
krytarikbluesabre: O_o !  I did vote already, even twice due to the intial voting issue, and the second time was at the end of last week.  I hope you aren't saying it all got lost again for some reason and I have to start over again.. XD00:21
bluesabrekrytarik: oh, nope, you're good01:33
bluesabrenot sure what I was thinking01:33
krytarikPheeew! \o/01:35
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
bluesabreochosi: whats the bug number for xfpm/screensaver inhibition10:13
bluesabreI tested with both whats in 20.04 and xfpm 1.7, and they're triggering inhibition in the screensaver logs10:14
bluesabre(separate logs)10:15
bluesabre[listener_remove_ref_entry] gs-listener-dbus.c:684 (06:12:44.337): Removing inhibitor from xfce4-power-manager for reason 'Inhibit requested' on connection :1.236410:15
bluesabre[listener_add_ref_entry] gs-listener-dbus.c:652 (06:12:52.903): Adding inhibitor from xfce4-power-manager for reason 'Inhibit requested' on connection :1.236410:15
bluesabrealso, since xfpm 1.7 uses a switch in the menu, the menu probably shouldn't close when toggling :)10:16
bluesabreoh, I see the 1.6.6 commit10:18
bluesabreTesting that10:18
bluesabreoh, that pulls session in too10:21
Unit193We're supposed to stick on 1.6.x10:31
bluesabreRight, I was trying to fix the bug ochosi nagged me about (which is also present in 1.6)10:43
bluesabreAlrighty, looks like a bug in the screensaver11:10
bluesabreSession expects a response, xfce4-screensaver doesn't send one, gnome-screensaver sends an empty one... so guess I'll send an empty one11:10
bluesabreochosi: patched and commented on that bug. Unit193: we might have a session patch incoming for https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16522 (unless ochosi is feeling releasey)12:25
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 16522 in General "Regression: Fail to lock on lid close" [Normal,New]12:25
bluesabreI have a few more screensaver patches coming in today, and probably another release12:26
Unit193Dang, I guess I should have held off uploading. :312:27
ochosii'll do a session release tonight15:23
ochosiso no need for patching the package15:42
ochosiUnit193, bluesabre: feel free to pick up xfce4-session 4.14.223:48
ochosii guess that has to go along with xfpm 1.6.623:48
ochosiand the latest patches in xfce4-screensaver23:48
ochosiotherwise the clowns are coming23:49
ochosi(yes, the killer clowns)23:49
-BottyMcBotFace:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-session 4.14.2 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-session-4-14-2-released-tp58052.html (by Simon Steinbeiss)23:49
* Unit193 runs.23:49

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