
Chipacamoin moin08:10
niemeyerGood morning08:11
ChipacaDmitrii-Sh4: you around?08:46
Dmitrii-Sh4Chipaca: +08:46
=== Dmitrii-Sh4 is now known as Dmitrii-Sh
ChipacaDmitrii-Sh: welcome! how was the break?08:47
Dmitrii-ShChipaca: mostly busy and isolated :^)08:48
ChipacaDmitrii-Sh: :-)  busy with what tho08:48
Dmitrii-Shaccounting & legal things08:49
ChipacaDmitrii-Sh: aw :-(08:50
Dmitrii-Shbut there's significant progress there, I think I am almost done and I don't need to do much from my side anymore08:51
Chipacalooking at our pics on launchpad, there's a gameshow in the works, "how many years old is this photo" (or, "was this person legally allowed to drive at the time they took this photo")09:51
jamChipaca, as I get older, my pictures look younger and younger09:54
Chipacai'm just losing saturation09:54
Chipaca(ignoring the whole "is that a hairline" thing)09:55
Chipacataking a break10:04
Chipacawhat would be the right order to present our modules in the API docs? alphabetical?10:59
facubatistaMuy buenos días a todos!11:44
Chipacafacubatista: buen día señor11:48
facubatistahola hola Chipaca11:48
facubatistaChipaca, shall I land that code, or we want to implement deprecation policies first?12:15
facubatistaChipaca, we should have releases and versions, before a deprecation policy12:15
facubatistaChipaca, do we have the PyPI name settled? Let's release 0.112:16
facubatistaChipaca, we need a versioning scheme, will we be using "semantic versioning"?12:18
* facubatista uses a more firefox-like approach to versions in his projects, but snapd and snapcraft look like they use SemVer12:19
Chipacafacubatista: what's the firefox-like approach?12:30
ChipacaI thought they were saying each release is probably incompatible :)12:31
Chipacaoh dang i was rushing through lunch because of the standup, forgetting i'm an hour ahead now :-D12:32
* Chipaca finishes his drink and gets coffee12:32
Chipacafacubatista: go ahead and land12:32
facubatistaChipaca, ack12:32
facubatistaChipaca, with firefox-like I mean basically melting together major and minor12:33
facubatistaI currently have Firefox 74.0, for example12:34
facubatistaI expect 74.1 being only patches, new release with lot of changes would be 75.012:34
Chipacachrome does that also, right?12:34
facubatistano idea12:34
Dmitrii-Shhmm, it seems like we still need to rely on leader-settings-changed (https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/charm-hooks/1040#heading--leader-settings-changed) for doing things on leadership loss12:37
Dmitrii-Sheven though we don't use leader settings anymore and rely on peer app relation data12:37
Dmitrii-Shjam: IIRC there was no code added to fire a -changed event for peer app relation data, do you remember?12:38
jamDmitrii-Sh, so we fire -changed when the peer data changes, but you're asking for a -changed if who-the-leader-is changes ?12:40
Dmitrii-Shjam: yes, potentially12:41
jamDmitrii-Sh, so what specifically do you need to do if you lose leadership?12:41
jamI can understand a lack of symmetry, but given you are no longer the leader, a lot of things aren't accessible to you anymore.12:42
Dmitrii-Shin a keepalived charm I need to change a vrrp instance priority12:42
jamDmitrii-Sh, charm leadership should not be used for application leadership12:42
Dmitrii-Shtrue, I guess I shouldn't re-implement the behavior of the existing charm in this case12:43
Chipacafacubatista: if we had a Makefile I'd add a target to it, but we don't, so I wonder what to do12:52
Chipacafacubatista: add a "make_docs" script?12:52
facubatistaChipaca, "build" isn't a better verb for docs?12:53
facubatistaChipaca, `build-docs`?12:53
Chipacafacubatista: we're in the building-stuff business, so no, an unqualified "build" is never a better verb for any single thing12:53
Chipacahmm, my kernel now thinks I have 0 cpus online13:00
ChipacaI think I'll reboot now13:02
Chipacabefore the hardware agrees13:02
Chipacajam: standup?13:33
jamsorry, just finishing my other, will brt13:33
jamChipaca, I have you listed as part of the Canonical group, which seems to have read/write/edit to the docs-wip. Can you check if you can get to https://discourse.jujucharms.com/c/docs/docs-wip ?14:27
facubatistasomething I forgot to mention: after https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/194 I found that we have no tests for "marshaling the event code so we know that all types are simple", so I'll be proposing a PR for that14:28
jamfacubatista, sgtm14:28
Chipacajam: it looks like I can, ys14:35
jamChipaca, great. I don't have any clue how that will interact with wanting to use Sphinx for a more natural documentation, so I'll wait to hear what we as a project want to do14:35
jamcertainly some amount of API reference will be generated from the source tree, but maybe the bigger docs are just discourse posts?14:36
Chipacathat's the idea at the moment, yes14:36
jam(or maybe it is all Sphinx for Charmhub as separate from juju.is)14:36
Chipacajust apidocs from sphinx, "story" docs from discourse14:36
Chipacakeeps the barrier to enter low14:36
jammakes sense to me.14:36
jamthe one bit that discourse makes clumsy is 'talking about the doc'. You miss having google-doc Comments, or github review inline comments.14:37
