
rom--I can't find Disco Dingo all to download is bionic beaver at Ubuntu.com00:13
TJ-!disco | rom--00:13
ubotturom--: Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, support ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html00:13
rom--I thought 18.04 goes after 19.0400:14
ubottuUbuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle00:15
oerheks9 months support00:15
TJ-otherwise known as 9 months of bug fixing :)00:15
rom--KK ty00:17
joebobjoehi, does multipass support ubuntu 20.04 yet?00:18
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StrangelHi guys! Anyone here have any experience installing ubuntu/Lubuntu on Lenovo Ideapad 100S-14IBR?00:38
Bashing-omStrangel: Seen: https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Ubuntu/Successfully-installing-LUBUNTU-18-4-on-LENOVO-IDEAPAD-100s-11IBY/m-p/4339222 ?00:42
oerheks3 githubs with tips00:42
StrangelGreat :) xcept that i have a 14IBR and not a 11IBY  (i think the 32/64 bit is the difference)00:42
Strangelmine is 64bit architech but maybe 32b UEFI (i don't know...how can i find out?)00:44
oerhekscheck if you have 32 bit uefi ..00:44
oerheksdid it come with 32 bit windows?00:44
TJ-Strangel: I'm here but working on other things00:45
Strangelis it important which partition scheme i choose when making install media? MBR or GUID?00:51
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Strangelsorry, i meant MBR or GPT00:53
Strangeloerheks: I have win10 64bit on it atm, running great00:55
nshireTimeoutwill I be able to seamlessly upgrade to 20.04 LTS when it comes out if I install a daily build right now?01:14
nshireTimeoutmy 18.04 install spontaneously broke itself and I don't want to deal with rebuilding the ramdisk01:14
shibbolethwhy would you want to use the 20.04 installer?01:14
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shibbolethnshireTimeout, rebuilding the ramdisk? you mean the initramfs?01:16
shibbolethwell, if you were not enthused by the recovery options provided by twenty years of sensibly expanding on the debian installer, then...01:17
shibbolethyou're gonna love the new ubuntu installer. it has two buttons and they got it at toys'r'us01:17
nshireTimeoutno matter what I've done through GRUB, nothing has worked01:17
nshireTimeoutno matter what options I pass or remove01:17
nshireTimeoutrecovery kernel is also broken01:18
shibboleththen you boot the 1804 iso, mount the broken root, bindmount /proc/, /sys, /dev, /dev/pts and generate a new initramfs01:18
shibboleththe server iso01:19
shibbolethnot that... new thing we are somehow expected to not hate01:19
MWMDo changes made inside the Live ISO persist after installation?01:20
nshireTimeoutshibboleth, do these steps look right? http://impurval.blogspot.com/2016/11/fix-broken-initrdimg-in-linux.html01:21
MWMIm living inside a liveusb right now until I grab my old files. I though I might start setting up01:22
nshireTimeoutnope, pretty much anything you do on the liveusb never gets saved01:23
shibbolethnshireTimeout, mostly, but you gotta figure out why your current initramfs is broken01:23
MWMwell that saves me a minute. Ty01:23
nshireTimeoutI can't get it to display anything past "loading initial ramdisk" or whatever it says immediately after it starts to load the kernel01:24
nshireTimeoutlike 2 steps after GRUB01:24
shibbolethso... in your mind: does that explain why this happens or *that* it happens?01:24
nshireTimeoutnot exactly. someone suggested it could have been a weird intel microcode issue but I updated to the very latest bios ( through windows) and it does the same thing01:25
shibboletheither your initramfs is corrupted by happenstance or something is off with the configs included or used to generate it01:25
ericusSo VLC and Ubuntu, is that a joke?01:25
shibbolethericus, no. it's just messed up01:26
shibbolethnot funny at all01:26
shibbolethno need to keep the de-facto media player updated, amirite?01:26
shibbolethuse the ubuntu app store01:26
shibbolethwhich totally doesn't phone home and is everything linux is supposed to not be01:26
nshireTimeoutI reset Gnome a few days prior to the issue and had only used sleep mode until just before01:27
shibboletheither you use their app store and that travesty that is snap or you use outdated software01:27
shibbolethor you compile it yourself01:27
shibbolethbecause "it's universe"01:27
nshireTimeoutbut a desktop environment shouldn't completely break booting01:27
shibbolethmeaning "yeah, it's in there but we can't be asked to give a frak"01:27
shibboleth"community maintained"01:28
shibbolethyou know, as opposed to debian which is *entirely* community-maintained and *does* keep their pakcages updates01:28
shibboleth*and* don't try to fool you into using a frikkin app store01:28
shibbolethpakcages updates/packages updated01:29
shibbolethyou could remove "splash quiet vt_handoff" to see where it broks01:30
nshireTimeoutbreaks right after it loads the kernel01:32
nshireTimeout"loading initial ramdisk......"01:32
shibboleththen regen the initramfa01:33
shibbolethif that helps you're lucky and this was simply caused by a bork during the generation of the one you're using01:34
shibbolethif i had to guess i wouldn't bank on this, though01:35
nshireTimeoutliveUSBs boot up fine so idk01:35
shibbolethok, i'm gonna say this one last time: complaining about it won't do squat. try regenerating it01:36
GoingViralshibboleth: if you can get these warnings to work then I need your secret01:37
GoingViralshibboleth: disregard. My apologies. I skip between ##linux and here and forget where I am sometimes with the commentary01:39
GoingViralTrying to break that habit01:39
esvstupid question, I am trying to expand a disk of the bionic qcow2 image released a few days ago on a centos7 kvm server and it is failing, is it due to the age of centos7 ?01:40
esvabout to wipe clean old clunker and install something newer but would like some hints before wiping it clean01:41
shibbolethmy advice: look towards debian01:42
esvany particular reason?01:42
shibbolethseen the scrollback?01:43
shibbolethno, you haven't01:43
shibbolethmisread the nick01:43
esvlast time I was here was about Feb 20th01:44
shibbolethanyway: ubuntu has now ditched the debian installer (booo) with something they licensed from fischer-price01:44
shibbolethubuntu can't keep their apt repos updated01:44
esvguess the kernel and utilities need a refresh, will look at that one01:44
oerheksnot helpfull, shibboleth01:45
shibbolethubuntu is trying to trick you into using their "online services". like an app store as a workaround to them not bothering to keep their apt repos updated01:45
oerheksstop the rant, thanks.01:45
shibbolethoerheks, nshireTimeout was asking about the recovery options using the new installer01:46
GoingViralWe all read01:46
nshireTimeoutwill it likely be faster to zip up my /home/ directory before I move it to my usb thumb drive? doing it without zipping is going to take quite a while apparently01:46
nshireTimeoutI want to back it up before I do anything01:46
shibbolethoerheks, how would he chroot mount the broken root and regenerate his initramfs using the new installer?01:47
oerhekszip it on-the-fly01:47
nshireTimeoutthat's what I was thinking01:47
nshireTimeoutseems like this drive doesn't like random iops01:47
oerheksno no shibboleth , do not try to change your last comments with the support answers before esv01:47
shibbolethoerheks, well, if you feel like the new installer is so great, mind pointing out how he would go about doing this?01:49
shibbolethoerheks, also:01:50
shibboleth<ericus> So VLC and Ubuntu, is that a joke?01:50
shibbolethi'm assuming that he meant how ubuntu sees no problem with serving a vlc version with several vulnerabilities as part of their current stable? and has been for close to nine months?01:51
GoingViralshibboleth: a suggestion: you may want to specifically address the person to whom your talking, because that was unclear and I believe that confusion may have come from that01:52
GoingViralAlthough your comments were still overly-harsh in my opinion01:52
shibbolethGoingViral, since oerheks began addressing me i've begun each message with his nick01:53
shibbolethGoingViral, how is that not addressing him?01:53
GoingViralshibboleth: the comments you made that started the conversation we're in now is what I'm referencing01:53
shibbolethyou began this conversation? anyway, i'll keep it in mind01:54
murderousHi all. First time using IRC01:54
oerhekslast fix was put in snapstore yesterday, also 4 beta is available https://snapcraft.io/vlc01:55
GoingViralshibboleth: specifically your comments about the installer and repos, which is seems now after clarification that you were addressing to nshireTimeout, but there was no indication of that at the time01:55
GoingViralIt seems*01:55
shibbolethoerheks, yeah, we already went over how cruddy it is to try to trick ppl into using the ubuntu app store as a workaround to ubuntu not bothering to keep what is perhaps *the* most widely used media player updated01:56
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oerheksno answer is best to give to you.01:57
shibbolethdebian even upgraded their stable from 2.* to 3.* since 2 wasn't gonna receive further updates01:57
shibboleth<oerheks> not helpfull, shibboleth01:58
GoingViraloerheks: did you need support? Or are you providing it?01:58
shibbolethoerheks> no answer is best to give to you.01:58
GoingViralshibboleth: ^01:58
