[02:35] good morning === cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer [07:14] (belated) g'day lotuspsychje , if you right-click show.applications and you are offered "Dash to Dock Settings", wouldn't you expect it to run? (not error saying it can't run gnome-shell-extension-prefs error); recall I'm not a regular gnome user (20.04 daily live) [07:35] guiverc: have the same bug as you, can reproduce i will affect it [07:36] maybe its a new feature they work on? [07:36] i filed it. last listed in #ubuntu-bugs-announce [07:36] cause that green 'extensions' icon seems to be vanished? [07:37] 1869662 [07:39] affected & confirmed [07:42] guiverc: can you drag n drop/move icons on the dock? [07:42] not currently, i don't have a menu (different bug), so my 'live' session has no menus... [07:43] oh wow [07:43] i can change order of icons on dock (if that's what you're asking, cannot use show.applications unless I reboot [07:43] weird, i cant drag or move icons here [07:44] the bug you posted about yesterday; apport-collect done by OP, I confirmed that; which results in loss of menus.. [07:44] (posted about to me) [07:45] & thanks for notification [07:46] bug #1869650 ? [07:46] bug 1869650 in mutter (Ubuntu) "[nouveau] changing screen position, dash is gone, background is black.. and flashing white on any attempt to operate anything" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1869650 [07:48] nah 1869571 (buggy day for me on gnome, I'm supposed to be working on lubuntu) [07:48] ah [07:49] bug #1869571 [07:49] bug 1869571 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Vertical dual monitor setup with main monitor on bottom causes overview to only use one eigth of screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1869571 [07:56] gonan try to reinstall dock [08:00] no dice [09:18] guiverc: testing a box with lubuntu 20.04 [09:19] :) [09:22] guiverc: did they remove the 'minimal' option? [09:24] I think that was an option back in 18.04 (with ubiquity), I don't think it's been there from 18.10 onwards (calamares installer) [09:24] i see [09:24] hmm getting a failed partitioning error [09:25] same as yours bug #1854559 [09:25] bug 1851188 in calamares (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1854559 Failed to create a partition table - install failed" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1851188 [09:26] :( hold on... [09:27] non uefi machine and tryed erase disk and install lubuntu [09:29] please file a new bug, mention it looks like the bug you found.. we can mark duplicate if necessary; but we thought that was fixed (leok, me were no longer were having it..) [09:29] lotuspsychje, ^ [09:29] guiverc: maybe i got the wrong iso? [09:30] it'll be evident once filed anyway... I'd still file & look there [09:30] took it from here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/ [09:31] my advice is file, we'll sort it once from the filed report. [09:32] ok [09:34] thanks lotuspsychje :) [09:39] lotuspsychje, if you've the time, I can provide something that will provide extra detail for us [09:42] guiverc: bug #1869696 [09:42] bug 1869696 in calamares (Ubuntu) "Installer failed to create partition table" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1869696 [09:45] thanks lotuspsychje [09:45] np guiverc [09:46] if install was quick, a reboot & running installer with verbose information gives us more info.. [09:53] guiverc: like launching calamares from terminal? [09:54] yep, with `sudo -E calamares -d` which will cause a verbose log to be created in ~/.cache/calamares/session.log (which can be uploaded to your bug report please), and THANK YOU ! [09:55] (the reboot was because I've had something different without it, we've also had a user report it worked with verbose enabled; if so report that too please) [09:56] oh, i didnt reboot it yet, that verbose mode DOES install lol [09:56] lemme reboot holdon [09:57] :| ????? it should be the same (though issue is timing, the verbose mode must slow it down just enough... [09:57] verbose mode installing lol [10:03] guiverc: rebooting and using sudo -E calamares -d also installs [10:04] please add the session.log anyway.. noting that it installed fine with command I provided... it does highlight our 'fix' wasn't as great as we hoped though! (and is timing issue again I suspect) [10:04] and THANK YOU lotuspsychje [10:04] no sweat [10:05] guiverc: should i wait the setup finish before uploading session.log? [10:05] yes please.. [10:06] (as in wait) [10:06] ok, lunch first [10:06] back in a jippy :p [10:38] guiverc: commented & attached session.log [10:38] thanks you heaps lotuspsychje :) [10:41] no sweat [11:19] guiverc: in ubuntu there's an automatic window asking to install additional language pack, you know where that pops on lxqt now? [11:27] sorry I'm no help there, only speaking english I've never looked or needed to look/know.. [11:27] kk np [17:17] this might not be appropriate to mention here since it is minor and relates to 3rd party debs. