[01:39] Beginning to set up the WIKI - regret the delay. [03:06] UWN624 up for review and final edits: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue624 :D [03:12] ack Bashing-om, maybe a few hours before I get to look.. I'll note anything in gdoc [03:13] guiverc: Works for me :P [03:59] Bashing-om, (Flavors 20.04 Testing Week) it's outside of date range, but we could add " * Ubuntu Budgie 20.04 Testing Week - https://discourse.ubuntubudgie.org/t/ubuntu-budgie-20-04-testing-week/3271" , but we'll likely have beta stuff next week where it likely fit too [04:05] guiverc: We have good references that all flavors are in beta, Those interested in Budgie I bet can find their way, I hate to break precedence as ^ is posted the 29th, Leave it out this issue. My opinion. [04:09] I was leaning that way too (b/c of date published; not even close) [04:11] guiverc: By the way - Great job yall did on the "20.04 Testing Week" summary edits. [04:12] Wasn't me, that was all Yousuf Philips (which we could add as a contributor maybe?) [04:14] guiverc: If and only IF he so desires - many make recomendations that do not want the attention. [04:14] Bashing-om: Erm, 1.) since when do we put stuff that otherwise belongs in the Blogosphere, into Other Community News? But 2.) it just regurgitates what we had at that place last week anyway. [04:16] kryten: I did note in Gdoc that it was a complete re-hash. No one else took note or action. [04:17] And regarding the Testing Week stuff, imo the Budgie one could be added there since 1.) it's the same matter, 2.) it's just a link anyway, and 3.) it'd be unfair if we left them out even though we got the link in time. [04:19] kryten: OK - will do budgoe :P - want to remove the Coronavirus Outbreak item ? [04:19] Yeah, or at least move it to the Blogo section - your call. [04:22] Bashing-om: Heh, "MicroK8s" needs escaping in the Podcast section. >_> [04:27] kryten: ack - I vote to move as the virus is so prominent and a concern to every body. [04:30] Well, since we already got that particular one covered last week, imo this one is kinda old news now, but as you put effort into writing a summary on it - as I said your call. [04:31] kryten: My opinion- deserves the re-intteration - move it :P Others may not have read last issue anyway. [04:34] Fine with me. I saw the Blogo section is rather short this week again anyway! >_> [04:35] kryten: guiverc: ups edits completed. More ? [04:45] Bashing-om: You might get more links to add to the Testing Week article during the day - I'll tell them over in #ubuntu-flavors to drop any in here if they got some. Expected publish time this week? [04:46] kryten: I expect to push at 20:00 GMT. [04:48] Ok, thanks. And sorry for the extra short-notice work, but you know.. testing! :D [04:49] Bashing-om, looks good to me, sorry most of it was 'new' to me, meaning you carried me sorry. [04:49] (and Thank You Bashing-om ) [04:49] kryten: Not done till done - why too I do try to make the done time consistent at 20:00. [04:51] guiverc: Hey - this UWN would be a real steep hill to climb if you were not pushing :P [05:43] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Linux Kernel 5.6 Officially Released @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/linux-kernel-5-6-officially-released-529596.shtml (by Bogdan Popa, Microsoft News Editor) [09:05] guiverc: kylin announcement - https://www.ubuntukylin.com/news/shownews.php?lang=en&id=1572 [09:06] ack, looking. [09:15] added (kylin to listed flavors on UWN 624 on wiki) [09:16] jphilips, guiverc: Thanks! :) [09:18] guiverc: there wouldn't be anything for ubuntu mate likely, so no more updates [09:22] fyi: jphilips, should mate etc come & I'm gone (to bed), Bashing-om in this room is probably best to catch.. he starts the publishing [09:33] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Design and Web team summary – 30th March 2020 @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/design-and-web-team-summary-30th-march-2020 [14:32] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Podcast Ubuntu Portugal: Ep 83 – 1 2 3 experiência som @ https://podcastubuntuportugal.org/e83/ [14:33] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Portugal:: Ep 83 – 1 2 3 experiência som @ https://podcastubuntuportugal.org/e83/ [15:17] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Roadmap update – Ubuntu support for the Raspberry Pi @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/roadmap-update-ubuntu-support-for-the-raspberry-pi [16:45] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Telegram Desktop Update Introduces Chat Folders, New Sidebar @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=167216 (by Joey Sneddon) [19:27] UWN: No further changes found (channel log) - pulling "WIP" with push time remains as 20:00 GMT . [20:00] UWN624 is away - doing the forum post next. [20:08] UWN: Forum post done - doing the re-directs next. [20:18] UWN: re-directs done - pending is pushing out to the social medias. [21:48] Bashing-om, push 624 to fridge? [21:49] guiverc: Yup - Have not heard from wildman. No issues known with pushing out 624 :) [21:52] http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2020/03/30/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-624/ [21:54] guiverc: Fridge: Spot check - checks good :D [21:56] yeah, and beyond the normal "fantasic, awesome" trash we often get.. I've got what looks like a real support request from newbie on 17.04 being eol... I'd love to respond but fridge isn't the place, nor is taking the email provided & responding elsewhere... [21:57] guiverc: A push him to launchpad ? [22:01] It's written as part-fume, so I'll ignore (it's 2 weeks old, maybe I saw & ignored a fornight ago, wildman last week.. [22:02] tweeted [22:05] guiverc: :) .. clear now to wipe Gdoc ? [22:07] yep, fyi: I added a url for kylin to wiki last night (testing week list) [22:08] guiverc: UH huh on kylin - I read the channel log :D [22:08] wipping Gdoc. [22:08] :) good on yer for remembering, I didn't even remember to put the trash out last night :( [22:15] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 624 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2020/03/30/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-624/ [22:18] UWN: issue 625 started :D [22:19] guiverc: Trash: Wife rarely forgets to remind me to put the trash out (thursday) :P [22:59] fb finally posted (uwn 624) [23:00] guiverc: Then 624 is now history - we do 625 :D [23:44] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Astro Slide is Part Smartphone, Part PDA Touting Linux Support @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=167333 (by Joey Sneddon)