GoingViralThat was meant to be addressed to you, but the intent of this channel is pretty clear, and I'm actually working hard to get used to that. You may want to try the same.01:59
shibbolethGoingViral, three ppl asked for help, no one responded but i. but since my replies made mention of some poor choices having been made by ubuntu lately oerheks decided to step in and proclaim that i wasn't being helpful01:59
oerheksyou are unfair, stop filling this support channel with those rants.01:59
GoingViralI will stop this discussion on my end.02:01
aaardvarkI am 100% confused as to the relationship (IF ANY) between limits set in /etc/security/limits.conf and with ulimit - filesize and nproc seem to show up in ulimitt but cpu and core appear not to - what am I missing here? but02:01
NerdyAnarchistI've been noticing some big time lag in my system, and when I ran 'top' I see that "WebExtensions" is using 55g of virtual memory...I would assume this is at least part of my problem...but how do I do anything about it? (Bionic with FF 74.0 and Tor Browser 9.07)02:02
shibbolethactually, RAM is meant to be used02:03
shibboleththere very little point in RAM not spent02:03
NerdyAnarchistshibboleth: I'm fully aware of the "linux ate my RAM" explanation - this seems a bit beyond that02:04
GoingViralThat is quite the virtual footprint02:04
shibbolethyour question seems to be about how to limit firefox memory usage. mind expanding on what you have loaded in firefox02:04
oerheksaaardvark, did you edit limits.conf or put a file in /security/limits.d/02:05
shibbolethsites? which. tabs? how many? extensions, which?02:05
aaardvarkoerheks: I edited /etc/security/limits.conf02:05
GoingViralNerdyAnarchist: how does top look when you run Firefox with extensions disabled?02:05
GoingViral(and that is the only instance)02:05
NerdyAnarchistshibboleth: if anything I'm sure it probably has something to do with some tampermonkey script(s) I use for Amazon Mechanical Turk, but tips on isolating which one would be helpful02:06
shibbolethNerdyAnarchist, also: in the address bar type: "about:performance"02:06
oerheksaaardvark, that was the old way, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1049058/how-to-increase-max-open-files-limit-on-ubuntu-18-0402:06
aaardvarkoerheks: ty - let me go and look at that link - this is why I so love this group02:06
GoneViralNerdyAnarchist: there's also a task manager that encludes extensions02:08
NerdyAnarchistshibboleth: that may have been just what I needed to look for (about:performance) - let me do some digging with that and see what comes out02:08
GoneViralNerdyAnarchist: hamburger --> more --> task manager02:08
shibbolethNerdyAnarchist, so, "helpful" it is then?02:08
aaardvarkoerheks: I'm missing something here - I do not see anything fundamentally outdated in what I did - and why do some of the limits come accross and not others?02:09
NerdyAnarchistshibboleth: gets me  pointed in the right direction, so yep!  Thanks02:09
shibbolethsee, oerheks ?02:09
GoneViraldon't gloat02:09
POLKhi, running 16.04. top reports a process under nobody user name dnsmasq. I've checked no dnsmasq package installed, as well as dnsmasq-base02:26
POLKWhat could it be ?!02:26
GoneViralPOLK: you could check /proc/<PID>/ and get a bunch of information. "exe" has a symlink to the actual executable... Also is your nick referencing Polk County, FL by chance?02:32
shibbolethdoesn't libvirt and networkmanager use dnsmasq?02:32
shibbolethPOLK, dpkg -l | grep -i dnsmasq02:32
shibbolethGoneViral, how many touchdowns did al score?02:33
GoneViralenough to convince your mother02:33
POLKGoneViral, no relation to that02:33
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GoneViralPOLK: OK, I was just going to say that might be the entire problem. I know that place well lol02:34
egm1991Okay I read and accept https://ubuntu.com/community/code-of-conduct02:34
* GoneViral gold star02:35
egm1991Does anyone else do Unreal Engine 4 development on Ubuntu?02:35
pragmaticenigma!ot | egm199102:35
ubottuegm1991: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:35
egm1991!whois egm199102:35
egm1991@ubottu okay02:36
POLKGoneViral, dnsmasq process's "exe" points to "/usr/sbin/dnsmasq"02:44
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pragmaticenigmaPOLK, I'd have to double check, but dnsmasq is often installed as part of the local DNS caching feature of Ubuntu. What version of Ubuntu are you on, and what concern exactly do you have?03:04
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POLKpragmaticenigma,  I've 16.0403:20
POLKI've figured it out already, thx03:20
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zippo^Magnus is not really great magnus. does someone know alternative for magnus? CCSM is stopping with support.03:44
Casper26anyone know how to remove the purple background on unity-greeter in 16.04? the purple background displays for a couple of seconds before showing my custom background?04:11
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cptmorganim trying to switch from cloud-init to network-manager. If I start network manager while my nics are configured with cloud-init will network manager take over and clear the ip address on the interfaces?05:26
jaggzwhat's a way from an xubuntu live cd I can share screens and let someone control my computer?05:41
pyzozordhey, if you remember yestarday i had a problem with super key on my keyboard. Turned out the keyboard was in a "game mode". So that's solved now. However I tried a bunch of different things and as a result right now my alt key shortcuts don't work anymore. When I check in xev pressing alt results in KeyRelease event, serial 37 but XLookupString gives 006:52
pyzozordI also checked keyboard shortcuts in settings and I can see that right now moving workspaces up and down is based on super + pgup/pgdown instead of the standard ctrl+alt+up/down. I tried reseting to defaults but nothing changes06:53
pyzozordor really simply my ctrl+alt+t doesn't work07:00
pyzozordhey can someone help me? Alt+tab doesnt work for me08:01
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BluesKaj'Morning all09:59
jjakobcan anyone throw me a credential for 12.04 advantage esm?10:04
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tomreynjjakob: My understanding is that 12.04 ESM is only provided for a few select Canonical customers and their specific package lists at this time, and that there is no free support. You can register for free ESM for up to three systems for 14.04 LTS and later. https://ubuntu.com/blog/ua-services-deployed-from-the-command-line-with-ua-client10:16
ubottuCanonical offers paid extended security support for end-of-life LTS releases through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.10:16
jjakobtomreyn: thanks. I saw that they offered 14.04 for free, but I have just one 12.04. Guess I'll upgrade asap...10:17
tomreyn12.04 until 16.04 have ESM for 3 years only anyways, so 12.04 ESM is already over.10:18
tarelerulzdoes hfs have partitions ? if so can you make one?10:19
jjakobyeah I know, I just thought I could get the patches that came after support ended until the end of ESM10:19
tomreyntarelerulz: if you mean Apples' Hierarchical File System thern that's a file system, not a partition table. file systems don't have partitions. partitions can contain file systems. there are some file systems which can contain subvolumes (btrfs) and pools (ZFS) which is a (somewhat) similar mechanism to partitioning. i don't think (but am not certain) that HFS supports such.10:24
grawityHFS does not, but APFS does10:33
tomreyntarelerulz: see above, and please note i discard all private messages from users not on my whitelist (i just receive notifications)10:46
pavlHi. Need help. Can not use resize2fs after adding some space to logical volume10:51
pavlpavl@ubuntu:~$ sudo resize2fs /dev/vg_test/lv_test210:52
pavlresize2fs 1.44.1 (24-Mar-2018)10:52
pavlresize2fs: Device or resource busy while trying to open /d10:52
pavlresize2fs: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/vg_test/lv_test210:52
pavlCouldn't find valid filesystem superblock.10:52
pavlhow to fix it, can someine help me10:52
mauz555hello  I upgraded from ubuntu 18 to 20 now my system wont boot properly to gnome anyone can help ?11:07
sixwheeledbeastthat with be ubuntu+1 I believe11:13
mauz555sixwheeledbeast: right, im stuck on ubuntu loading screen can access to login screen, should I rollback to 18 ?11:15
lotuspsychjemauz555: join #ubuntu+1 as adviced11:16
sixwheeledbeastYou need to ask at ubuntu+1 focal isn't full release yet.11:16
tomreyn!downgrade | mauz55511:16
ubottumauz555: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.11:16
PeGaSuShello guys. I need a honest answer. my OS is Ubuntu 18.04. would be there any issue if I add to `/etc/apt/sources.list` the following "repo": `deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal universe multiverse restricted` and update the system?11:57
elioporcoEriC^^ hi Eric I?ve tryed to repair the boot of win with a usb stick but the win boot repair tool it did not work11:58
EriC^^elioporco: hey, did ubuntu boot yesterday?11:58
elioporcoEriC^^ yes i'm writing on it11:58
elioporco@and i'm so glad11:58
EriC^^elioporco: ah great, good to hear, so you made the windows usb?11:59
EriC^^elioporco: can you boot the windows usb and be here at the same time to get instructions?11:59
tomreynPeGaSuS: certainly, yes.11:59
elioporcoEriC^^yes, in a few minutes11:59
PeGaSuStomreyn: so I really need to upgrade the distro?12:00
elioporcoEriC^^ let's talk shortly12:00