jamYou can reply to the post, but it doesn't tell you where your comment is.14:37
* jam EOD14:42
* facubatista brb14:45
facubatistareviews appreciated: https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/19514:45
facubatista(Test event marshalling, and improved its error message.)14:45
* facubatista is back14:59
Chipacaniemeyer: WRT having example repositories, some of the charms we're looking at will be perfectly functional and useful so having 'example' in the name feels wrong (and I'm not sure you were advocating for having example in the name)15:02
Chipacaniemeyer: would having e.g. canonical/charm-<foo> be reasonable? e.g. canonical/charm-haproxy15:03
Chipacaniemeyer: not sure canonical is the best org for this so if there's another you'd rather have it under, also speak up :)15:04
niemeyerChipaca: Wasn't advocating for something in particular, no.. just something standardized and reviewed in an expectable location15:04
Chipacaniemeyer: it being in the same org as operator is good15:05
Chipacaniemeyer: and it being charm-<foo> seems reasonable to me15:05
Chipacaoo, could be15:05
Chipacai like that15:05
Chipacaniemeyer: what about the ones that get k8s in their name, how would those look?15:06
* Chipaca takes that last one back -- to use it for something else15:06
niemeyerDo they need that in their names?15:06
Chipacaniemeyer: dunno, seems to be a pattern that exists15:06
Chipacanot sure if they're operator framework charms tho15:06
Chipacaniemeyer: there's mysql and mysql-k8s i think15:07
Chipacathat sort of thing15:07
niemeyerThat first suggestion seems reasonable (foo-k8s-operator)15:07
ChipacaOK! We'll run with that and see how far we get15:07
facubatistaChipaca, but also we will have pure examples, not really functional charms15:10
facubatista"functional" in the sense of "people will use this in production because it provides a functionality for something"15:10
niemeyerWhy? Isn't a functional charm a better example?15:11
Chipacafacubatista: yes, we'll have an incremental bit-by-bit example as part of a tutorial15:11
Chipacafacubatista: but that's not executable code, really15:12
Chipacathat is, not code you check out and run15:12
Chipacaniemeyer: it depends what the example is for15:13
Chipacaniemeyer: an example can be something for you to base your work on, in which case yes a fully worked out, working example is best15:14
niemeyerIt seems fine to have a charm that is not *useful*, but it should be functional in the sense that it actually works15:14
Chipacaniemeyer: an example can be a learning tool, in which case a lot of the stuff you do for a production-ready one you omit15:14
niemeyerIt probably needs to do something as well, whatever it is.. something that does nothing is not very interesting as an example or otherwise15:15
Chipacaalso, when you use an example as a didactic tool for a tutorial, you build on it … the example changes throughout the tutorial15:15
Chipacathe tutorial isn't "read this code and be enlightened"15:15
Chipacamost people don't learn that way15:15
facubatistaChipaca, I've seen tutorials where they build the final code step by step, and each step is a commit of the final project15:16
facubatistaniemeyer, "a charm that is not *useful*, but it should be functional in the sense that it actually works" <-- yes, exactly, this is what I meant15:16
niemeyerThat's a bit problematic because if you want to change a step you need to break people's checkouts15:16
facubatistamy point is don't know if to put a whole project for something that is not useful15:17
niemeyerOne option might be a repository with directories named step-1, step-2, etc..15:18
niemeyerBut it's unclear whether there's much value on it by itself15:18
niemeyerPerhaps for testing purposes, ensuring the tutorial remains valid15:18
niemeyerBut otherwise, the tutorial can live on its own15:18
ChipacaI'm going to go for a run before the clouds break down15:24
* facubatista brb15:29
* facubatista is back15:37
facubatistacurrently, or launchpad builders, are doing anything windows-related?16:42
ChipacaI don't think so16:55
Chipacabut maybe wgrant knows more :)16:55
facubatistaChipaca, I just asked Colin, yes17:01
* facubatista keeps improving the doc17:01
ChipacaI'm EODing, mostly. Might pop back later tonight if my brain bubbles up some docs insight :)17:32
facubatistaunit-my-super-charm-8: 15:06:18 DEBUG unit.my-super-charm/8.upgrade-charm     from ops.framework import Object, EventSource, EventBase, EventsBase, StoredState18:06
facubatistaunit-my-super-charm-8: 15:06:18 DEBUG unit.my-super-charm/8.upgrade-charm ImportError: cannot import name 'EventsBase'18:06
facubatistaje :(18:06
* facubatista eods20:38
facubatistasee you all tomorrow!20:38
niemeyerHave a good evening, Facundo20:42
facubatistaniemeyer, thanks! same for you20:42
Dmitrii-Shhttps://trello.com/c/nPJqB61l  - I added the information on the progress so far to this note. A bundle with the current charms is available here along with some instructions: https://github.com/dshcherb/bundle-cockroachdb-ha22:37

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