortcut with this command to kill the currently active window xkill -id "`xprop -root -notype | sed -n '/^_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW/ s/^.*# *\|\,.*$//g p'`" [16:03] thanks [16:04] der_Rikkit: A better place for xfce questions is #xubuntu or #xfce. [16:05] Eickmeyerthanks, will check there if I need further help [16:06] der_Rikkit: also Ctrl+Alt+Backspace is a standard shortcut to force a restart of X, but is disabled in probably all Ubuntu - maybe check https://askubuntu.com/questions/367983/how-do-i-enable-ctrl-alt-backspace-to-kill-the-x-server as a starting point [16:07] ^ Yes. ajan is right. Askubuntu should always be the FIRST place to go for support per ubuntustudio.org/support. [16:21] thanks for the link how to enable ctrl + alt + backspace and the comand line. i think this will work and i don't need to use reisub every few hours. [20:29] hello [20:30] i've got a problem on my ubuntustudio 19.10, after i've used boot repair i can't boot my os again [20:32] elioporco: Ask in #ubuntu, you're more likely to get more immediate support there. [20:33] ok tnks [20:34] !register [20:34] For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. [21:43] What are you folks using to mix audio and video? I'm looking for something with a GUI. I thought I could adda video track to Audacity. Nupe... [21:44] OBS? [21:44] Blender? [21:45] open shot? [21:45] kdenlive? [21:47] It depends on how serious about audio/video production. For "movie" quality, a mix of Blender, Ardour and perhaps Gimp or it's Movie specific version [21:48] Normally you add audio to the video though, not the other way around [21:51] naw, I just want to use the line in sound instead of the webcam mic. I'm using cheese -- nothing real professional looking. With everyone in town quarentined (we'd be having a local jam session tonight otherwise) I thought I'd do something funny for folks. [21:52] But I wanted to mix the two together after the fact, with a volume slider, instead of hit-or-miss with ffmpeg. [21:52] quarrantined... Sheesh, I'm a technical writer -- should have caught that. [21:53] And it looks like Openshot will do it. Thanks @OvenWerks