tomreynPeGaSuS: upgrades to 20.04 aren't supported, yet.12:00
EriC^^elioporco: ok12:00
tomreynPeGaSuS: what is the problem you're trying the solve, or the goal you have?12:01
PeGaSuStomreyn: no problems actually. just want to keep packages always with latest versions without having to upgrade the distro12:01
tomreynubuntu is not a rolling release distribution12:02
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.12:02
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PeGaSuStomreyn: I know that Ubuntu isn't a rolling release. but for example, one of this days I had to install the latest tcl-tls package (1.7.20) manually because my eggdrop was having issues while the one on Bionic is still 1.6.712:06
PeGaSuSI was wondering if there's a way to cherry pick packages from other distros without causing much harm to the system12:07
elioporcoEriC^^here i am12:08
elioporcowith the advanced opton of eun recovery12:09
EriC^^elioporco: ok go to command prompt12:09
EriC^^type "diskpart"12:10
elioporcoEriC^^ diskpart>12:11
EriC^^elioporco: "list vol"12:12
EriC^^elioporco: you need to identify the windows ntfs partition and the efi fat32 500mb partition12:13
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:13
elioporcoEriC^^vol 1 & 212:14
lotuspsychjePeGaSuS: there are also snaps if you want12:14
lotuspsychjePeGaSuS: we dont advice mixing packages from other distros though12:15
EriC^^elioporco: is there a letter assigned to them? C:\ E:\ D:\ etc?12:15
EriC^^elioporco: the ntfs windows one was 466GiB or 500GB12:15
elioporcoEriC^^c on ntfs the other volume is empty12:15
EriC^^elioporco: ok, type "sel vol 1" or "sel vol 2" depending on its number12:16
elioporcoEriC^^ yes 46612:16
EriC^^all good?12:17
elioporco@yes i ve selected the 500Mb12:17
EriC^^ok, type "assign letter=e"12:17
EriC^^ok, type "assign letter=e:"12:18
EriC^^if e: doesnt work, use any other letter that isnt already in the list12:18
elioporcoEriC^^ i used f12:18
EriC^^elioporco: type 'exit' to get out of diskpart12:19
EriC^^elioporco: type "F:\"12:20
EriC^^then "cd EFI"12:20
tomreynPeGaSuS: forget about backports, there are hardly any. look into !PPAs instead12:21
tomreyn!PPA | PeGaSuS12:21
ubottuPeGaSuS: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge12:21
tomreyn(and snaps)12:21
elioporcoEriC^^ f: is not recognizad12:22
elioporcoF:\ and f:\12:22
EriC^^elioporco: hmm, odd, type 'diskpart' again12:22
EriC^^then 'list vol'12:22
elioporcoEriC^^in disk part is ok F12:23
elioporco i type exit and return to X:\sources12:24
EriC^^try f:\12:24
EriC^^or F:12:25
EriC^^without \12:25
elioporcocd efi12:25
EriC^^yes sir12:25
EriC^^elioporco: type "mkdir Microsoft"12:25
EriC^^elioporco: "cd Microsoft"12:26
Sebis there no support for IPX in recent kernels anymore ? I can see an ipx module anywhere...12:26
EriC^^elioporco: then "mkdir Boot"12:26
pyzozordhey i my headset microphone has a lot of static noise. I'm on thinkpad x230, can someone help?12:28
elioporcoEriC^^i'm in boot dir12:28
EriC^^elioporco: ok, type "cd Boot"12:28
elioporco yes12:28
EriC^^elioporco: ok, type "bootrec /FixBoot"12:28
PeGaSuStomreyn, lotuspsychje: thanks for the info and tips. I'm glad that Ubuntu community is so helpful :)12:30
EriC^^elioporco: all good?12:30
elioporcoEriC^^access is denied12:31
EriC^^elioporco: what's the exact error it's saying?12:32
elioporcoexactly access is denied12:32
tomreynPeGaSuS: you're welcome.12:32
EriC^^elioporco: try "cd /d F:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\"12:33
EriC^^elioporco: then "bootrec /FixBoot"12:33
EriC^^elioporco: no worries, i think i found solution online12:34
elioporcoEriC^^same error12:35
elioporcoEriC^^good, those are months that i try unvain12:35
EriC^^elioporco: try "format F: /FS:FAT32"12:36
EriC^^elioporco: you still have an ubuntu usb right?12:36
EriC^^we will need it to reinstall grub after windows is fixed12:36
EriC^^ok cool12:37
EriC^^elioporco: format all good?12:38
EriC^^elioporco: type "bcdboot c:\Windows /l en-us /s F: All12:39
EriC^^any error?12:41
elioporcoEriC^^no thia print the help of bcdboot12:41
EriC^^ok try12:42
EriC^^elioporco: type "bcdboot c:\Windows /l en-us /s F: /f UEFI12:42
elioporcoEriC^^sounds good it work12:43
elioporcoboot files successfully created12:43
EriC^^elioporco: ok, great, try "cd /d F:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\"12:43
EriC^^then "bootrec /FixBoot"12:44
elioporcoEriC^^ access is denied12:44
elioporcoon bootrec message12:45
EriC^^elioporco: try once again "diskpart"12:46
EriC^^then type "list disk"12:46
EriC^^select the disk number of the main hdd with "sel disk 1" or 2 etc12:46
EriC^^elioporco: try again 'list vol' then 'sel vol 1 or 2'12:49
EriC^^elioporco: try assigning letter "assign letter=b:"12:49
EriC^^elioporco: i found a command might help12:50
elioporcoEriC^^now the 500mb part is assignes as b , in the info coulom in flagged as hidden n12:52
EriC^^elioporco: ok13:01
EriC^^elioporco: exit diskpart13:02
EriC^^then try "b:"13:02
EriC^^elioporco: "cd /d B:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\"13:02
EriC^^elioporco: then "bootrec /FixBoot"13:02
EriC^^if you get the access is denied error, try typing13:03
EriC^^"bootsect/nt60 sys"13:03
EriC^^then "bootrec /FixBoot"13:03
elioporcoEriC^^nothing, always access denied also after the bootcode update on all volumes13:09
elioporcoEriC^^sorry icve lost my connection13:15
elioporcoEriC^^always access is denied13:16
MilkmanDanWill there be an unsupported procedure for upgrading the last 20.04 nightly to the release?13:18
MilkmanDanI can't find anyone discussing it so that seems to be "no".13:19
TJ-MilkmanDan: the regular "apt upgrade" does it13:21
MilkmanDanThat's what I figured but I wasn't sure.13:22
TJ-MilkmanDan: then release ISOs are just the set of packages frozen in time on release date13:22
MilkmanDanThings break for mysterious reasons.13:22
MilkmanDanRight right.13:22
MilkmanDanIn that case I might go ahead and switch a system or two to Ubuntu and see if I can scratch any of my own last minute bug itches.13:23
MilkmanDanTJ-: Thanks for the confirmation. :)13:28
bitblitcertain apps are take 10-15 seconds to open on my ubuntu 18.04 install. running gedit from console generates no errors, but takes 15 seconds to open the main window. i'm using i3.13:32
grawityhow long does `getent ahosts $(hostname)` take?13:32
slingamni'm trying to do "check disk for defects" but the graphics are all messed up --- is there a way to force it into basic vga or terminal mode?13:33
bitblitgrawity: it returned immediately13:35
EriC^^elioporco: aha sorry i was away a little13:36
EriC^^elioporco: ok, try to boot, in case just the bcdboot command was enough13:36
elioporcoEriC^^ ok i try13:43
bitbliti'm also having an issue with a new external usb HD that I verified is working on another computer. when I plug it into my ubuntu server it spins up but doesn't show up in lsusb or dmesg or fdisk.13:49
bitblitit's usb 313:49
grawitydo any USB-related messages show up in dmesg at all, when you connect it?13:50
bitblitnothing when i grep -i usb13:50
cptmorganim trying to switch from cloud-init to network-manager. If I start network manager while my nics are configured with cloud-init will network manager take over and clear the ip address on the interfaces?13:51
cptmorganactually netplan not cloud-init13:52
elioporcoEriC^^win boot normally, very good13:55
Biessiewhen did 20.04 LTS release?13:55
tonyt20.04 LTS hasnt released yet13:56
tonytApril 23, 2020 is when 20.04 lts gets released13:57
elioporcoEriC^^i reboot with the ubuntu stivk13:57
Biessieahh okay so 19.04 is what i have currently.13:59
ducassecptmorgan: netplan uses networkd or network-manager to configure networking, it is only used to define the configuration14:03
ducassecptmorgan: make sure renderer is set to network-manager14:03
TJ-cptmorgan: is that a desktop/GUI system? netplan will just be generating runtime configs for NetworkManager under /run/NetworkManager/14:03
TJ-cptmorgan: if you disable/empty netplan then on next reboot no config will be generated14:04
ducasseBiessie: 19.04 is eol, you should upgrade14:04
EriC^^elioporco: great! ok type 'sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt'14:04
Biessieducasse - In process of upgrading now. :)14:05
elioporcoEriC^^i am on it14:06
Bladehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/G2RXrqK5zN/   :)14:06
EriC^^elioporco: type the following line14:08
EriC^^for i in /dev /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -R $i /mnt$i; done14:08
elioporco EriC^^ok do14:09
EriC^^elioporco: sudo chroot /mnt14:10
EriC^^elioporco: then'mount /boot/efi'14:10
EriC^^elioporco: then 'mount /boot/efi'14:10
elioporcoEriC^^can't find UUID..14:13
EriC^^elioporco: oh right, we did a format14:14
EriC^^elioporco: type 'blkid /dev/sda1 | nc termbin.com 9999'14:15
elioporcoEriC^^ https://termbin.com/5nswv14:22
DakkusHey there, good humans! I'd like to be able to create a wireless hotspot, but it seems that I am currently using proprietary Intel drivers, which don't allow me to do so. There is another driver, iwlwifi, which should support creating a wireless hotspot. There is a suitable-looking entry in /lib/firmware . How do I change the driver I am using from the proprietary Intel driver to iwlwifi?14:43
LaRose_Bleuand i still would14:43
tomreynDakkus: which driver are you currently using, and which hardware?    lspci -knn     should tell14:45
tomreynLaRose_Bleu: what do you mean by "and i still would"?14:46
LaRose_Bleutyped in wrong windows my dude dont worry about it14:47