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/V3J784f5Wq/ Minecraft.deb complains about libpango1.0-0 missing, but does function. An apt --fix-broken install removes minecraft-launcher. [17:19] psymin: That looks like it might be a typo in their package. I see libpango-1.0-0 in Bionic, but they're talking about libpango1.0-0 [17:34] hi all [17:34] how can I install python 3.7 in focal fossa? [17:34] we have a rather hard dependency on that python version (with vtk) and we'd rather keep python 3.7 than patch vtk [17:35] mason, possibly, but it is a "regression" from 18.04's behavior https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DWKVBtxZ42/ [17:38] psymin: Hm, so, in Bionic libpango1.0-0 is listed as a transitional package. I'm going to guess that it's not there at all in Focal. [17:39] should I continue to mention things like this as I come across them? [17:39] psymin: That said, I don't have a Focal box up at the moment to look, but I'll probably have one tonight. If it's not there as transitional, maybe you could request it. [17:39] psymin: Might be worth opening a bug report for it since it can be addressed on the OS side. [17:54] isemenov, I'm new to this, but you might be able to package python 3.7 for focal. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+source/python3.7 [17:57] psymin: why is that package not built by default? [18:18] isemenov, I'm unable to answer most questions :) [18:19] !info libpango-1.0-0 [18:19] libpango-1.0-0 (source: pango1.0): Layout and rendering of internationalized text. In component main, is optional. Version 1.44.7-2 (focal), package size 158 kB, installed size 417 kB [18:20] this what you need psymin ? [18:21] I'll test [18:21] libpango-1.0-0 is already the newest version (1.44.7-2). [18:22] psymin: did you add external ppa's to your system? [18:23] Yep. [18:24] psymin: we dont support those, and advice to keep your system as vanilla as possible witht he ubuntu repos [18:26] I understand. My intent was to inform about a regression with a 3rd party deb (and potentially others). I can avoid doing that if that is best. [18:26] psymin: perhaps some of the minecraft snaps can help you out? [18:26] I have it working. [18:26] I just want focal to work great for otheres :) [18:28] psymin: this looks like a great guide: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-minecraft-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux [18:30] psymin: libpango gets als pulled there without errors so it seems [18:30] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kJHqdpB6kZ/ [18:30] does it? [18:31] psymin: but you have other ppa's already in your system that could conflict with libpango's version from the ubuntu repos? [18:32] currently: chrome, lutris, signal, skype, vscode [18:32] Next time I do a vanilla install I'll work on it more. It "works for me" (tm) currently. [18:32] holdon lemme test it [18:34] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pango1.0/+bug/1869716 [18:34] Launchpad bug 1869716 in pango1.0 (Ubuntu) "Removing libpango1.0-0 broke Minecraft Launcher " [High,In progress] [18:34] bug just got marked as a dupe of this one :) [18:35] ok seems like you are right psymin [18:35] im also getting the error [18:37] psymin: seems like we have to wait for the fix then [18:37] no worries, not trying to be burden, I just want 20.04 to be well received :) [18:38] ok tnx to report this [18:39] looks like that breaks bitdefender and dropbox [19:14] But... It's all about a missing transitional package. There is no mystery. [19:16] the fixed package is in proposed [19:17] RikMills: Fixed Minecraft package? [19:17] I just added a quick note to 1869716 with some peanut gallery analysis. [19:17] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pango1.0/1.44.7-2ubuntu1 [19:18] Ah, good enough. [19:19] RikMills: Added yet another note linking that. [19:19] Wow, my whitespace is awful today. [19:20] Assumed it was giving me an 80-column text field. It was not. [20:35] Hi, I have a Lenovo N20 chromebook with 20.04 on it. Everything works except for sound [20:36] It's the Intel chtmax98090 chipset. I tried the Git UCM fix from Launchpad and don't see any sound cards at all [20:36] Did not work on 19.10 either [20:37] Pulse audio logs show:D: [pulseaudio] alsa-ucm.c: UCM mapping: Mapping HiFi: hw:chtmax98090: sink dev InternalMic [20:37] E: [pulseaudio] channelmap.c: Assertion 'pa_channels_valid(channels)' failed at pulse/channelmap.c:401, function pa_channel_map_init_extend(). Aborting. [20:38] i think this was meant to go here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/1833116 [20:38] Launchpad bug 1833116 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "chtmax98090 not working out of the box" [Undecided,Confirmed] [20:39] Yes, I tried that exact fix exactly [20:39] It did not work unfortunately [20:42] the latest comment looks like it provides a way forward [20:43] (note also the bug report is still open) [20:43] indeed, further reading gives the same answers