elioporco EriC^^https://termbin.com/5nswv14:51
tomreynelioporco: so UUID=E2F7-04D3 is the device that should be mounted to /boot/efi in /etc/fstab14:53
elioporcotomreyni have to edit fstab?14:54
tomreynelioporco: i'm not sure what the problem is, may not have read up enough. but from the recent chat with EirC it looks like you may need to update fstab,. yes.14:55
tomreynelioporco: maybe you can share the line for the /boot/efi mount you have there now, and then we can see what to do about it14:56
pavloselioporco: if you are inside a chroot, you'd need to edit /mnt/etc/fstab14:56
=== Birrosso is now known as Clippy
Dakkustomreyn: Okay, seems to already be iwl:14:56
DakkusKernel driver in use: iwl394514:56
tomreynDakkus: iwl, yes, but not iwlwifi14:57
DakkusAh, okay. Good! Then changing to iwlwifi might still be a solution.14:58
jeremy31Dakkus: not possible14:58
DakkusWhat isn't?14:58
grawityiwl3945 is not "proprietary", it's part of the kernel as much as iwlwifi is14:58
=== Clippy is now known as Birosso
grawitybut usually the entire reason for having different drivers is that the devices themselves are too different14:58
jeremy31Dakkus: you cannot just switch driver when the driver doesn't support that hardware14:58
grawityvery rarely you'll see Linux shipping two drivers for the same model14:59
pavloselioporco: disregard this, my mistake ... if you are inside a chroot, you'd need to edit /mnt/etc/fstab14:59
elioporcopavlos https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y35GZFkrxQ/15:00
elioporcopavlosi'm on a live15:00
elioporcoi think that i have to reinstall grub15:01
tomreynelioporco: use the "nano" editor instead of mousepad15:01
elioporcotomreyn nano open a black sheet15:01
tomreynelioporco: had you done this, yet?    <EriC^^> elioporco: sudo chroot /mnt15:02
elioporcotomreyn i think so root@ubuntu-studio:/#15:03
tomreynelioporco: cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999915:05
tomreynthis should return a http address you can post here15:05
pennTellerHi guys, does any one know if there is a Samsung Dex client for Ubuntu? I am not talking about "Linux on Dex" but the normal client to access my phone from the OS15:05
Casper26anyone know how to remove the purple background on unity-greeter in 16.04? the purple background displays for a couple of seconds before showing my custom background?15:06
pennTellerCasper26, it sounds to me like you would need to recompile the kernel for that.15:07
tomreynelioporco: so you see the "UUID=EFEB-2451 /boot/efi"... line there? change the UUID there to:   UUID=E2F7-04D315:07
pavloselioporco: the UUID for /boot/efi should be  UUID=E2F7-04D315:07
tomreynelioporco: nano /etc/fstab15:08
robertparkerxlol https://i.hashdev.org/20200329_100738_ROBERTPARKERX.jpg15:08
tomreyn!ot | robertparkerx15:08
ubotturobertparkerx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:08
robertparkerxshit wrong channel15:08
pennTellerCasper26, I had to recompile the kernel to completely change the boot up screen on a raspberry pi. Pretty sure it was with this tutorial: https://scribles.net/customizing-boot-up-screen-on-raspberry-pi/15:08
EriC^^elioporco: sorry im back15:09
EriC^^elioporco: type 'nano /etc/fstab'15:10
EriC^^elioporco: there should be a line that says UUID=something /boot/efi ........ replace "something" with E2F7-04D315:10
EriC^^it's the same line yesterday you removed the "#" from if you remember15:10
EriC^^elioporco: after that, press ctrl+x to save and exit, then "mount /boot/efi" it should work this time15:11
EriC^^elioporco: finally, type "grub-install" then "update-grub" it should pick up windows too, then exit and reboot15:11
elioporcoEriC^^ grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory.15:12
elioporcoEriC^^all ok15:13
elioporcono error reported15:13
elioporcoand found windows15:14
elioporcoooooh yes15:15
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elioporcoi reboot now15:15
pavlosDakkus: lspci | grep -i Wireless15:22
elioporcoEriC^^ no boot, only grub minimal bash-like 'grub>'15:24
elioporcoin the uefi settings all is collected 1,grub 2,ubuntu 3,win15:25
TJ-elioporco: do "echo $prefix" what does it report?15:28
TJ-elioporco: I'm assuming you're still in the grub> shell15:29
elioporcoTJ- i'm no more on the grub15:31
elioporcobut i can reboot15:31
elioporconow i'm on a live15:31
TJ-elioporco: ahhh15:32
TJ-elioporco: do you have a nother PC you can talk on IRC from whilst working on the problem PC?15:32
elioporcoTJ- i'll talk by the phone15:32
aaardvarkI am BRAND NEW to screen - I created a session, while connected by ssh, lost the ssh connection - re-connected - sure enough screen -ls shows the old session but I can not work out how to re-connect to it15:34
pavlosaaardvark: screen -d -r15:35
grawityscreen -r is the basic operation, see manual page for a few other modes of reattaching15:36
elioporcoTJ-here i am15:36
aaardvarkpavlushka: TY - now I just need to read up and find what I just did, :) but it did work - thanks15:36
TJ-elioporco: OK, do "echo $prefix" tell us what it shows15:37
pavlushkaaaardvark: sure, why not?15:37
aaardvarkgrawity: I tried the screen -r and it did not connect , seems that -d was required - hence going to read what it did15:37
pavlushkaaaardvark: anytime!15:37
grawity-d forces detach of the previous terminal, so it sounds like the server hasn't realized yet that the SSH connection is lost15:38
elioporco(hd1, gpt1)/EFI/ubuntu15:38
grawityyou can just always use -d -r as pavlos mentioned15:38
aaardvarkwow - there are SO MANY options to screen - it is looking like a GREAT product that will take some time to even really be a beginner - but looking like ti is worth it15:39
grawityeh I prefer `tmux attach` personally15:39
elioporcoTJ(hd1, gpt1)/EFI/ubuntu15:40
EriC^^elioporco: ok, try to boot the live usb again15:42
EriC^^elioporco: did you run update-grub?15:42
EriC^^elioporco: actually, in grub> try typing "configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg"15:42
elioporcoEriC^^ blanck15:44
sammyg1321Hi All, im not sure if anyone would have a clue but im having issues with VMWare player and im not sure if this is the right place to ask15:48
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aaardvarkI'm still a little confused about screen - I exited the sessions that I had - and now when I do screen -ls it does show "There are screen on:" and lists two - I can reconnect to one of them with the -r -d - how do I connect to the other in the same screen?15:50
pavlosaaardvark: they have different names, use -S partofname to reconnect15:52
sammyg1321Also does anyone here utilize a GTX 710? and if so would you use the Xorg drivers or the proprietary drivers for nvidia?15:53
elioporcoEriC^^nothing appears15:53
aaardvarkpavlos: TY15:53
oerhekssammyg1321, so it is a vmware issue?15:54
oerhekson bare metal i would use the nouveau drivers, pretty good these days15:54
sammyg1321Yeah at the base but im trying to pinpoint possible issues, not too sure what it could be, basically everytime i start the vmware instance, it just crashes VMware oerheks15:55
oerheksask in vmware channels?15:55
sammyg1321theres one?15:55
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"15:55
sammyg1321Thanks ! il try there, if not and i post on Askubuntu, what information should i add to my post?15:56
sammyg1321yea no such channel oerheks15:56
tieinvi saw vmware-manager in the repos but no VMware player15:57
sammyg1321lemme try again15:57
sammyg1321yea imm the only one lma15:57
sammyg1321but yea if i need to create a AskUbuntu post, is there anything that i can add to my post to get some extra assistance?15:58
oerhekstieinv, as it is prop software15:58
tieinvthen they should ask there15:58
oerheksspecs, host os, vmware player, ubuntu version15:58
sammyg1321Thank you il try to make a nice post15:58
oerheksand the issue15:58
elioporcosorry the phone disconnect me16:01
EriC^^elioporco: wb16:01
EriC^^elioporco: try typing "echo $root"16:01
EriC^^elioporco: ok, type " ls /boot/grub"16:02
EriC^^it shows grub.cfg there?16:02
elioporcoEriC^^ error file not found16:03
FrankyGovDear heroes16:03
FrankyGovDoes anybody know any open source software for mind mapping or concept mapping?16:03
sammyg1321One final question though, any other recommended softwares for Running Windows 10 in a VM?16:05
pavlosFrankyGov: https://www.fossmint.com/free-mind-mapping-software-for-linux/16:05
elioporconot found grub.cfg16:12
sammyg1321guys i found my issue, i had reset my bios setting and turned off virtualizatin16:14
sammyg1321but thank you16:14
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pavloselioporco: is there anything in /boot/grub/ ?16:14
shibbolethsammyg1321, ordinarily libvrt would be quite vocal about vt-x and vt-d besing disabled by bios16:15
shibbolethso looking at logs would've sufficed16:15
sammyg1321yea thats the thing it would crash16:15
sammyg1321no error no nothign16:15
sammyg1321So thats why i was like well?16:15
elioporcopavlos no16:17
elioporcomagical Mystery grub16:18
lotuspsychjeFrankyGov: there's a freeplane mindmap if you like16:22
MikeRLAnyone know how to disable phased updates on Ubuntu? I mean for the GUI software updater.16:27
MikeRLFound an old article on it.16:28
MikeRLWell oops. Found the article, but /etc/apt/apt.conf doesn't exist in this version. Only /etc/apt/apt.conf.d exists, which is a folder. What do I do?16:31
MikeRLI know the text to insert, just not what file to create or append it to.16:31
oerheksdisable phased updates .. ot sure that is available in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades16:37
oerheksi find that only in 13.10 ...16:38
oerhekshandy list. https://libre-software.net/ubuntu-automatic-updates/16:38
oerheksJohannes Eva did some good writing16:38
oerhekscat /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades.log16:39
MikeRLoerheks, Thanks.16:41
oerhekshave fun!16:42
MikeRLHmm. No updated documentation on phased updates since 13.04. Someone higher up should fix that.16:47
MikeRLI will just leave it alone. I always dist-upgrade from the terminal anyhow. But it would save me from having to type in my password at times if I could do it via GUI.16:48
oerheksset an alias ..16:48
MikeRLHave any documentation on that?16:49
MikeRLWill search for it.16:49
tomreyn"man bash", but it's extensive16:50
oerheksalias plop='sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo apt autoremove'16:50
oerhekssome hang logrotate and rsync on it16:50
noraatepernosThis is really embarassing but which of these do I use with Ubuntu 18.04? https://github.com/papertrail/remote_syslog2/releases16:51
tomreynwe only support software that's packaged in ubuntu here by default16:52
oerhekssourcecode, or the deb for your arch16:53
tomreynthe default syslog daemon, rsyslog, can do remote logging16:53
MikeRLAh. I get it. An alias is like a custom command of sorts.16:53
oerheksyes, smart tool that is16:53
MikeRLThat saved time. I added sudo apt autoclean and sudo apt clean to it.16:54
oerheksMikeRL, yes, but keep the sudo password under your control16:54
noraatepernostomreyn: Thanks.16:54
MikeRLoerheks, I use a BIOS password and a secure login PW.16:54
MikeRLSo that should keep people away.16:54
EriC^^elioporco: ok im back16:55
EriC^^elioporco: ok, boot the live usb to make the grub.cfg16:55
MikeRLYou cannot even boot into a freakin Live install without said password. And the BIOS is updated.16:55
MikeRLNot saying it's 100%, but better security than the average user.16:55
Celmor[m]anyone know how to find out if an NFC adapter in a laptop is supported?16:56
MikeRLWould encrypt but it'll slow this five year old laptop down.16:56
oerheksuefi is useless without password.16:56
oerheksCelmor[m], nfc-list  # would tell, not installed standard iirc > sudo apt install libnfc-bin16:57
oerheksnfc-scan-device first i guess..16:58
EriC^^elioporco: sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt16:58
Celmor[m]"No NFC device foundNo NFC device foundNo NFC device found" guess not :/16:59
oerhekswait, does it show up in ;   rfkill list17:00
Celmor[m]oerheks: only my bluetoothb and wifi17:04
oerheksCelmor[m], then no, see what lspci gives , to see if there is a github project17:05
elioporcoEriC^^ update-grub?17:06
Celmor[m]oerheks: nothing pointing to NFC. also tried getting my fingerprint to work, which i see in lsusb, but no luck with the scan function of the corresponding tool either17:07
Celmor[m]guess HP isn't really supported in linux17:07
oerheksfor FP, if it is listed on ; https://fprint.freedesktop.org/supported-devices.html  or https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/ubuntu/fingerprint-gui17:08
oerheksthen it is supported, what HP model laptop is this??17:08
EriC^^elioporco: wb17:10
EriC^^elioporco: ok, type again 'for i in /dev /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -R $i /mnt$i; done'17:11
EriC^^elioporco: ok, type 'sudo chroot /mnt'17:12
EriC^^elioporco: ok type 'mount /boot/efi'17:14
EriC^^elioporco: ok, type 'update-grub'17:14
EriC^^i just realized something, earlier you said $root was hd1,gpt1, but that's the efi partition not rootfs17:16
EriC^^also you said for $prefix <elioporco> TJ(hd1, gpt1)/EFI/ubuntu17:16
grawitythat sounds normal for grub's $root variable17:16
grawityit tells *grub* where to look for files – not the same thing as the kernel's root= parameter17:16
EriC^^grawity: isn't root the root fs ? and not efi17:16
grawitythere are two different things called "root" in grub.cfg!17:17
EriC^^grawity: but $root is supposed to point to the fs that contains grub.cfg17:17
grawityah yes, that's true17:17
EriC^^elioporco: try typing 'ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 9999'17:18
EriC^^elioporco: also, 'cat /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999'17:18
grawitythat said, my own machine has grub.cfg *on* the EFI partition, so it still seems quite normal...17:19
EriC^^grawity: yeah, that grub.cfg builds the $prefix and $root17:19
EriC^^which later is used to pull in the /boot/grub/grub.cfg menu file17:19
EriC^^this is the contents of my grub.cfg (efi one)17:20
elioporco54EriC^^ https://termbin.com/sfwq717:22
elioporco54EriC^^ cat: /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grub.cfg: No such file or directory17:22
pavlosthe second efi is upcase EFI17:22
EriC^^elioporco54: ah i see, that makes sense17:22
EriC^^pavlos: this is fat32, it's case insensitive17:22
EriC^^elioporco54: that makes sense, since grub.cfg is missing in the efi, it defaulted to use the location of the efi file as $prefix, explaining the earlier results17:23
elioporco54ookk good17:23
EriC^^elioporco54: can you type "mount | grep sda1" and see if it shows sda1 mounted at /boot/efi ?17:24
elioporco54we have to crate another one or copy17:24
elioporco54EriC^^it's sda1 on /boot/efi17:25
EriC^^elioporco54: ok, try typing "grub-install"17:26
EriC^^actually type17:26
EriC^^grub-install | nc termbin.com 999917:26
elioporco54EriC^^ no error reported17:27
elioporco54but didn't get me the link17:27
EriC^^elioporco54: ok, type "ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 9999"17:27
EriC^^note the "-lR"17:28
Celmor[m]oerheks: already looked at that list and it's not in there (though other devices of the same maker are), it's an HP elitebook 850 G517:28
EriC^^elioporco54: ok, type "cat /boot/efi/efi/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999"17:29
EriC^^that all looks good17:30
EriC^^elioporco54: try "update-grub"17:30
EriC^^elioporco54: ok, type finally 'cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999'17:32
=== LaRose_Bleu is now known as LaRose_Rouge
EriC^^very nice17:33
EriC^^elioporco54: ok, type "exit" then reboot17:33
elioporcono good17:35
EriC^^elioporco: what happened? grub> ?17:36
elioporcoalways grub>minimal BASH-like line17:36
EriC^^elioporco: are you on your phone right now or ubuntu live?17:36
EriC^^elioporco: ok, type in grub> "echo $prefix"17:37
EriC^^in theory it should say (hd1,gpt6)/boot/grub17:37
EriC^^ok, for some reason it's not setting it right, we'll see17:37
TJ-EriC^^: at that stage it's pointing to the ESP17:37
EriC^^TJ-: i found that it does this error when the grub.cfg is missing in the efi partition, it seems to point to efi/ubuntu17:38
TJ-elioporco: does it actually show (hd1,gpt1)/boot/grub/ or (hd1,gpt1)/EFI/ubuntu/17:38
EriC^^a while back some user joined with that, and i noticed ubuntu was using efi/grub sometimes instead of efi/ubuntu17:39
TJ-EriC^^: yeah.... but I thought I saw you double-check it is in place?17:39
EriC^^ah this might be it i think17:39
EriC^^i think i have it17:39
elioporcoprobably with bootreapir ive installed it in sda1 also in sda617:39
EriC^^see the ubuntu efi file by default looks in efi/ubuntu for grub.cfg it seems17:39
EriC^^i dont remember if it was missing the grub.cfg in the current dir, and had to copy it or what, anyways we'll see17:40
TJ-EriC^^: why not just force it to load right now?17:40
EriC^^TJ-: that's what we'll do, but to solve it in the future17:40
TJ-EriC^^: as in configfile (hd1,gpt1)/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg ? is that correct?17:41
EriC^^elioporco: type 'configfile (hd1,gpt6)/boot/grub/grub.cfg'17:41
TJ-EriC^^: hmmm, I was thinking the EFI-SP version should then point to the other one but ...!17:41
TJ-EriC^^: might neeed to to correct set root and prefix to gpt6 too17:41
elioporcoTJ-its /efi/boot17:42
TJ-hmmm aha17:42
EriC^^elioporco: any luck?17:43
TJ-EriC^^: ^^^ if it's (hd1,gpt1)/efi/BOOT/ that's pointing at the removable media path... and I bet that hasn't got the correct grub.cfg file17:43
EriC^^yeah efi/boot has no grub.cfg from prior ls -l17:44
elioporcoEriC^^filename inexpected error17:44
=== beaver is now known as beaver^
EriC^^elioporco: there might be a typo17:45
EriC^^elioporco: try "set root=(hd1,gpt6)"17:46
EriC^^elioporco: then 'configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg'17:47
dinarhello. how to install alt+shift to change layout in xubuntu?17:47
EriC^^elioporco: just to confirm, echo $prefix is giving right now (hd1,gpt1)/efi/Boot correct?17:47
EriC^^(i mean earlier when we tried, not necessarily right now)17:48
EriC^^ok cool17:48
EriC^^elioporco: did the configfile command give a menu?17:48
EriC^^nice boot up ubuntu17:48
elioporcoah no17:48
elioporcosorry i have no menu17:49
elioporcoonly grub>17:49
RadSurferis there a proper official skype for Ubuntu or not?17:49
elioporcoEriC^^ grub>17:49
EriC^^elioporco: ok, try       set prefix=($root)'/boot/grub'17:49
EriC^^elioporco: then type "normal"17:50
pavlosRadSurfer: there is a skypeforlinux pkg, not sure about official17:51
EriC^^elioporco: no menu?17:51
TJ-elioporco: 'normal' should cause the boot menu to be drawn17:51
kostkonRadSurfer, use the snap, it's official17:51
EriC^^no error nothing elioporco ?17:52
kostkonRadSurfer, snap install skype17:52
TJ-elioporco: can you do "ls (hd1,gpt6)/boot/grub/" and tell us if you see a grub.cfg17:52
RadSurfererror: This revision of snap "skype" was published using classic confinement and thus may17:52
RadSurfer       perform arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox that snaps are usually17:52
RadSurfer       confined to, which may put your system at risk.17:52
RadSurferThat does not sound proper to me.17:52
elioporcoEriC^^disk not fount17:53
kostkonRadSurfer, snap info skype   it's straight from microsoft. try  snap install skype --classic17:53
TJ-elioporco: try "ls (hd0,gpt6)/boot/grub/" and tell us if you see a grub.cfg17:53
RadSurferthink I will PASS, since I don't want to compromise my desktop.17:53
EriC^^elioporco: how many disks/usb do you have in the pc currently17:53
TJ-EriC^^:!!! this is a device.map issue --- the isntall device is hd1 when using the ISO but hd0 when booting native17:54
elioporcoonly 117:54
elioporcohd0,gpt6 not found17:54
TJ-elioporco: you have unplugged the USB with the installer ?17:54
kostkonRadSurfer, umm ok I guess. Use the deb which as safe as the snap, probably a bit less secure17:54
TJ-elioporco: what does "ls" report?17:54
elioporcoah no17:54
kostkonRadSurfer, the deb from skype's website17:55
TJ-elioporco: unplug the USB *then* reboot the PC17:55
elioporconow is unplugged17:55
EriC^^elioporco: try to reboot17:55
RadSurfernot going to worry about it now. been using Discord which works well enough w/friends.17:55
TJ-elioporco: 'reboot' or Ctrl+Alt+Del17:55
elioporcoEriC^^ grub>  after reboot17:55
EriC^^elioporco: ok, type "ls" what does it show?17:56
TJ-elioporco: and then do "echo $prefix" and tell us what it reports17:56
elioporcoproc hd0 hd1 hd1,gpt6 hd1,gpt5 hd1,gpt2 hd1,gpt117:56
TJ-EriC^^: are those GPT partition numbers sane?17:57
elioporcoprefix hd1,gpt1/efi/ubuntu17:57
EriC^^it's a long story17:57
EriC^^elioporco: ok, type the following17:58
EriC^^set root='(hd1,gpt6)'17:58
TJ-elioporco: try this too: "search --file grub.cfg"17:58
EriC^^elioporco: then try "ls /" just to see if it shows you the dirs of linux as usual, root home boot etc17:59
EriC^^TJ-: it's there, i had him cat it before rebooting17:59
TJ-EriC^^: but can GRUB find one and if so on what path17:59
deskwizardo/ I'm looking for recommandations for an uPNP server software18:00
TJ-EriC^^: I'm beginning to wonder if the file-system driver is missing from core image18:00
elioporcoEriC^^ok set rrot and ls its a linux system18:00
p0ahow can I create a UEFI compatible Ubuntu usb live?18:00
TJ-EriC^^: which FS is the system using, ext4?18:00
EriC^^elioporco: ok, great18:00
EriC^^elioporco: type the following18:00
TJ-p0a: the Ubuntu ISOs are hybrid and will boot on UEFI as is18:00
p0aTJ-: It doesn't work on my Asus Notebook t100t18:00
EriC^^elioporco: set prefix=($root)'/boot/grub'18:00
p0aTJ-: I did a `dd' copy after I formatted the usb into ext4. Is that wrong?18:01
TJ-p0a: is it possible that model is using a 32-bit UEFI? we've seen a lot of issues with Asus/Acer notebooks with that18:01
p0add if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb18:01
p0aTJ-: I believe it. I have a 32-bit windows OS in a x64 there18:01
TJ-p0a: firstly no need to format a file system... secondly 'dd' is exactly the correct command to use18:01
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
p0aTJ-: okay so grab a 32-bit image then18:02
TJ-p0a: OK, so your problem is that the Installer ISOs don't have the 32-bit UEFI boot loader on them18:02
EriC^^elioporco: all good?18:02
TJ-p0a: which Ubuntu release are you trying to install18:02
elioporcoEriC^^ok set prefix18:02
EriC^^elioporco: ok, cool18:02
EriC^^elioporco: type "insmod normal"18:02
EriC^^elioporco: then type "normal"18:02
p0aTJ-: 18.04 64-bit18:02
elioporcothe menu!18:03
EriC^^elioporco: great!18:03
TJ-p0a: I'm sure that doesn't have UEFI 32-bit boot support unfortunately.18:03
EriC^^elioporco: ok, choose ubuntu18:03
EriC^^elioporco: when it boots, open a terminal and type "sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999"18:03
p0aTJ-: so go with 32-bit?18:03
p0aTJ-: wait, what's one release that has it?18:04
TJ-p0a: no, it's not about a 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (amd64) Ubuntu install. This is purely your PC's boot firmware and the fact the Ubuntu installer doesn't include the version of GRUB that handles 32-bit firmware. You should still install the 64-bit (amd64) Ubuntu. Here's a hint that may help you: https://askubuntu.com/questions/392719/32-bit-uefi-boot-support18:05
TJ-p0a: you've got a 64-bit system but for some reason Asus decided to put an unusual, uncommon, 32-bit firmware on it18:06
p0aTJ-: They had leftover 32-bit firmware18:07
EriC^^elioporco67: wb18:07
elioporco67EriC^^ https://termbin.com/ymsh18:07
p0aTJ-: is there a way to avoid using Rufus? Seems like a windows tool18:07
TJ-p0a: no one wwas even building 32-bit UEFI until they started doing it :D18:07
EriC^^elioporco67: ok, we need to make it permanent now still18:08
EriC^^elioporco67: np18:08
TJ-p0a: not sure since I don't use the installers, but others here will know of Linux alternatives to do the same thing18:08
jjakobJust use dd18:08
EriC^^elioporco67: type "sudo mkdir /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu"18:08
p0aI want to use dd, I don't understand why dd doesn't work18:08
p0ajjakob: I am trying to follow these instructions: https://askubuntu.com/questions/392719/32-bit-uefi-boot-support18:09
p0ajjakob: but they require rufus. Can dd work?18:09
TJ-p0a: the essence of what you need to do is mount the USB's EFI-SP and add the grubx32.efi to /EFI/BOOT/18:09
EriC^^elioporco67: type 'sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/grub/grub.cfg /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grub.cfg"18:09
TJ-p0a: actually, that should be grubia32.efi18:09
EriC^^elioporco67: also type18:09
p0aTJ-: got it. So dd as normal, then mount and copy that file18:09
EriC^^elioporco67: type 'sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/grub/grub.cfg /boot/efi/efi/boot/grub.cfg"18:09
TJ-p0a: right18:10
TJ-p0a: let me see if I can get you the file from the Ubuntu packages18:10
elioporco67EriC^^ ok18:10
jjakobThis is in the link you posted and it doesn't use rufus: https://askubuntu.com/a/71584318:10
EriC^^elioporco67: ok did you run both commands?18:11
zutatp0a: one of those small screen, low end windows devices?18:11
jjakobbut yeah, you need to do it manually cause the default iso doesn't have a 32-bit efi bootloader18:11
EriC^^elioporco67: ok, try to reboot18:11
jjakobdoesn't your machine support legacy boot?18:11
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deskwizardI'll ask a last time and stop bothering you people ...  I'm looking for recommandations for an uPNP server software, anyone has a good experience with anything?18:14
TJ-p0a: here it is: https://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/grubia32.efi18:14
TJ-!info miniupnpd | deskwizard18:15
ubottudeskwizard: miniupnpd (source: miniupnpd): UPnP and NAT-PMP daemon for gateway routers. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1-6ubuntu2 (eoan), package size 86 kB, installed size 260 kB (Only available for linux-any)18:15
deskwizardaight I'll check this one out, hopefully more successfully than with gerbera18:16
deskwizardthanks :)18:16
jjakoblook at what kodi uses18:16
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p0ahow can I mount a read-protected device to write something?18:18
TJ-p0a: is your PC listing the USB's EFI-SP partition with "sudo gdisk -l /dev/sdX" (X being the USB)18:19
p0aTJ-: I randomly mounted /dev/sdb1 and I can see EFI/, is that good?18:19
TJ-p0a: YES :)18:19
TJ-p0a: you should see /EFI/BOOT/18:19
p0ayeah that works, but I can't write, it's read protecte18:20
TJ-p0a: did it mount read-only? "mount | grep sdb"18:20
p0aalso is this the file? https://github.com/jfwells/linux-asus-t100ta/raw/master/boot/bootia32.efi because you mentioned a different name18:20
p0ayeah it's `ro'18:20
TJ-p0a: no, use the one from Ubuntu I've put on my server for you18:20
TJ-p0a: here it is: https://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/grubia32.efi18:20
TJ-p0a: now do "sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdb1" and check again18:21
p0aTJ-: thank you18:21
p0aHm, it's a binary. Is it safe to trust you?18:21
TJ-p0a: you'll need to copy it to different file name18:21
TJ-p0a: as in sudo cp ~/Downloads/grubia32.efi /$MOUNTPOINT/EFI/BOOT/BOOTIA32.EFI18:22
TJ-p0a: well you can get the hash of the file and compare it with the package archive listing18:22
p0aWhere is that listing?18:22
elioporcoworks all!18:23
p0aI get `mount: /dev/sdb1 is write-protected but explicit read-write mode requested.' as an error. It won't let me mount the usb with the -w option18:23
elioporcoUbuntu bless18:23
elioporcoEriC^^thank you18:24
EriC^^elioporco: great!18:24
EriC^^elioporco: no problem18:24
TJ-p0a: hmmm18:24
elioporcoa dream come true18:24
TJ-p0a: I think this is because the USB image is hybrid wrapped up in an ISO9660 image with El-Torito boot entries too18:25
p0aTJ-: I don't understand18:26
TJ-EriC^^: have you ever managed to add an EI boot loader to a USB installer ISO?18:26
TJ-p0a: the file I gave you comes from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/eoan/amd64/grub-efi-ia32-bin/2.04-1ubuntu12.218:26
grawitydo you want it for USB or do you want it for ISO18:27
TJ-grawity: we're just trying to add the file into the EFI-SP so it ought to be writeable18:27
TJ-grawity: given there's free space in it (possibly there isn't!)18:27
EriC^^TJ-: you mean the 32bit uefi ?18:28
TJ-p0a: the EFI-SP is also 100% full so we'd need to delete the existing file. Might be easier to create an identically sized file as a file-system and write it over the existing EFI-SP18:30
p0aTJ-: I don't know how to do that...18:31
p0aI am not sure what you're telling me18:31
TJ-EriC^^: well any really... I've tested here and the EFI-SP is marked write-protected even on a loopdev, and is 100$ full (3.7MB)18:31
TJ-p0a: don't worry - I'm talking out loud in the hope a solution occurs to one of us here that are used to doing this stuff18:31
EriC^^TJ-: yeah it's doable i've seen lots of guides online on how to do it for the hybrid tablet/pcs18:32
EriC^^i think i've guided a few through end parts of the guide and such, worked for them18:32
TJ-EriC^^: p0a  OK I've got into it, need to mount partition 2 not 1, but it is 100% full so need to ensure it'll take the other file after the current files are removed18:33
p0aTJ-: let me try18:34
p0aTJ-: so first delete grubx64.efi ?18:35
TJ-p0a: it seems to have worked18:35
p0aor both 64.efi files?18:35
TJ-p0a: "sudo rm /mnt/efi/boot/*x64.efi; sudo cp grubia32.efi /mnt/efo/boot/bootia32.efi; umount /mnt; sync"18:35
TJ-p0a: assuming you've got it at /mnt/ mountpoint18:36
TJ-err and correct my typos, /mnt/efi/boot/bootia32.efi not 'efo' :)18:36
p0ago tit18:37
TJ-p0a: this isn't guaranteed to work since that file is usually built on-demand on the installed system based on how the installation is configured (LUKS, partition types, lvm, file-system types, etc.)18:37
TJ-p0a: it's supposed to be monolithic so hopefully contains all the required modules18:38
p0aTJ-: what I'm trying to do is debug windows18:38
p0aTJ-: using a linux live cd. incredible18:38
TJ-p0a: :D18:38
p0aTJ-: okay grub loaded, but it's a shell18:39
TJ-p0a: well that's better than nothing! proves we got part of it correct18:39
TJ-p0a: first "ls" to discover devices and partitions, then "set" and check what 'root' and 'prefix' are set to18:40
TJ-p0a: we may not be able to get further than this; very much depends on which modules were built into this core image18:40
RadSurferGoneViral :: you here?18:40
p0aroot=hd0,msdos2     prefix=(hd0,msdos2)/EFI/ubuntu18:41
p0aTJ-: further than I'd ever go. I've no idea what is going on18:41
p0aall I know is that Asus did something silly with that 32-bit firmware18:41
RadSurferanyone aware of using Snowball USB microphone causing lock-up issues in Ubuntu on Ryzen3?18:42
TJ-p0a: hmmm, strange it didn't read anything from the prefix. Check what files are there with "ls $prefix/" -- do you see a grub.cfg18:42
TJ-p0a: I'm thinking that this core image needs access to the 32-bit modules... which are NOT in that ISO image, and there's no space to add those18:43
p0aTJ-: okay well let's abandon this project18:44
TJ-p0a: you could create a basic ia32 grub bootable USB but it's a bit of a hassle to rescue Windows!18:45
p0ais there a 32-bit iso I can use18:46
p0afor ubuntu?18:46
p0ak I got 16.04 32-bit18:48
TJ-p0a: you know I've not checked if the 32-bit ISO actually has the 32-bit UEFI support.18:48
zutatp0a: you could try with fedora if linux actually works on that thing, before installing ubuntu. they've had support for 32-bit uefi on 64-bit for years now18:49
p0azutat: I am trying 16.04 32-bit now18:50
p0aand I want to see if it works18:50
zutatp0a: is it one of those low-spec small screen devices?18:50
p0ayeah zutat18:51
p0aone of those nightmares18:51
zutatp0a: those work quite well with 5.3 or newer kernels. i think 16.04 might even be unstable on it18:51
p0azutat: I can't boot from usb because of 32-bit firmware18:52
p0a(im just repeating what im told because ive no idea what is going on)18:52
p0aits an old device, might work18:52
TJ-p0a: the 16.04 i386 ISOs only boot in legacy/BIOS mode using syslinux. Cannot find an 18.04 i386 image18:55
p0aTJ-: but what does that mean?18:55
p0aI am not set on the version. 16.04 is fine, I just want to debug windows like I said18:55
p0afor someone who uses that stuff, not me18:56
TJ-p0a: are you able to tell your Asus to boot in Legacy/BIOS/CSM mode or does it only do UEFI boot?18:56
p0aTJ-: I didn't see such an option18:56
p0aI looked all over the bios menu18:56
TJ-p0a: I've jsut checked the Lubuntu i386 installer; it only has syslinux on, so no UEFI boot support of any kind18:57
p0aTJ-: so you're saying I can't do it?18:57
TJ-p0a: so I'm afraid we don't have an installer with UEFI ia32 bootloader on it18:58
RadSurferIMPORTANT: Please has anyone else suffered serious LOCK-UP issues using a SNOWBALL ICE USB MICROPHONE? Seems these lock-ups only occur after using this microphone?18:58
RadSurferI am forced to power down PC, I don't want to corrupt hdd doing that!18:58
p0aRadSurfer: so your issue is what to do now that the computer is frozen? Or how to avoid these freezes in the future?19:00
kostkon!reisub | RadSurfer19:00
ubottuRadSurfer: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key19:00
RadSurferlike to understand WHERE/WHY it freezes. Apparently AFTER having used Snowball Ice USB Microphone.19:01
RadSurferMicrophone works "perfectly" when in use, it is AFTERWARDS these lock-ups occur!19:01
RadSurferI wonder if I should be checking SETUP to see if USB microphone was "released" or unmounted properly?19:04
RadSurfershould have any ideas, please let me know /msg RadSurfer, thanks19:10
MarkB2Just downloaded LibreOffice ... and it was supplied as a tar.gz file.  Unpacked the tar.gz and have a DEBS directory and a readmes directory.  The DEBS directory has 42 separate DEB files.  Run dpkg -i on all of them?  Are they convertable to APT format?19:14
=== Clippy is now known as Birosso
ktosiekapt works with .deb packages, so they don't need to be converted. Where did you get that file?19:15
MarkB2Fresh download from the LibreOffice download site.19:15
RadSurferwhy not from repository, MarkB2?19:16
NissanGTR_FanBoyMarkB2: try to reboot the computer, it will solve the issue19:16
ktosiekMarkB2: do you need a specific version of LO? Otherwise it's better to use a repository19:16
MarkB2Because last night I ran an update from the repository and it installed a foulup that contaminated LibreOffice.  Was online with Bashing-om for TWO hours cleaning up the mess.19:17
ktosiekLibreOffice is available in Ubuntu, so you can just `sudo apt install libreoffice`19:17
NissanGTR_FanBoyktosiek: why not snap install libreoffice ?19:18
NissanGTR_FanBoyapt has been deprecated by snap, no?19:18
MarkB2Yes, it's available.  Yes, it updated and installed a module that caused a dependency disaster.19:18
kostkonNissanGTR_FanBoy, supplemented not replaced19:19
ktosiekNissanGTR_FanBoy: no, but a snap might be better for this case19:19
NissanGTR_FanBoyalias apt='snap'19:20
NissanGTR_FanBoyI added it in my bashrc...19:20
OrtziIn Teeworlds game when I click "Play" for server list  I loose my wifi connection in Ubuntu GNU / Linux, why?19:20
ktosiekMarkB2: installing with snap shouldn't affect other packages, so that might work better.19:20
MarkB2ktosiek: The dependency issue is with LibreOffice from repository, not a dependency issue with non-LibreOffice packages.19:21
ktosieksnap installs each application separately, so there will be no dependency issues.19:23
Ortziis it normal to loose WIFI connection in Ubuntu just because listing servers inside a game like Teeworlds???19:24
MarkB2ktosiek: I will repeat: The problem is NOT with non-LibreOffice applications.  The REPOSITORY has a hiccup and installed a BAD update causing a dependency within LibreOffice itself.  Installing via snap means ?what? to install a dependency fault?19:25
ktosiekOrtzi: it sounds pretty strange19:25
Ortziktosiek, where can I seearch for the problem?19:25
MarkB2What I am trying to do is install from the LibreOffice download, hoping they don't have the dependency problem that the Ubuntu repository has.19:25
ktosiekMarkB2: you can just `sudo dpkg -i *.deb` in that directory, and see what dependencies are missing19:26
Ortziktosiek, Indeed wifi seems to be connected but doesnt work19:26
Ortziktosiek, then I reconnect and works19:26
ktosiekbut this way you won't get updates for LO19:26
Ortzihappens 90%19:26
MarkB2ktosiek: There are dependencies within the ordering of DEB files to install.  Must be an index file somewhere telling dpkg which goes in what order.19:27
exit70what is the command to get back to menu if i got dropped to grub shell?19:27
ktosiekI think you can install multiple .deb files at once, and dpkg should handle the ordering. But if those debs depend on something else, then dpkg will refuse installing them.19:28
MarkB2<gulp>  You mean I should blindly try   dpkg -i *.deb ??19:29
ktosiekoh, apparently it doesn't sort them :-C19:29
ktosiekbut yeah, that should work.19:29
exit70gdebi is always better than dpkg -i in my experience19:29
MarkB2I love this one: --n Run non-interactive (dangerous!)   from the gdebi manpage.19:31
MarkB2dpkg failed.19:32
exit70dpkg has no idea about apt. but gdebi do.19:33
OrtziIn Teeworlds game when I click "Play" for server list  I loose my wifi connection in Ubuntu GNU / Linux, why?19:34
ducasseyou can use apt too, apt install ./filename.deb19:34
exit70apt install foo.deb is a very recent addition? cannot remember which version.19:36
tomreynOrtzi: maybe your systemlogs do?19:37
ducasseit's been there a while, but i don't think apt-get supports it. remember to use absolute path19:37
tomreynOrtzi: ...do know19:37
OrtziMar 29 21:35:15 Ubuntu-VN7-791G wpa_supplicant[1420]: wlp7s0: Reject scan trigger since one is already pending19:38
Ortzimaybe that?19:38
tomreynmight be related19:38
tomreynit's unusual for an application to handle network connectivity19:39
tomreyni mean its unusual for an application such as teeworlds19:39
tomreyni'm not yet sure that's what's happening, though19:39
OrtziMar 29 21:32:58 Ubuntu-VN7-791G steam.desktop[26522]: [2020-03-29 21:32:58][chat]: -1: : *** 'Kaptar' entered and joined the game19:40
MarkB2Ah.  Fixed.  Installed.19:40
Ortziis it normal to see the console of the game in var/log/system ? xDDD19:40
MarkB2Wow.  It came up fast!19:40
Ortzithat is the console Teeworlds19:41
jjbuggleI have a new ssd drive, and I'm worried about the level of writes that firefox does.  Supposedly, it can write out 20g a day, and that can eat up the life of an ssd.  This is a second drive, so in theory, I could keep the hdd that I have.  Maybe keep /home on that disk, and ssd for everything else?  Anyone else deal with this?19:45
oerheksjjbuggle, whitespots are long gone.19:46
RadSurferANYONE know if theres an "official" Discord (Chat/video) package for Ubuntu?19:46
oerheksrad, on snapcraft19:46
exit70my q again, what is the command to get back to menu if i got dropped to grub shell?19:46
jjbuggleoerheks: what are whitespots?19:47
grawitydo you know how many TBw is your new SSD rated for, and have you looked into the amount of writes that the current Firefox version does on your HDD?19:47
jjbuggleexit70: maybe you are looking for alt+f7?19:47
oerheksjjbuggle, writing that leads to wearing and tearing19:47
jeremy31exit70: exit19:47
exit70on my system, exit leads to effective "boot device not found"19:48
jjbugglethe warranty is 5 years or 300TBW19:49
p0ajjbuggle: you could also have firefox only use the RAM I believe19:49
p0abut as someone said whitespots are not a thing to worry about19:50
grawityworst case, 300 TB / 20 GB/day = 41 years or so19:50
exit70also weird on my setup is that, if the nvidia driver fails, the monitor would be turned off after grub ...19:50
grawityeven though I find it hard to believe at first that Firefox would actually write that much19:50
jjbugglegrawity: lolz, ok, probably don't need to worry than.19:50
p0agrawity: them style.css's19:50
jjbugglethanks all19:51
exit70i fixed it yesterday after entering recovery and reinstall the driver. i don't always press right amount to of esc to get the menu (rather than shell)19:51
jjbugglegrawity: it is a thing where firefox saves all data of open windows/tabs.  It is stored in one big json file, and it writes that file, by default, every 15 seconds.  I reduced it to every 15 minutes approximately.  But anyway, I think I won't worry about it19:52
grawitydoes it write even if there are no changes whatsoever?19:54
grawityI'd kinda expect it to just be a commit timer, "no more than 15s since last change"19:55
jjbugglegrawity: here is the page I think I first read: https://www.servethehome.com/firefox-is-eating-your-ssd-here-is-how-to-fix-it/19:56
jjbugglegrawity: firefox does have an idle setting, so it is only for changes.  Anyway, the issue is a bit of a rabbit hole.  Good luck19:57
RadSurferLogged into https://discordapp.com/ , spent 5 minutes on there with Snowball iCE USB mic connected, properly logged off, then disconnected Mic. Settings/Sound shows Snowball no longer connected, all blank. Will this lock up after a few minutes?20:05
RadSurferif this would to prove an issue here, can this become an OFFICIAL hardware issue that might have someone actually look into what is going on?20:06
oerheksRadSurfer,  discord is a binairy blob, we have no control.20:07
oerhekscheck sound settings, terminal: alsamixer20:07
RadSurferissue with when I disconnecet microphone, however...20:08
RadSurferabout 6 minutes have passed.... still waiting20:08
oerheksgood luck with that.20:09
RadSurferI like this new microphone, every1 says it sounds good! But why is Ubuntu/Ryzen3 hanging! .&. it stays like that >30mins20:09
RadSurferso it is a problem.20:09
RadSurferUse this microphone ONLY with Audactiy, and examine what happens. Proving its not firefox interaction. I should do that test.20:10
RadSurferAnd why a delay factor?20:11
oerhekscheckc dmesg?20:12
RadSurferDid a big listing yesterday, and no obvious errors/problems I could spot.20:13
RadSurferBut what do I know.20:13
aaronxnWhat IRC apps / tech do you all use? I'm running HexChat via ZNC. Any better ideas?20:32
myselfI'm here via TheLounge running on a raspi in my basement, accessing it through the browser on my laptop20:33
RadSurferHexChat install from repository, works great.20:33
myselfI keep meaning to try Convos20:33
kostkonaaronxn, hexchat snap20:34
aaronxn@myself interesting - TheLounge - never heard of it until now20:35
myselfSo, I'm trying to install http://xoscope.sourceforge.net/ and the ./configure script is telling me "Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.2) were not met: No package 'gtk+-2.0' found" and when I "apt list gtk" I'm confused about which I should be installing, there's nothing by that exact name.20:35
myselfaaronxn: I love it, there's a #thelounge on freenode too, very helpful folks20:35
myselfSo then I find my way to https://launchpad.net/gtk and I'm no less confused. Is this stuff not in apt? or which one is the package I need, because there are dozens of them?20:38
aaronxnidk. wish I did. :(20:39
oerheksmaybe a better vieuw; https://launchpad.net/gtk/+packages20:40
myselfOr, I should phrase it another way: How would a more experienced user find their way; what should I be searching for to understand this better?20:40
oerheksor install synaptic, a better detailed software gui20:40
oerheks!info synaptic20:40
myselfoerheks: thank you, that shows all gtk3 and gtk4 stuff; will those satisfy a program that's looking for gtk2?20:40
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.84.6ubuntu3 (eoan), package size 607 kB, installed size 3304 kB20:40
oerheksmyself, look at the errors you get, while installing?20:42
oerheksthere is no broad answer20:42
myselfI pasted the error above,  "Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.2) were not met: No package 'gtk+-2.0' found"20:42
oerheksbut the latest is in our repos?20:44
oerheks!info xoscope20:44
ubottuxoscope (source: xoscope): digital oscilloscope. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2-2 (eoan), package size 115 kB, installed size 385 kB20:44
myselfwait, what? I swear I tried to apt install xoscope earlier and it couldn't find it.... 🤦 thank you, brainfart20:46
oerheksit should pull in;20:46
myselfYup, it's running now :) I have no idea what happened. All good now.20:46
myselfnow I get to figure out how to pick an input device, but that's not a #ubuntu problem :)20:47
oerheksoops, made an error20:48
oerheksanyway, have fun!20:48
ardnewhi i just installed ubuntu-19.10.1-preinstalled-server-arm64+raspi3.img.xz on a raspberry pi 4 (did not configure anything, just flashed an SD card), and im having trouble connecting to the serial console during boot. it keeps printing gibberish. tried 9600 and 15200, with 2 different USB-UART converters, GPIO 14/15 (TX/RX). is there something else i need to configure before using the serial console?20:51
pavlosardnew: I think you need to enable_uart=1 in boot/config.txt and also remove the quiet flag in boot/cmdline.txt ... (from some old notes)21:01
pavlosardnew: and I have pin 8 for uart TXD and pin 10 for uart RXD21:04
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ardnewyeah those are the header pin numbers, they are connected to GPIO 14/1521:04
ardnewi just found this which agrees with your other tips:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi21:05
ardnew(under "Boot sequence")21:05
ardnewyour enable_uart=1 is a raspbian config parameter though, i think the ubuntu kernel has uart enabled by default21:06
ardnew(i think)21:07
ardnewyeah the ubuntu config.txt already has enable_uart=121:08
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noraatepernosIs it wrong to think I can install a package named …_.i386.deb on a machine with x86_64 arch?21:34
Kon-Not if it's a library and you have multilib enabled21:36
noraatepernosIt’s for this and not sure if papertrail is going out of business or what but nobody can tell me https://github.com/papertrail/remote_syslog2/releases21:37
noraatepernosI got this running on an amd64 arch machine fine with the .deb21:37
noraatepernosIs there a better remote logging service to use?21:37
ardnewok so scouring through the ARM ubuntu boot config.txt, it looks like you can either enable bluetooth and disable the UART serial console, or the opposite, i.e. you can't have both bluetooth and UART serial console both enabled. is that true? no way to be able to use both?21:47
ardnew(for raspberry pi 4)21:47
ardnewprobably more of a rpi4 question than ubuntu21:48
waveformardnew, baud is 115200 on the serial console21:58
waveformardnew, you've got the right pins though, and serial console is supported out of the box - no need to change anything in the config21:58
waveformardnew, one other thing to note - sometimes relevant - if the USB UART converter has a ground pin (in addition to the RX/TX) make sure to connect that too (to one of the many GND pins on the GPIO header)22:01
ardnewwaveform: ah, thanks, i was just connecting TX/RX22:18
waveformardnew, sometimes you can get away with that, but generally it's best not to try :)22:22
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freqtry manjaro23:50
oerheksinteresting, do you have an ubuntu support question, freq ?23:53

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